The More Things Change.....

So the cons want a war with Russia?

I've decided we must dub this latest flare up of conservative bellicosity

'the Charge of the Right Brigade'.

...and yes you will win a dandy prize for explaining the brilliance of that pun.


"The United States and Britain “reaffirmed” their commitment to protect Ukraine’s borders in exchange for the nation giving up its nuclear weapons in a little-known agreement known as the “Budapest Memorandum signed by former President Bill Clinton in 1994."
....Reaffirming a “commitment” to Ukraine’s borders and being legally required to go to war are two very different ideas."
Fact Check: Could a Little-Known International Agreement With Ukraine Force U.S., Britain Into War With Russia? |

Now....since the term "war" doesn't appear in the OP.....

....could you explain yourself?

Okay, before I research the Budapest Memorandum (which sounds like a good title for a mediocre spy movie from the 60's)

if as you are claiming, the US and UK have a treaty obligation to militarily defend the Ukraine's borders,

how can your OP not be talking about war?
So the cons want a war with Russia?

I've decided we must dub this latest flare up of conservative bellicosity

'the Charge of the Right Brigade'.

...and yes you will win a dandy prize for explaining the brilliance of that pun.


"The United States and Britain “reaffirmed” their commitment to protect Ukraine’s borders in exchange for the nation giving up its nuclear weapons in a little-known agreement known as the “Budapest Memorandum signed by former President Bill Clinton in 1994."
....Reaffirming a “commitment” to Ukraine’s borders and being legally required to go to war are two very different ideas."
Fact Check: Could a Little-Known International Agreement With Ukraine Force U.S., Britain Into War With Russia? |

Now....since the term "war" doesn't appear in the OP.....

....could you explain yourself?

Explain? I was making a joke that I guessed no one would get. I guessed right.

The Charge of the Light Brigade took place in the Crimean War. ha ha. Get it? lol

I'm here mostly for my own amusement, btw, in case that isn't clear.

1. The demand was for you to explain the blatantly false "So the cons want a war with Russia?"

Had nothing to do with any alleged joke......don't give up the day job.

2. "I'm here mostly for my own amusement,..."
So saith Pee-Wee Herman.....
"The United States and Britain “reaffirmed” their commitment to protect Ukraine’s borders in exchange for the nation giving up its nuclear weapons in a little-known agreement known as the “Budapest Memorandum signed by former President Bill Clinton in 1994."
....Reaffirming a “commitment” to Ukraine’s borders and being legally required to go to war are two very different ideas."
Fact Check: Could a Little-Known International Agreement With Ukraine Force U.S., Britain Into War With Russia? |

Now....since the term "war" doesn't appear in the OP.....

....could you explain yourself?

Explain? I was making a joke that I guessed no one would get. I guessed right.

The Charge of the Light Brigade took place in the Crimean War. ha ha. Get it? lol

I'm here mostly for my own amusement, btw, in case that isn't clear.

1. The demand was for you to explain the blatantly false "So the cons want a war with Russia?"

Had nothing to do with any alleged joke......don't give up the day job.

2. "I'm here mostly for my own amusement,..."
So saith Pee-Wee Herman.....

So you're taking war off the table, despite the fact that you're citing supposed obligations that keep war on the table.

Make up your mind.

Try having one of your rare moments of lucidity and try discussing the issue as if it's not just one more lame excuse to bash President Obama.
Explain? I was making a joke that I guessed no one would get. I guessed right.

The Charge of the Light Brigade took place in the Crimean War. ha ha. Get it? lol

I'm here mostly for my own amusement, btw, in case that isn't clear.

1. The demand was for you to explain the blatantly false "So the cons want a war with Russia?"

Had nothing to do with any alleged joke......don't give up the day job.

2. "I'm here mostly for my own amusement,..."
So saith Pee-Wee Herman.....

So you're taking war off the table, despite the fact that you're citing supposed obligations that keep war on the table.

Make up your mind.

Try having one of your rare moments of lucidity and try discussing the issue as if it's not just one more lame excuse to bash President Obama.

"So you're taking war off the table,...."

You keep bringing up 'war,' while it is clear that you are the only one mentioning it.

That brings the discussion down to this fact of one's natural ability.
Some can see an entire constellation of actions, and even judge the outcomes of each.

Some are only able to see 'either-or' as courses.
Raise your paw.
....the more they remain the same.

1. "Russia is in "operational control" of Crimea as soldiers surround Ukrainian troops and seize a ferry port.

2. Hundreds of Russian soldiers have surrounded a military base in Crimea, preventing Ukrainian soldiers from going in or out.

3. Speaking at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva later, Mr Lavrov said Russian troops were necessary in Ukraine "until the normalisation of the political situation" and dismissed threats of sanctions and boycotts."
Russia And China 'In Agreement' Over Ukraine

“History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.”
― Mark Twain

"...After my election, I have more flexibility,” he tells outgoing Russian president Dmitry Medvedev...."
- Obama

4. In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, Ambassador William Bullitt warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.'

He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies.
"For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

5. FDR replied:
"Bill, I don't dispute your facts, they are accurate, I don't dispute the logic of your reasoning. I have just had a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man. Harry says he's not and that he doesn't want anything in the world but security for his country, and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace."
William C. Bullitt, "How We Won The War and Lost The Peace," Life Magazine, August 30, 1948, p. 94

next thing you know we'll be sending them a billion dollars :eusa_whistle:
"The United States and Britain “reaffirmed” their commitment to protect Ukraine’s borders in exchange for the nation giving up its nuclear weapons in a little-known agreement known as the “Budapest Memorandum signed by former President Bill Clinton in 1994."
....Reaffirming a “commitment” to Ukraine’s borders and being legally required to go to war are two very different ideas."
Fact Check: Could a Little-Known International Agreement With Ukraine Force U.S., Britain Into War With Russia? |

Now....since the term "war" doesn't appear in the OP.....

....could you explain yourself?

Explain? I was making a joke that I guessed no one would get. I guessed right.

The Charge of the Light Brigade took place in the Crimean War. ha ha. Get it? lol

I'm here mostly for my own amusement, btw, in case that isn't clear.

1. The demand was for you to explain the blatantly false "So the cons want a war with Russia?"

Had nothing to do with any alleged joke......don't give up the day job.

2. "I'm here mostly for my own amusement,..."
So saith Pee-Wee Herman.....

Why are 'cons' attacking President Obama for his handling of this situation when the 'cons' cannot elucidate any alternative policy that differs materially from what the Administration is doing?
Explain? I was making a joke that I guessed no one would get. I guessed right.

The Charge of the Light Brigade took place in the Crimean War. ha ha. Get it? lol

I'm here mostly for my own amusement, btw, in case that isn't clear.

1. The demand was for you to explain the blatantly false "So the cons want a war with Russia?"

Had nothing to do with any alleged joke......don't give up the day job.

2. "I'm here mostly for my own amusement,..."
So saith Pee-Wee Herman.....

Why are 'cons' attacking President Obama for his handling of this situation when the 'cons' cannot elucidate any alternative policy that differs materially from what the Administration is doing?

I can state why I attack his lack of a cohesive foreign policy.....because he has never had one.
He, as well as any who voted for him, has proven to be inexperienced and incompetent.

Over and over.

1. Biden: Obama will be tested:
"It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."
Biden: Obama will be tested - Ben Smith -
Even Biden knew this guy was a lightweight!

a. There is some doubt that Senator Obama knew who the president of France was. Obama writes letter to Chirac - blogosphere goes crazy -

b. And, this Illinois senator suggested that he would offer American diplomatic intervention to aid Pakistan toward Kashmir.

c. The Obama White House misspelled the name of the president of Brazil. Lula And Obama Meet On Saturday To Discuss Financial Crisis, Regional Politics

d. Obama refuses to support the rule of law in Honduras.
The Rougblog: Another Obama Gaffe in Foreign Policy

2. “The Iranian regime, having spent the first couple of weeks of Barack Obama's presidency preemptively scorning his overtures, mocking his weakness, and assuring the world its nuclear program is nonnegotiable, last Tuesday reported it had launched a satellite into orbit, making clear that Iran intends to have a missile launch capability on which to deploy its nuclear warheads.” Testing 1-2-3 | The Weekly Standard

a. “In the last several days it has been reported that Iran is planning to place medium-range missiles in Venezuela. Such information seems to confirm last November’s article published by the German daily Die Welt. The newspaper reported that an agreement was signed last October between the two countries; a fact that has remained mostly unknown to the public.” Breitbart News: Big Peace

3. “On the same day as the Iranian satellite launch, it was reported that, under pressure and inducements from Russia, Kyrgyzstan would no longer allow the United States to use an airbase that supports coalition military operations in Afghanistan. This came as Obama plans to increase U.S. force levels in Afghanistan, and the already overburdened supply lines from Pakistan seem increasingly vulnerable to attacks from Taliban forces in that country's frontier areas.” (Testing 1-2-3 | The Weekly Standard.)

a. And, continued to back down: “Barack Obama has abandoned the controversial Pentagon plan to build a missile defence system in Europe that had long soured relations with Russia.”
Obama abandons missile defence shield in Europe | World news |

b. Announcing the formation of a “rapid reaction force” with six former Soviet republics, a regional Russian-led strike force meant to reassert Russian hegemony in the Muslim belt north of Afghanistan. Krauthammer: Obama faces foreign tests and shows a lack of spine - Houston Chronicle

c. Planning to establish a Black Sea naval base in Georgia’s breakaway province of Abkhazia, conquered by Moscow last summer. (ibid.)

d. Obama begs Russians not to make him look bad before the election: “Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election” Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election | Reuters

e. "Russia has deployed S-400 mobile surface-to-air missiles along the Polish and Lithuanian border in Kaliningrad, reports referring to the Russian newspaper Izvestia."
Russia deploys S-400 missile defence in Kaliningrad | The Lithuania TribuneThe Lithuania Tribune

4. “And on that very same day, North Korea, having in the first week of the Obama presidency scrapped all its agreements with South Korea and warned of war on the Korean peninsula, was reported to be preparing to test a new ballistic missile, the Taepodong-2, which is intended to eventually have a long enough range to hit U.S. territory.” Kristol, (op. cit.)
De Borchgrave: Obama Administration 'Totally Blind' in Confronting North Korea
Read more on De Borchgrave: Obama Administration 'Totally Blind' in Confronting North Korea
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

a. Foreign policy expert Arnaud de Borchgrave tells Newsmax that U.S. intelligence agencies exhibited serious flaws in being “totally blind” to the death of North Korea leader Kim Jong Il.

Despite the massive resources of the United States’ 16 intelligence services, with100,000 employees and an annual combined budget of about $80 billion a year, they didn’t know about Kim’s death on Saturday until North Korea finally announced it on Sunday, the award-winning journalist noted during an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV.
De Borchgrave: Obama Administration 'Totally Blind' in Confronting North Korea

5. “Pakistan freed from house arrest A.Q. Khan, the notorious proliferator who sold nuclear technology to North Korea, Libya and Iran. Ten days later, Islamabad capitulated to the Taliban, turning over to its tender mercies the Swat Valley, 100 miles from the capital. Not only will sharia law now reign there, but the democratically elected secular party will be hunted down as the Pakistani army stands down.” Krauthammer, (op. cit.)

So, is this President capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time? Is he competent to juggle all of the responsibilities of his office? Perhaps not, based on his inane statement to CNN's Anderson Cooper, in February of 2009: "Look, the only measure of my success as president, when people look back five years from now or nine years from now, is going to be, did I get this economy fixed?"

6. With three years to negotiate with Iraq on a basis for leaving an American troop presence in Iraq to serve as a counterbalance to Iranian pressure in post war Iraq, and to protect the American diplomats and embassy there, he was unable to!

Rather than this event as one of promise-keeping, it is one more sign of the incompetence of this President.

He has no more achievements in foreign policy than in domestic.

"The formation will be distributed as follows: 8,000 servicemen labeled US diplomats would be attached to operations command centers housed in secret, secure quarters at the embassy in Baghdad and in US consulates in Iraqi cities, including missions yet to be opened,” states the report. “Another 7,000 troops were classified as US security officers – 4,000 for protecting “US diplomats” and 3,000 as military instructors.”
Prison » 15,000 US Troops to Remain In Iraq, Renamed “Diplomats”
(the source is the Depka File)

By way of comparison, the US has some 60,000 troops in Europe.
BBC NEWS | Americas | US troops to remain in Europe

7. Failure to destroy the drone that landed in Iran is a dereliction of duty.
“At the very least, this shows why the idea of Obama as “commander in chief” is absurd and laughable. Who ever heard of a Commander who was afraid to command troops into battle? At it’s worst, it shows a conspiracy theory of the highest magnitude. Many could rightly conclude that Obama’s refusal to either destroy or recapture the drone would prove that he purposely gave them the drone.”

8. Another foreign policy failure by the pretender in the White House:
“The United States is "disgusted" by Russia and China's decision to veto a U.N. Security Council resolution today that called for an immediate end to the violence in Syria, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice said today….The vetoes came after a week of intense negotiations to gain Russian support for a resolution it had opposed from the start. The resolution supported an Arab League plan that called for an immediate end to the violence in Syria and a political solution to the crisis. “

9. Alienated:
Czech Republic

10. Obama engagement policy 'in tatters' after North Korean rocket defiance
US officials expect Pyongyang to carry out third nuclear test in near future, respresenting significant policy failure for president.. Barack Obama's policy of engagement with North Korea lies "in tatters" after it was effectively shot down by Pynongyang's defiant but failed attempt to launch a long-range rocket.
Former US officials closely involved with North Korea policy said Washington's attempt to win agreement from Pyongyang to abandon its development of nuclear weapons and rockets in exchange for desperately-needed food aid has failed.
Obama engagement policy 'in tatters' after North Korean rocket defiance | World news |

11. 1."WARSAW, Poland -- Poland's prime minister said Wednesday he wasn't completely satisfied with a White House explanation that President Barack Obama misspoke when he referred to "Polish death camps" during a ceremony honoring a World War II hero, saying he wants a "stronger, more pointed" response.

2.The phrasing is considered hugely offensive in Poland, where Nazi Germany murdered Poles, Jews and others in death camps it built during World War II on Polish and German territory.

3. Poles have responded with outrage, maintaining Obama should have called it a "German death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland," to distinguish the perpetrators from the location.

4. Donald Tusk said he was accepting a White House explanation that Obama misspoke but was still waiting for a "stronger, more pointed reaction" that could eliminate the phrasing "once and for all."

5. Tusk said it was a "matter of the U.S.'s reputation." He hinted it should include facts about Nazi Germany's brutal occupation of Poland.

6. Former President and Solidarity founder Lech Walesa said the phrase confused henchmen with their victims...

7. The Polish Embassy in Washington, on its website, has a "how-to guide" on concentration camps that states that references to Polish death camps are "factually incorrect slurs" that should be corrected."
Obama 'Polish death camp' reference: Poles outraged over president's comment

12. This story hasn’t gotten much traction in the mainstream media, but Texas Sen. John Cornyn has been on it all week: Russian submarine activity in the Gulf of Mexico.
After receiving no satisfaction to earlier comments to the media, Cornyn wrote a letter today to Admiral Jonathan Greenert, the Pentagon’s Chief of Naval Operations, demanding answers.
“The submarine patrol, taken together with the air incursions, seems to represent a more aggressive and destabilizing Russian military stance that could pose risks to our national security,” Cornyn wrote. “This is especially troubling given the drastic defense cuts sought by President Obama, which include reductions in funding for antisubmarine defense systems.”
The story has received relatively little attention since appearing in the conservative media outlet The Washington Free Beacon. According to the original report by longtime military correspondent Bill Gertz:
Red October redux? John Cornyn demands answers from Pentagon on Russian sub in Gulf of Mexico (UPDATED) - Texas on the Potomac

13. Benghazi, Libya...our installation is attacked, the administration follows it in real time....

"It wasn't a copycat. It was a sustained attack that lasted for six or eight hours,..."
Althouse: After the Benghazi attack: "We're going through a mission accomplished moment."

...and there is no rapid-response team sent????

No air cover????
“Some lawmakers are asking why U.S. military help from outside Libya didn't arrive as terrorists battered more than 30 Americans over the course of more than seven hours. The assault was launched by an armed mob of dozens that torched buildings and used rocket propelled grenades, mortars and AK-47 rifles. CBS News has been told that, hours after the attack began, an unmanned Predator drone was sent over the U.S. mission in Benghazi, and that the drone and other reconnaissance aircraft apparently observed the final hours of the protracted battle. Could U.S. military have helped during Libya attack? - CBS News
Silence.....meaning French-flavored defeat, eh?

Here, from the Washington Post:

14. "President Obama’s foreign policy is based on fantasy

FOR FIVE YEARS, President Obama has led a foreign policy based more on how he thinks the world should operate than on reality. It was a world in which “the tide of war is receding” and the United States could, without much risk, radically reduce the size of its armed forces.

Since the Syrian dictator crossed Mr. Obama’s red line with a chemical weapons attack that killed 1,400 civilians, the dictator’s military and diplomatic position has steadily strengthened.

... the United States discovered each time that the world became a more dangerous place without its leadership and that disorder in the world could threaten U.S. prosperity.

....he’s also in part responsible for the national mood: If a president doesn’t make the case for global engagement, no one else effectively can.

Military strength, trustworthiness as an ally, staying power in difficult corners of the world such as Afghanistan — these still matter, much as we might wish they did not. While the United States has been retrenching, the tide of democracy in the world, which once seemed inexorable, has been receding. In the long run, that’s harmful to U.S. national security, too.
President Obama?s foreign policy is based on fantasy - The Washington Post

Can we place the blame where it belong?

Obama....but, moreso, the people who put him in that position: the Oval Office.
"...the Post is a little late to this party. While they note that Russia paid no price at all for their incursion into Georgia in 2008 when George W. Bush was President, they fail to note that Republicans such as John McCain, Sarah Palin, and later Mitt Romney all argued that we had to start sending tougher signals to Putin. The media ridiculed them for their positions; Obama glibly told Romney during a presidential debate that the ’80s wanted their foreign policy back. For all of this, Obama got rewarded while his critics got marginalized."
WaPo: ?President Obama?s foreign policy is based on fantasy? « Hot Air
PC so wished that the US had joined Germany and the UK to destroy the USSR.
PC so wished that the US had joined Germany and the UK to destroy the USSR.

1. Perhaps you can help me with this, as I crave clarity:

Are you more a fool, or more a liar?

2. And, if you're not too busy, how about clearing up the puzzle as to why your post has nothing to do with the OP to which you are ostensibly responding.

3. Please...don't take that the wrong way....I'm thrilled that you joined in. I can never get enough senseless prattle.
Uh.....nobody was threatening "ethnic Russians" in Ukraine, that is a fucking lie by Putin to justify his ILLEGAL invasion of a sovereign nation.

In Putin's deranged mind, they were being threatened because the Pro-Moscow crook in Kiev was ousted. That's all the reason he needed. He wanted Ukraine to be his bitch, not friends with the West. Can't have that.
So the cons want a war with Russia?

I've decided we must dub this latest flare up of conservative bellicosity

'the Charge of the Right Brigade'.

...and yes you will win a dandy prize for explaining the brilliance of that pun.



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