Palestinian are Arab Nazis trying to commit a second holocaust on Jews in their own ancestral and religious holy land


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Arabs / Muslims, specifically the Palestinians have been trying to commit a second Holocaust on Jews in their ancestral and religious holyland. If you don’t believe look at what these researchers from Harvard and Yale are saying.

A groundbreaking account of the Nazi-Islamist alliance that changed the course of World War II and influences the Arab world to this day

During the 1930s and 1940s, a unique and lasting political alliance was forged among Third Reich leaders, Arab nationalists, and Muslim religious authorities. From this relationship sprang a series of dramatic events that, despite their profound impact on the course of World War II, remained secret until now. In this groundbreaking book, esteemed Middle East scholars Barry Rubin and Wolfgang G. Schwanitz uncover the complete story of this dangerous alliance and explore its continuing impact on Arab politics in the twenty-first century.

Rubin and Schwanitz reveal, for example, the full scope of Palestinian leader Amin al-Husaini’s support of Hitler’s genocidal plans against European and Middle Eastern Jews. In addition, they expose the extent of Germany’s long-term promotion of Islamism and jihad. Drawing on unprecedented research in European, American, and Middle East archives, many never before written about, the authors offer new insight on the intertwined development of Nazism and Islamism and its impact on the modern Middle East.

In the most crucial phase of the Second World War, German troops, fighting in regions as far apart as the Sahara and the Caucasus, confronted the Allies across lands largely populated by Muslims. Nazi officials saw Islam as a powerful force with the same enemies as Germany: the British Empire, the Soviet Union, and the Jews. Islam and Nazi Germany’s War is the first comprehensive account of Berlin’s remarkably ambitious attempts to build an alliance with the Islamic world.
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They have their own Blood Flag and Brown shirts and wonder Weapons
People wonder where all this barbarism, hatred and evil in the Palestinians comes from. If you go back in history, you will see the Muslims and the Nazis were a match made in hell, the Palestinians taught the Nazis things and the Nazis taught the Palestinians.
undeniable evidence of Palestinian Arab Nazi alliance.


How Nazis courted the Islamic world during WWII​

Nastassja Shtrauchler

Tens of thousands of Muslims fought for the Nazis in World War Two. DW spoke with historian David Motadel about whether pragmatism or anti-Semitism drove Adolf Hitler's overtures and why some Muslim leaders backed him.
In fact none other than Hitler wished he were a Muslim. The age old story of how evil is attracted to evil.

Why Hitler Wished He Was Muslim​

The Führer admired Atatürk’s subordination of religion to the state—and his ruthless treatment of minorities.​

‘It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion,” Hitler complained to his pet architect Albert Speer. “Why did it have to be Christianity, with its meekness and flabbiness?” Islam was a Männerreligion—a “religion of men”—and hygienic too. The “soldiers of Islam” received a warrior’s heaven, “a real earthly paradise” with “houris” and “wine flowing.” This, Hitler argued, was much more suited to the “Germanic temperament” than the “Jewish filth and priestly twaddle” of Christianity.
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Arabs / Muslims, specifically the Palestinians have been trying to commit a second Holocaust on Jews in their ancestral and religious holyland. If you don’t believe look at what these researchers from Harvard and Yale are saying.

A groundbreaking account of the Nazi-Islamist alliance that changed the course of World War II and influences the Arab world to this day

During the 1930s and 1940s, a unique and lasting political alliance was forged among Third Reich leaders, Arab nationalists, and Muslim religious authorities. From this relationship sprang a series of dramatic events that, despite their profound impact on the course of World War II, remained secret until now. In this groundbreaking book, esteemed Middle East scholars Barry Rubin and Wolfgang G. Schwanitz uncover the complete story of this dangerous alliance and explore its continuing impact on Arab politics in the twenty-first century.

Rubin and Schwanitz reveal, for example, the full scope of Palestinian leader Amin al-Husaini’s support of Hitler’s genocidal plans against European and Middle Eastern Jews. In addition, they expose the extent of Germany’s long-term promotion of Islamism and jihad. Drawing on unprecedented research in European, American, and Middle East archives, many never before written about, the authors offer new insight on the intertwined development of Nazism and Islamism and its impact on the modern Middle East.

In the most crucial phase of the Second World War, German troops, fighting in regions as far apart as the Sahara and the Caucasus, confronted the Allies across lands largely populated by Muslims. Nazi officials saw Islam as a powerful force with the same enemies as Germany: the British Empire, the Soviet Union, and the Jews. Islam and Nazi Germany’s War is the first comprehensive account of Berlin’s remarkably ambitious attempts to build an alliance with the Islamic world.
Biden hasn't flown them to Chicago yet ?
People wonder where all this barbarism, hatred and evil in the Palestinians comes from. If you go back in history, you will see the Muslims and the Nazis were a match made in hell, the Palestinians taught the Nazis things and the Nazis taught the Palestinians.
Especially Palestinian Arabs, 88% were pro Hitler (Sari Sakakini poll, February 1941)

Latest Palestine HITLER -ism:

Former Palestinian Ambassador To India Osama Al-Ali: 'I Am Not Surprised Hitler Committed the Holocaust against the Jews"

After they turn us into new Venezuela or New Palestine they'll complete the wall to keep us in.
Exactly, add to that the control of every aspect of our lives by the Democratic party, what we eat, drive, wear, spend our money on, do and and say on the internet…and we have the makings of a one world borderless Marxist fascist BIG Brother Govt.
This is documented research from Harvard and Yale. Your opinions are worth less than garbage.
Then keep reading documented evidence from Harvard and Yale that teaches you how England, France and other European countries wanted to put Jews in Kenya before they decided that they would remove Arabs to create a Jewish state. You'll find that from Yale and Harvard also.

Perhaps you can also read about the current Israeli government propping up Hamas because they oppposed a two state solution and then you can read about the illegal settlements the Israeli government has built in violations of agrreements. Harvard and Yale will have thiis information too. And then there is the matter of settler violence against Palestinians which the current government allowed and participated in. All that is at Harvard and Yale as well.

Therefore your one sided post is bs. Oh and then there is this:

Harvard and Yale will also have evidence of this. So again, your one sided post is dishonest.
Netanyahu has murdered more than 1,,400 Palestinians before Oct.. 7 because they were Palestinians. Support a 2 state solutiion.
No, Arabs must abide or leave. Greater Israel will exist hundreds of years after the groups like Hamas disappear.
Then keep reading documented evidence from Harvard and Yale that teaches you how England, France and other European countries wanted to put Jews in Kenya before they decided that they would remove Arabs to create a Jewish state. You'll find that from Yale and Harvard also.

Perhaps you can also read about the current Israeli government propping up Hamas because they oppposed a two state solution and then you can read about the illegal settlements the Israeli government has built in violations of agrreements. Harvard and Yale will have thiis information too. And then there is the matter of settler violence against Palestinians which the current government allowed and participated in. All that is at Harvard and Yale as well.

Therefore your one sided post is bs. Oh and then there is this:

Harvard and Yale will also have evidence of this. So again, your one sided post is dishonest.
As usual your gibberish has zero to do with the fact that Nazis became close allies with the Muslim world, which is a historical fact.

In other words, that was just a lame diversion from an IslamoNazi sympathizer.

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