The meaning of LiFe ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Sadfully there ain't none.Ants have more meaning.Even
Birds who know enough to not flock outside their chosen species.
Woman have more purpose than Men.They are goal oriented.
To Shop { spend money and Gossip } plus Bitch.
Men make for good fighters { like in most Wars and the MMA
octagon }. Plus men are great clowns.Women,not so mush.
Carl Gustav Jung was onto to something when he compared
a great work of Art to a Dream " For all it's apparent obviousness it
does not explain itself and is never unequivocal. "
Birds and Ants are not consumed but with one infinite goal.
Man and Woman live to devise meaning in their life.
Often times NOT by careful thought but by peer pressure
and convention { habits within a group. }
Great example is the Dopey meme { Narrative } behind
BLM.Historically it will be shown to be a classic example of
failure within a society.Like Dadaism.
Yes,Ants and Birds fail.But they Do Not Change.
If Man is a Rational animal ... then how come Love and Fear tend
to exclude each other.Or how come Jenghiz Khan {Mongol Emperor }
proclaimed " Every man who does not go to war must work for the
emperor,without reward, for a certain time. "
Is life more focused on reward than simple goals.
Strength and Love { 1963 }
" Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere
ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
If man hasn't discovered something that he will die for,
he isn't fit to live. "
-- Martin Luther King,Jr.
The Good news,regardless of whether one is a confirmed
widdle Existentialist like Jean-Paul Sarte is Theology.
And God's role of Creating Man in his likeness with
Free Will.Because .. " No power of genius has ever yet had
the smallest success in explaining existence. " -- Thomas Carlyle
Because " The difference between a good man and a bad one
is the choice of the cause. "
My first act of Free Will shall be to believe in free will. "
-- William James { American psychologist,philosopher }
We as a society of humans are failing Big Time in creating
worthy Philosophers.Like move over Rover and let the
Comics take over.Or the Pols { politicians } or the new dregs of
Society the Ruling class Aristocrats who are anything but
aristocratic.Queen Elizabeth II was a fine dedicated Mother
Queen.But her role was more relegated to Mores & Manners
and not building a strong country.Europe has been in freefall
for some time.France and now Canada are petty.
Comics love examples of petty.Like I say ... we have way too
many Comics here in the States.That seem as if enlightened to showcase
how many times they can utter the " F " word.
The meaning of life....
To make the best with what you do have, and not dwell on what you don't have.
It is more than that of course, but that is a LARGE part of it.
Find a good partner in life, be their advocate. If they are not your advocate, leave them and find a different one till you find your advocate.
Have children, raise them well. The satisfaction and meaning of that far exceeds anything else you will ever do in your life.
Some of yall are just over thinking it. Life is just a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% fatality rate...
The meaning of life....
To make the best with what you do have, and not dwell on what you don't have.
It is more than that of course, but that is a LARGE part of it.
Find a good partner in life, be their advocate. If they are not your advocate, leave them and find a different one till you find your advocate.
Have children, raise them well. The satisfaction and meaning of that far exceeds anything else you will ever do in your life.
Much of raising kids has to do with Life realities.
When Life in America { once the bastion of Greatness
worldwide and once the lone Superpower } is now virtually
teetering on the brink of being hijacked from the inside out,
one need do more than just question it and lay back.
Public Schools,and University's are now bastions of Unamericanism.
Making Wokeness a priority.Attacking Americanism.Teaching and lying
about Critical Race Theory taught to kids.Lying about Election integrity.
As if lying about a Pandemic don't beat all.
It's far too easy to just say ... Grin and bear it.
Look on the bright side.Even Grandmas and Grandpas have
wised-up past that bullcrap.
" Philosophy is not a theory but an activity. "
Ludwig Wittgenstein { British philosopher } "
I sometimes think that God,in creating men,
somewhat overestimated his ability. "
-- Oscar Wilde
Some of yall are just over thinking it. Life is just a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% fatality rate...
So then Cloistered Nuns and Brothers are guilty of
transmitting disease or Life.I wonder what those like Saint
Bernadette of Lourdes would have thought of that bold
lie if told by her peers.No I doesn't.
Humans were much smarter back in her Day.
Each decade the human race is being dumbed-down.
You are a perfect example.
We as a society of humans are failing Big Time in creating
worthy Philosophers.Like move over Rover and let the
Comics take over.Or the Pols { politicians } or the new dregs of
Society the Ruling class Aristocrats who are anything but
aristocratic.Queen Elizabeth II was a fine dedicated Mother
Queen.But her role was more relegated to Mores & Manners
and not building a strong country.Europe has been in freefall
for some time.France and now Canada are petty.
Comics love examples of petty.Like I say ... we have way too
many Comics here in the States.That seem as if enlightened to showcase
how many times they can utter the " F " word.
But there are a few good philosophers out there:

Matt Walsh
Jordan Peterson
Stefan Molyneux

So then Cloistered Nuns and Brothers are guilty of
transmitting disease or Life.I wonder what those like Saint
Bernadette of Lourdes would have thought of that bold
lie if told by her peers.No I doesn't.
Humans were much smarter back in her Day.
Each decade the human race is being dumbed-down.
You are a perfect example.
Do you English?
But there are a few good philosophers out there:

Matt Walsh
Jordan Peterson
Stefan Molyneux

Not real philosophers.Not by a long stretch.Tucker Carlson far
exceeds those guys and would never dare to presume hisself any
Philosopher.Cable Outlets and Network TV does not have on
Philosophers.Because they are virtually a rarity nowadays.
" Philosophy removes from religion all
reason for existing. "
Benedetto Croce
{ Italian philosopher }
Sadfully there ain't none.Ants have more meaning.Even
Birds who know enough to not flock outside their chosen species.
Woman have more purpose than Men.They are goal oriented.
To Shop { spend money and Gossip } plus Bitch.
Men make for good fighters { like in most Wars and the MMA
octagon }. Plus men are great clowns.Women,not so mush.
Carl Gustav Jung was onto to something when he compared
a great work of Art to a Dream " For all it's apparent obviousness it
does not explain itself and is never unequivocal. "
Birds and Ants are not consumed but with one infinite goal.
Man and Woman live to devise meaning in their life.
Often times NOT by careful thought but by peer pressure
and convention { habits within a group. }
Great example is the Dopey meme { Narrative } behind
BLM.Historically it will be shown to be a classic example of
failure within a society.Like Dadaism.
Yes,Ants and Birds fail.But they Do Not Change.
If Man is a Rational animal ... then how come Love and Fear tend
to exclude each other.Or how come Jenghiz Khan {Mongol Emperor }
proclaimed " Every man who does not go to war must work for the
emperor,without reward, for a certain time. "
Is life more focused on reward than simple goals.
Strength and Love { 1963 }
" Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere
ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
If man hasn't discovered something that he will die for,
he isn't fit to live. "
-- Martin Luther King,Jr.
So — what is the meaning of life? I think people ask that question on the assumption that 'meaning' is something you can look for and go, 'Here it is, I found it. Here's the meaning. I've been looking for.' That scenario, however, doesn't consider the possibility that 'meaning' is something you create. You manufacture it for yourself and for others. Neil DeGrasse Tyson
" Philosophy removes from religion all
reason for existing. "
Benedetto Croce
{ Italian philosopher }
The meaning in life, you create, you manufacture for others. Wow, that's deep. The meaning for humans is to breed and continue the species.

But that doesn't just meet breeding. I worry about the planet. I myself am not having kids. So my purpose is not the same as humanities purpose. My purpose is to make other people's lives better. To leave the planet better off than I found it. To be a positive influence.

God I would love to be the Rolling Stones. They know in 100 years, maybe 200, people will still be listening to their music. They made the world a better place.

And we don't all have the same purpose. What is a priests purpose?

Now what is Ivan Reitman's purpose? Dude, he gave us Stripes. He definitely left this planet better off than when he came into it. Stripes alone. Then there's Animal House. Anyways, perfect example of how not everyone has the same purpose.

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