The Nearly Complete Dem Platform


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Here is a list of the major points of the Dem Platform; I'm sure there's more, but this is a great start:

Don’t go outside
Don’t work
Don’t hire
Don’t go to church
Don’t stand up for your kids
Don’t speak your mind or disagree
Don’t grow your savings
Don’t own a gun
Don’t call police
Don’t produce oil (we’ll get it from Russia)
Don’t do anything. Just be dependent.
Don’t listen to your doctor
Don’t live your values
Don’t protest (unless we agree)
Don’t travel
Don’t celebrate
Don’t see family
Don’t shop at the grocery store
Don’t visit the Capitol or meet your member of Congress
Don’t vote in person
Don’t vote at all
Don’t do what we do
Don’t make jokes about Joe Biden
Don’t ask what we do with your taxes
Don’t aspire to more than poverty
Don’t worry about the border
Don’t worry about crime
Don’t worry about your business
Don’t worry about inflation
Don’t worry about seniors in retirement homes dying of COVID
Don’t fund the military
Don’t put strings on slush funds for state political machines
Don’t build new roads
Don’t buy a used car
Don’t choose a stay-at-home parenting
Don’t call it life
Don’t give to charity
Don’t give to activists
Don’t retweet that guy

Don't question the economics of alternative energy
I have to say that I think the dems' response on education and "social issues" has been let the state education agency tell your school board what to do.

I'm all for school boards making teachers punish kids for bullying for any reason. And in my experience, most parents agree.
I have to say that I think the dems' response on education and "social issues" has been let the state education agency tell your school board what to do.

I'm all for school boards making teachers punish kids for bullying for any reason. And in my experience, most parents agree.

That sounds good in theory. But in reality, the definition of bullying is grossly arbitrary. Children from the favored groups can rape or beat the crap out of unfavored ones. And the unfavored ones are accused of bullying if they wear an American Flag t-shirt.
That sounds good in theory. But in reality, the definition of bullying is grossly arbitrary. Children from the favored groups can rape or beat the crap out of unfavored ones. And the unfavored ones are accused of bullying if they wear an American Flag t-shirt.
Tell me about it. But most parents are not in the "school elite." I'm all for mandates against school bullying, but dems run into trouble when they try to make it specifically about some gender identification.
Tell me about it. But most parents are not in the "school elite." I'm all for mandates against school bullying, but dems run into trouble when they try to make it specifically about some gender identification.

At this point, less power for board and teachers - and more for parents. Reform funding so that it follows the student under the control of the parents.
They do work quite successfully when parents have real choices for their kids.
The problem is there are no real choices. Florida had a voucher program when I worked there. It was a total bust. No students could attend private schools because those schools could not justify getting $4k a year in a voucher versus $10K a year in tuition. The private schools just refused to accept vouchers.
Here is a list of the major points of the Dem Platform; I'm sure there's more, but this is a great start:

Don’t go outside
Don’t work
Don’t hire
Don’t go to church
Don’t stand up for your kids
Don’t speak your mind or disagree
Don’t grow your savings
Don’t own a gun
Don’t call police
Don’t produce oil (we’ll get it from Russia)
Don’t do anything. Just be dependent.
Don’t listen to your doctor
Don’t live your values
Don’t protest (unless we agree)
Don’t travel
Don’t celebrate
Don’t see family
Don’t shop at the grocery store
Don’t visit the Capitol or meet your member of Congress
Don’t vote in person
Don’t vote at all
Don’t do what we do
Don’t make jokes about Joe Biden
Don’t ask what we do with your taxes
Don’t aspire to more than poverty
Don’t worry about the border
Don’t worry about crime
Don’t worry about your business
Don’t worry about inflation
Don’t worry about seniors in retirement homes dying of COVID
Don’t fund the military
Don’t put strings on slush funds for state political machines
Don’t build new roads
Don’t buy a used car
Don’t choose a stay-at-home parenting
Don’t call it life
Don’t give to charity
Don’t give to activists
Don’t retweet that guy

The problem is there are no real choices. Florida had a voucher program when I worked there. It was a total bust. No students could attend private schools because those schools could not justify getting $4k a year in a voucher versus $10K a year in tuition. The private schools just refused to accept vouchers.

There are no real choices because the market is distorted by the government. If parents truly control the money used for their children's education, alternative schools will form. We saw that during Covid with parents forming education pods and hiring tutors. The Public Schools systems across the country have failed students and parents while catering to neurotic union employees.
There are no real choices because the market is distorted by the government. If parents truly control the money used for their children's education, alternative schools will form. We saw that during Covid with parents forming education pods and hiring tutors. The Public Schools systems across the country have failed students and parents while catering to neurotic union employees.
Bullshit! You want homeschooling paid for, nd that is never going to happen because far too many parents are incapable of educating their own children, much less anyone else's.

Distance learning proved to be an absolute catastrophe during the pandemic. Parents wanted their kids back in school with a teacher.
Bullshit! You want homeschooling paid for, nd that is never going to happen because far too many parents are incapable of educating their own children, much less anyone else's.

Distance learning proved to be an absolute catastrophe during the pandemic. Parents wanted their kids back in school with a teacher.

Yes, you do spew bullshit.

I want parents to have the choice and the resources to decide the best way to educate their children. Period.

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