The Loch Ness Momster


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The insanity just keeps getting worse. Where it will end is anyone's guess. Perhaps forced euthanasia is the endpoint?

Remember those dark, ignorant, superstitious days when people believed in…women? What an embarrassing time for the human race.
“Women”? Why not also believe in Yeti and Bigfoot?
Fortunately, the same doctors who took pharma money to get half the country addicted to opioids, who call natural immunity a myth, and who want to put Covid masks on babies, are on the scene to disabuse us of our irrational claim that women exist.
In the U.K., home of the world-record holder for a doctor who erased women (balmy Dr. Shipman, who erased 250 ladies via hot doses of diamorphine), the medical establishment has decided to end cervical cancer testing outreaches to women. According to Scottish public health minister Maree Todd, anyone can get cervical cancer, so telling “women” to get smear tests means indulging in the ridiculous superstition that “women” exist and have distinct biological features.
Sure, certain fascists within the Scottish government provided evidence that women have died from lack of smear test access, but that’s just irrational bunkum. “Women” can’t die if “women” don’t exist.
And over in England, Labour MP Rosie Duffield has been accused of hate crimes for claiming that only women have a cervix.
Sure, schizo. And UFOs kidnapped Jimmy Hoffa.
And it’s not just the U.K. The “prestigious” Mayo Clinic recently changed its web page on cervical cancer to eliminate any mention of the word “women.” Compare the current page with the archived version. “A woman’s immune system” is replaced by “The body’s immune system.” “Most women with the virus never develop cervical cancer” became “Most people with the virus never develop cancer.” “Most medical organizations suggest women begin routine Pap tests at age 21” transitioned to “Most medical organizations suggest beginning routine Pap tests at age 21.” And “HPV vaccination is available for girls and women ages 9 to 26” was removed entirely.
Hooray for 21st-century doctors! Without them, we’d all be believing in chupacabras, mothmen, and dames.


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