The NCAA should be ashamed of themselves


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
NCAA Bans Marine Vet from Playing Football This Year Because He Played in Recreational League on Base

So, let me get this straight. A player can go to college and maybe committed a crime they can still play football . BUT!! if you go fight for your country and play games with men from 18-40ish and cant play college football WOW!

As the publication notes, "Rhodes was shocked by the news. He knew what that recreational league was. It was not pay-for-play. It was not highly competitive. It was not even well organized":
“Man, it was like intramurals for us. There were guys out there anywhere from 18 to 40-something years old,” said Rhodes, chuckling and shaking his head. “The games were spread out. We once went six weeks between games.
NCAA Bans Marine Vet from Playing Football This Year Because He Played in Recreational League on Base

So, let me get this straight. A player can go to college and maybe committed a crime they can still play football . BUT!! if you go fight for your country and play games with men from 18-40ish and cant play college football WOW!

from the linked article said:
The aforementioned NCAA rule first took shape in 1980, when “participation in organized competition during times spent in the armed services, on official church missions or with recognized foreign aid services of the U.S. government” were exempt from limiting eligibility.


But through several revisions and branches of the rule — all for reasons unrelated to military exceptions — the clause allowing competition during military service was lost and not carried over into the current bylaws.

It appears to be an unintentional oversight by the NCAA rules committee, hopefully they will correct it given that they have a case that clearly demonstrates the negative unintended consequences of their error.
NCAA Bans Marine Vet from Playing Football This Year Because He Played in Recreational League on Base

So, let me get this straight. A player can go to college and maybe committed a crime they can still play football . BUT!! if you go fight for your country and play games with men from 18-40ish and cant play college football WOW!

from the linked article said:
The aforementioned NCAA rule first took shape in 1980, when “participation in organized competition during times spent in the armed services, on official church missions or with recognized foreign aid services of the U.S. government” were exempt from limiting eligibility.


But through several revisions and branches of the rule — all for reasons unrelated to military exceptions — the clause allowing competition during military service was lost and not carried over into the current bylaws.

It appears to be an unintentional oversight by the NCAA rules committee, hopefully they will correct it given that they have a case that clearly demonstrates the negative unintended consequences of their error.
They should have always been a rule that excempts Vets playing ball sorry it same college ball you have guys in their 40s playing .. Oh I am sure there will be an uproar if it doesnt get over turned. As a wife to a ret vet I am outraged!!
NCAA Bans Marine Vet from Playing Football This Year Because He Played in Recreational League on Base

So, let me get this straight. A player can go to college and maybe committed a crime they can still play football . BUT!! if you go fight for your country and play games with men from 18-40ish and cant play college football WOW!

from the linked article said:
The aforementioned NCAA rule first took shape in 1980, when “participation in organized competition during times spent in the armed services, on official church missions or with recognized foreign aid services of the U.S. government” were exempt from limiting eligibility.


But through several revisions and branches of the rule — all for reasons unrelated to military exceptions — the clause allowing competition during military service was lost and not carried over into the current bylaws.

It appears to be an unintentional oversight by the NCAA rules committee, hopefully they will correct it given that they have a case that clearly demonstrates the negative unintended consequences of their error.
They should have always been a rule that excempts Vets playing ball sorry it same college ball you have guys in their 40s playing .. Oh I am sure there will be an uproar if it doesnt get over turned. As a wife to a ret vet I am outraged!!

Apparently it was a rule before 1980 and it was unintentionally dropped during the revision process (that's what it looks like from the article) so this wasn't a case of the NCAA trying to target vets, it's a case of a screw up by the rules committee. I don't see any reason to be *outraged* unless of course they refuse to correct the error going forward.

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