The looming war over gay marriage

☭proletarian☭;1849938 said:
I know we've heard this crap somewhere before...
Except homosexuality is not genetic like race is. You can't stop being black, or white, or asian, or arab. You CAN stop being gay. I know a few who have.

The two are not equatable. One is an act or a belief. The other is a genetic factor. No proof that I would consider reputable has been found to show homosexuality is caused as clearly as skin color.

May as well say an Arsonist is just as free to do what makes him happy. Both are acts, and therefore that is a false analogy.

(....although pyromania is a mental disease... hmmmmmmm.... could that be...?)
Although homosexuality is not solely genetic, there are some genetic factors that do play a part in a person's homosexuality.

And "changing" gayness isn't as simple as you think.

Some fundies treat changing sexuality like it's a "Take this pill 3 times a day and eat salad for 1 week and you'll loose 50 pounds! GUARANTEED! We'll send you your money back DOUBLED if it doesn't work!"

And homosexuality isn't just about sex. That's a fundamentalist stereotype.
Yes it is complex, unlike race. Therefore the two are still not equatable.
Except homosexuality is not genetic like race is. You can't stop being black, or white, or asian, or arab. You CAN stop being gay. I know a few who have.

The two are not equatable. One is an act or a belief. The other is a genetic factor. No proof that I would consider reputable has been found to show homosexuality is caused as clearly as skin color.

May as well say an Arsonist is just as free to do what makes him happy. Both are acts, and therefore that is a false analogy.

(....although pyromania is a mental disease... hmmmmmmm.... could that be...?)
Although homosexuality is not solely genetic, there are some genetic factors that do play a part in a person's homosexuality.

And "changing" gayness isn't as simple as you think.

Some fundies treat changing sexuality like it's a "Take this pill 3 times a day and eat salad for 1 week and you'll loose 50 pounds! GUARANTEED! We'll send you your money back DOUBLED if it doesn't work!"

And homosexuality isn't just about sex. That's a fundamentalist stereotype.
Yes it is complex, unlike race. Therefore the two are still not equatable.
Some ways they are, some ways they aren't.
Although homosexuality is not solely genetic, there are some genetic factors that do play a part in a person's homosexuality.

And "changing" gayness isn't as simple as you think.

Some fundies treat changing sexuality like it's a "Take this pill 3 times a day and eat salad for 1 week and you'll loose 50 pounds! GUARANTEED! We'll send you your money back DOUBLED if it doesn't work!"

And homosexuality isn't just about sex. That's a fundamentalist stereotype.
Yes it is complex, unlike race. Therefore the two are still not equatable.
Some ways they are, some ways they aren't.
Not enough to justify special rights.
☭proletarian☭;1849938 said:
Black men can marry a woman their own color, just like every other man. Nobody's stopping them.

I know we've heard this crap somewhere before...
Except homosexuality is not genetic like race is. You can't stop being black, or white, or asian, or arab. You CAN stop being gay. I know a few who have.

The two are not equatable. One is an act or a belief. The other is a genetic factor. No proof that I would consider reputable has been found to show homosexuality is caused as clearly as skin color.

Being poor or Catholic isn't genetic- does that mean you support not letting Catholics marry since they're not Christians?

Also, can you prove there is no genetic aspect to homosexuality in any case?

May as well say an Arsonist is just as free to do what makes him happy. Both are acts, and therefore that is a false analogy.

Yeah, because suckling cock or diving into some muff is totally the same as setting an apartment complex on fire...

☭proletarian☭;1852018 said:
Not enough to justify special rights.
So you oppose special rights, privileges, or recognition for anyone based on their sexuality?
You can't equate race to sexual preference or acts.

So now you try to move the goalposts or try to blur the line. Nice try, but a fail.
Not enough to justify special rights.

You mean the special right to marry the one you love that 97% of the rest of the population has?
in India they still have arranged marriages. Who said love had anything to do with marriage? That's a custom. BTW, that's the kind of case you're trying to make too, and blur the line between gender and emotional attachment. If someone fell in love with a horse of the same gender, or even opposite gender, they still could not marry it no matter how much they loved it and vice versa.

Sorry, that argument fails.
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Not enough to justify special rights.

You mean the special right to marry the one you love that 97% of the rest of the population has?
in India they still have arranged marriages. Who said love had anything to do with marriage? That's a custom. BTW, that's the kind of case you're trying to make too, and blur the line between gender and emotional attachment. If someone fell in love with a horse of the same gender, or even opposite gender, they still could not marry it no matter how much they loved it and vice versa.

Sorry, that argument fails.

Maybe you do not know this but animals do not have full legal rights under the law, anymore than a chair or a toaster does. Thus, there is no ability to enter into a legal contract with a piece of furniture or a horse, no matter how much you may love your dog or your barcalounger.

Gay people are not getting special rights. Sorry.
☭proletarian☭;1852018 said:
Not enough to justify special rights.
So you oppose special rights, privileges, or recognition for anyone based on their sexuality?
You can't equate race to sexual preference or acts.

So now you try to move the goalposts or try to blur the line. Nice try, but a fail.

Being gay is not a choice. It is biological, just like being black is biological.

Sexuality is hardwired into every single one of us, and is innate as eating.
☭proletarian☭;1852004 said:
☭proletarian☭;1849938 said:
I know we've heard this crap somewhere before...
Except homosexuality is not genetic like race is. You can't stop being black, or white, or asian, or arab. You CAN stop being gay. I know a few who have.

The two are not equatable. One is an act or a belief. The other is a genetic factor. No proof that I would consider reputable has been found to show homosexuality is caused as clearly as skin color.

Being poor or Catholic isn't genetic- does that mean you support not letting Catholics marry since they're not Christians?

Also, can you prove there is no genetic aspect to homosexuality in any case?

May as well say an Arsonist is just as free to do what makes him happy. Both are acts, and therefore that is a false analogy.

Yeah, because suckling cock or diving into some muff is totally the same as setting an apartment complex on fire...


For the record, the Catholics were the first Christians that survived the Roman persecutions. The other Christian denominations branched off the Catholic church.

As for arsonist: would you prefer alcoholic, gambler, sex addict, cleptomaniac, etc? They are all behavioral choices, you can choose to do any of them, or you can choose a better life. It bothers me, that some, yes, I said some homosexuals want to force their unhealthy lifestyles onto my wallet (that would be getting the same rights as married couples that contribute to society), and trying to brainwash children (thru sensitivity education, that is more about perversions), so they can have future partners.
If you are a homosexual, you are a child of the Lord and can overcome your sinful ways, and yes, it is a choice, and yes, it is extremely hard to resist temptation. Those of us that are not homosexual all struggle with our own personal demons and temptations that we work hard to overcome, and I do not appreciate some homosexuals acting like they HAVE no choice.
Do not pretend that you want 'equal rights', you want additional rights and access to children to convert to your 'vision' of life. Do not expect me to support your sinful ways.
☭proletarian☭;1852018 said:
Not enough to justify special rights.
So you oppose special rights, privileges, or recognition for anyone based on their sexuality?
You can't equate race to sexual preference or acts.

So now you try to move the goalposts or try to blur the line. Nice try, but a fail.
Answer the question. Do you oppose special rights, privileges, or recognition for anyone based on their sexuality?
For the record, the Catholics were the first Christians that survived the Roman persecutions.

Wriong. It was a nerw religion founded by Constantine and has never been in line with Jesus' teachings or God's law.
some homosexuals want to force their unhealthy lifestyles onto my wallet (that would be getting the same rights as married couples that contribute to society),

Don't pull that bible bullshit with me, retard. I know the bible and God's laws better than most xtian idiots I've ever met. Besides, the bible has no legal weight at all.
Not enough to justify special rights.

You mean the special right to marry the one you love that 97% of the rest of the population has?

No one has a 'right' to marry the person that they love. Ask any adult and they will tell you a sob story of their first love ending up with someone else. It is a fact of life (probably for 96% of us). People select a person they think will make a good life partner for individual reasons (and most of the time that includes plans of having their own children). They work hard at the relationship and if everything goes okay, they get married (when the work really starts, marriage is not for wimps). Many people never get married (even some heterosexuals), it just doesn't happen, so please quit with the 'right to marry' crap.
☭proletarian☭;1852202 said:
☭proletarian☭;1852018 said:
So you oppose special rights, privileges, or recognition for anyone based on their sexuality?
You can't equate race to sexual preference or acts.

So now you try to move the goalposts or try to blur the line. Nice try, but a fail.
Answer the question. Do you oppose special rights, privileges, or recognition for anyone based on their sexuality?
Your previous shitty attitude is why you get nothing.

I know that lawyers are salivating over gay divorce. That's going to revolutionize the industry. And you thought a vindictive woman was something to behold! Picture if you will two vindictive and pissed off gay men going at it over who gets the purple chaise they got together and both just LOVE it!

Oh yeah. A golden age for lawyers coming right up.
☭proletarian☭;1852210 said:
For the record, the Catholics were the first Christians that survived the Roman persecutions.

Wriong. It was a nerw religion founded by Constantine and has never been in line with Jesus' teachings or God's law.
some homosexuals want to force their unhealthy lifestyles onto my wallet (that would be getting the same rights as married couples that contribute to society),

Don't pull that bible bullshit with me, retard. I know the bible and God's laws better than most xtian idiots I've ever met. Besides, the bible has no legal weight at all.

So when the Catholics read the Bible every Sunday, they are deliberately ignoring what they read? I thought the main qualification for being Christian was that you believed that Yeshua, is the Son of G*d and died for our sins. Catholics believe that. Maybe a man that claims he is preacher told you he knows what G*d is saying because he can hear G*d speaking to him? I did not speak to you about G*d's laws, to what are you referring?

"huh?" Let's use some thought: if homosexuals are allowed to marry (and they stay true), they cannot reproduce naturally (can we agree on that?). That means: society's population will decrease, or people that disagree with the action that produces children (heterosexual sex) will work to claim children produced from those unions as their own, or: use artificial means to produce children. Are you following me? Any of those actions for over 10% of the population will: a) shrink that particular culture or society, b)make children less valuable, c)increase health care costs. Any of the above will hurt the culture and the society over the long run.

Now if you want to get into G*d's laws on this matter, you will lose.
☭proletarian☭;1852210 said:
For the record, the Catholics were the first Christians that survived the Roman persecutions.

Wriong. It was a nerw religion founded by Constantine and has never been in line with Jesus' teachings or God's law.
some homosexuals want to force their unhealthy lifestyles onto my wallet (that would be getting the same rights as married couples that contribute to society),

Don't pull that bible bullshit with me, retard. I know the bible and God's laws better than most xtian idiots I've ever met. Besides, the bible has no legal weight at all.

So when the Catholics read the Bible every Sunday, they are deliberately ignoring what they read? I thought the main qualification for being Christian was that you believed that Yeshua, is the Son of G*d and died for our sins. Catholics believe that. Maybe a man that claims he is preacher told you he knows what G*d is saying because he can hear G*d speaking to him? I did not speak to you about G*d's laws, to what are you referring?

"huh?" Let's use some thought: if homosexuals are allowed to marry (and they stay true), they cannot reproduce naturally (can we agree on that?). That means: society's population will decrease, or people that disagree with the action that produces children (heterosexual sex) will work to claim children produced from those unions as their own, or: use artificial means to produce children. Are you following me? Any of those actions for over 10% of the population will: a) shrink that particular culture or society, b)make children less valuable, c)increase health care costs. Any of the above will hurt the culture and the society over the long run.

Now if you want to get into G*d's laws on this matter, you will lose.

Are you claiming that legalizing same-sex marriage will make more people gay?

Because there are already plenty of people, and have been for as long as humanity has existed that have no intention of procreating. Gay people have existed for all time, and there have been fully committed, life-long same sex couples. The lack of procreation hasn't hurt us so far, why would it start to damage society to legitimize these couples in the eyes of the law?
☭proletarian☭;1852202 said:
You can't equate race to sexual preference or acts.

So now you try to move the goalposts or try to blur the line. Nice try, but a fail.
Answer the question. Do you oppose special rights, privileges, or recognition for anyone based on their sexuality?

I refuse to answer because I am an idiot and a bigot who already showed why my homophobia should not be enforced by the law.

*translated into English*

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