The More We Learn, the Less Room There is for Evolution

CrusaderFrank, unsurprisingly, considering his situation, is confused.
Do you see now why it is so easy to fool republicans with fake news? If they believe an imaginary man, with absolutely no evidence, POOFED living things onto this earth, then they can be convinced that Republicans care about the middle class.

Wisconsin-based atheist group sues President Trump over church order

Donald Trump’s order aimed at easing an IRS rule limiting religious organizations’ political activity.

Unholy alliance.
I fixed it: the more we learn, the more we support evolution. The Bible supports evolution.
We will file that with Junk DNA of the OP. It does not exist.
We will file it the factual science studies. The far right evangelical take on Bible and evolution is hokeum. Always has been.
You can't address the OP so you go on a hate filled rant. So typical.
Science and Bible dovetail. Far right evangelicalism bases its hate on others who disagree with its principles of hatred and exclusion.
Yep, you can't refute the fact that evolutionists lost a huge chunk of their argument when we learned that junk DNA does not exist.
Why is that? I am not familiar with that argument either way.
We will file it the factual science studies. The far right evangelical take on Bible and evolution is hokeum. Always has been.
You can't address the OP so you go on a hate filled rant. So typical.
Science and Bible dovetail. Far right evangelicalism bases its hate on others who disagree with its principles of hatred and exclusion.
Yep, you can't refute the fact that evolutionists lost a huge chunk of their argument when we learned that junk DNA does not exist.
What the fuck are you talking about? The fact that we did not understand the full functions of DNA in our code? Well yes, that is true. And then, with further investigation, we have began to learn more. And the more we learn, the more we see the timeline of our evolution and that of other life.

I think that what you are trying to say is that one mistake in science invalidates all other science. And that, of course, is just about as stupid as it gets. You are another willfully ignorant loud mouth, spewing and demonstrating your ignorance for all the see. In the meantime, the scientists continue to investigate and learn.

Bingo Old rocks...Science has to be perfect while his belief doesn't need to have one tiny bit of proof to satisfy his mindset. How the hell can you convince someone that they're wrong with such a rigid mindset?

Where is the evidence in the bible of this god? You're pulling the debate into the roam of science so you need to provide the evidence to stand toe to toe with evolution.
Where is the evidence in the bible of this god?
The burning bush.
The 10 commandments
Job's woes
The parting of the Red Sea
Those are evidence to those who believe
CrusaderFrank, unsurprisingly, considering his situation, is confused.
Do you see now why it is so easy to fool republicans with fake news? If they believe an imaginary man, with absolutely no evidence, POOFED living things onto this earth, then they can be convinced that Republicans care about the middle class.

Wisconsin-based atheist group sues President Trump over church order

Donald Trump’s order aimed at easing an IRS rule limiting religious organizations’ political activity.

Unholy alliance.
The televangelists will go wild with this 'easement' of the rules. I'm not sure our town's minister will talk about politics, anyway. He never talks about anything irl, always scripture.
CrusaderFrank, unsurprisingly, considering his situation, is confused.
Do you see now why it is so easy to fool republicans with fake news? If they believe an imaginary man, with absolutely no evidence, POOFED living things onto this earth, then they can be convinced that Republicans care about the middle class.

Wisconsin-based atheist group sues President Trump over church order

Donald Trump’s order aimed at easing an IRS rule limiting religious organizations’ political activity.

Unholy alliance.
You're fooling yourself, if you've convinced yourself that all repulicans believe in an imaginary sky daddy...
CrusaderFrank, unsurprisingly, considering his situation, is confused.
Do you see now why it is so easy to fool republicans with fake news? If they believe an imaginary man, with absolutely no evidence, POOFED living things onto this earth, then they can be convinced that Republicans care about the middle class.

Wisconsin-based atheist group sues President Trump over church order

Donald Trump’s order aimed at easing an IRS rule limiting religious organizations’ political activity.

Unholy alliance.
You're fooling yourself, if you've convinced yourself that all repulicans believe in an imaginary sky daddy...
Many liberals are theists.
CrusaderFrank, unsurprisingly, considering his situation, is confused.
Do you see now why it is so easy to fool republicans with fake news? If they believe an imaginary man, with absolutely no evidence, POOFED living things onto this earth, then they can be convinced that Republicans care about the middle class.

Wisconsin-based atheist group sues President Trump over church order

Donald Trump’s order aimed at easing an IRS rule limiting religious organizations’ political activity.

Unholy alliance.
The televangelists will go wild with this 'easement' of the rules. I'm not sure our town's minister will talk about politics, anyway. He never talks about anything irl, always scripture.
Our Greek Orthodox Church used to not but now our priest does talk anti gays and muslims. They are part of the controlling us sheep flock baaah
CrusaderFrank, unsurprisingly, considering his situation, is confused.
Do you see now why it is so easy to fool republicans with fake news? If they believe an imaginary man, with absolutely no evidence, POOFED living things onto this earth, then they can be convinced that Republicans care about the middle class.

Wisconsin-based atheist group sues President Trump over church order

Donald Trump’s order aimed at easing an IRS rule limiting religious organizations’ political activity.

Unholy alliance.
You're fooling yourself, if you've convinced yourself that all repulicans believe in an imaginary sky daddy...
Not all but a huge chunk.

You guys con people with god, gays, guns and racism. Gods just one wedge issue
CrusaderFrank, unsurprisingly, considering his situation, is confused.
Do you see now why it is so easy to fool republicans with fake news? If they believe an imaginary man, with absolutely no evidence, POOFED living things onto this earth, then they can be convinced that Republicans care about the middle class.

Wisconsin-based atheist group sues President Trump over church order

Donald Trump’s order aimed at easing an IRS rule limiting religious organizations’ political activity.

Unholy alliance.
You're fooling yourself, if you've convinced yourself that all repulicans believe in an imaginary sky daddy...
Many liberals are theists.
But then murder babies?
We will file that with Junk DNA of the OP. It does not exist.
We will file it the factual science studies. The far right evangelical take on Bible and evolution is hokeum. Always has been.
You can't address the OP so you go on a hate filled rant. So typical.
Science and Bible dovetail. Far right evangelicalism bases its hate on others who disagree with its principles of hatred and exclusion.
Yep, you can't refute the fact that evolutionists lost a huge chunk of their argument when we learned that junk DNA does not exist.
Why is that? I am not familiar with that argument either way.
The conversation really is over the moment they admit they believe the story in Genesis.

And the evidence they have is their cults holy book. It tells stories and if we don't believe the impossible we burn in hell
CrusaderFrank, unsurprisingly, considering his situation, is confused.
Do you see now why it is so easy to fool republicans with fake news? If they believe an imaginary man, with absolutely no evidence, POOFED living things onto this earth, then they can be convinced that Republicans care about the middle class.

Wisconsin-based atheist group sues President Trump over church order

Donald Trump’s order aimed at easing an IRS rule limiting religious organizations’ political activity.

Unholy alliance.
You're fooling yourself, if you've convinced yourself that all repulicans believe in an imaginary sky daddy...
Your comment also proves Republicans don't listen. They hear what they want to hear
We will file it the factual science studies. The far right evangelical take on Bible and evolution is hokeum. Always has been.
You can't address the OP so you go on a hate filled rant. So typical.
Science and Bible dovetail. Far right evangelicalism bases its hate on others who disagree with its principles of hatred and exclusion.
Yep, you can't refute the fact that evolutionists lost a huge chunk of their argument when we learned that junk DNA does not exist.
Why is that? I am not familiar with that argument either way.
The conversation really is over the moment they admit they believe the story in Genesis.

And the evidence they have is their cults holy book. It tells stories and if we don't believe the impossible we burn in hell
The conversation continues, because Christian belief of Genesis ranges from literalism to allegorical guidance.
CrusaderFrank, unsurprisingly, considering his situation, is confused.
Do you see now why it is so easy to fool republicans with fake news? If they believe an imaginary man, with absolutely no evidence, POOFED living things onto this earth, then they can be convinced that Republicans care about the middle class.

Wisconsin-based atheist group sues President Trump over church order

Donald Trump’s order aimed at easing an IRS rule limiting religious organizations’ political activity.

Unholy alliance.
You're fooling yourself, if you've convinced yourself that all repulicans believe in an imaginary sky daddy...
Your comment also proves Republicans don't listen. They hear what they want to hear
sealy, you are being as silly as those you oppose. Not all GOP are theists, many are quite good at constructive evaluation and critical thinking.
The thing is no one really knows how everything came into being, yes there's the widely accepted theory of evolution and the big bang theory. But still nobody cab step forward and say with absolute certainty that they can explain how life originated on the planet and if the one and only BB really took place bilions of years ago and brough about life in the universe or was it just one of many randomly occuring cosmic events of little significance

We may as well have come from other planet that lay beyond our own galaxy, who knows? We probably live in the super giant multiverse but unfortunately can only see 13,7 billion years back in the past while the truth can only be found behind this time barrier. So it's no wonder that human kind is basically split up into two groups: believers in a benevolent being with superpowers and the rest of the world population who understand how insignificant and ignorant they are, but are still against all odds willing to seek the truth even though they know that it may be never discovered, no matter how hard the brightest minds of our civilization try.

The two warring camps know very little about the true origins of the universe and tend to desperately cling on to a well defined set of beliefs depending on who they are: scientifically literate folks or god fearing people. In the light of the abysmal ignorance of our race neither do I support god believers nor slavishly succumb to the speculations of scientists. I'd rather learn smth from both of the groups and make my own conclusions.

With love from Russia;)
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CrusaderFrank, unsurprisingly, considering his situation, is confused.
Do you see now why it is so easy to fool republicans with fake news? If they believe an imaginary man, with absolutely no evidence, POOFED living things onto this earth, then they can be convinced that Republicans care about the middle class.

Wisconsin-based atheist group sues President Trump over church order

Donald Trump’s order aimed at easing an IRS rule limiting religious organizations’ political activity.

Unholy alliance.
You're fooling yourself, if you've convinced yourself that all repulicans believe in an imaginary sky daddy...
Your comment also proves Republicans don't listen. They hear what they want to hear
sealy, you are being as silly as those you oppose. Not all GOP are theists, many are quite good at constructive evaluation and critical thinking.

This is the second person to feel the need to tell me that not ALL GOP are theists. Thanks guys. I already knew that. In fact you are commenting to my comment that I didn't make that comment.

Did I suggest all theists are Republicans or visa versa? I don't think so. Read what I said again and then tell me if I said that all theists are Republicans or visa versa. I did not. But we all know the kind of theists the Republicans pray on. Let me give you a hint they aren't muslims, even though they too are theists.

The kinds of theists republicans cater to are the kind in the bible belt. People who think all non christians are going to hell. Gays are going to hell, muslims are going to hell. They are the kind that may or may not be ok with Jews and Mormons.
The thing is no one really knows how everything came into being, yes there's the widely accepted theory of evolution and the big bang theory. But still nobody cab step forward and say with absolute certainty that they can explain how life originated on the planet and if the one and only BB really took place bilions of years ago and brough about life in the universe or was it just one of many randomly occuring cosmic events of little significance

We may as well have come from other planet that lay beyond our own galaxy, who knows? We probably live in the super giant multiverse but unfortunately can only see 13,7 billion years back in the past while the truth can only be found behind this time barrier. So it's no wonder that human kind is basically split up into two groups: believers in a benevolent being with superpowers and the rest of the world population who understand how insignificant and ignorant they are, but are still against all odds willing to seek the truth even though they know that it may be never discovered, no matter how hard the brightest minds of our civilization try.

The two warring camps know very little about the true origins of the universe and tend to desperately cling on to a well defined set of beliefs depending on who they are: scientifically literate folks or god fearing people. In the light of the abysmal ignorance of our race neither do I support god believers nor slavishly succumb to the speculations of scientists. I'd rather learn smth from both of the groups and make my own conclusions.

So basically you agree with us atheists. Thank you for admitting it when you agree with us that no one really knows.

Because the Genesis story claims it does know. You said "no one can step forward and say with absolute certainty that they can explain how life originated on the planet" That is true. As an agnostic atheist I agree 100%
CrusaderFrank, unsurprisingly, considering his situation, is confused.
Do you see now why it is so easy to fool republicans with fake news? If they believe an imaginary man, with absolutely no evidence, POOFED living things onto this earth, then they can be convinced that Republicans care about the middle class.

Wisconsin-based atheist group sues President Trump over church order

Donald Trump’s order aimed at easing an IRS rule limiting religious organizations’ political activity.

Unholy alliance.
You're fooling yourself, if you've convinced yourself that all repulicans believe in an imaginary sky daddy...
Your comment also proves Republicans don't listen. They hear what they want to hear
sealy, you are being as silly as those you oppose. Not all GOP are theists, many are quite good at constructive evaluation and critical thinking.

I think that's what cognitive dissonance is all about. In other words they know people can't walk on water, virgins can't give births, noah's story doesn't make sense, etc. but they don't question all the details. They just put aside those doubts and believe because of wishful thinking and/or being afraid they'll burn in hell for questioning. So they don't dare give it much thought because if they did they would realize how silly it is. This is the majority of theists. Wishful thinkers and brainwashed from birth too.

That doesn't stop them from being intelligent when it comes to other things like engineering or math or science. Lots of religious scientists. Scientists want to go to heaven too. They hope gramma is in a better place too. They can be superstitious too. Cognitive Dissonance.

Why are you defending GOP all of the sudden?
Yes, sealybobo, to be completely honest with you, i'm leaning more toward people who want to get to the bottom of things rather than throw up hands in the air, saying "God created us, we have all the answers we do not need to ask questions anymore" I love science ,my hero is Neil Tyson, passionate educator (I guees, you know him) However, I realise thar scientists do not have all the answers and have barely scratched the surface so I don't want to take sides. There's a thing or two that religion can teach a person especially when they feel lost. Besides, a lot of humans need to have someone up in the sky watching over them. If you take that away from them, they lose any hope for a brighter future.

Science is in a way also a form of religion, the only difference is facts are your GOD;)
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sealbobo finally confirms that he "already knew that" not all GOP are theists.

He makes a silly comment with "we all know the kind of theists the Republicans pray on."

sealy is concerned others think he may be going to hell.

Why is any of that important, sealy?

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