The Myth That Refuses To Die

judge not less ye be judged. what are you worth? as much as you can get? and your gang tries to take as much as it can get. so does the teachers gang. what's the problem? you are forced to pay for insurance? but you can shop around? oh well, sour grapes. go spend some time with today's crazy self centered youth and see how much you want to be paid. no i'm not a teacher as you can see by the spelling and not in union. so save those two for some one else. we should all be judging each other much more equally and honestly. i don't think some one selling me bad stock or bonds on the free market should make millions as millions lose their homes because of their swindles. that's a dishonest and unwary living off other's misery. but do you hear me crying?

Was there a point in there?

It's ironic that you'd ask.

Two of my kids are teachers. They teach at charter schools and are paid substantially less then public school teachers. The addition of charter schools has increased teacher employment over the last ten years or more. Perhaps you should have noted more schools also?

Mine choose charter schools because they can actually teach.
if teachers don't like the pay then why do they go to school to get jobs as teachers ??

Because they wanted to teach. (You probably could have gotten that one by yourself)

One wonders WHY they ever thought they wanted to teach?

Why do some people want to be doctors?

  • Glory in the victory of life over death.
  • High salary.
  • Ability to easily self medicate.

Keep guessing...
if teachers don't like the pay then why do they go to school to get jobs as teachers ??

Because they wanted to teach. (You probably could have gotten that one by yourself)

One wonders WHY they ever thought they wanted to teach?

Why do some people want to be doctors?

  • Glory in the victory of life over death.
  • High salary.
  • Ability to easily self medicate.
Keep guessing...

if teachers don't like the pay then why do they go to school to get jobs as teachers ??

Because they wanted to teach. (You probably could have gotten that one by yourself)

One wonders WHY they ever thought they wanted to teach?

Why do some people want to be doctors?

  • Glory in the victory of life over death.
  • High salary.
  • Ability to easily self medicate.
Keep guessing...


Then continue being an ignorant slob. I'm sure you can do that.
if it's all about the money, what do yo suppose you all are gonna do when your done choosing a few and all the money is gone? Then you can research how much hell there is to pay for our greed
(1) Last time I checked, teacher salaries and benefits are set at the school district level. Any general statement about public-school teacher compensation in America is patent nonsense.

(2) It is undeniable that collective bargaining - where it exists - has had the effect of increasing teacher compensation (pay, benefits, retirement) at a much more rapid rate than private sector pay for "comparable" positions (one could argue that there are no comparable positions in the private sector). In wealthier school districts around the country, six figure compensation for teachers at the top of the scale is common, while retirement in the mid-50's is the norm. At these levels, one could say that the typical public school teacher is stunningly over-compensated. And we taxpayers are paying through the nose, thank you very much.

(3) The combination of public sector employment generally and collective bargaining specifically has resulted in a cadre of teachers which includes, unfortunately, a large number of incompetent, unmotivated, and/or criminally misguided teachers, all of whom have lifetime tenure and guaranteed compensation. And there's not a fucking thing we parents and taxpayers can do about it. Which leads to a lot of resentment in the taxpayer-parent class.

(4) In spite of the denials of advocates, once you settle in as a teacher (2-3 years experience), your job is - I won't say, "part-time" because that's inflammatory, but - less than full-time. They get a 10-week summer vacation for Christ sake, and lots of days off during the school year. Can you imagine 180 work-days a year, plus a few days for preparation and grading?

(5) "Education" is not a science. In spite of countless billions of dollars being spent on it, "we" still don't know the best method of imparting knowledge to students. Some teachers are better at it than others, and we haven't been able to quantify why that is. And it doesn't matter because there is no way to get rid of teachers who can't do it, or force teachers to teach any particular way anyhow.

(6) Even the best teacher in the world can't teach a kid who is not prepared and willing to learn.
You may value teachers, but I don't. Consequently, I advocate that their pay is as low as the market will bear. Look at private schools: teachers generally make less in them than at their public counterparts, and they generally do a much better job. Thus, we know what the glorified babysitters are worth when people get a choice.
Good teachers are invaluable. They should be paid handsomely.

Poor teachers are worse than worthless - they provide negative value.

Too bad we can't hire more of the former and get rid of the latter. But we can't.
Oy vey. First they create the problem with nonsense teaching of evolution and banning God from the classroom and now they want to complain they have a discipline problem. Please make up your minds!
I would very much like to see the studies proving that teaching evolution and banning god from classrooms is what CAUSES discipline problems at school. Please link those studies and their results.
You may value teachers, but I don't. ...

And look what a dope you are.
We disagree on relative value of services. You want to pay them 70k, I want to pay them zero. The compromise is split the difference, 35k, which is still less than they are currently getting paid. Not too bad for just a Bachelors fresh out of college, with a joke of a degree.
Well, someone posted that number. My apologies if it wasn't you. So, I take it you don't think teachers deserve 70k. Then we are in agreement, and it's just a matter of negotiation downward at this point.

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