The main stream media's love affair with Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders



Watching Morning Joe and then entire cast going on and on about how "authentic" and "real" Bernie Sanders is. To me, his doddering old man routine seems about as authentic as Gloria:

And Trump is even worse.

Notice neither ever talks about specifics?

Then I was reading this USA Today commentary, a laughable luv fest tribute for Bernie:

Bernie Sanders has captured the hearts of millennial voters with his inspirational and emotional promise to bring the nation “a future to believe in.” Although 74-year-old Sanders is a lifelong politician, his off-the-beaten-path campaign and perpetually disheveled aesthetic seem to be just the fresh (if wrinkled) face many young Democrats are looking for.

His core platforms — universal health care, tuition-free public colleges, a crack-down on irresponsible spending, and redistribution of wealth — are all thrilling prospects for a debt-ridden generation who are wary of career politicians and tired of slow progress under the Obama administration.

To these voters, Sanders’ rumpled suits and off-the-script shouting are a form of highly-praised authenticity that Clinton’s seemingly out-of-touch demeanor just doesn’t offer.

Hillary Clinton's woman problem: Column

See what I mean?

The only thing in a capitalistic society that succeeds is revenue. Bring the money in, debt goes down, and everyone is happy. Bernie's idea of "we want what they have" is not what we are used to unless we are talking Republican policies. In a level playing field, it's possible to get what they have. The problem is when people my age say we want what they have, we mean we get it ourselves. Bernie is literally saying "We want what they have and we want to take it from them". A BIG BIG difference.

In a way, Bernie and the Republicans are much the same. Republicans want to redistribute the wealth of the country to the top 1%. They do that by cutting taxes on the wealthy and taxing the hell out of everyone else. Bernie wants it to go the other way.

Responsible Democrats understand that we build up the country through the traditional methods of education and infrastructure. Education giving us the means and infrastructure giving us the foundation.

So where does Trump fit in? Come on. Walls? Make America great again? Hulk smash. And an unspecified "jobs". In Trump, America wants to elect a boastful clown. In Bernie, they want to elect Santa. At this point, I'm kinda worried it might happen. Which one? Either. Both are so laughable it's hard to imagine either could get elected. Course, many felt that way about Reagan and Dubya. And both happened. And look at the messes they left.
so who do you want dean?....the lady dragging all that baggage around?....i wonder if she gets tired doing that?....what do you think?...
What baggage? All the failed conspiracies dreamed up by Republicans since the 1980's?
The mainstream media is stuck with Donald Trump. Nobody in modern history kicked their collective asses so bad as Trump and they can't let it go for fear that other political candidates might stray from the herd that they so carefully created.. They like Sanders because he pushes the envelope in the direction the liberal media feels comfortable.
so who do you want dean?....the lady dragging all that baggage around?....i wonder if she gets tired doing that?....what do you think?...
What baggage? All the failed conspiracies dreamed up by Republicans since the 1980's?
she has baggage dean, whether you want to acknowledge that or not is up to you.....sure some of those bags may be empty,but when you accumulate that much some are no doubt filled up.....but no matter she is tainted,spoiled merchandise.....with all the democrats out there this is the best they can do? old white tainted lady who many either dont like or cant trust,and an old white guy who means good but is living in his own world if he thinks he can get passed much of the stuff he is pushing....and then you look over on the other side.....holy shit.....i will stick with Rufus T.Firefly.....
so who do you want dean?....the lady dragging all that baggage around?....i wonder if she gets tired doing that?....what do you think?...
What baggage? All the failed conspiracies dreamed up by Republicans since the 1980's?
she has baggage dean, whether you want to acknowledge that or not is up to you.....sure some of those bags may be empty,but when you accumulate that much some are no doubt filled up.....but no matter she is tainted,spoiled merchandise.....with all the democrats out there this is the best they can do? old white tainted lady who many either dont like or cant trust,and an old white guy who means good but is living in his own world if he thinks he can get passed much of the stuff he is pushing....and then you look over on the other side.....holy shit.....i will stick with Rufus T.Firefly.....
She has baggage you can't name because she has been tainted with GOP accusations. Got it.
so who do you want dean?....the lady dragging all that baggage around?....i wonder if she gets tired doing that?....what do you think?...
What baggage? All the failed conspiracies dreamed up by Republicans since the 1980's?
she has baggage dean, whether you want to acknowledge that or not is up to you.....sure some of those bags may be empty,but when you accumulate that much some are no doubt filled up.....but no matter she is tainted,spoiled merchandise.....with all the democrats out there this is the best they can do? old white tainted lady who many either dont like or cant trust,and an old white guy who means good but is living in his own world if he thinks he can get passed much of the stuff he is pushing....and then you look over on the other side.....holy shit.....i will stick with Rufus T.Firefly.....
She has baggage you can't name because she has been tainted with GOP accusations. Got it.
your problem dean is that you trust anyone as long as they are a democrat without question....and i seriously doubt you would give a dam if you knew clinton had real baggage just because she is a i have told you many times before,you dont question the democrats,you just follow and eat up everything they do and say....but then you dont have any choice do you?....after all,you are one of them party people...prove me wrong dean.....
so who do you want dean?....the lady dragging all that baggage around?....i wonder if she gets tired doing that?....what do you think?...
What baggage? All the failed conspiracies dreamed up by Republicans since the 1980's?
she has baggage dean, whether you want to acknowledge that or not is up to you.....sure some of those bags may be empty,but when you accumulate that much some are no doubt filled up.....but no matter she is tainted,spoiled merchandise.....with all the democrats out there this is the best they can do? old white tainted lady who many either dont like or cant trust,and an old white guy who means good but is living in his own world if he thinks he can get passed much of the stuff he is pushing....and then you look over on the other side.....holy shit.....i will stick with Rufus T.Firefly.....
She has baggage you can't name because she has been tainted with GOP accusations. Got it.
your problem dean is that you trust anyone as long as they are a democrat without question....and i seriously doubt you would give a dam if you knew clinton had real baggage just because she is a i have told you many times before,you dont question the democrats,you just follow and eat up everything they do and say....but then you dont have any choice do you?....after all,you are one of them party people...prove me wrong dean.....
I don't trust Bernie. Oh wait, he's not a Democrat.
You trusted Bush without question. Course, now, I'm sure you say that's not true.
so who do you want dean?....the lady dragging all that baggage around?....i wonder if she gets tired doing that?....what do you think?...
What baggage? All the failed conspiracies dreamed up by Republicans since the 1980's?
she has baggage dean, whether you want to acknowledge that or not is up to you.....sure some of those bags may be empty,but when you accumulate that much some are no doubt filled up.....but no matter she is tainted,spoiled merchandise.....with all the democrats out there this is the best they can do? old white tainted lady who many either dont like or cant trust,and an old white guy who means good but is living in his own world if he thinks he can get passed much of the stuff he is pushing....and then you look over on the other side.....holy shit.....i will stick with Rufus T.Firefly.....
She has baggage you can't name because she has been tainted with GOP accusations. Got it.
In politics, appearance is reality, and Hillary is perceived as untrustworthy and dishonest. Thus, for political purposes, she is untrustworthy and dishonest. Sorry, but she's dragging baggage, whether you want to admit it or not.
so who do you want dean?....the lady dragging all that baggage around?....i wonder if she gets tired doing that?....what do you think?...
What baggage? All the failed conspiracies dreamed up by Republicans since the 1980's?
she has baggage dean, whether you want to acknowledge that or not is up to you.....sure some of those bags may be empty,but when you accumulate that much some are no doubt filled up.....but no matter she is tainted,spoiled merchandise.....with all the democrats out there this is the best they can do? old white tainted lady who many either dont like or cant trust,and an old white guy who means good but is living in his own world if he thinks he can get passed much of the stuff he is pushing....and then you look over on the other side.....holy shit.....i will stick with Rufus T.Firefly.....
She has baggage you can't name because she has been tainted with GOP accusations. Got it.
your problem dean is that you trust anyone as long as they are a democrat without question....and i seriously doubt you would give a dam if you knew clinton had real baggage just because she is a i have told you many times before,you dont question the democrats,you just follow and eat up everything they do and say....but then you dont have any choice do you?....after all,you are one of them party people...prove me wrong dean.....
I don't trust Bernie. Oh wait, he's not a Democrat.
You trusted Bush without question. Course, now, I'm sure you say that's not true.
i will play your game me a post of mine trusting bush, a guy i have said is a half ass president more than once....come on dean you say you can back up everything you say,lets see you back this could not back it up when you said i was a racist,lets see if you can back this one up,46,000 posts to choose from....or do we have more dean talk?...

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