The Nazis Banned Crosses in Schools in 1937


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
I came across an interesting fact while reading Valkyrie: The Story of the Plot to Kill Hitler, by Its Last Member by Philip Freiherr Von Boeselager. The book was written by one of the plotters. He mentioned that in 1937, the Nazis ordered all crosses banned from schools.

Gee, who does that sound like?

I came across an interesting fact while reading Valkyrie: The Story of the Plot to Kill Hitler, by Its Last Member by Philip Freiherr Von Boeselager. The book was written by one of the plotters. He mentioned that in 1937, the Nazis ordered all crosses banned from schools.

Gee, who does that sound like?

The Nazis banned crosses in schools because Nazism was the official "religion" We ban crosses in schools because there is no official, state sanctioned religion. Big difference
NAZIs and neoNAZIS like this cross:
came from the Teutonic Order of RELIGIOUS knights.
I came across an interesting fact while reading Valkyrie: The Story of the Plot to Kill Hitler, by Its Last Member by Philip Freiherr Von Boeselager. The book was written by one of the plotters. He mentioned that in 1937, the Nazis ordered all crosses banned from schools.

Gee, who does that sound like?

The Nazis banned crosses in schools because Nazism was the official "religion" We ban crosses in schools because there is no official, state sanctioned religion. Big difference
Yet, there are still crosses in schools in the USA in fact there are many..A cross doesn't allow or stop anyone from having a relationship with a magical pixie...I bless my lucky charms every day.
I came across an interesting fact while reading Valkyrie: The Story of the Plot to Kill Hitler, by Its Last Member by Philip Freiherr Von Boeselager. The book was written by one of the plotters. He mentioned that in 1937, the Nazis ordered all crosses banned from schools.

Gee, who does that sound like?

The Nazis banned crosses in schools because Nazism was the official "religion" We ban crosses in schools because there is no official, state sanctioned religion. Big difference

Crosses haven't been banned in schools. Where did you get this idea? The same place as the OP?
I came across an interesting fact while reading Valkyrie: The Story of the Plot to Kill Hitler, by Its Last Member by Philip Freiherr Von Boeselager. The book was written by one of the plotters. He mentioned that in 1937, the Nazis ordered all crosses banned from schools.

Gee, who does that sound like?

Actually, it sounds like a lot of horseshit, like your discussion of "The Rape of Nanking wasn't that bad".

The Nazis were hip-deep in bed with the Church.

Hey, check out what they wore on their belt buckles.


Translation "God's With Us"

Here's a picture of Hitler in front of a Church. Hitler loved getting his picture taken in front of Churches, Mormon Mike. Just like Trump


The Church was fine with Hitler...

Did they really do it though? It does not sound likely at all. The Nazis used the christian faith extensively as a tool to drum up hatred for godless communists.
I came across an interesting fact while reading Valkyrie: The Story of the Plot to Kill Hitler, by Its Last Member by Philip Freiherr Von Boeselager. The book was written by one of the plotters. He mentioned that in 1937, the Nazis ordered all crosses banned from schools.

Gee, who does that sound like?

The Nazis banned crosses in schools because Nazism was the official "religion" We ban crosses in schools because there is no official, state sanctioned religion. Big difference
The 1s Amendment freedom of religion was enacted to prevent government from interfering with religious beliefs. Along came FDR's appointed former KKK member as S.C. justice around 1947 who created the "separation of church and state" that never appeared in the Constitution. Through the decades (mostly) democrat administrations expanded the fake dogma to the point that a federal judge ruled that a Korean War monument that featured a 40 ft Cross was so offensive to some agnostic idiot that it should be bulldozed. The point is that liberal administrations with the assistance of a former KKK Justice have succeeded in reversing the 1st Amendment to the point that Christion worship is no longer protected.
The 1s Amendment freedom of religion was enacted to prevent government from interfering with religious beliefs. Along came FDR's appointed former KKK member as S.C. justice around 1947 who created the "separation of church and state" that never appeared in the Constitution. Through the decades (mostly) democrat administrations expanded the fake dogma to the point that a federal judge ruled that a Korean War monument that featured a 40 ft Cross was so offensive to some agnostic idiot that it should be bulldozed. The point is that liberal administrations with the assistance of a former KKK Justice have succeeded in reversing the 1st Amendment to the point that Christion worship is no longer protected.

The problem with that philosophy is that there is no uniformity of "Christian" worship. Let's not forget, you guys have been murdering each other 400 years over whether or not the bread really turns into Jesus and how many sacraments there really are.

As many things as the Founding Slave Rapists got wrong, Separation of Church and state was of the things they got right. Otherwise, we'd be doing what England did for hundreds of year- New religion when you got a new King.
"OH, shit, we're going back to Catholicism! But I really liked being a protestant!"
"More than you like not being burned at the stake?"

The 1s Amendment freedom of religion was enacted to prevent government from interfering with religious beliefs. Along came FDR's appointed former KKK member as S.C. justice around 1947 who created the "separation of church and state" that never appeared in the Constitution. Through the decades (mostly) democrat administrations expanded the fake dogma to the point that a federal judge ruled that a Korean War monument that featured a 40 ft Cross was so offensive to some agnostic idiot that it should be bulldozed. The point is that liberal administrations with the assistance of a former KKK Justice have succeeded in reversing the 1st Amendment to the point that Christion worship is no longer protected.

The problem with that philosophy is that there is no uniformity of "Christian" worship. Let's not forget, you guys have been murdering each other 400 years over whether or not the bread really turns into Jesus and how many sacraments there really are.

As many things as the Founding Slave Rapists got wrong, Separation of Church and state was of the things they got right. Otherwise, we'd be doing what England did for hundreds of year- New religion when you got a new King.
"OH, shit, we're going back to Catholicism! But I really liked being a protestant!"
"More than you like not being burned at the stake?"

View attachment 499060
Why is "uniformity" of Christian worship a problem?
I came across an interesting fact while reading Valkyrie: The Story of the Plot to Kill Hitler, by Its Last Member by Philip Freiherr Von Boeselager. The book was written by one of the plotters. He mentioned that in 1937, the Nazis ordered all crosses banned from schools.

Gee, who does that sound like?

They wanted Nazism to be the religion. Sort of like North Korea today.
I came across an interesting fact while reading Valkyrie: The Story of the Plot to Kill Hitler, by Its Last Member by Philip Freiherr Von Boeselager. The book was written by one of the plotters. He mentioned that in 1937, the Nazis ordered all crosses banned from schools.

Gee, who does that sound like?

The Nazis banned crosses in schools because Nazism was the official "religion" We ban crosses in schools because there is no official, state sanctioned religion. Big difference
This is correct. Two groups can do the same action, one for admirable reasons and one for horrendous reasons. Motivation counts.
I came across an interesting fact while reading Valkyrie: The Story of the Plot to Kill Hitler, by Its Last Member by Philip Freiherr Von Boeselager. The book was written by one of the plotters. He mentioned that in 1937, the Nazis ordered all crosses banned from schools.

Gee, who does that sound like?

Sounds like you are upset that you can no longer indoctrinate kids in your chosen religion in public schools so you have to pull out the old Hitler fallacy.
Both the Socialist Nazi Party and the communist Soviet Union started slowly banning Christian religious symbols, tearing down churches, and throwing priests in prison, when they came to power.
But when Germany and Russia became engaged in bitter warfare with each other during WWll.:
Both Hitler and Stalin eased up on their anti-religion policies, and even allowed priests on the front lines to minister to the soldiers and hold battlefield church services. ... :cool:
Both the Socialist Nazi Party and the communist Soviet Union started slowly banning Christian religious symbols, tearing down churches, and throwing priests in prison, when they came to power.
But when Germany and Russia became engaged in bitter warfare with each other during WWll.:
Both Hitler and Stalin eased up on their anti-religion policies, and even allowed priests on the front lines to minister to the soldiers and hold battlefield church services. ... :cool:
Nuance and history, I suspect, will fly over their heads...

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