The Melting Pot

But its getting unAmerican fast at about 12 million new foreigners a year are ushered in by biden and with your approval
Thank You for posting the data from the NPR site.

But, the chart itself doesn't support the claiming of 12 million new foreigners a year. More like 10.5 Million SINCE 2005.
Do you still really believe the at about 12 million new foreigners a year, you posted above, or was that number just hyperbole for effect?

I get the panic and the sense of "I'm being taken OVER by illegals" but 12 million per year is not anywhere near correct, according to the NPR chart you posted.
Screenshot 2023-12-10 at 8.50.34 AM.png

Thats a deep dive that I dont have time for

But including legal immigrants a recent report put foreign born residents at about 25%
More like 13.9%, or 14-15 % as we sit today, as you mention below.

According to recent data the percentage is about 14-15%

Thats way too high
The very existence and considerable influence of identity politics tells us we are no longer a melting pot.

Multiculturalism is all about NOT melting.

Good grief, just look at the Democrat party. Do they EVER try to appeal to all Americans? Of course not. The simply indulge in niche marketing targeting various subgroups trying to convince them that they are disaffected and so should vote Democrat. It's all just demagoguery 101 made easier by the breakdown in cohesiveness of a common culture.
The very existence and considerable influence of identity politics tells us we are no longer a melting pot.

Multiculturalism is all about NOT melting.

Good grief, just look at the Democrat party. Do they EVER try to appeal to all Americans? Of course not. The simply indulge in niche marketing targeting various subgroups trying to convince them that they are disaffected and so should vote Democrat. It's all just demagoguery 101 made easier by the breakdown in cohesiveness of a common culture.
Reagan was one of the greatest in uniting the country. The DemocRAT party foisted up worthless candidates, and still do.
I have never opposed deporting those here illegally. We are NOT going to "seal" the border. That is just stupid.

more BS say-nothing spin. Ten million surrendered after coming across illegally. Yet the BS asylum claim is allowed AFTER the border breach? WTH?

yes you can seal the border. Walls work. We already have Border patrol but they are running bed & breakfast centers for your Dreamers.

note: the only thing melting is powdered Coke into Crack rocks when they get a room and a Gas outlet. Get off it Unk….you can’t have all of both sides. We see thru your BS.
Historically, immigrants came to this country and insisted that their kids speak English, go to public schools, and assimilate as quickly as possible.
My great grandparents put gramps on the boat when he was in his teens, all the lowest most unaccommodating decks

He arrived at ellis island , only to meet ........>>>>


which resulted in him being placed in uniform, and sent back across the pond

the fam joke being, the first word of english he learned was 'DUCK!'


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