Zone1 The man who was executed Friday...

you (probably inadvertently) made a very important point. Back in the day---
Jewish jurisprudence not only avoided capital punishment ALTOGETHER---but
never executed on a charge of "he thinks he is the messiah" and, certainly did
not do crucifixion EVER!!! The Pharisee partyline on capital punishment is so
NEGATIVE---that Israel rejected it entirely except in very restricted circumstances----the islamo-nazi hero EICHMANN was hanged---just one
case. Jesus was executed by Rome for insurrection against Rome. Execution
by Rome was very common for THOUSANDS OF YEARS

Jesus never preached insurrection. He was not a zealot.

How many " thousands of years" did the Roman empire last, Rosie?
Wrongly so. Still, you're trying to draw a moral equivalency and failing obviously and miserably.

Christians should have looked at the brutal execution of their savior and proclaimed execution as immoral. Let God make the ultimate decision

Instead, they embraced it.
you (probably inadvertently) made a very important point. Back in the day---
Jewish jurisprudence not only avoided capital punishment ALTOGETHER---but
never executed on a charge of "he thinks he is the messiah" and, certainly did
not do crucifixion EVER!!! The Pharisee partyline on capital punishment is so
NEGATIVE---that Israel rejected it entirely except in very restricted circumstances----the islamo-nazi hero EICHMANN was hanged---just one
case. Jesus was executed by Rome for insurrection against Rome. Execution
by Rome was very common for THOUSANDS OF YEARS

The Roman civilization lasted about 1,000 years, from 753 BCE to 476 CE,
What home should they return to?
The homes with Drug Lords and rampant starvation?

What kind of Christian believes that?
They should return and take back their countries from the drug lords and corrupt leaders.

Also, the church isn't called to save the world from...itself. The church is called to distance itself from that world.
Jesus wasn't a leader of the Pharisee.

Jesus condemned was their hypocrisy, as evidenced by their pride in their outward observance of the law but inward spiritual void, and their arrogant belief that they were more religious than the rest.

They in return accused Jesus of blasphemy (Luke 5:21), in league with the devil (Matthew 9:34), and of breaking the law (Matthew 12:2) which prompted them to seek to destroy Him (Matthew 12:14).
Jesus wasn't a leader of the Pharisee.

Jesus condemned was their hypocrisy, as evidenced by their pride in their outward observance of the law but inward spiritual void, and their arrogant belief that they were more religious than the rest.

They in return accused Jesus of blasphemy (Luke 5:21), in league with the devil (Matthew 9:34), and of breaking the law (Matthew 12:2) which prompted them to seek to destroy Him (Matthew 12:14).
They had to use the Romans to finally kill Jesus as they were forbidden from putting anyone to death, under Roman law. They could however beat someone nearly to death, and if the person died it was 'God's will', not the beating.

Christians and almost everyone else are against the execution of the innocent.
Netenyahoo doesn't seem to be too concerned about innocents. If Hamas is hiding among the people who need food, they all get bombed and let god sort them out.
What would Jesus think of the wealthiest nation on earth turning away the starving and those fearing violence at our border?
The only thing to do here then is to label any of his followers as "MAGA" extremists, ban all of his writings from schools across the nation, and tell the FBI to go infiltrate his organizations as the President declares him the biggest threat to national security

But that is just me.

Thanks for playing.

Oh, and go to church. We know you won't but you know you should.
I just got back from church. Happy Easter.
The Romans executed Jesus, not the Jews.
Did you not read the account of his trial?

Pilate wanted nothing to do with killing Jesus, but the Jews demanded he be killed and even voted to kill him instead of Barnabas.

But at the end of the day, Pilate consented, which put the blood of Jesus on his hands even though he tried to wash his hands of it.

At the end of the day, we all put Jesus on that cross.
Did you not read the account of his trial?

Pilate wanted nothing to do with killing Jesus, but the Jews demanded he be killed and even voted to kill him instead of Barnabas.

But at the end of the day, Pilate consented, which put the blood of Jesus on his hands even though he tried to wash his hands of it.

At the end of the day, we all put Jesus on that cross.

Herod Antipas didn't care either. Jesus was safe and moved around freely in the north and Galilee. Jerusalem was dangerous for Jesus because of the Sanhedrin.

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