The Most Disgusting Song of All Time

Everybody's talking about reverse racism, anti capitalism, cronyism, socialism, fascism , corporatism, elitism, this-ism, that-ism,
ism, ism, ism

All we are saying, is give Chris a chance
All we are saying, is give Chris a chance

Everybody's talking about perverse associations, Larry Sinclair, Derrick Bell, Saul Alinksy, Jeremiah Wright, Bernadette and Bill Ayers,
fast and furious, bi-curious,
And smoking pot,
Pot pot pot

All we are saying, is give Chris a chance
All we are saying, is give Chris a chance

Everybody's talking about dwindling commerce, unemployment, job creators, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Eric Kanter, what a snob, where are the jobs,
Jobs jobs jobs

All we are saying, is give Chris a chance
All we are saying, is give Chris a chance

Everybody's talking about obverse certificates, long form, native born, Donald Trump, polling bumps,
Damn his mother, he's the other
Madrassa, Mombasa,
Kenya Kenya Kenya

All we are saying, is give Chris a chance
All we are saying, is give Chris a chance
All we are saying, is give Chris a chance
Don't think you did. Do you dislike all art that evokes the viewer or listener to think about a sort of imagined Utopia?


tapatalk post

Thanks for answering; I respect your right to opinion, but (personally) think it's a little strange to dislike any form of art that asks a viewer or listener to imagine some sort of utopia or "happy place".

It did more then that. It asked the listener to disregard the very things that made the singer s success.

tapatalk post
Political Chic, essentially what you're doing is taking a song with words designed to evoke certain emotions and images (like a poem) and analyze it as if it were a Gov't written handbook guide on some lifeless topic like taxes. You need to lighten up.

It's a freaking poem. It ponders the major things humans fight and kill over - food, resources, religions, and territory (national sovereignty) - and says what would happen if those divisions didn't exist? If the Pakistani man and the Indian man considered themselves humans sharing 1 planet vs 2 separate countries fighting for territory, perhaps would the general hatred subside (if they considered themselves "one in the same")?

This song is very much a representation (in my opinion) of many core Buddhist beliefs that we are essentially all "one" and that the duality is nothing more than an illusion.

I have no freaking idea what you are so upset about here. Do you dislike Buddhists as well, lol, or anyone who has ever murmured the words "we are all one"?

Jeez Louise.....

Wrong. YOU, on the other hand, are busy denying reality.

The reality is that PoliticalChic has identified that the song is a liberal "anthem."

And her critique is therefore perfectly reasonable political analysis of what the "song/poem" means.

Busy denying what? That this song is nothing more than an endorsement/retelling of Buddhist beliefs that have been around for multiple thousands of years?

Is Buddhism equally disgusting to PoliticalChic?


But of course, you are flatly wrong.

The song is absolutely NOT merely a retelling of or an endorsement of Buddhist beliefs.

Newsflash, to help you try to keep up. "No religion too" would INCLUDE Buddhism.

Buddhist beliefs do not demand or even call forr the disbelief of Buddhist beliefs.
But of course, you are flatly wrong.

The song is absolutely NOT merely a retelling of or an endorsement of Buddhist beliefs.

Lol, it most definitely is a retelling of beliefs that are consistent with Buddhism. "Imagine” says that once we remove or do away with our divisions (no countries, no possessions, no greed), we would all live “as one” in harmony. Don't think there's any room for argument here.

Newsflash, to help you try to keep up. "No religion too" would INCLUDE Buddhism.

Buddhist beliefs do not demand or even call forr the disbelief of Buddhist beliefs.

How about I help you try and keep up, lol (looks like you need it).

Buddhism asks the practitioner to meditate and discover what are called “universal concepts” for him/herself. Buddha “owned” those concepts no more than a math teacher “owns” math. He was a simply a teacher (as opposed to Jesus who was a teacher but also actively asked his followers to worship him as God).

I never claimed that John Lennon was asking folks to "become Buddhists", I simply said that the ideas John Lennon covered in the song were extremely consistent with the teachings of Buddha and asked that since you guys hate this song do you ALSO hate Buddhism as well.

You should brush up on your spiritualism; there's a very interesting world out there!
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It did more then that. It asked the listener to disregard the very things that made the singer s success.

tapatalk post

Ok gotcha. So here are some things I've learned about you so far.

Thanatos144 doesn't like:

1.) Any form of art that asks the viewer or listener to imagine a utopia of some sort.
2.) Any song where the singer doesn't explicitly praise the economic factors that helped him/her achieve success.

Would you say those are fair statements?
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Do liberals sing this song when they get together for meetings or conventions and stuff?
Do liberals sing this song when they get together for meetings or conventions and stuff?

My turn?

Does the song encompass the views of the majority of liberal elite?

It's a song that encapsulates many very traditional Eastern beliefs of spiritual enlightenment. Does the Dalai Lama , who in the linked article says "we have all been born on this earth as part of one great human family", also upset you to the point where you call his teachings disgusting?

Just making sure you're staying consistent.

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Islam kills for Religion to this day.

And collectivist, totalitarian governments have killed more people in 100 years, than all the religions combined managed to kill in 2,000 years.

Which is why John Lennon asks us to theoretically to imagine a world without gov'ts ("imagine there's no countries")....

Yes, I have no problem with the concept of utopia. However, as we are dealing with people it is an unobtainable goal. The problem is when people decide to live their lives based on the lyrics of a song.
Yes, I have no problem with the concept of utopia. However, as we are dealing with people it is an unobtainable goal. The problem is when people decide to live their lives based on the lyrics of a song.

But as I mentioned before, are we going to go so far to say that any piece of art that encourages the viewer/listener to imagine a "utopia" should be considered disgusting (words via the OP) because it may potentially encourage them to reach for unattainable goals? See how ridiculous this is getting?

I think the OP is being completely unfair here by singling out John Lennon for doing something that artists have been doing for literally tens of thousands of years, lol, and quite frankly it's bullshit.
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