The media railroading of Lorincz


Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2020
Las Vegas and Chicago
You have a white woman who shot and killed a black woman at the white woman’s home. She was a woman who kept to herself. She had a dispute with the Black woman’s (Owen) kids. Owens went to confront her (Lorincz) at her home. After that she was shot and killed. Very little specifics are known.

However, the media has made a decision because it is a white woman that killed a black woman. MSNBC is the worst they actually stated a racist white woman murdered a Black mother of 4 in cold blood! They are painting Lorincz as an evil, mean and racist woman. I mean the vile scumbag POS Ben Crump is there and he said she made racist remarks with zero proof she said anything. They are painting the children as innocent well behaved angels (yeah because black kids of a single mom always are 😂).They are painting Owens as a level-headed woman who just went over to Lorincz’s home for a friendly chat to reach a middle ground. The officer is passing judgment based on so called testimony which he gives no details.

No facts are known but the media has passed judgment!

Here is what mostly likely transpired.
(1) You have an over-welmed single mother of 4 kids with mostly different fathers in which the fathers have no relationship with the kids.

(2) The 4 boys are unsupervised, unruly and disrespectful and were antagonistic to Lorincz! Kids with zero respect for authority or elders. They have probably did many things to Lorincz and her property.

(3) Owen’s dog got onto Lorincz’s property. Who knows the type of dog, but if it was out by itself most likely it was a bigger dog (pit maybe). Anyone could be mad about that.

(4) Lorincz and Owens had confrontations about her unruly kids and probably got yelled at and told her kids can “do wat dey peeess, f-off cracker.”

(5) The day of shooting the kids were probably intentionally antagonizing her, leaving skates on her property and she confronted them. Probably in a loud and mean way. No doubt she tossed the skates at them.

(6) Now momma bear who was not supervising her unruly kids, comes to Lorincz’s house and is banging in the door and screaming for her to come outside. Lorincz elderly and can’t physically defend herself. Owens is young and big woman and her 12 yr old was with her.

Damn right she had a right to be scared. Now did she have to wait until the door was kicked open? I don’t know, but for the Officer to say she didn’t have a right to fear for her safety is negligent at best!

And what is Ben Crump doing there? He is a scumbag ambulance chasing race hustler. He doesn’t have a shred of ethics or morality to him! The family loses creditability by his presence alone!

Another white person “George Zimmerman’ed” by the media!

You have a white woman who shot and killed a black woman at the white woman’s home. She was a woman who kept to herself. She had a dispute with the Black woman’s (Owen) kids. Owens went to confront her (Lorincz) at her home. After that she was shot and killed. Very little specifics are known.

However, the media has made a decision because it is a white woman that killed a black woman. MSNBC is the worst they actually stated a racist white woman murdered a Black mother of 4 in cold blood! They are painting Lorincz as an evil, mean and racist woman. I mean the vile scumbag POS Ben Crump is there and he said she made racist remarks with zero proof she said anything. They are painting the children as innocent well behaved angels (yeah because black kids of a single mom always are 😂).They are painting Owens as a level-headed woman who just went over to Lorincz’s home for a friendly chat to reach a middle ground. The officer is passing judgment based on so called testimony which he gives no details.

No facts are known but the media has passed judgment!

Here is what mostly likely transpired.
(1) You have an over-welmed single mother of 4 kids with mostly different fathers in which the fathers have no relationship with the kids.

(2) The 4 boys are unsupervised, unruly and disrespectful and were antagonistic to Lorincz! Kids with zero respect for authority or elders. They have probably did many things to Lorincz and her property.

(3) Owen’s dog got onto Lorincz’s property. Who knows the type of dog, but if it was out by itself most likely it was a bigger dog (pit maybe). Anyone could be mad about that.

(4) Lorincz and Owens had confrontations about her unruly kids and probably got yelled at and told her kids can “do wat dey peeess, f-off cracker.”

(5) The day of shooting the kids were probably intentionally antagonizing her, leaving skates on her property and she confronted them. Probably in a loud and mean way. No doubt she tossed the skates at them.

(6) Now momma bear who was not supervising her unruly kids, comes to Lorincz’s house and is banging in the door and screaming for her to come outside. Lorincz elderly and can’t physically defend herself. Owens is young and big woman and her 12 yr old was with her.

Damn right she had a right to be scared. Now did she have to wait until the door was kicked open? I don’t know, but for the Officer to say she didn’t have a right to fear for her safety is negligent at best!

And what is Ben Crump doing there? He is a scumbag ambulance chasing race hustler. He doesn’t have a shred of ethics or morality to him! The family loses creditability by his presence alone!

Another white person “George Zimmerman’ed” by the media!

Owens knocked on the door at 9 PM. Without opening the door, the owner of the house shot Owens through the door.

It is not a stand your ground case. She did not even open the door and shot the neighbor, who was with one of her children outside the door, without any threat at all to her.

Knocking on one's door should not be a reason for anyone to die, and the same thing happened with the 85 year old man shooting a black teenager through the door without saying one word between them.

Fear is making some people go overboard, and yes, it is against the law to shoot anyone if your life is not being threatened. Zimmerman was the same thing. He had no right to shoot anyone because he felt that he, Zimmerman, was for any reason, protecting the neighborhood.
One of the most interesting details about the event was that she used a .380. That isn't a very powerful round yet it traversed the door and still had enough umph to kill.
One of the most interesting details about the event was that she used a .380. That isn't a very powerful round yet it traversed the door and still had enough umph to kill.

Cheap door
Owens knocked on the door at 9 PM. Without opening the door, the owner of the house shot Owens through the door.

It is not a stand your ground case. She did not even open the door and shot the neighbor, who was with one of her children outside the door, without any threat at all to her.

Knocking on one's door should not be a reason for anyone to die, and the same thing happened with the 85 year old man shooting a black teenager through the door without saying one word between them.

Fear is making some people go overboard, and yes, it is against the law to shoot anyone if your life is not being threatened. Zimmerman was the same thing. He had no right to shoot anyone because he felt that he, Zimmerman, was for any reason, protecting the neighborhood.
Yes the media is pushing that narrative, but be honest. She is a single mom who doesn’t supervisor her kids, they had an ongoing feud, her kids told her the white women assaulted them,,, you really believe she just knocked on the door? Not a chance! She came over and banged on the door and demanded she come out. That is very threatening.
Yes the media is pushing that narrative, but be honest. She is a single mom who doesn’t supervisor her kids, they had an ongoing feud, her kids told her the white women assaulted them,,, you really believe she just knocked on the door? Not a chance! She came over and banged on the door and demanded she come out. That is very threatening.
Threatening to someone who has a gun?

Go BS somewhere else.

The Prosecutors have the facts, not you.

She felt threatened, call the police and do not come outside.

AND mostly, do not shoot your gun at someone through the door.

THAT is what normal people do.

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