The Most Important Verse in the Bible


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
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Right coast, classified
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

If you don't believe that, everything else following is meaningless. And if Genesis 1:1 is not true, life is meaningless, you are just a byproduct of some random cosmic event.

Now some atheists can claim their lives have meaning. But they just made it up on their own. Just like we made God up. So their lives have no purpose.
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Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

If you don't believe that, everything else following is meaningless. And if Genesis 1:1 is not true, life is meaningless, you are just byproduct of some random cosmic event.

Now some atheists can claim their lives have meaning. But they just made it up on their own. Just like we made God up. So their lives have no purpose.
You can define God as that entity that created the universe. But the idea of worshiping that entity does not follow. I have no need to define God, but I think the pursuit of physics and the hard sciences in studying the universe is a far more meaningful liturgy than that from a church.
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

If you don't believe that, everything else following is meaningless. And if Genesis 1:1 is not true, life is meaningless, you are just byproduct of some random cosmic event.

Now some atheists can claim their lives have meaning. But they just made it up on their own. Just like we made God up. So their lives have no purpose.
You can define God as that entity that created the universe. But the idea of worshiping that entity does not follow. I have no need to define God, but I think the pursuit of physics and the hard sciences in studying the universe is a far more meaningful liturgy than that from a church.
Common fallacy to attempt to segregate science and the Bible. The two dovetail each other.
Common fallacy to attempt to segregate science and the Bible. The two dovetail each other.
It's not a fallacy. If you totally believe in Christianity, I can understand why you and your Christian friends might think so. But not everybody is a Christian.
"If you don't believe that, everything else following is meaningless."

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

If you don't believe that, everything else following is meaningless. And if Genesis 1:1 is not true, life is meaningless, you are just byproduct of some random cosmic event.

Now some atheists can claim their lives have meaning. But they just made it up on their own. Just like we made God up. So their lives have no purpose.
You can define God as that entity that created the universe. But the idea of worshiping that entity does not follow. I have no need to define God, but I think the pursuit of physics and the hard sciences in studying the universe is a far more meaningful liturgy than that from a church.

well-----weather------I do love the book of Genesis. and long ago I was able to recite the first page------in Hebrew-----sorta-----it is majestic. HOWEVAH----face
facts-------it is poetry. (much better in Hebrew than in English---but not bad
in English) In my SUBLIME opinion-----(as oracle at usmb) ---the most
important statement in the entire book of genesis is directed at CAIN----(the jerk who killed his brother ABEL) It is "CHOOSE LIFE"! I have heard from my local sources when I asked how is "PROPHET" defined-----that a prophet is a person
who has communicated with G-d-----kinda directly.------According to Genesis----CAIN DID and, therefore-----what was SAID to CAIN is of utmost importance.
I am horrified to report-------EVE did not-----she got the snake

In my exalted opinion ----the theme of the book of genesis is -----FREE CHOICE FOR MANKIND (in English that includes girls). -----free choice----<<<<its a big cosmic deal
Common fallacy to attempt to segregate science and the Bible. The two dovetail each other.
It's not a fallacy. If you totally believe in Christianity, I can understand why you and your Christian friends might think so. But not everybody is a Christian.
Science and the Bible support each other.
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

If you don't believe that, everything else following is meaningless. And if Genesis 1:1 is not true, life is meaningless, you are just byproduct of some random cosmic event.

Now some atheists can claim their lives have meaning. But they just made it up on their own. Just like we made God up. So their lives have no purpose.
You can define God as that entity that created the universe. But the idea of worshiping that entity does not follow. I have no need to define God, but I think the pursuit of physics and the hard sciences in studying the universe is a far more meaningful liturgy than that from a church.

well-----weather------I do love the book of Genesis. and long ago I was able to recite the first page------in Hebrew-----sorta-----it is majestic. HOWEVAH----face
facts-------it is poetry. (much better in Hebrew than in English---but not bad
in English) In my SUBLIME opinion-----(as oracle at usmb) ---the most
important statement in the entire book of genesis is directed at CAIN----(the jerk who killed his brother ABEL) It is "CHOOSE LIFE"! I have heard from my local sources when I asked how is "PROPHET" defined-----that a prophet is a person
who has communicated with G-d-----kinda directly.------According to Genesis----CAIN DID and, therefore-----what was SAID to CAIN is of utmost importance.
I am horrified to report-------EVE did not-----she got the snake

In my exalted opinion ----the theme of the book of genesis is -----FREE CHOICE FOR MANKIND (in English that includes girls). -----free choice----<<<<its a big cosmic deal
But if you don't believe Genesis 1:1 is true, Cain was just doing what nature allows. There is no such thing as evil without Genesis 1:1.
Genesis 1:28.And God blessed them; and God said unto them: 'Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that creepeth upon the earth.' studying and mastering
Genesis 1:28.And God blessed them; and God said unto them: 'Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that creepeth upon the earth.' studying and mastering
C'mon. That's a real stretch. If you want to believe the Bible as a metaphor, you can interpret thousands of passages in many different ways. I have never seen your interpretation.
Genesis 1:28.And God blessed them; and God said unto them: 'Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that creepeth upon the earth.' studying and mastering
C'mon. That's a real stretch. If you want to believe the Bible as a metaphor, you can interpret thousands of passages in many different ways. I have never seen your interpretation.

That's because Jews read the Torah in Hebrew and have many interpretations that encourage positive paths to behaving in a Godly fashion.
Jews don't think like Greeks in black & white, we think in many shades of the spectrum.
Heck, I could spend a life time studying each verse.
Genesis 1:28.And God blessed them; and God said unto them: 'Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that creepeth upon the earth.' studying and mastering
C'mon. That's a real stretch. If you want to believe the Bible as a metaphor, you can interpret thousands of passages in many different ways. I have never seen your interpretation.

I'm curious as to how you would interpret the intention of the verse.
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

If you don't believe that, everything else following is meaningless. And if Genesis 1:1 is not true, life is meaningless, you are just byproduct of some random cosmic event.

Now some atheists can claim their lives have meaning. But they just made it up on their own. Just like we made God up. So their lives have no purpose.
You can define God as that entity that created the universe. But the idea of worshiping that entity does not follow. I have no need to define God, but I think the pursuit of physics and the hard sciences in studying the universe is a far more meaningful liturgy than that from a church.

well-----weather------I do love the book of Genesis. and long ago I was able to recite the first page------in Hebrew-----sorta-----it is majestic. HOWEVAH----face
facts-------it is poetry. (much better in Hebrew than in English---but not bad
in English) In my SUBLIME opinion-----(as oracle at usmb) ---the most
important statement in the entire book of genesis is directed at CAIN----(the jerk who killed his brother ABEL) It is "CHOOSE LIFE"! I have heard from my local sources when I asked how is "PROPHET" defined-----that a prophet is a person
who has communicated with G-d-----kinda directly.------According to Genesis----CAIN DID and, therefore-----what was SAID to CAIN is of utmost importance.
I am horrified to report-------EVE did not-----she got the snake

In my exalted opinion ----the theme of the book of genesis is -----FREE CHOICE FOR MANKIND (in English that includes girls). -----free choice----<<<<its a big cosmic deal
But if you don't believe Genesis 1:1 is true, Cain was just doing what nature allows. There is no such thing as evil without Genesis 1:1.

I do not "GET" your comment------The bible itself does not -----on the first page---
actually DEFINE "evil" ------in fact it is only when the CHOOOSE LIFE statement
comes up is LIFE equated with GOOD (vs evil) and the action of CAIN in killing his brother DEFINED as "EVIL". Before that----G-d is just an authority figure ----
that can hurt those who cross him
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

If you don't believe that, everything else following is meaningless. And if Genesis 1:1 is not true, life is meaningless, you are just byproduct of some random cosmic event.

Now some atheists can claim their lives have meaning. But they just made it up on their own. Just like we made God up. So their lives have no purpose.
You can define God as that entity that created the universe. But the idea of worshiping that entity does not follow. I have no need to define God, but I think the pursuit of physics and the hard sciences in studying the universe is a far more meaningful liturgy than that from a church.

well-----weather------I do love the book of Genesis. and long ago I was able to recite the first page------in Hebrew-----sorta-----it is majestic. HOWEVAH----face
facts-------it is poetry. (much better in Hebrew than in English---but not bad
in English) In my SUBLIME opinion-----(as oracle at usmb) ---the most
important statement in the entire book of genesis is directed at CAIN----(the jerk who killed his brother ABEL) It is "CHOOSE LIFE"! I have heard from my local sources when I asked how is "PROPHET" defined-----that a prophet is a person
who has communicated with G-d-----kinda directly.------According to Genesis----CAIN DID and, therefore-----what was SAID to CAIN is of utmost importance.
I am horrified to report-------EVE did not-----she got the snake

In my exalted opinion ----the theme of the book of genesis is -----FREE CHOICE FOR MANKIND (in English that includes girls). -----free choice----<<<<its a big cosmic deal
But if you don't believe Genesis 1:1 is true, Cain was just doing what nature allows. There is no such thing as evil without Genesis 1:1.

I do not "GET" your comment------The bible itself does not -----on the first page---
actually DEFINE "evil" ------in fact it is only when the CHOOOSE LIFE statement
comes up is LIFE equated with GOOD (vs evil) and the action of CAIN in killing his brother DEFINED as "EVIL". Before that----G-d is just an authority figure ----
that can hurt those who cross him
If there is no God, there is no such thing as good and evil. Humans then are no more significant than a blob of algae.
Genesis 1:17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.'

God's intention is not to abrogate His will.
Of course, this one request contained a force of temptation too strong for the Free Will creature to hold out against.
God's splits the Divine Intention into 7 Rules to make each segment of the temptation easier to contain.
God's then splits the Divine Intention into 613 Rules to make each segment of the temptation even easier to contain.
And that's why it's easier to be a Jew than a Noachide.
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

If you don't believe that, everything else following is meaningless. And if Genesis 1:1 is not true, life is meaningless, you are just byproduct of some random cosmic event.

Now some atheists can claim their lives have meaning. But they just made it up on their own. Just like we made God up. So their lives have no purpose.
You can define God as that entity that created the universe. But the idea of worshiping that entity does not follow. I have no need to define God, but I think the pursuit of physics and the hard sciences in studying the universe is a far more meaningful liturgy than that from a church.

well-----weather------I do love the book of Genesis. and long ago I was able to recite the first page------in Hebrew-----sorta-----it is majestic. HOWEVAH----face
facts-------it is poetry. (much better in Hebrew than in English---but not bad
in English) In my SUBLIME opinion-----(as oracle at usmb) ---the most
important statement in the entire book of genesis is directed at CAIN----(the jerk who killed his brother ABEL) It is "CHOOSE LIFE"! I have heard from my local sources when I asked how is "PROPHET" defined-----that a prophet is a person
who has communicated with G-d-----kinda directly.------According to Genesis----CAIN DID and, therefore-----what was SAID to CAIN is of utmost importance.
I am horrified to report-------EVE did not-----she got the snake

In my exalted opinion ----the theme of the book of genesis is -----FREE CHOICE FOR MANKIND (in English that includes girls). -----free choice----<<<<its a big cosmic deal
But if you don't believe Genesis 1:1 is true, Cain was just doing what nature allows. There is no such thing as evil without Genesis 1:1.

I do not "GET" your comment------The bible itself does not -----on the first page---
actually DEFINE "evil" ------in fact it is only when the CHOOOSE LIFE statement
comes up is LIFE equated with GOOD (vs evil) and the action of CAIN in killing his brother DEFINED as "EVIL". Before that----G-d is just an authority figure ----
that can hurt those who cross him
If there is no God, there is no such thing as good and evil. Humans then are no more significant than a blob of algae.

algae is of the PLANT KINGDOM-------you function on ---for energy on THE KREBS CYCLE-----------
Everything in the universe came from the Waters.
Thus, everything deserves respect.
You can define God as that entity that created the universe. But the idea of worshiping that entity does not follow. I have no need to define God, but I think the pursuit of physics and the hard sciences in studying the universe is a far more meaningful liturgy than that from a church.

well-----weather------I do love the book of Genesis. and long ago I was able to recite the first page------in Hebrew-----sorta-----it is majestic. HOWEVAH----face
facts-------it is poetry. (much better in Hebrew than in English---but not bad
in English) In my SUBLIME opinion-----(as oracle at usmb) ---the most
important statement in the entire book of genesis is directed at CAIN----(the jerk who killed his brother ABEL) It is "CHOOSE LIFE"! I have heard from my local sources when I asked how is "PROPHET" defined-----that a prophet is a person
who has communicated with G-d-----kinda directly.------According to Genesis----CAIN DID and, therefore-----what was SAID to CAIN is of utmost importance.
I am horrified to report-------EVE did not-----she got the snake

In my exalted opinion ----the theme of the book of genesis is -----FREE CHOICE FOR MANKIND (in English that includes girls). -----free choice----<<<<its a big cosmic deal
But if you don't believe Genesis 1:1 is true, Cain was just doing what nature allows. There is no such thing as evil without Genesis 1:1.

I do not "GET" your comment------The bible itself does not -----on the first page---
actually DEFINE "evil" ------in fact it is only when the CHOOOSE LIFE statement
comes up is LIFE equated with GOOD (vs evil) and the action of CAIN in killing his brother DEFINED as "EVIL". Before that----G-d is just an authority figure ----
that can hurt those who cross him
If there is no God, there is no such thing as good and evil. Humans then are no more significant than a blob of algae.

algae is of the PLANT KINGDOM-------you function on ---for energy on THE KREBS CYCLE-----------
You're right. Without God humans are probably less significant than a blob of algae.
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