The Many Similarities Between the Democrats’ Maneuvers in the 2020 Election and Lenin’s Maneuvers in Russian Election 100 Years Ago


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Many Similarities Between the Democrats’ Maneuvers in the 2020 Election and Lenin’s Maneuvers in Russian Election 100 Years Ago

3 Oct 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft and Guest poster John L. Kachelman, Jr.
2020 the “Perfect Storm” facing our Republic— All three branches of our Government are in peril

Historical Discovery…An election in 1917 forecast the election in 2020! Here are the elements from 103 years ago!
  • Years of preparatory work were spent in misleading and mis-directional propaganda
  • Contested voting results marred the election’s finality and ultimately its dismissal
  • Claims that the poor were going to be disenfranchised of their votes
  • The scheduled voting was extended by two months
  • Division, violence, slander and libel were widespread
  • A delusional/cunning/conniving campaign made unrealistic promises to win the population
  • Anger and mob violence were deliberately stirred against “privilege,” possessions, and status
  • Deceptive claims persuaded the “majority” they were robbed of their electoral victory
  • Inevitable civil war was sparked at the election’s end because Lenin’s group failed to win the majority
  • The dissolution of the old State and a “transformation” of the new system was promised to lead to true socialism but it brought history’s worst and longest ruling tyrant
As this article is written the American Republic is struggling with a “Perfect Storm.” And it is not a hypothetical brain-game exercise.
Here is a basic reminder of your 9th Grade American Civics materials…The Founding Fathers of our Republic designed a system of governing to prevent the evils inherent in the onerous governing systems of Europe. The Republic was to be governed in a way that the majority would have a say BUT safeguarded against a rogue majority controlling the nation. A deliberate system of “checks and balances” was wisely incorporated against evil efforts to seize national control.
The ultimate safeguard was the separation of the State’s governing into three distinct bodies. While each would have an impact upon the others, that impact was deliberately limited. The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Republic were designed to be independent but function with unity to guide the nation, preserve freedoms, and guard the human rights that are often disenfranchised by evil systems and philosophies. One of the greatest feats of our Republic is the exercise of individualism when these three branches of governing are properly functioning.
However, at this point in our nation’s historical narrative the “perfect storm” threatens ALL THREE of these safeguards of our Republic. And my disconcerting observation is that many prance and dance around with a Pollyannish attitude denying the reality of our current situation. The prevailing cultural concern is as absurd as the attitude of one busily rearranging the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic!
The assault on the EXECUTIVE BRANCH
The resistance has been hard at work even prior to President Trump’s inauguration. Attempts to nullify the electoral process have been constant. The evil agenda was visible. Our President has suffered evil resistance of historic proportions.
The assault upon the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH
It is the Legislative Branch of our Republic’s government that involves the citizenry in the governing process. The population’s vote is a significant and treasured freedom. That vote expresses the desires of each State of the Union and is recorded by the Electoral College so that a free election is not controlled by a militant mob. The Founding Fathers wisely saw the potential of a militant group manipulating and coercing control. The establishment of the Electoral College was a masterful move safeguarding the Republic’s freedoms. By this method the most populous States are equal with the least populous—true equality.
The assault upon the JUDICIAL BRANCH
History reminds its students that the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justices were forever changed in 1987 with Joe Biden’s Judiciary’s malevolent confirmation hearing of Judge Robert Bork. Biden was campaigning to be the nomination of the Democratic Presidential candidate (which he would lose to Dukakis because of Biden’s plagiarism). In 1987 the custom was for such hearings to last two days or less. Under Biden’s chairmanship Bork’s hearing was weaponized and lasted TWELVE days. Such a reprehensible action has earned its own idiom in American language—“so and so was ‘Borked’.”
This is where the United States of America is positioned as the General Election of November 2020 nears. A discord and division prevail that has never existed. This violence has been stoked with bitterness. The Progressives/Democratic Party/BLM/ANTIFA assure us that regardless of the election there will be violence. We are being conditioned to think that electoral results will take weeks or months to be validated and even then, they will be challenged. The vitriol marking the battleground is undeniable.
The ”Perfect Storm” in Russia’s history resulted in the totalitarian reign of Stalin’s terror. Such is the conclusion of Russia’s first free election.
What will YOU do regarding the “Perfect Storm” in which our Republic is now struggling?

Wow, great treatise by author Kachelman. This article should be required reading for every American. Unfortunately, too many Americans, especially our youth, are dumbed down, disinterested, and completely brainwashed.
Communism is a political system of population management. It cannot be defeated by laws, regulation, or legislation.. Only by removing it's controls can you fight it.
It is waged against an unarmed populace. This is their first attempt while surrounded by 10's of millions of armed men/women who seem too afraid to wield their constitution.
Marxist Socialist Communism has never worked and never will work because it destroys the very elements that produce all advances in society; personal responsibility, a strong work ethic, and rewarding excellence. Without capitalism, government is little more than a Ponzi Scheme, producing nothing but extracting their pound of flesh, and culminating in a death spiral of poverty and oppression. Despite all their failures and the mountains of bodies they say this time it will work...
The Many Similarities Between the Democrats’ Maneuvers in the 2020 Election and Lenin’s Maneuvers in Russian Election 100 Years Ago

3 Oct 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft and Guest poster John L. Kachelman, Jr.
2020 the “Perfect Storm” facing our Republic— All three branches of our Government are in peril

Historical Discovery…An election in 1917 forecast the election in 2020! Here are the elements from 103 years ago!
  • Years of preparatory work were spent in misleading and mis-directional propaganda
  • Contested voting results marred the election’s finality and ultimately its dismissal
  • Claims that the poor were going to be disenfranchised of their votes
  • The scheduled voting was extended by two months
  • Division, violence, slander and libel were widespread
  • A delusional/cunning/conniving campaign made unrealistic promises to win the population
  • Anger and mob violence were deliberately stirred against “privilege,” possessions, and status
  • Deceptive claims persuaded the “majority” they were robbed of their electoral victory
  • Inevitable civil war was sparked at the election’s end because Lenin’s group failed to win the majority
  • The dissolution of the old State and a “transformation” of the new system was promised to lead to true socialism but it brought history’s worst and longest ruling tyrant
As this article is written the American Republic is struggling with a “Perfect Storm.” And it is not a hypothetical brain-game exercise.
Here is a basic reminder of your 9th Grade American Civics materials…The Founding Fathers of our Republic designed a system of governing to prevent the evils inherent in the onerous governing systems of Europe. The Republic was to be governed in a way that the majority would have a say BUT safeguarded against a rogue majority controlling the nation. A deliberate system of “checks and balances” was wisely incorporated against evil efforts to seize national control.
The ultimate safeguard was the separation of the State’s governing into three distinct bodies. While each would have an impact upon the others, that impact was deliberately limited. The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Republic were designed to be independent but function with unity to guide the nation, preserve freedoms, and guard the human rights that are often disenfranchised by evil systems and philosophies. One of the greatest feats of our Republic is the exercise of individualism when these three branches of governing are properly functioning.
However, at this point in our nation’s historical narrative the “perfect storm” threatens ALL THREE of these safeguards of our Republic. And my disconcerting observation is that many prance and dance around with a Pollyannish attitude denying the reality of our current situation. The prevailing cultural concern is as absurd as the attitude of one busily rearranging the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic!
The assault on the EXECUTIVE BRANCH
The resistance has been hard at work even prior to President Trump’s inauguration. Attempts to nullify the electoral process have been constant. The evil agenda was visible. Our President has suffered evil resistance of historic proportions.
The assault upon the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH
It is the Legislative Branch of our Republic’s government that involves the citizenry in the governing process. The population’s vote is a significant and treasured freedom. That vote expresses the desires of each State of the Union and is recorded by the Electoral College so that a free election is not controlled by a militant mob. The Founding Fathers wisely saw the potential of a militant group manipulating and coercing control. The establishment of the Electoral College was a masterful move safeguarding the Republic’s freedoms. By this method the most populous States are equal with the least populous—true equality.
The assault upon the JUDICIAL BRANCH
History reminds its students that the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justices were forever changed in 1987 with Joe Biden’s Judiciary’s malevolent confirmation hearing of Judge Robert Bork. Biden was campaigning to be the nomination of the Democratic Presidential candidate (which he would lose to Dukakis because of Biden’s plagiarism). In 1987 the custom was for such hearings to last two days or less. Under Biden’s chairmanship Bork’s hearing was weaponized and lasted TWELVE days. Such a reprehensible action has earned its own idiom in American language—“so and so was ‘Borked’.”
This is where the United States of America is positioned as the General Election of November 2020 nears. A discord and division prevail that has never existed. This violence has been stoked with bitterness. The Progressives/Democratic Party/BLM/ANTIFA assure us that regardless of the election there will be violence. We are being conditioned to think that electoral results will take weeks or months to be validated and even then, they will be challenged. The vitriol marking the battleground is undeniable.
The ”Perfect Storm” in Russia’s history resulted in the totalitarian reign of Stalin’s terror. Such is the conclusion of Russia’s first free election.
What will YOU do regarding the “Perfect Storm” in which our Republic is now struggling?

Wow, great treatise by author Kachelman. This article should be required reading for every American. Unfortunately, too many Americans, especially our youth, are dumbed down, disinterested, and completely brainwashed.
Communism is a political system of population management. It cannot be defeated by laws, regulation, or legislation.. Only by removing it's controls can you fight it.
It is waged against an unarmed populace. This is their first attempt while surrounded by 10's of millions of armed men/women who seem too afraid to wield their constitution.
Marxist Socialist Communism has never worked and never will work because it destroys the very elements that produce all advances in society; personal responsibility, a strong work ethic, and rewarding excellence. Without capitalism, government is little more than a Ponzi Scheme, producing nothing but extracting their pound of flesh, and culminating in a death spiral of poverty and oppression. Despite all their failures and the mountains of bodies they say this time it will work...
..what's very similar is the Democrats and the nazis in the 1930's..I've linked this many times
The Many Similarities Between the Democrats’ Maneuvers in the 2020 Election and Lenin’s Maneuvers in Russian Election 100 Years Ago

3 Oct 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft and Guest poster John L. Kachelman, Jr.
2020 the “Perfect Storm” facing our Republic— All three branches of our Government are in peril

Historical Discovery…An election in 1917 forecast the election in 2020! Here are the elements from 103 years ago!
  • Years of preparatory work were spent in misleading and mis-directional propaganda
  • Contested voting results marred the election’s finality and ultimately its dismissal
  • Claims that the poor were going to be disenfranchised of their votes
  • The scheduled voting was extended by two months
  • Division, violence, slander and libel were widespread
  • A delusional/cunning/conniving campaign made unrealistic promises to win the population
  • Anger and mob violence were deliberately stirred against “privilege,” possessions, and status
  • Deceptive claims persuaded the “majority” they were robbed of their electoral victory
  • Inevitable civil war was sparked at the election’s end because Lenin’s group failed to win the majority
  • The dissolution of the old State and a “transformation” of the new system was promised to lead to true socialism but it brought history’s worst and longest ruling tyrant
As this article is written the American Republic is struggling with a “Perfect Storm.” And it is not a hypothetical brain-game exercise.
Here is a basic reminder of your 9th Grade American Civics materials…The Founding Fathers of our Republic designed a system of governing to prevent the evils inherent in the onerous governing systems of Europe. The Republic was to be governed in a way that the majority would have a say BUT safeguarded against a rogue majority controlling the nation. A deliberate system of “checks and balances” was wisely incorporated against evil efforts to seize national control.
The ultimate safeguard was the separation of the State’s governing into three distinct bodies. While each would have an impact upon the others, that impact was deliberately limited. The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Republic were designed to be independent but function with unity to guide the nation, preserve freedoms, and guard the human rights that are often disenfranchised by evil systems and philosophies. One of the greatest feats of our Republic is the exercise of individualism when these three branches of governing are properly functioning.
However, at this point in our nation’s historical narrative the “perfect storm” threatens ALL THREE of these safeguards of our Republic. And my disconcerting observation is that many prance and dance around with a Pollyannish attitude denying the reality of our current situation. The prevailing cultural concern is as absurd as the attitude of one busily rearranging the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic!
The assault on the EXECUTIVE BRANCH
The resistance has been hard at work even prior to President Trump’s inauguration. Attempts to nullify the electoral process have been constant. The evil agenda was visible. Our President has suffered evil resistance of historic proportions.
The assault upon the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH
It is the Legislative Branch of our Republic’s government that involves the citizenry in the governing process. The population’s vote is a significant and treasured freedom. That vote expresses the desires of each State of the Union and is recorded by the Electoral College so that a free election is not controlled by a militant mob. The Founding Fathers wisely saw the potential of a militant group manipulating and coercing control. The establishment of the Electoral College was a masterful move safeguarding the Republic’s freedoms. By this method the most populous States are equal with the least populous—true equality.
The assault upon the JUDICIAL BRANCH
History reminds its students that the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justices were forever changed in 1987 with Joe Biden’s Judiciary’s malevolent confirmation hearing of Judge Robert Bork. Biden was campaigning to be the nomination of the Democratic Presidential candidate (which he would lose to Dukakis because of Biden’s plagiarism). In 1987 the custom was for such hearings to last two days or less. Under Biden’s chairmanship Bork’s hearing was weaponized and lasted TWELVE days. Such a reprehensible action has earned its own idiom in American language—“so and so was ‘Borked’.”
This is where the United States of America is positioned as the General Election of November 2020 nears. A discord and division prevail that has never existed. This violence has been stoked with bitterness. The Progressives/Democratic Party/BLM/ANTIFA assure us that regardless of the election there will be violence. We are being conditioned to think that electoral results will take weeks or months to be validated and even then, they will be challenged. The vitriol marking the battleground is undeniable.
The ”Perfect Storm” in Russia’s history resulted in the totalitarian reign of Stalin’s terror. Such is the conclusion of Russia’s first free election.
What will YOU do regarding the “Perfect Storm” in which our Republic is now struggling?

Wow, great treatise by author Kachelman. This article should be required reading for every American. Unfortunately, too many Americans, especially our youth, are dumbed down, disinterested, and completely brainwashed.
Communism is a political system of population management. It cannot be defeated by laws, regulation, or legislation.. Only by removing it's controls can you fight it.
It is waged against an unarmed populace. This is their first attempt while surrounded by 10's of millions of armed men/women who seem too afraid to wield their constitution.
Marxist Socialist Communism has never worked and never will work because it destroys the very elements that produce all advances in society; personal responsibility, a strong work ethic, and rewarding excellence. Without capitalism, government is little more than a Ponzi Scheme, producing nothing but extracting their pound of flesh, and culminating in a death spiral of poverty and oppression. Despite all their failures and the mountains of bodies they say this time it will work...
..what's very similar is the Democrats and the nazis in the 1930's..I've linked this many times

This must be repeated on a routine basis as a reminder to the people.
If you have the links, It would be good to repost them here... Thanks.
What do you think Lenin was fighting? A stable fair-minded democratic government? No such thing has ever existed in Russia. Authoritarian rule has been the only constant across their history. It does not matter who runs the place they demand their leaders be brutal hardasses.
The Many Similarities Between the Democrats’ Maneuvers in the 2020 Election and Lenin’s Maneuvers in Russian Election 100 Years Ago

3 Oct 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft and Guest poster John L. Kachelman, Jr.
2020 the “Perfect Storm” facing our Republic— All three branches of our Government are in peril

Historical Discovery…An election in 1917 forecast the election in 2020! Here are the elements from 103 years ago!
  • Years of preparatory work were spent in misleading and mis-directional propaganda
  • Contested voting results marred the election’s finality and ultimately its dismissal
  • Claims that the poor were going to be disenfranchised of their votes
  • The scheduled voting was extended by two months
  • Division, violence, slander and libel were widespread
  • A delusional/cunning/conniving campaign made unrealistic promises to win the population
  • Anger and mob violence were deliberately stirred against “privilege,” possessions, and status
  • Deceptive claims persuaded the “majority” they were robbed of their electoral victory
  • Inevitable civil war was sparked at the election’s end because Lenin’s group failed to win the majority
  • The dissolution of the old State and a “transformation” of the new system was promised to lead to true socialism but it brought history’s worst and longest ruling tyrant
As this article is written the American Republic is struggling with a “Perfect Storm.” And it is not a hypothetical brain-game exercise.
Here is a basic reminder of your 9th Grade American Civics materials…The Founding Fathers of our Republic designed a system of governing to prevent the evils inherent in the onerous governing systems of Europe. The Republic was to be governed in a way that the majority would have a say BUT safeguarded against a rogue majority controlling the nation. A deliberate system of “checks and balances” was wisely incorporated against evil efforts to seize national control.
The ultimate safeguard was the separation of the State’s governing into three distinct bodies. While each would have an impact upon the others, that impact was deliberately limited. The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Republic were designed to be independent but function with unity to guide the nation, preserve freedoms, and guard the human rights that are often disenfranchised by evil systems and philosophies. One of the greatest feats of our Republic is the exercise of individualism when these three branches of governing are properly functioning.
However, at this point in our nation’s historical narrative the “perfect storm” threatens ALL THREE of these safeguards of our Republic. And my disconcerting observation is that many prance and dance around with a Pollyannish attitude denying the reality of our current situation. The prevailing cultural concern is as absurd as the attitude of one busily rearranging the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic!
The assault on the EXECUTIVE BRANCH
The resistance has been hard at work even prior to President Trump’s inauguration. Attempts to nullify the electoral process have been constant. The evil agenda was visible. Our President has suffered evil resistance of historic proportions.
The assault upon the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH
It is the Legislative Branch of our Republic’s government that involves the citizenry in the governing process. The population’s vote is a significant and treasured freedom. That vote expresses the desires of each State of the Union and is recorded by the Electoral College so that a free election is not controlled by a militant mob. The Founding Fathers wisely saw the potential of a militant group manipulating and coercing control. The establishment of the Electoral College was a masterful move safeguarding the Republic’s freedoms. By this method the most populous States are equal with the least populous—true equality.
The assault upon the JUDICIAL BRANCH
History reminds its students that the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justices were forever changed in 1987 with Joe Biden’s Judiciary’s malevolent confirmation hearing of Judge Robert Bork. Biden was campaigning to be the nomination of the Democratic Presidential candidate (which he would lose to Dukakis because of Biden’s plagiarism). In 1987 the custom was for such hearings to last two days or less. Under Biden’s chairmanship Bork’s hearing was weaponized and lasted TWELVE days. Such a reprehensible action has earned its own idiom in American language—“so and so was ‘Borked’.”
This is where the United States of America is positioned as the General Election of November 2020 nears. A discord and division prevail that has never existed. This violence has been stoked with bitterness. The Progressives/Democratic Party/BLM/ANTIFA assure us that regardless of the election there will be violence. We are being conditioned to think that electoral results will take weeks or months to be validated and even then, they will be challenged. The vitriol marking the battleground is undeniable.
The ”Perfect Storm” in Russia’s history resulted in the totalitarian reign of Stalin’s terror. Such is the conclusion of Russia’s first free election.
What will YOU do regarding the “Perfect Storm” in which our Republic is now struggling?

Wow, great treatise by author Kachelman. This article should be required reading for every American. Unfortunately, too many Americans, especially our youth, are dumbed down, disinterested, and completely brainwashed.
Communism is a political system of population management. It cannot be defeated by laws, regulation, or legislation.. Only by removing it's controls can you fight it.
It is waged against an unarmed populace. This is their first attempt while surrounded by 10's of millions of armed men/women who seem too afraid to wield their constitution.
Marxist Socialist Communism has never worked and never will work because it destroys the very elements that produce all advances in society; personal responsibility, a strong work ethic, and rewarding excellence. Without capitalism, government is little more than a Ponzi Scheme, producing nothing but extracting their pound of flesh, and culminating in a death spiral of poverty and oppression. Despite all their failures and the mountains of bodies they say this time it will work...
..what's very similar is the Democrats and the nazis in the 1930's..I've linked this many times

This must be repeated on a routine basis as a reminder to the people.
If you have the links, It would be good to repost them here... Thanks.

worse than nazis:

''''''The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents'''''

''''Trump rally disrupted by Black Lives Matter protesters, among others''''

'''''Hitler and the Nazi regime also resorted to simple and extra-legal terror to intimidate opponents. Nazi paramilitary formations, such as the Storm Detachments'''''



etc many more links the same
The Many Similarities Between the Democrats’ Maneuvers in the 2020 Election and Lenin’s Maneuvers in Russian Election 100 Years Ago

3 Oct 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft and Guest poster John L. Kachelman, Jr.
2020 the “Perfect Storm” facing our Republic— All three branches of our Government are in peril

Historical Discovery…An election in 1917 forecast the election in 2020! Here are the elements from 103 years ago!
  • Years of preparatory work were spent in misleading and mis-directional propaganda
  • Contested voting results marred the election’s finality and ultimately its dismissal
  • Claims that the poor were going to be disenfranchised of their votes
  • The scheduled voting was extended by two months
  • Division, violence, slander and libel were widespread
  • A delusional/cunning/conniving campaign made unrealistic promises to win the population
  • Anger and mob violence were deliberately stirred against “privilege,” possessions, and status
  • Deceptive claims persuaded the “majority” they were robbed of their electoral victory
  • Inevitable civil war was sparked at the election’s end because Lenin’s group failed to win the majority
  • The dissolution of the old State and a “transformation” of the new system was promised to lead to true socialism but it brought history’s worst and longest ruling tyrant
As this article is written the American Republic is struggling with a “Perfect Storm.” And it is not a hypothetical brain-game exercise.
Here is a basic reminder of your 9th Grade American Civics materials…The Founding Fathers of our Republic designed a system of governing to prevent the evils inherent in the onerous governing systems of Europe. The Republic was to be governed in a way that the majority would have a say BUT safeguarded against a rogue majority controlling the nation. A deliberate system of “checks and balances” was wisely incorporated against evil efforts to seize national control.
The ultimate safeguard was the separation of the State’s governing into three distinct bodies. While each would have an impact upon the others, that impact was deliberately limited. The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Republic were designed to be independent but function with unity to guide the nation, preserve freedoms, and guard the human rights that are often disenfranchised by evil systems and philosophies. One of the greatest feats of our Republic is the exercise of individualism when these three branches of governing are properly functioning.
However, at this point in our nation’s historical narrative the “perfect storm” threatens ALL THREE of these safeguards of our Republic. And my disconcerting observation is that many prance and dance around with a Pollyannish attitude denying the reality of our current situation. The prevailing cultural concern is as absurd as the attitude of one busily rearranging the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic!
The assault on the EXECUTIVE BRANCH
The resistance has been hard at work even prior to President Trump’s inauguration. Attempts to nullify the electoral process have been constant. The evil agenda was visible. Our President has suffered evil resistance of historic proportions.
The assault upon the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH
It is the Legislative Branch of our Republic’s government that involves the citizenry in the governing process. The population’s vote is a significant and treasured freedom. That vote expresses the desires of each State of the Union and is recorded by the Electoral College so that a free election is not controlled by a militant mob. The Founding Fathers wisely saw the potential of a militant group manipulating and coercing control. The establishment of the Electoral College was a masterful move safeguarding the Republic’s freedoms. By this method the most populous States are equal with the least populous—true equality.
The assault upon the JUDICIAL BRANCH
History reminds its students that the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justices were forever changed in 1987 with Joe Biden’s Judiciary’s malevolent confirmation hearing of Judge Robert Bork. Biden was campaigning to be the nomination of the Democratic Presidential candidate (which he would lose to Dukakis because of Biden’s plagiarism). In 1987 the custom was for such hearings to last two days or less. Under Biden’s chairmanship Bork’s hearing was weaponized and lasted TWELVE days. Such a reprehensible action has earned its own idiom in American language—“so and so was ‘Borked’.”
This is where the United States of America is positioned as the General Election of November 2020 nears. A discord and division prevail that has never existed. This violence has been stoked with bitterness. The Progressives/Democratic Party/BLM/ANTIFA assure us that regardless of the election there will be violence. We are being conditioned to think that electoral results will take weeks or months to be validated and even then, they will be challenged. The vitriol marking the battleground is undeniable.
The ”Perfect Storm” in Russia’s history resulted in the totalitarian reign of Stalin’s terror. Such is the conclusion of Russia’s first free election.
What will YOU do regarding the “Perfect Storm” in which our Republic is now struggling?

Wow, great treatise by author Kachelman. This article should be required reading for every American. Unfortunately, too many Americans, especially our youth, are dumbed down, disinterested, and completely brainwashed.
Communism is a political system of population management. It cannot be defeated by laws, regulation, or legislation.. Only by removing it's controls can you fight it.
It is waged against an unarmed populace. This is their first attempt while surrounded by 10's of millions of armed men/women who seem too afraid to wield their constitution.
Marxist Socialist Communism has never worked and never will work because it destroys the very elements that produce all advances in society; personal responsibility, a strong work ethic, and rewarding excellence. Without capitalism, government is little more than a Ponzi Scheme, producing nothing but extracting their pound of flesh, and culminating in a death spiral of poverty and oppression. Despite all their failures and the mountains of bodies they say this time it will work...

the fact that Langley shill candyass is trying to laugh these facts off,proves you are onto something here. :thup:
This thread is pure Bolshevik!

At least the OP isn't blaming the democrats for the virus.
You don't see yourselves. After all you are the champions of social justice. All the other things like the costs involved have no meaning and it has to be the other side's fault. All the rich Progs vehemently spouting against the Deplorables and not one...not one of them has given up their wealth for the socialist cause. LeBron just bought a mansion. We know who will be charged for the agendas.
This thread is pure Bolshevik!

At least the OP isn't blaming the democrats for the virus.
You don't see yourselves. After all you are the champions of social justice. All the other things like the costs involved have no meaning and it has to be the other side's fault. All the rich Progs vehemently spouting against the Deplorables and not one...not one of them has given up their wealth for the socialist cause. LeBron just bought a mansion. We know who will be charged for the agendas.

I need Toby Ziegler's "avalanche of advil"
The Many Similarities Between the Democrats’ Maneuvers in the 2020 Election and Lenin’s Maneuvers in Russian Election 100 Years Ago

3 Oct 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft and Guest poster John L. Kachelman, Jr.
2020 the “Perfect Storm” facing our Republic— All three branches of our Government are in peril

Historical Discovery…An election in 1917 forecast the election in 2020! Here are the elements from 103 years ago!
  • Years of preparatory work were spent in misleading and mis-directional propaganda
  • Contested voting results marred the election’s finality and ultimately its dismissal
  • Claims that the poor were going to be disenfranchised of their votes
  • The scheduled voting was extended by two months
  • Division, violence, slander and libel were widespread
  • A delusional/cunning/conniving campaign made unrealistic promises to win the population
  • Anger and mob violence were deliberately stirred against “privilege,” possessions, and status
  • Deceptive claims persuaded the “majority” they were robbed of their electoral victory
  • Inevitable civil war was sparked at the election’s end because Lenin’s group failed to win the majority
  • The dissolution of the old State and a “transformation” of the new system was promised to lead to true socialism but it brought history’s worst and longest ruling tyrant
As this article is written the American Republic is struggling with a “Perfect Storm.” And it is not a hypothetical brain-game exercise.
Here is a basic reminder of your 9th Grade American Civics materials…The Founding Fathers of our Republic designed a system of governing to prevent the evils inherent in the onerous governing systems of Europe. The Republic was to be governed in a way that the majority would have a say BUT safeguarded against a rogue majority controlling the nation. A deliberate system of “checks and balances” was wisely incorporated against evil efforts to seize national control.
The ultimate safeguard was the separation of the State’s governing into three distinct bodies. While each would have an impact upon the others, that impact was deliberately limited. The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Republic were designed to be independent but function with unity to guide the nation, preserve freedoms, and guard the human rights that are often disenfranchised by evil systems and philosophies. One of the greatest feats of our Republic is the exercise of individualism when these three branches of governing are properly functioning.
However, at this point in our nation’s historical narrative the “perfect storm” threatens ALL THREE of these safeguards of our Republic. And my disconcerting observation is that many prance and dance around with a Pollyannish attitude denying the reality of our current situation. The prevailing cultural concern is as absurd as the attitude of one busily rearranging the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic!
The assault on the EXECUTIVE BRANCH
The resistance has been hard at work even prior to President Trump’s inauguration. Attempts to nullify the electoral process have been constant. The evil agenda was visible. Our President has suffered evil resistance of historic proportions.
The assault upon the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH
It is the Legislative Branch of our Republic’s government that involves the citizenry in the governing process. The population’s vote is a significant and treasured freedom. That vote expresses the desires of each State of the Union and is recorded by the Electoral College so that a free election is not controlled by a militant mob. The Founding Fathers wisely saw the potential of a militant group manipulating and coercing control. The establishment of the Electoral College was a masterful move safeguarding the Republic’s freedoms. By this method the most populous States are equal with the least populous—true equality.
The assault upon the JUDICIAL BRANCH
History reminds its students that the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justices were forever changed in 1987 with Joe Biden’s Judiciary’s malevolent confirmation hearing of Judge Robert Bork. Biden was campaigning to be the nomination of the Democratic Presidential candidate (which he would lose to Dukakis because of Biden’s plagiarism). In 1987 the custom was for such hearings to last two days or less. Under Biden’s chairmanship Bork’s hearing was weaponized and lasted TWELVE days. Such a reprehensible action has earned its own idiom in American language—“so and so was ‘Borked’.”
This is where the United States of America is positioned as the General Election of November 2020 nears. A discord and division prevail that has never existed. This violence has been stoked with bitterness. The Progressives/Democratic Party/BLM/ANTIFA assure us that regardless of the election there will be violence. We are being conditioned to think that electoral results will take weeks or months to be validated and even then, they will be challenged. The vitriol marking the battleground is undeniable.
The ”Perfect Storm” in Russia’s history resulted in the totalitarian reign of Stalin’s terror. Such is the conclusion of Russia’s first free election.
What will YOU do regarding the “Perfect Storm” in which our Republic is now struggling?

Wow, great treatise by author Kachelman. This article should be required reading for every American. Unfortunately, too many Americans, especially our youth, are dumbed down, disinterested, and completely brainwashed.
Communism is a political system of population management. It cannot be defeated by laws, regulation, or legislation.. Only by removing it's controls can you fight it.
It is waged against an unarmed populace. This is their first attempt while surrounded by 10's of millions of armed men/women who seem too afraid to wield their constitution.
Marxist Socialist Communism has never worked and never will work because it destroys the very elements that produce all advances in society; personal responsibility, a strong work ethic, and rewarding excellence. Without capitalism, government is little more than a Ponzi Scheme, producing nothing but extracting their pound of flesh, and culminating in a death spiral of poverty and oppression. Despite all their failures and the mountains of bodies they say this time it will work...

You do know you took that right out of Rump's playbook, right? But Rump's playbook is more on the comparison to Mussolini's 1926 Doctrine. It won't end well.
The Many Similarities Between the Democrats’ Maneuvers in the 2020 Election and Lenin’s Maneuvers in Russian Election 100 Years Ago

3 Oct 2020 ~~ By Joe Hoft and Guest poster John L. Kachelman, Jr.
2020 the “Perfect Storm” facing our Republic— All three branches of our Government are in peril

Historical Discovery…An election in 1917 forecast the election in 2020! Here are the elements from 103 years ago!
  • Years of preparatory work were spent in misleading and mis-directional propaganda
  • Contested voting results marred the election’s finality and ultimately its dismissal
  • Claims that the poor were going to be disenfranchised of their votes
  • The scheduled voting was extended by two months
  • Division, violence, slander and libel were widespread
  • A delusional/cunning/conniving campaign made unrealistic promises to win the population
  • Anger and mob violence were deliberately stirred against “privilege,” possessions, and status
  • Deceptive claims persuaded the “majority” they were robbed of their electoral victory
  • Inevitable civil war was sparked at the election’s end because Lenin’s group failed to win the majority
  • The dissolution of the old State and a “transformation” of the new system was promised to lead to true socialism but it brought history’s worst and longest ruling tyrant
As this article is written the American Republic is struggling with a “Perfect Storm.” And it is not a hypothetical brain-game exercise.
Here is a basic reminder of your 9th Grade American Civics materials…The Founding Fathers of our Republic designed a system of governing to prevent the evils inherent in the onerous governing systems of Europe. The Republic was to be governed in a way that the majority would have a say BUT safeguarded against a rogue majority controlling the nation. A deliberate system of “checks and balances” was wisely incorporated against evil efforts to seize national control.
The ultimate safeguard was the separation of the State’s governing into three distinct bodies. While each would have an impact upon the others, that impact was deliberately limited. The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Republic were designed to be independent but function with unity to guide the nation, preserve freedoms, and guard the human rights that are often disenfranchised by evil systems and philosophies. One of the greatest feats of our Republic is the exercise of individualism when these three branches of governing are properly functioning.
However, at this point in our nation’s historical narrative the “perfect storm” threatens ALL THREE of these safeguards of our Republic. And my disconcerting observation is that many prance and dance around with a Pollyannish attitude denying the reality of our current situation. The prevailing cultural concern is as absurd as the attitude of one busily rearranging the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic!
The assault on the EXECUTIVE BRANCH
The resistance has been hard at work even prior to President Trump’s inauguration. Attempts to nullify the electoral process have been constant. The evil agenda was visible. Our President has suffered evil resistance of historic proportions.
The assault upon the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH
It is the Legislative Branch of our Republic’s government that involves the citizenry in the governing process. The population’s vote is a significant and treasured freedom. That vote expresses the desires of each State of the Union and is recorded by the Electoral College so that a free election is not controlled by a militant mob. The Founding Fathers wisely saw the potential of a militant group manipulating and coercing control. The establishment of the Electoral College was a masterful move safeguarding the Republic’s freedoms. By this method the most populous States are equal with the least populous—true equality.
The assault upon the JUDICIAL BRANCH
History reminds its students that the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justices were forever changed in 1987 with Joe Biden’s Judiciary’s malevolent confirmation hearing of Judge Robert Bork. Biden was campaigning to be the nomination of the Democratic Presidential candidate (which he would lose to Dukakis because of Biden’s plagiarism). In 1987 the custom was for such hearings to last two days or less. Under Biden’s chairmanship Bork’s hearing was weaponized and lasted TWELVE days. Such a reprehensible action has earned its own idiom in American language—“so and so was ‘Borked’.”
This is where the United States of America is positioned as the General Election of November 2020 nears. A discord and division prevail that has never existed. This violence has been stoked with bitterness. The Progressives/Democratic Party/BLM/ANTIFA assure us that regardless of the election there will be violence. We are being conditioned to think that electoral results will take weeks or months to be validated and even then, they will be challenged. The vitriol marking the battleground is undeniable.
The ”Perfect Storm” in Russia’s history resulted in the totalitarian reign of Stalin’s terror. Such is the conclusion of Russia’s first free election.
What will YOU do regarding the “Perfect Storm” in which our Republic is now struggling?

Wow, great treatise by author Kachelman. This article should be required reading for every American. Unfortunately, too many Americans, especially our youth, are dumbed down, disinterested, and completely brainwashed.
Communism is a political system of population management. It cannot be defeated by laws, regulation, or legislation.. Only by removing it's controls can you fight it.
It is waged against an unarmed populace. This is their first attempt while surrounded by 10's of millions of armed men/women who seem too afraid to wield their constitution.
Marxist Socialist Communism has never worked and never will work because it destroys the very elements that produce all advances in society; personal responsibility, a strong work ethic, and rewarding excellence. Without capitalism, government is little more than a Ponzi Scheme, producing nothing but extracting their pound of flesh, and culminating in a death spiral of poverty and oppression. Despite all their failures and the mountains of bodies they say this time it will work...

You do know you took that right out of Rump's playbook, right? But Rump's playbook is more on the comparison to Mussolini's 1926 Doctrine. It won't end well.

Yes it will.
Our Union will prevail!

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