The Mar-A-Lago Papers


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
I listened to analysis of the actions of Joe Biden all through the night hearing stuff I had never heard of, and just got off listening to Trump's presser at MarALago. I'll try to recap best I can from memory some of the things that stuck with me.

First of all, the press were just clamoring for news from Trump! It was like they hadn't gotten a chance to ask (much less get an answer) from a POTUS in years; they probably hadn't.
Some things I recall about Joe Biden (most of this stuff can probably be looked up on the web for corroboration):
  • Iran has been illegally raking in billions of oil dollars for years to finance their terrorism and Biden hadn't done a thing about it.
  • Biden has done a very stupid thing to our energy independence--- he has cut us off from developing our own resources to develop both gas and oil which means that our energy prices will be going further UP. Worse, it may take an act of Congress to reverse it, Trump cannot just wave his EO hand and undo it. This makes us much more dependent on other countries for vital resources.
  • Biden has further made changes that natural gas and water heater tanks will become much more expensive.
  • Biden has released 20 or so very dangerous people back into the hands of the Middle East getting them out of Gitmo. They will be under the control of Oman now and we will be powerless to know or control what is done with them, but these people could be coming back to bite us in the ass.
  • Of course you know Biden gave Soros a medal of honor--- Soros has been principle in financing our open borders, getting criminals released from prison and opposing many other things to the vast detriment of the USA.
Some things I recall from the Trump presser:
  • Trump is hot after both Greenland and Panama. His son and others are up at Greenland right now. Trump is really torqued that we spent the equivalent of a trillion dollars building the Canal, lost about 38,000 people building it, then Jimmy Carter turned it over to them for ONE DOLLAR. Worse, Panama has been raking us over the coals charging us higher fees to use it, has allowed China to take control of both ends, and then wants us now to give them billions of dollars to help maintain it.
  • Trump intends to rename the Gulf of Mexico as the GULF OF AMERICA. I love it.
  • World leaders all over are calling thanking Trump for his return to office.
  • Things are already in the works everywhere, plans for Greenland, Canada, Panama, Mexico. Trump is shaking and moving.
  • Trump is in negotiation with Hamas to get 34 hostages released. He has given Hamas until Jan. 20 to release them or all hell is going to break out with Hamas.
  • Trump will be jumping on releasing the J6 hostages,. How many and which ones TBD.
  • Trump is hot and heavy on getting inflation down, energy up, and food prices lowered. The key to it all is energy. In other words, to do the EXACT OPPOSITE what Biden has been doing.
  • Trump has Canada over a barrel. He is putting the screws to NATO. He is squeezing the UN. He will be in talks to settle Ukraine and Russia ASAP.
  • Trump expects to get about 200 more miles of the border wall built rather quickly.
  • Trump will be remaking the FBI and the DOJ.
  • Trump is going after all the fat and lard in Washington.
About Trudeau:
Yeah, its true he resigned, but what really happened is that Parliament was going to fire him. Things are going very badly for Canada under him. So in order to avoid being fired, Trudeau resigned, but then he contacted the Governor General (I think that's what it is called) of Canada which is like the liaison to the King and asked to dissolve Parliament, the body threatening to fire him. So now that gives Trudeau at least until March to remain in office. No telling how much longer after that. To make matters worse, all those whom might replace Trudeau are basically buddies of his cut from the same cloth, so, final story, don't look for Trudeau to leave any time soon or much to change there. Meantime, Trump told Trudeau that we don't really need anything from Canada, no cars, no milk, nothing, so it is a very fluid situation.​
That is about all that comes to mind right now, of course, some of it you already knew, but there is so much overlap. The press seemed very excited about being able to actually ask Trump questions, something Biden has blocked for years, and get real news. Trump talked an hour and they easily would have been happy to go another hour.​
BTW, he mentions the case against him with his valuation of MarALago--- it was Jimmy Carter who said it was too lavish for the US government to afford as a southern winter White House and sold it. It was built by EF Hutton. Attorneys for Biden tried to claim the whole place was only worth 18 million: Trump pointed out that the chandelier hanging over their heads in the ballroom they were in was worth that much.​
If I think of anything else (there was so much more) I'll add it later.​
It was really amazing to see the stark contrast between Biden and Trump: Trump is like a supercharged V-12 against Biden's worn out farm mule. All I can say is how much damage Biden has done in recent weeks to the country, so much of it promulgated by his handler's blind devotion to green energy. No one can say why, but every one of us will be suffering the consequences as the result. Trump is very down on windmills, you can't get rid of the blades, the stupid things need constant repair, no one wants them and you can't get anyone to tear down the old ones. Very very expensive energy. Don't expect the windmill business to do well under Trump.​
Oh, yeah, one other thing: Trump will be putting an end to all this crap about energy conservation: faucets that don't give you any water, shower heads that don't get you wet, that sort of stuff, there is no point to any of it. He hates stuff that doesn't work and just makes necessary stuff harder to do and take longer. He says that in the end, you just end up using more and I agree--- I have a fridge that is always trying to close the doors on me forcing me to open the doors WIDER and spend twice as long doing stuff, half the time fighting to reopen or keep the door open that I end up letting far more cold air out than if the door wasn't fighting me and just let ME control it!​
Trump calls it the golden age of America. Make America Golden Again. Just twelve days to go.​
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Gulf of Texas lol

No, I think he wants it to be the Gulf Of America. I have no idea how he intends to do this or what Mexico thinks of the idea but I gotta love Trump's passionate America-centric POV. He takes America winning and being the best at everything very seriously and personal, there is NONE of Biden's global-centric crap in him, and if he can swing getting the name changed, more power to him.

Oh another thing: he is really torqued how the economy of the EU is roughly equal to the USA, they get far more benefit from NATO, yet we pay the lion's share into it. Expect that to change ASAP. No payee, no protection. The Art of The Deal is just surging to bust loose out of the gate sans all the inexperience, interference and impediments of his first term.

I think Trump answered more to the media in that one hour than Biden did his entire four years. The Press were hungrily sucking it all up like starved fish. They were literally climbing over each other to get a question in. Trump looked sharp as a tack. There was much about Iran, Syria and Turkey they wanted to know as well, but Trump is playing foreign affairs close to the vest. Suffice it to say that Trump and America are now the focus of attention in every country around the planet. Trump is the show. The entire world awaits January 20.

Big things they-a-coming.

Twelve days to do. Tick. Tick. Tick.
No, I think he wants it to be the Gulf Of America. I have no idea how he intends to do this or what Mexico thinks of the idea but I gotta love Trump's passionate America-centric POV. He takes America winning and being the best at everything very seriously and personal, there is NONE of Biden's global-centric crap in him, and if he can swing getting the name changed, more power to him.

Oh another thing: he is really torqued how the economy of the EU is roughly equal to the USA, they get far more benefit from NATO, yet we pay the lion's share into it. Expect that to change ASAP. No payee, no protection. The Art of The Deal is just surging to bust loose out of the gate sans all the inexperience, interference and impediments of his first term.

I think Trump answered more to the media in that one hour than Biden did his entire four years. The Press were hungrily sucking it all up like starved fish. They were literally climbing over each other to get a question in. Trump looked sharp as a tack. There was much about Iran, Syria and Turkey they wanted to know as well, but Trump is playing foreign affairs close to the vest. Suffice it to say that Trump and America are now the focus of attention in every country around the planet. Trump is the show. The entire world awaits January 20.

Big things they-a-coming.

Twelve days to do. Tick. Tick. Tick.
I am just joking around about Gulf of Texas
I have had a lot of fun fishing for red snappers in the Gulf of Texas

I listened to analysis of the actions of Joe Biden all through the night hearing stuff I had never heard of, and just got off listening to Trump's presser at MarALago. I'll try to recap best I can from memory some of the things that stuck with me.

First of all, the press were just clamoring for news from Trump! It was like they hadn't gotten a chance to ask (much less get an answer) from a POTUS in years; they probably hadn't.
Some things I recall about Joe Biden (most of this stuff can probably be looked up on the web for corroboration):
  • Iran has been illegally raking in billions of oil dollars for years to finance their terrorism and Biden hadn't done a thing about it.
  • Biden has done a very stupid thing to our energy independence--- he has cut us off from developing our own resources to develop both gas and oil which means that our energy prices will be going further UP. Worse, it may take an act of Congress to reverse it, Trump cannot just wave his EO hand and undo it. This makes us much more dependent on other countries for vital resources.
  • Biden has further made changes that natural gas and water heater tanks will become much more expensive.
  • Biden has released 20 or so very dangerous people back into the hands of the Middle East getting them out of Gitmo. They will be under the control of Oman now and we will be powerless to know or control what is done with them, but these people could be coming back to bite us in the ass.
  • Of course you know Biden gave Soros a medal of honor--- Soros has been principle in financing our open borders, getting criminals released from prison and opposing many other things to the vast detriment of the USA.
Some things I recall from the Trump presser:
  • Trump is hot after both Greenland and Panama. His son and others are up at Greenland right now. Trump is really torqued that we spent the equivalent of a trillion dollars building the Canal, lost about 38,000 people building it, then Jimmy Carter turned it over to them for ONE DOLLAR. Worse, Panama has been raking us over the coals charging us higher fees to use it, has allowed China to take control of both ends, and then wants us now to give them billions of dollars to help maintain it.
  • Trump intends to rename the Gulf of Mexico as the GULF OF AMERICA. I love it.
  • World leaders all over are calling thanking Trump for his return to office.
  • Things are already in the works everywhere, plans for Greenland, Canada, Panama, Mexico. Trump is shaking and moving.
  • Trump is in negotiation with Hamas to get 34 hostages released. He has given Hamas until Jan. 20 to release them or all hell is going to break out with Hamas.
  • Trump will be jumping on releasing the J6 hostages,. How many and which ones TBD.
  • Trump is hot and heavy on getting inflation down, energy up, and food prices lowered. The key to it all is energy. In other words, to do the EXACT OPPOSITE what Biden has been doing.
  • Trump has Canada over a barrel. He is putting the screws to NATO. He is squeezing the UN. He will be in talks to settle Ukraine and Russia ASAP.
  • Trump expects to get about 200 more miles of the border wall built rather quickly.
  • Trump will be remaking the FBI and the DOJ.
  • Trump is going after all the fat and lard in Washington.
About Trudeau:
Yeah, its true he resigned, but what really happened is that Parliament was going to fire him. Things are going very badly for Canada under him. So in order to avoid being fired, Trudeau resigned, but then he contacted the Governor General (I think that's what it is called) of Canada which is like the liaison to the King and asked to dissolve Parliament, the body threatening to fire him. So now that gives Trudeau at least until March to remain in office. No telling how much longer after that. To make matters worse, all those whom might replace Trudeau are basically buddies of his cut from the same cloth, so, final story, don't look for Trudeau to leave any time soon or much to change there. Meantime, Trump told Trudeau that we don't really need anything from Canada, no cars, no milk, nothing, so it is a very fluid situation.​
That is about all that comes to mind right now, of course, some of it you already knew, but there is so much overlap. The press seemed very excited about being able to actually ask Trump questions, something Biden has blocked for years, and get real news. Trump talked an hour and they easily would have been happy to go another hour.​
BTW, he mentions the case against him with his valuation of MarALago--- it was Jimmy Carter who said it was too lavish for the US government to afford as a southern winter White House and sold it. It was built by EF Hutton. Attorneys for Biden tried to claim the whole place was only worth 18 million: Trump pointed out that the chandelier hanging over their heads in the ballroom they were in was worth that much.​
If I think of anything else (there was so much more) I'll add it later.​
It was really amazing to see the stark contrast between Biden and Trump: Trump is like a supercharged V-12 against Biden's worn out farm mule. All I can say is how much damage Biden has done in recent weeks to the country, so much of it promulgated by his handler's blind devotion to green energy. No one can say why, but every one of us will be suffering the consequences as the result. Trump is very down on windmills, you can't get rid of the blades, the stupid things need constant repair, no one wants them and you can't get anyone to tear down the old ones. Very very expensive energy. Don't expect the windmill business to do well under Trump.​
Oh, yeah, one other thing: Trump will be putting an end to all this crap about energy conservation: faucets that don't give you any water, shower heads that don't get you wet, that sort of stuff, there is no point to any of it. He hates stuff that doesn't work and just makes necessary stuff harder to do and take longer. He says that in the end, you just end up using more and I agree--- I have a fridge that is always trying to close the doors on me forcing me to open the doors WIDER and spend twice as long doing stuff, half the time fighting to reopen or keep the door open that I end up letting far more cold air out than if the door wasn't fighting me and just let ME control it!​
Trump calls it the golden age of America. Make America Golden Again. Just twelve days to go.​


Biden: I've written an executive order to stop all drilling in the gulf of mexico forever.

Trump: We renamed it the gulf of America. DRILL BABY DRILL!

  • Iran has been illegally raking in billions of oil dollars for years to finance their terrorism and Biden hadn't done a thing about it.

RICHARD NEPHEW: When Trump said, they took off all the sanctions we had in place, I just want to be very clear - that is factually inaccurate. The sanctions that were in place in 2020 when Trump was president remain in place today. There are, in fact, more designations in place today.

NORTHAM: But over the years, Iran became skilled at working around sanctions, says Sina Toossi.

TOOSSI: Iran has also grown more sophisticated with sanction circumvention, especially in terms of oil exports, and especially with China.
Could it be that simple? "Judge, this EO calls for a cessation of all drilling in the Gulf Of Mexico. This is the Gulf of America." :laughing0301:

There's a bit more to it...but yes...I think that's what it's about.

Trump will sign an EO canceling bidens EO and they start drilling. Democrat filth sues in court and they get the drilling stopped until the trial proceeds...then the democrats delay the trial for years while drilling is stopped. It's a delay tactic...democrats wont win in the end.

So Trump tells the court that drilling has stopped in THE GULF OF MEXICO :banana:

It's the same tactic the democrats used to delay Trump from building the wall for 2 ain't gonna work this time.
I listened to analysis of the actions of Joe Biden all through the night hearing stuff I had never heard of, and just got off listening to Trump's presser at MarALago. I'll try to recap best I can from memory some of the things that stuck with me.

First of all, the press were just clamoring for news from Trump! It was like they hadn't gotten a chance to ask (much less get an answer) from a POTUS in years; they probably hadn't.
Some things I recall about Joe Biden (most of this stuff can probably be looked up on the web for corroboration):
  • Iran has been illegally raking in billions of oil dollars for years to finance their terrorism and Biden hadn't done a thing about it.
  • Biden has done a very stupid thing to our energy independence--- he has cut us off from developing our own resources to develop both gas and oil which means that our energy prices will be going further UP. Worse, it may take an act of Congress to reverse it, Trump cannot just wave his EO hand and undo it. This makes us much more dependent on other countries for vital resources.
  • Biden has further made changes that natural gas and water heater tanks will become much more expensive.
  • Biden has released 20 or so very dangerous people back into the hands of the Middle East getting them out of Gitmo. They will be under the control of Oman now and we will be powerless to know or control what is done with them, but these people could be coming back to bite us in the ass.
  • Of course you know Biden gave Soros a medal of honor--- Soros has been principle in financing our open borders, getting criminals released from prison and opposing many other things to the vast detriment of the USA.
Some things I recall from the Trump presser:
  • Trump is hot after both Greenland and Panama. His son and others are up at Greenland right now. Trump is really torqued that we spent the equivalent of a trillion dollars building the Canal, lost about 38,000 people building it, then Jimmy Carter turned it over to them for ONE DOLLAR. Worse, Panama has been raking us over the coals charging us higher fees to use it, has allowed China to take control of both ends, and then wants us now to give them billions of dollars to help maintain it.
  • Trump intends to rename the Gulf of Mexico as the GULF OF AMERICA. I love it.
  • World leaders all over are calling thanking Trump for his return to office.
  • Things are already in the works everywhere, plans for Greenland, Canada, Panama, Mexico. Trump is shaking and moving.
  • Trump is in negotiation with Hamas to get 34 hostages released. He has given Hamas until Jan. 20 to release them or all hell is going to break out with Hamas.
  • Trump will be jumping on releasing the J6 hostages,. How many and which ones TBD.
  • Trump is hot and heavy on getting inflation down, energy up, and food prices lowered. The key to it all is energy. In other words, to do the EXACT OPPOSITE what Biden has been doing.
  • Trump has Canada over a barrel. He is putting the screws to NATO. He is squeezing the UN. He will be in talks to settle Ukraine and Russia ASAP.
  • Trump expects to get about 200 more miles of the border wall built rather quickly.
  • Trump will be remaking the FBI and the DOJ.
  • Trump is going after all the fat and lard in Washington.
About Trudeau:
Yeah, its true he resigned, but what really happened is that Parliament was going to fire him. Things are going very badly for Canada under him. So in order to avoid being fired, Trudeau resigned, but then he contacted the Governor General (I think that's what it is called) of Canada which is like the liaison to the King and asked to dissolve Parliament, the body threatening to fire him. So now that gives Trudeau at least until March to remain in office. No telling how much longer after that. To make matters worse, all those whom might replace Trudeau are basically buddies of his cut from the same cloth, so, final story, don't look for Trudeau to leave any time soon or much to change there. Meantime, Trump told Trudeau that we don't really need anything from Canada, no cars, no milk, nothing, so it is a very fluid situation.​
That is about all that comes to mind right now, of course, some of it you already knew, but there is so much overlap. The press seemed very excited about being able to actually ask Trump questions, something Biden has blocked for years, and get real news. Trump talked an hour and they easily would have been happy to go another hour.​
BTW, he mentions the case against him with his valuation of MarALago--- it was Jimmy Carter who said it was too lavish for the US government to afford as a southern winter White House and sold it. It was built by EF Hutton. Attorneys for Biden tried to claim the whole place was only worth 18 million: Trump pointed out that the chandelier hanging over their heads in the ballroom they were in was worth that much.​
If I think of anything else (there was so much more) I'll add it later.​
It was really amazing to see the stark contrast between Biden and Trump: Trump is like a supercharged V-12 against Biden's worn out farm mule. All I can say is how much damage Biden has done in recent weeks to the country, so much of it promulgated by his handler's blind devotion to green energy. No one can say why, but every one of us will be suffering the consequences as the result. Trump is very down on windmills, you can't get rid of the blades, the stupid things need constant repair, no one wants them and you can't get anyone to tear down the old ones. Very very expensive energy. Don't expect the windmill business to do well under Trump.​
Oh, yeah, one other thing: Trump will be putting an end to all this crap about energy conservation: faucets that don't give you any water, shower heads that don't get you wet, that sort of stuff, there is no point to any of it. He hates stuff that doesn't work and just makes necessary stuff harder to do and take longer. He says that in the end, you just end up using more and I agree--- I have a fridge that is always trying to close the doors on me forcing me to open the doors WIDER and spend twice as long doing stuff, half the time fighting to reopen or keep the door open that I end up letting far more cold air out than if the door wasn't fighting me and just let ME control it!​
Trump calls it the golden age of America. Make America Golden Again. Just twelve days to go.​

And you wonder why the world thinks the USA has lost its mind.

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