The morning after the snow storm

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
The Blue Jays are out there in the trees calling for breakfast. They're pretty loud this morning. I just went out there with a handful of peanuts and some plain crackers and they didn't waste any time, they dropped right down out of the trees and landed on my deck railing right in front of me. I pretty much hand fed em. It was majestic. They're big ones, too. They'll likely be back and forth during the next hour because I just left it all out there in their bowl. They're so pretty when everything's snow covered. Pure bliss....
The Blue Jays are out there in the trees calling for breakfast. They're pretty loud this morning. I just went out there with a handful of peanuts and some plain crackers and they didn't waste any time, they dropped right down out of the trees and landed on my deck railing right in front of me. I pretty much hand fed em. It was majestic. They're big ones, too. They'll likely be back and forth during the next hour because I just left it all out there in their bowl. They're so pretty when everything's snow covered. Pure bliss....
We had our snow last weekend and it was Cardinals eating the seeds from all the plants in the yard. I don't mow so the creatures have more to eat and I get wild flowers out of the deal.
i am a back yard birder myself - right now it's still snowing here in CT & the juncos are out trying to find food. i'll be heading out soon to hang the feeders back up & clear some snow for the ground feeding birds. seems the bluebirds are still hiding - but when i whistle for them & put out their feeder with smashed up suet & mealy worms, they will be mobbing it.
We had our snow last weekend and it was Cardinals eating the seeds from all the plants in the yard. I don't mow so the creatures have more to eat and I get wild flowers out of the deal.

Yeah, I know just what you mean. I do the same thing. Sometimes you get some really cool looking natural hybrid colored wildflowers that way, I've noticed.

You're a good human, Moonglow.
i am a back yard birder myself - right now it's still snowing here in CT & the juncos are out trying to find food. i'll be heading out soon to hang the feeders back up & clear some snow for the ground feeding birds. seems the bluebirds are still hiding - but when i whistle for them & put out their feeder with smashed up suet & mealy worms, they will be mobbing it.

It's probably really pretty up there right now. Especially with the snow still falling. Here in Delaware it started out as fluffy, wet snow for several hours, then turned to sleet, then turned back to snow on its way out. You guys are getting nothing but the good wet fluffy stuff. Good winter scenery for bird pictures.
i am a back yard birder myself - right now it's still snowing here in CT & the juncos are out trying to find food. i'll be heading out soon to hang the feeders back up & clear some snow for the ground feeding birds. seems the bluebirds are still hiding - but when i whistle for them & put out their feeder with smashed up suet & mealy worms, they will be mobbing it.

It's probably really pretty up there right now. Especially with the snow still falling. Here in Delaware it started out as fluffy, wet snow for several hours, then turned to sleet, then turned back to snow on its way out. You guys are getting nothing but the good wet fluffy stuff. Good winter scenery for bird pictures.

Near pittsburgh we have the big sticky flakes as it is near freezing

Sticks to everything. So pure,
i am a back yard birder myself - right now it's still snowing here in CT & the juncos are out trying to find food. i'll be heading out soon to hang the feeders back up & clear some snow for the ground feeding birds. seems the bluebirds are still hiding - but when i whistle for them & put out their feeder with smashed up suet & mealy worms, they will be mobbing it.

It's probably really pretty up there right now. Especially with the snow still falling. Here in Delaware it started out as fluffy, wet snow for several hours, then turned to sleet, then turned back to snow on its way out. You guys are getting nothing but the good wet fluffy stuff. Good winter scenery for bird pictures.

i'm in upper CT near the mass border & we have at least 10" but it's gonna be easy to snowblow/shovel. i think they got the heavier wet snow closer to the shoreline. my camera needs charging - perhaps i'll snap a few pics & post them later.
i'm in upper CT near the mass border & we have at least 10" but it's gonna be easy to snowblow/shovel. i think they got the heavier wet snow closer to the shoreline. my camera needs charging - perhaps i'll snap a few pics & post them later.

The sea gulls just came in and raided my place. I got a couple of pictures on my phone but nothing out of the ordinary. Pretty boring, really.
The Blue Jays are out there in the trees calling for breakfast. They're pretty loud this morning. I just went out there with a handful of peanuts and some plain crackers and they didn't waste any time, they dropped right down out of the trees and landed on my deck railing right in front of me. I pretty much hand fed em. It was majestic. They're big ones, too. They'll likely be back and forth during the next hour because I just left it all out there in their bowl. They're so pretty when everything's snow covered. Pure bliss....

What's sort of interesting is that Al Gore et al are awfully quiet this morning. None of them are out there explaining themselves in regards to Gorebal Warning in light of the new facts in evidence.
snow van.JPG

Ching a ling , are you listenin',
In the lane, snow is glistenin'
A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight.
Workin' in a winter wonderland.

Go and save all your pennies,
We'll come play with your genny's
They'll hum right along, as we sing along,
Workin' in a winter wonderland.

In the meadow we can build a windmill,
Then pretend that we're the green machine
They'll say it's all overkill man
But we'll take whatever we can glean

Later on, we'll conspire,
As we dream by the fire
To bill unafraid,
The OT that we've made,
Workin' in a winter wonderland.

When it snows, ain't it thrilling,
Cause our trades out a shillin'
We'll frolic and play, the 'Lectricians way,
Workin' in a winter wonderland.

~S~ w/apologies to carolers everywhere....
When they come to my yard they get lit up.


One of my neighbors has been feeding all of the feril cats since last year. It's really peeving me nice and good, too. Besides killing off the wildlife for casual sport, they're starting to use my Corvette as their own personal jungle gym. I told her about it but she said, ''well you do a real nice job washing it."'

In that moment I decided their fate. One at a time....

Here in this state, they removed any liability from the people who were caretakers of feril cats specifically. They even dropped the name caretaker or whatever. So there's really nothing you can do. Or so they say....
When they come to my yard they get lit up.


One of my neighbors has been feeding all of the feril cats since last year. It's really peeving me nice and good, too. Besides killing off the wildlife for casual sport, they're starting to use my Corvette as their own personal jungle gym. I told her about it but she said, ''well you do a real nice job washing it."'

In that moment I decided their fate. One at a time....

Here in this state, they removed any liability from the people who were caretakers of feril cats specifically. They even dropped the name caretaker or whatever. So there's really nothing you can do. Or so they say....

Live trapping and moving to a yuppy neighborhood with McMansions on 1/4 acre lots also works.
Just shoveled the whole street with some help from the neighbor kid and the gentleman that lives two doors down. Heavy ass snow up here. Looks lovely, but feels awful on the back and shoulders. lol
Stay safe ya’ll!
When they come to my yard they get lit up.


One of my neighbors has been feeding all of the feril cats since last year. It's really peeving me nice and good, too. Besides killing off the wildlife for casual sport, they're starting to use my Corvette as their own personal jungle gym. I told her about it but she said, ''well you do a real nice job washing it."'

In that moment I decided their fate. One at a time....

Here in this state, they removed any liability from the people who were caretakers of feril cats specifically. They even dropped the name caretaker or whatever. So there's really nothing you can do. Or so they say....

Just as long as you have your Annual Tags. Man can make a sport out of just about anything.

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