The Most Important News Story Right Now Isn’t Impeachment,


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

It’s The Crisis In Mexico

And it won’t stay south of the border!

The first was a report from BuzzFeed that as of Wednesday the Trump administration began carrying out a controversial plan to deport asylum-seekers from El Salvador and Honduras—not to their home countries, but to Guatemala, which the administration has designated a “safe third country,” meaning that migrants from those countries must first apply for asylum in Guatemala before seeking asylum in the United States.

The second story was a Los Angeles Times dispatch from the Mexican state of Michoacán, where rival cartels are waging war not over drug trafficking routes but over control of the multibillion-dollar avocado industry. More than a dozen criminal groups are fighting over the avocado trade in and around Uruapan, the capitol of Michoacán, “preying on wealthy orchard owners, the laborers who pick the fruit and the drivers who truck it north to the United States,” writes reporter Kate Linthicum. Organized crime in Mexico, she explains, is diversifying—it isn’t just about drugs anymore:

The country is slowing sinking into anarchy.

And the new president has not but empty platitudes as solutions. He claimed to create a new, non-corrupt, federal police force but it doesn’t seem to be doing much so far.

The upshot is that as Mexico descends into warlordism marked by widespread criminality and gang warfare, we should expect ordinary Mexicans to respond the way ordinary Central Americans have. Eventually, they’ll leave. Many of them, perhaps hundreds of thousands, will at some point head north and claim asylum. When they do, the border crisis that we’ve been dealing with for the past year will seem insignificant—a prelude to a much larger and intractable crisis, for which there will be no easy fix.

They used to come for economic reasons. Now it’s fearing for their lives.

More @ The Most Important News Story Isn’t Impeachment, It’s Crisis In Mexico
That’s an interesting post.
A friend of mine in Florida usually holidays in Mexico over Xmas, not this year.
When I asked why not she replied “it’s far too dangerous, kidnapping and violent crime is out of control”
We should bring our troops home from those Middle East hell holes and put them on the border, then do search and destroy missions for the Mexican Cartels, and light them up. If we happen to get lost and get into Mexico, so be it.
Gee, only if we had a President who cared….
We don’t.

Actually we do.

President Trump is working hard to get the wall up, so this Mexican bullshit stays south of the border.

Second, President Trump has reached out to the El Presidente of Mexico and offered military assistance to fight the banditos and cartel associates.
Gee, only if we had a President who cared….
We don’t.

And your solution is....what? Let them all cross our border unchecked? It’s amazing that liberals think they can tell a drug cartel member from an innocent victim.

we had a beneficial relationship with Mexico for decades. Your blob changed it and now they are having all manner of problems with organized crime.
Gee, only if we had a President who cared….
We don’t.
We do.
It’s democrats in congress who get in the way. They see these highspanics as future democrat votes (which is ironic considering that democrats refuse to accept elections that don’t go their way).

sure...meanwhile back in reality your blob has converted detention centers into death camps...while you cheer
Gee, only if we had a President who cared….
We don’t.

Actually we do.

President Trump is working hard to get the wall up, so this Mexican bullshit stays south of the border.

Second, President Trump has reached out to the El Presidente of Mexico and offered military assistance to fight the banditos and cartel associates.

not a single new foot of wall has been built as of a few weeks ago.

your blob has failed...not that a wall would do anything
Gee, only if we had a President who cared….
We don’t.

And your solution is....what? Let them all cross our border unchecked? It’s amazing that liberals think they can tell a drug cartel member from an innocent victim.

we had a beneficial relationship with Mexico for decades. Your blob changed it and now they are having all manner of problems with organized crime.

LOL. Mexico was sending us disreputable people like Señor Zarate who slaughtered Kate Steinle long before Trump took the oath.

That's why he ran in the first place, at least one of the reasons. Mexico was NOT sending us their best
Illegals crossed the border en masse and uncontested during the Obama Regime.

As a result, crime soared, because did not send us their very best at all. Some of the people they sent were Rapists, Gangbangers and banditos. Even terrorists.

An investigative journalist went to the Texas-Mexico frontier. Dressed as a leading terrorist, Osama Ladin, he waded across the Rio Grande border , taping it for youtube, to show how porous the Obama border was.

And people wondered why terrorism is such a big issue in America.

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