The looming war over gay marriage

I'm heterosexual and married with one child. For what it's worth, I think gay people should have the same rights as heterosexuals.
Gay men can marry a woman, just like every other man. Nobody's stopping them. They can even have children too. I'm sure they'll make some woman very happy.

Would you want your sister or your daughter married to a gay? Usually, these women are devastated when they find out. They were in love, but instead of their love being "returned", it was only an illusion caused by people trying to "fit in". They ruined two lives trying to "fit in". Is that what you want? Is that your "solution"? You're cool with that? Seriously.
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So when the Catholics read the Bible every Sunday, they are deliberately ignoring what they read?
Most don't read it. They listen to the preacher with their book open.

For a long time, it was kept in Latin specifically to keep people from reading it.

The few that do read it are mentally retarded and don't understand it, so they just buy a scapular, count their prayers on their rosaries, kneel beneath the graven image of a bloody man, and do as they're told.
I thought the main qualification for being Christian was that you believed that Yeshua, is the Son of G*d and died for our sins
-and choose to follow Him and obey God's laws. Satan, too, knows of Christ's sacrifice. Do I have to teach you your religion?
"huh?" Let's use some thought: if homosexuals are allowed to marry (and they stay true), they cannot reproduce naturally (can we agree on that?).

nor could Sarah- if you read the bible, you'd know that. Nor can women who've had uterine cancer or Christians who follow Paul's advice...

Your point?

That means: society's population will decrease
right... because gays are having kids now but will stop if they get married?

Are you8 retarded? It's explain a few things.
☭proletarian☭;1849938 said:
Black men can marry a woman their own color, just like every other man. Nobody's stopping them.

I know we've heard this crap somewhere before...
Except homosexuality is not genetic like race is. You can't stop being black, or white, or asian, or arab. You CAN stop being gay. I know a few who have.

The two are not equatable. One is an act or a belief. The other is a genetic factor. No proof that I would consider reputable has been found to show homosexuality is caused as clearly as skin color.

May as well say an Arsonist is just as free to do what makes him happy. Both are acts, and therefore that is a false analogy.

(....although pyromania is a mental disease... hmmmmmmm.... could that be...?)

Wow, an "expert". So the burning question, "How were you able to stop"?

One more question:

"Do you still have "feelings"?
☭proletarian☭;1849938 said:
Black men can marry a woman their own color, just like every other man. Nobody's stopping them.

I know we've heard this crap somewhere before...
Except homosexuality is not genetic like race is. You can't stop being black, or white, or asian, or arab. You CAN stop being gay. I know a few who have.

The two are not equatable. One is an act or a belief. The other is a genetic factor. No proof that I would consider reputable has been found to show homosexuality is caused as clearly as skin color.

May as well say an Arsonist is just as free to do what makes him happy. Both are acts, and therefore that is a false analogy.

(....although pyromania is a mental disease... hmmmmmmm.... could that be...?)

I've heard that from the Rev. Dobson.

Oh, but the 2 guys he got to run his Ex-Gay program quit and married each other....Oops.
Not enough to justify special rights.

You mean the special right to marry the one you love that 97% of the rest of the population has?
in India they still have arranged marriages. Who said love had anything to do with marriage? That's a custom. BTW, that's the kind of case you're trying to make too, and blur the line between gender and emotional attachment. If someone fell in love with a horse of the same gender, or even opposite gender, they still could not marry it no matter how much they loved it and vice versa.

Sorry, that argument fails.

So are you married? And if you are, does the person you are married to know you don't love them?
You mean the special right to marry the one you love that 97% of the rest of the population has?
in India they still have arranged marriages. Who said love had anything to do with marriage? That's a custom. BTW, that's the kind of case you're trying to make too, and blur the line between gender and emotional attachment. If someone fell in love with a horse of the same gender, or even opposite gender, they still could not marry it no matter how much they loved it and vice versa.

Sorry, that argument fails.

So are you married? And if you are, does the person you are married to know you don't love them?
Are you still unable to pull the trigger on that ignore button? Ya promise and then... you let me down.
☭proletarian☭;1852299 said:
☭proletarian☭;1852202 said:
Answer the question. Do you oppose special rights, privileges, or recognition for anyone based on their sexuality?

I refuse to answer because I am an idiot and a bigot who already showed why my homophobia should not be enforced by the law.

*translated into English*
Like I said... a shitty attitude. Thanks for illustrating why you're not worth talking to on this topic.
in India they still have arranged marriages. Who said love had anything to do with marriage? That's a custom. BTW, that's the kind of case you're trying to make too, and blur the line between gender and emotional attachment. If someone fell in love with a horse of the same gender, or even opposite gender, they still could not marry it no matter how much they loved it and vice versa.

Sorry, that argument fails.

So are you married? And if you are, does the person you are married to know you don't love them?
Are you still unable to pull the trigger on that ignore button? Ya promise and then... you let me down.

At least I didn't let you down as much as that gay guy you used to be married to. How'd that work out?
You mean the special right to marry the one you love that 97% of the rest of the population has?
in India they still have arranged marriages. Who said love had anything to do with marriage? That's a custom. BTW, that's the kind of case you're trying to make too, and blur the line between gender and emotional attachment. If someone fell in love with a horse of the same gender, or even opposite gender, they still could not marry it no matter how much they loved it and vice versa.

Sorry, that argument fails.

So are you married? And if you are, does the person you are married to know you don't love them?
Nice attempt at obfuscation. My marriage/divorced/widowed/single status has nothing to do with the fact that gay men are perfectly legal to marry a woman of their choice. Just like everyone else. If they are given the right to marry the man of their choice are you ready for the pedophile to have the right to marry the little boy of their choice? Or how about the zoophile marrying the animal of their choice?

It comes down to this from what I see. You want to say where the line is... and the line is just barely enough to include your particular object d'amour, and nobody else. I always love that kind of hypocrisy.

The family unit has always been and always WILL be Man + Woman + Children.

Anything else is special rights no matter how much you scream froth and shout. Fuckin' deal, mmkay?

Besides, why do you want to suffer like the straights? You get a lawyer and do up a contract if the issue is legal. If it's religious, tough. Change religions or find one that supports you. There, problem's solved, you can now get medical records about your partner thanks to a leagal contract, and found some 'pastor/priest/holyperson' to marry you and can feel right in whatever religion you chose.

Leave the rest of us alone. Of course... we know the real reason isn't about marriage. It's about destroying traditions. Otherwise, there wouldn't be an issue here. Don't we now?
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☭proletarian☭;1852018 said:
So you oppose special rights, privileges, or recognition for anyone based on their sexuality?
You can't equate race to sexual preference or acts.

So now you try to move the goalposts or try to blur the line. Nice try, but a fail.

Being gay is not a choice. It is biological, just like being black is biological.

Sexuality is hardwired into every single one of us, and is innate as eating.

☭proletarian☭;1852322 said:
So when the Catholics read the Bible every Sunday, they are deliberately ignoring what they read?
Most don't read it. They listen to the preacher with their book open.

For a long time, it was kept in Latin specifically to keep people from reading it.

The few that do read it are mentally retarded and don't understand it, so they just buy a scapular, count their prayers on their rosaries, kneel beneath the graven image of a bloody man, and do as they're told.
I thought the main qualification for being Christian was that you believed that Yeshua, is the Son of G*d and died for our sins
-and choose to follow Him and obey God's laws. Satan, too, knows of Christ's sacrifice. Do I have to teach you your religion?
"huh?" Let's use some thought: if homosexuals are allowed to marry (and they stay true), they cannot reproduce naturally (can we agree on that?).

nor could Sarah- if you read the bible, you'd know that. Nor can women who've had uterine cancer or Christians who follow Paul's advice...

Your point?

That means: society's population will decrease
right... because gays are having kids now but will stop if they get married?

Are you8 retarded? It's explain a few things.

So you know all Catholics? If the Bible is read out loud in the mass, you have to try not to pay attention. The masses that I have been to have more Biblical passages than any other faith I have visited. The preachers 'usually' will concentrate on a verse or two, and then give a sermon on his opinion of the verses; sometimes it is helpful, sometimes it isn't.
As for Satan knowing of Christ's sacrifice, what does that have to do with Catholism? Oh, I get it, someone told you the mass was bad and you never tried to understand it for yourself, you just assume that you 'know'. That 'graven' image is a graphic testimony to the way Yeshua was whipped, had a crown of thorns pressed into his skull, and hung on a cross to die of painful suffocation. It is there to remind people of how great His love was for all (even homosexuals), that He, the Truth and the Light, that could have called His angels and destroyed the earth, chose to die for our sins, not just yours, and not just mine, but for every person's on earth.

Giving examples of women that cannot produce (the percentage must be less than 1%), compared to homosexuals that can produce while using pro-creating actions on the same sex (that percentage would be 0%), is riduculous.
You are right, gays are having children. They are not using 'natural methods' with the life partner of their choice (see above for that reason). Those child custody battles are not pretty.
I am not saying the homosexual population will increase, I was using a number, that is used by the press to inform the public on the percentage of homosexuals in the population. I am saying by "legitimizing" homosexual marriage, children will be forced (even more than they are now) to be 'educated' (indoctinated) on homosexual practices and encouraged to 'try it'. Laws will be passed to keep people from stating opinions of disagreement with homosexuality under "hate crimes" legislation. And worse things will follow, but you seem to have trouble with simple foresight, so we won't go there.

I find it highly amusing that someone that claims to 'know' the Bible supports homosexual marriage and bashes Catholics in the same breath. Must be one of those 'new' churches.
☭proletarian☭;1852408 said:
Leave the rest of us alone.

Says the homophobe who wants to regulate and legislate everyone ese's relationships :rolleyes:
Awwww look! He's calling me a homophobe. I want you to cite where I attacked anyone for being gay. My gay friends here would really like to know too.

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You can't equate race to sexual preference or acts.

So now you try to move the goalposts or try to blur the line. Nice try, but a fail.

Being gay is not a choice. It is biological, just like being black is biological.

Sexuality is hardwired into every single one of us, and is innate as eating.


There is none. Just like there's no "proof" that it's a choice. Just like there's no "proof" that smoking cigarettes causes cancer.

If being gay is a choice, why would people choose it? Did you choose to be straight?

I don't know about you, but I've never felt a sexual attraction to another man. I don't remember ever choosing to be straight, I just like girls. Simple as that. Why is it so hard to accept that other guys might just like dudes?

The answer of course is morality - how can you believe that gay people go to hell if it wasn't for the fact that they must have done something wrong? Aside from that argument, and the "traditional" argument (which is essentially the same thing), there's no justification for the rampant hatred and fear of "the gays".
Did you choose to be straight?
Procreation is hardwired into our DNA as it is for EVERY species in the world.

What I find most interesting is that those demanding gay marriage refuse to accept that there is any other acceptable answer or view point. It must mirror theirs or be destroyed. That smacks of something other than the issue at hand.
Did you choose to be straight?
Procreation is hardwired into our DNA as it is for EVERY species in the world.

What I find most interesting is that those demanding gay marriage refuse to accept that there is any other acceptable answer or view point. It must mirror theirs or be destroyed. That smacks of something other than the issue at hand.

I'm not demanding anything. As I said, I'm not gay, and have no intention of marrying a man. But it's hilarious to me to watch people justify what is clearly a religious thing with ridiculous "logic" statements. Legalizing same-sex marriage won't give anyone "special" rights - you'll be able to marry a dude too, if you want. You're not going to be denied any rights at all.

You know homosexuality occurs in other species, not just Humans, right? There are theories that homosexuality occurs as a evolutionary safeguard against overpopulation. (Not agreeing, just saying the theories are out there).


There is none. Just like there's no "proof" that it's a choice. Just like there's no "proof" that smoking cigarettes causes cancer.

this is stupid, why even make such a comment

If being gay is a choice, why would people choose it? Did you choose to be straight?

sexually, yes. i could have remained celibate.

I don't know about you, but I've never felt a sexual attraction to another man. I don't remember ever choosing to be straight, I just like girls. Simple as that. Why is it so hard to accept that other guys might just like dudes?

that is your experience. you have no considered others who have been abused or used or what not by older men. i have a couple of very close friends that had men introduce them to gay sex when they were young, eg, minors. you might say, well, a girl molested....does that make a hetrosexual because she was molested by men.... you would have a fair point, my friends believe they would have never considered gay sex, but for the experience with the older man.

i offer it solely as their experience. nothing more.

The answer of course is morality - how can you believe that gay people go to hell if it wasn't for the fact that they must have done something wrong? Aside from that argument, and the "traditional" argument (which is essentially the same thing), there's no justification for the rampant hatred and fear of "the gays".

i never said gay people go to hell. ever.

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