The Most Disgusting Song of All Time

And collectivist, totalitarian governments have killed more people in 100 years, than all the religions combined managed to kill in 2,000 years.

Which is why John Lennon asks us to theoretically to imagine a world without gov'ts ("imagine there's no countries")....

Yes, I have no problem with the concept of utopia. However, as we are dealing with people it is an unobtainable goal. The problem is when people decide to live their lives based on the lyrics of a song.
Why is that a problem? Is there some authority that decides what an individual is allowed to think or the way they want to leed their spiritual and philosophical life?
Do liberals sing this song when they get together for meetings or conventions and stuff?

My turn?

Does the song encompass the views of the majority of liberal elite?

I don't think so. Certainly not the way you have interpretated it.

"I don't think so. Certainly not the way you have interpretated (sic) it." ya' go:

2. No countries...the end of sovereignty.....only United Nations global government.
Unelected elites making the rules for all of us. Imagine.

a. ‘Global governance, the idea of all humankind united under one common political authority, has not existed so far in human history. This is not to say that it hasn’t been debated, called for, fought for…and as recently as the 20th century, enforced on large swaths of the planet….called communism.... data is available documenting the deleterious effects: responsible for over 100 million slaughtered. How to explain its endorsement by the Western elites? Simple: it is a religious belief called, among other things, Liberalism.
"Sovereignty or Submission: Will Americans Rule Themselves or be Ruled by Others?" by John Fonte

3. Imagaine....if there were no counties, it stands to reason, "Nothing to kill or die for."
I'm guessing that we could find a few things that people kill or die for in both the history of mankind and the penal code. Any disagree?

4. And, possibly the most invidious lie told, and believed by Liberals..."more have died because of religion...." Got that covered: " And no religion too" Imagine.
a. First World War (1914–18): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 million
Russian Civil War (1917–22): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 million
Soviet Union, Stalin’s regime (1924–53): . . . . . . . . . 20 million
Second World War (1937–45): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 million
Chinese Civil War (1945–49): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 million
People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong’s
regime (1949–75): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 million
Korean War (1950–53): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 million
North Korea (1948 et seq.): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 million
Rwanda and Burundi (1959–95): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.35 million
What was the religious basis for those? The only religion I see in there is the religion of Leftism.

5. And, of course, the attraction of Liberalism for many is no recriminations, no judgments about anyone....after all, each person is entitled to his or her personal morality...true? Got that covered, too:
"Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky"

6. And, if there is no societal morality, then " Imagine all the people
Living for today..." Yup...'do your own thing.'

You don't think those are the doctrines of the Left?
Do liberals sing this song when they get together for meetings or conventions and stuff?

My turn?

Does the song encompass the views of the majority of liberal elite?

It's a song that encapsulates many very traditional Eastern beliefs of spiritual enlightenment. Does the Dalai Lama , who in the linked article says "we have all been born on this earth as part of one great human family", also upset you to the point where you call his teachings disgusting?

Just making sure you're staying consistent.


So sorry....better be sitting down; this is gonna hurt.

“After Buddha was dead, his shadow was still shown for centuries in a cave-a tremendous, gruesome shadow. God is dead; but given the way of men, there may still be caves for thousands of years in which his shadow will be shown. -And we-we still have to vanquish his shadow, too.”
From Nietzsche's "The Gay Science," (trans. W. Kaufmann), p.108

For the Left of every stripe....eradicating God in every place and every way is their strongest desire.
2. No countries...the end of sovereignty.....only United Nations global government.
Unelected elites making the rules for all of us. Imagine.
Lennon never said “imagine ONE country” (ie global government), he said imagine there were “NO countries” implying there would be no need for governance in this utopia. Again, “one country” vs “no countries” – which phrase did he use in the song?

3. Imagaine....if there were no counties, it stands to reason, "Nothing to kill or die for."
I'm guessing that we could find a few things that people kill or die for in both the history of mankind and the penal code. Any disagree?

He says “nothing to kill or die for” period. There are NO REASONS to kill or die for in this imagined utopia.

4. And, possibly the most invidious lie told, and believed by Liberals..."more have died because of religion...." Got that covered: " And no religion too" Imagine.
He simply says “no religion”, which goes along with the theme of removing any and all divisions between us all.

5. And, of course, the attraction of Liberalism for many is no recriminations, no judgments about anyone....after all, each person is entitled to his or her personal morality...true? Got that covered, too:
"Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky"

Lennon asks us how would people behave if there was no place we “go” so to speak after we perish. In other words this is it, and there is no separate afterlife (perhaps there’s a continuation/reincarnation) but no “separate place”. Therefore we need to make what we have now the best it could possibly be vs. blow up 30 school children in a bizarre attempt to “receive 72 virgins” via the hand of God.
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Let's translate this pile of shit.


Imagine there's no heaven (commies hate religion)
It's easy if you try (Of course it is comrade)
No hell below us (The jokes on you pal)
Above us only sky (aim high dude, command a drone)
Imagine all the people
Living for today... (Fuck tomorrow, let's form a drum circle and use some drugs)

Imagine there's no countries (We don't need no stinkin' countries)
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for (irony alert!)
And no religion too (Christians=bad)
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace... (In your dreams crack smoker, now pass the peace pipe)

You may say I'm a dreamer (Corpses dream?)
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us (You want us dead?)
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions (welcome to the collective comrade)
I wonder if you can (Fuck you)
No need for greed or hunger (I could go for a steak right now or some soylent green)
A brotherhood of man (fag)
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...(More collectivist bullshit)

You may say I'm a dreamer (you're stoned)
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one (Irony alert part deux)
So sorry....better be sitting down; this is gonna hurt.

“After Buddha was dead, his shadow was still shown for centuries in a cave-a tremendous, gruesome shadow. God is dead; but given the way of men, there may still be caves for thousands of years in which his shadow will be shown. -And we-we still have to vanquish his shadow, too.”
From Nietzsche's "The Gay Science," (trans. W. Kaufmann), p.108

For the Left of every stripe....eradicating God in every place and every way is their strongest desire.

Haha, what? What does Nietzsche's opinion on Buddhism have anything to do with the conversation at hand? This is supposed to "hurt"? I'm sorry, but I'm literally laughing over here.

If you are against Buddhism/meditating/etc - fine - at least come out and say it and perhaps rephrase your OP to read "Imagine is a Disgusting song Because it Promotes Buddhism". Then we can have a discussion.

But until then I'm less than impressed the points I've heard thus far.

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2. No countries...the end of sovereignty.....only United Nations global government.
Unelected elites making the rules for all of us. Imagine.
Lennon never said “imagine ONE country” (ie global government), he said imagine there were “NO countries” implying there would be no need for governance in this utopia. Again, “one country” vs “no countries” – which phrase did he use in the song?

3. Imagaine....if there were no counties, it stands to reason, "Nothing to kill or die for."
I'm guessing that we could find a few things that people kill or die for in both the history of mankind and the penal code. Any disagree?

He says “nothing to kill or die for” period. There are NO REASONS to kill or die for in this imagined utopia.

4. And, possibly the most invidious lie told, and believed by Liberals..."more have died because of religion...." Got that covered: " And no religion too" Imagine.
He simply says “no religion”, which goes along with the theme of removing any and all divisions between us all.

5. And, of course, the attraction of Liberalism for many is no recriminations, no judgments about anyone....after all, each person is entitled to his or her personal morality...true? Got that covered, too:
"Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky"

Lennon asks us how would people behave if there was no place we “go” so to speak after we perish. In other words this is it, and there is no separate afterlife (perhaps there’s a continuation/reincarnation) but no “separate place”. Therefore we need to make what we have now the best it could possibly be vs. blow up 30 school children in a bizarre attempt to “receive 72 virgins” via the hand of God.

What I see here is a serious case of spinicitus. You have taken a song and line by line interpreted them and put your own spin on them. You then have made a conclusion based on your own spins. Spins are made by the use of exaggetation, distortion, fraud, lies, misinterpretations, misinformation, etc. Conclusions made from spins are never accurate. Spinicitus occurs when the individual fails to take into account that spins are not accurate to begin with. They believe the spins to be truth and fact when they are purposely designed to be the opposite.
2. No countries...the end of sovereignty.....only United Nations global government.
Unelected elites making the rules for all of us. Imagine.
Lennon never said “imagine ONE country” (ie global government), he said imagine there were “NO countries” implying there would be no need for governance in this utopia. Again, “one country” vs “no countries” – which phrase did he use in the song?

3. Imagaine....if there were no counties, it stands to reason, "Nothing to kill or die for."
I'm guessing that we could find a few things that people kill or die for in both the history of mankind and the penal code. Any disagree?

He says “nothing to kill or die for” period. There are NO REASONS to kill or die for in this imagined utopia.

4. And, possibly the most invidious lie told, and believed by Liberals..."more have died because of religion...." Got that covered: " And no religion too" Imagine.
He simply says “no religion”, which goes along with the theme of removing any and all divisions between us all.

5. And, of course, the attraction of Liberalism for many is no recriminations, no judgments about anyone....after all, each person is entitled to his or her personal morality...true? Got that covered, too:
"Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky"

Lennon asks us how would people behave if there was no place we “go” so to speak after we perish. In other words this is it, and there is no separate afterlife (perhaps there’s a continuation/reincarnation) but no “separate place”. Therefore we need to make what we have now the best it could possibly be vs. blow up 30 school children in a bizarre attempt to “receive 72 virgins” via the hand of God.

You're pedaling faster than Ed Begley, Jr., trying to make himself a piece of toast.
You're pedaling faster than Ed Begley, Jr., trying to make himself a piece of toast.

How about instead of attempting to somehow discredit me by using cheap catch phrases (that aren't even that witty), why not try using some of your logic to deconstruct some of the points I made earlier in true debate fashion? You addressed not a single point.

We'll start here; did Lennon say "Imagine there's one country" (and one supreme government), or did he instead say "Imagine there's no countries"?

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You're pedaling faster than Ed Begley, Jr., trying to make himself a piece of toast.

How about instead of attempting to somehow discredit me by using cheap catch phrases (that aren't even that witty), why not try using some of your logic to deconstruct some of the points I made earlier in true debate fashion? You addressed not a single point.

We'll start here; did Lennon say "Imagine there's one country" (and one supreme government), or did he instead say "Imagine there's no countries"?


My comment was spot on.

Your post is more smoke and mirrors than a fire in a brothel.

The words of the song are meant to support the ideas that the OP states....and explodes.

Not agreeing with the description I provided, that you were your prerogative.
The description is my prerogative.
Which is why John Lennon asks us to theoretically to imagine a world without gov'ts ("imagine there's no countries")....

Yes, I have no problem with the concept of utopia. However, as we are dealing with people it is an unobtainable goal. The problem is when people decide to live their lives based on the lyrics of a song.
Why is that a problem? Is there some authority that decides what an individual is allowed to think or the way they want to leed their spiritual and philosophical life?

No. So long as they choose to live their lives the way they want without infringing on others rights there is no problem. The problems arise when those people decide they know better than anyone else and wish to impose their viewpoints on those who don't agree with them.

That's why when they get into power, inevitably, evil people get into positions of power and then take over the governments and because they have been granted a lot of power, they then TAKE even more power and then it's Katie bar the door. Millions have died because idealogues were able to impose their views on others and there was no way to stop them.
Yes, I have no problem with the concept of utopia. However, as we are dealing with people it is an unobtainable goal. The problem is when people decide to live their lives based on the lyrics of a song.
Why is that a problem? Is there some authority that decides what an individual is allowed to think or the way they want to leed their spiritual and philosophical life?[/QUOTE

No. So long as they choose to live their lives the way they want without infringing on others rights there is no problem. The problems arise when those people decide they know better than anyone else and wish to impose their viewpoints on those who don't agree with them.

That's why when they get into power, inevitably, evil people get into positions of power and then take over the governments and because they have been granted a lot of power, they then TAKE even more power and then it's Katie bar the door. Millions have died because idealogues were able to impose their views on others and there was no way to stop them.

You extrapolate all of that from a song and the way some may interpret the meaning of a song, which may or may not be accurate or fair?
Why is that a problem? Is there some authority that decides what an individual is allowed to think or the way they want to leed their spiritual and philosophical life?[/QUOTE

No. So long as they choose to live their lives the way they want without infringing on others rights there is no problem. The problems arise when those people decide they know better than anyone else and wish to impose their viewpoints on those who don't agree with them.

That's why when they get into power, inevitably, evil people get into positions of power and then take over the governments and because they have been granted a lot of power, they then TAKE even more power and then it's Katie bar the door. Millions have died because idealogues were able to impose their views on others and there was no way to stop them.

You extrapolate all of that from a song and the way some may interpret the meaning of a song, which may or may not be accurate or fair?

Probably unlike you I can remember when that song first came out and the reaction of the various hippies to hearing it. Yeah, my observations are valid. In light of what we know has historically occurred I have no problem with my assumption.
You're pedaling faster than Ed Begley, Jr., trying to make himself a piece of toast.

How about instead of attempting to somehow discredit me by using cheap catch phrases (that aren't even that witty), why not try using some of your logic to deconstruct some of the points I made earlier in true debate fashion? You addressed not a single point.

We'll start here; did Lennon say "Imagine there's one country" (and one supreme government), or did he instead say "Imagine there's no countries"?


My comment was spot on.

Your post is more smoke and mirrors than a fire in a brothel.

The words of the song are meant to support the ideas that the OP states....and explodes.

Not agreeing with the description I provided, that you were your prerogative.
The description is my prerogative.

But how come you didn't answer my painfully straightforward question?

I asked, did John Lennon ask listeners to "imagine there's one country" or "imagine there's no countries"?
How about instead of attempting to somehow discredit me by using cheap catch phrases (that aren't even that witty), why not try using some of your logic to deconstruct some of the points I made earlier in true debate fashion? You addressed not a single point.

We'll start here; did Lennon say "Imagine there's one country" (and one supreme government), or did he instead say "Imagine there's no countries"?


My comment was spot on.

Your post is more smoke and mirrors than a fire in a brothel.

The words of the song are meant to support the ideas that the OP states....and explodes.

Not agreeing with the description I provided, that you were your prerogative.
The description is my prerogative.

But how come you didn't answer my painfully straightforward question?

I asked, did John Lennon ask listeners to "imagine there's one country" or "imagine there's no countries"?

The OP is the answer.
But how come you didn't answer my painfully straightforward question?

I asked, did John Lennon ask listeners to "imagine there's one country" or "imagine there's no countries"?

So Lennon is simply postulating the end game of the Communist Manifesto. Once the brutal dictatorship has beaten all into submission, the state will fall away, leaving a formless mass where no country is needed. Imaging no possessions, I wonder if you can, no need for pain and hunger, a brotherhood of man.

So get this, it is property rights, according to our sage, that cause pain and hunger, and stop brotherhood...

Communism - just fucking brilliant...
My comment was spot on.

Your post is more smoke and mirrors than a fire in a brothel.

The words of the song are meant to support the ideas that the OP states....and explodes.

Not agreeing with the description I provided, that you were your prerogative.
The description is my prerogative.

But how come you didn't answer my painfully straightforward question?

I asked, did John Lennon ask listeners to "imagine there's one country" or "imagine there's no countries"?

The OP is the answer.

He refuses to believe he is liberal

tapatalk post
But how come you didn't answer my painfully straightforward question?

I asked, did John Lennon ask listeners to "imagine there's one country" or "imagine there's no countries"?

So Lennon is simply postulating the end game of the Communist Manifesto. Once the brutal dictatorship has beaten all into submission, the state will fall away, leaving a formless mass where no country is needed. Imaging no possessions, I wonder if you can, no need for pain and hunger, a brotherhood of man.

So get this, it is property rights, according to our sage, that cause pain and hunger, and stop brotherhood...

Communism - just fucking brilliant...

If "Imagine" was a song about communism, surely he would be singing about country, nationalism, and gov't - which he's not.

He's asking us to to "imagine" a world with NO COUNTRY, no possessions, no divisions. A gov't (and brutal dictator) IS a division, and IS a good reason to fight and die for.

It's an imagined, dreamy song that encourages the listener to dream of a utopia that probably never could exist on this earth. It's just one of millions of art pieces throughout the ages to do this; nothing new.
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My comment was spot on.

Your post is more smoke and mirrors than a fire in a brothel.

The words of the song are meant to support the ideas that the OP states....and explodes.

Not agreeing with the description I provided, that you were your prerogative.
The description is my prerogative.

But how come you didn't answer my painfully straightforward question?

I asked, did John Lennon ask listeners to "imagine there's one country" or "imagine there's no countries"?

The OP is the answer.

Why can't you answer my question directly?

What does John Lennon say in "imagine"?

a. "Imagine there's no countries"
b. "Imagine there's one country"

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