The lies in tRump's latest executive orders.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
He's saying one thing, but doing something else as usual.

The "eviction moratorium" is not that at all, but an order to "consider" whether there should be one. This, BTW is the only actual executive order. The rest are memoranda.

The $400 unemployment extension robs FEMA's emergency fund for up to $300 and tells the states (,already broke) that they just cover the rest. He is again attempting to take over congresses constitutional control of the purse strings. Then there's the fact that even though the memo says it will continue through December 6th, the money he is stealing from FEMA won't even last till october. This is not an EO, but a memorandum.

The payroll tax holiday is a raid on SS and Medicare that will have long lasting effects in their funding but almost no effect on peoples paychecks and does not one single thing for unemployed folks. The only ones it helps are his already wealthy pals. Plus it's a deferral, which means they're all due later. Only Congress can make it permanent. This is so not and EO, but a memorandum.

The only one that doesn't seem to be a weasel in some way or another is student loan relief, and it also isn't and EO.


Looks like a whole lotta nuthin' to me.
He's saying one thing, but doing something else as usual.

The "eviction moratorium" is not that at all, but an order to "consider" whether there should be one. This, BTW is the only actual executive order. The rest are memoranda.

The $400 unemployment extension robs FEMA's emergency fund for up to $300 and tells the states (,already broke) that they just cover the rest. He is again attempting to take over congresses constitutional control of the purse strings. Then there's the fact that even though the memo says it will continue through December 6th, the money he is stealing from FEMA won't even last till october. This is not an EO, but a memorandum.

The payroll tax holiday is a raid on SS and Medicare that will have long lasting effects in their funding but almost no effect on peoples paychecks and does not one single thing for unemployed folks. The only ones it helps are his already wealthy pals. Plus it's a deferral, which means they're all due later. Only Congress can make it permanent. This is so not and EO, but a memorandum.

The only one that doesn't seem to be a weasel in some way or another is student loan relief, and it also isn't and EO.


Looks like a whole lotta nuthin' to me.
This is a political stunt on the part of Trump – nothing more.

It’s a desperate, pathetic attempt to salvage his failing reelection bid; actions made in bad faith doing nothing to help the American people, further confirmation of Trump’s contempt for our democratic institutions.

It’s imperative that Trump be voted out of office this November.
Nice move Trump...go around congress until it goes back to working for the it all the way to election day....on every issue the people need to get fixed...take Pelosi right out of the mix...let her sue to stop relief to the unemployed...I'd love to see her explain that....
He's saying one thing, but doing something else as usual.

The "eviction moratorium" is not that at all, but an order to "consider" whether there should be one. This, BTW is the only actual executive order. The rest are memoranda.

The $400 unemployment extension robs FEMA's emergency fund for up to $300 and tells the states (,already broke) that they just cover the rest. He is again attempting to take over congresses constitutional control of the purse strings. Then there's the fact that even though the memo says it will continue through December 6th, the money he is stealing from FEMA won't even last till october. This is not an EO, but a memorandum.

The payroll tax holiday is a raid on SS and Medicare that will have long lasting effects in their funding but almost no effect on peoples paychecks and does not one single thing for unemployed folks. The only ones it helps are his already wealthy pals. Plus it's a deferral, which means they're all due later. Only Congress can make it permanent. This is so not and EO, but a memorandum.

The only one that doesn't seem to be a weasel in some way or another is student loan relief, and it also isn't and EO.


Looks like a whole lotta nuthin' to me.
You are right. These EOs that Trump signed are either invalid on their face or a scam. What gets me is that so-call Constitutional conservatives, which is now an Oxymoron, have no problem with this attempted coup by Trump to usurp the power of Congress.

You're right that Trump wants to once again rape the middle class for the benefit of his wealthy donors. Trump is trying to accomplish what all Pubs have longed for since the inception of Socal Security and Medicare: To destroy them.
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He's saying one thing, but doing something else as usual.

The "eviction moratorium" is not that at all, but an order to "consider" whether there should be one. This, BTW is the only actual executive order. The rest are memoranda.

The $400 unemployment extension robs FEMA's emergency fund for up to $300 and tells the states (,already broke) that they just cover the rest. He is again attempting to take over congresses constitutional control of the purse strings. Then there's the fact that even though the memo says it will continue through December 6th, the money he is stealing from FEMA won't even last till october. This is not an EO, but a memorandum.

The payroll tax holiday is a raid on SS and Medicare that will have long lasting effects in their funding but almost no effect on peoples paychecks and does not one single thing for unemployed folks. The only ones it helps are his already wealthy pals. Plus it's a deferral, which means they're all due later. Only Congress can make it permanent. This is so not and EO, but a memorandum.

The only one that doesn't seem to be a weasel in some way or another is student loan relief, and it also isn't and EO.


Looks like a whole lotta nuthin' to me.
You are right. These EOs that Trump signed are either invalid on their face or a scam. What gets me is that so-call Constitutional conservatives, which is now an Oxymoron, have no problem with this attempted coup by Trump to usurp the power of Congress.

You're right that Trump wants to once again rape the middle class for the benefit of his wealthy donors. Trump is trying to accomplish what all Pubs have longed for since the inception of Socal Security and Medicare: To destroy them.
Conservatism has little to do with the Constitution.
He's saying one thing, but doing something else as usual.

The "eviction moratorium" is not that at all, but an order to "consider" whether there should be one. This, BTW is the only actual executive order. The rest are memoranda.

The $400 unemployment extension robs FEMA's emergency fund for up to $300 and tells the states (,already broke) that they just cover the rest. He is again attempting to take over congresses constitutional control of the purse strings. Then there's the fact that even though the memo says it will continue through December 6th, the money he is stealing from FEMA won't even last till october. This is not an EO, but a memorandum.

The payroll tax holiday is a raid on SS and Medicare that will have long lasting effects in their funding but almost no effect on peoples paychecks and does not one single thing for unemployed folks. The only ones it helps are his already wealthy pals. Plus it's a deferral, which means they're all due later. Only Congress can make it permanent. This is so not and EO, but a memorandum.

The only one that doesn't seem to be a weasel in some way or another is student loan relief, and it also isn't and EO.


Looks like a whole lotta nuthin' to me.
You are right. These EOs that Trump signed are either invalid on their face or a scam. What gets me is that so-call Constitutional conservatives, which is now an Oxymoron, have no problem with this attempted coup by Trump to usurp the power of Congress.

You're right that Trump wants to once again rape the middle class for the benefit of his wealthy donors. Trump is trying to accomplish what all Pubs have longed for since the inception of Socal Security and Medicare: To destroy them.
Conservatism has little to do with the Constitution.
Ain't that the truth.
. . . a whole lot of nothing?

So his opponents and the media have nothing to complain about? :eusa_think:
Of course we do. He's pretending to do something without really accomplishing anything except getting a pat on the back from his loyal tRumplings (which is suspect is the most important thing as far as he's concerned) and creating a few sound bytes.
. . . a whole lot of nothing?

So his opponents and the media have nothing to complain about? :eusa_think:
Of course we do. He's pretending to do something without really accomplishing anything except getting a pat on the back from his loyal tRumplings (which is suspect is the most important thing as far as he's concerned) and creating a few sound bytes.

. . . hmmmmm. . . :20:


Sounds like he has really gotten the hang of this whole being president thing. That sounds. . . entirely not unlike every other president we have ever had.

Maybe you should just cast your ballot to re-elect him, looks like he has this job down pat.

Gotta be honest, Joe's mind ain't lookin' like it used to. Not sure he would have the presence of mind to do the same. . .

C'mon man!
Lefties are apparently too stupid to know the meaning of the word, "lie."

Fucking pathetic.

[ lahy ]SHOW IPA
1. a false statement made by dOnald j tRump or one of his supporters with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
2. something intended or serving to convey a false impression; example; His massive comb-over was a lie that deceived no one.
3. an inaccurate or false statement; a falsehood; any time dOnald j tRump speaks.
4. When a conservative's lips are moving.

verb (used without object), lied, ly·ing.
to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive.
to express what is false; convey a false impression.
verb (used with object), lied, ly·ing.
to bring about or affect by lying (often used reflexively):to lie oneself out of a difficulty; accustomed to lying his way out of difficulties.
. . . a whole lot of nothing?

So his opponents and the media have nothing to complain about? :eusa_think:
Of course we do. He's pretending to do something without really accomplishing anything except getting a pat on the back from his loyal tRumplings (which is suspect is the most important thing as far as he's concerned) and creating a few sound bytes.

. . . hmmmmm. . . :20:


Sounds like he has really gotten the hang of this whole being president thing. That sounds. . . entirely not unlike every other president we have ever had.

Maybe you should just cast your ballot to re-elect him, looks like he has this job down pat.

Gotta be honest, Joe's mind ain't lookin' like it used to. Not sure he would have the presence of mind to do the same. . .

C'mon man!
Does this alternate universe you reside in have a name?
He's saying one thing, but doing something else as usual.

The "eviction moratorium" is not that at all, but an order to "consider" whether there should be one. This, BTW is the only actual executive order. The rest are memoranda.

The $400 unemployment extension robs FEMA's emergency fund for up to $300 and tells the states (,already broke) that they just cover the rest. He is again attempting to take over congresses constitutional control of the purse strings. Then there's the fact that even though the memo says it will continue through December 6th, the money he is stealing from FEMA won't even last till october. This is not an EO, but a memorandum.

The payroll tax holiday is a raid on SS and Medicare that will have long lasting effects in their funding but almost no effect on peoples paychecks and does not one single thing for unemployed folks. The only ones it helps are his already wealthy pals. Plus it's a deferral, which means they're all due later. Only Congress can make it permanent. This is so not and EO, but a memorandum.

The only one that doesn't seem to be a weasel in some way or another is student loan relief, and it also isn't and EO.


Looks like a whole lotta nuthin' to me.
You are right. These EOs that Trump signed are either invalid on their face or a scam. What gets me is that so-call Constitutional conservatives, which is now an Oxymoron, have no problem with this attempted coup by Trump to usurp the power of Congress.

You're right that Trump wants to once again rape the middle class for the benefit of his wealthy donors. Trump is trying to accomplish what all Pubs have longed for since the inception of Socal Security and Medicare: To destroy them.
Conservatism has little to do with the Constitution.

It's well known on here regardless how you portray yourself on here you're a constitutional illtirate
He's saying one thing, but doing something else as usual.

The "eviction moratorium" is not that at all, but an order to "consider" whether there should be one. This, BTW is the only actual executive order. The rest are memoranda.

The $400 unemployment extension robs FEMA's emergency fund for up to $300 and tells the states (,already broke) that they just cover the rest. He is again attempting to take over congresses constitutional control of the purse strings. Then there's the fact that even though the memo says it will continue through December 6th, the money he is stealing from FEMA won't even last till october. This is not an EO, but a memorandum.

The payroll tax holiday is a raid on SS and Medicare that will have long lasting effects in their funding but almost no effect on peoples paychecks and does not one single thing for unemployed folks. The only ones it helps are his already wealthy pals. Plus it's a deferral, which means they're all due later. Only Congress can make it permanent. This is so not and EO, but a memorandum.

The only one that doesn't seem to be a weasel in some way or another is student loan relief, and it also isn't and EO.


Looks like a whole lotta nuthin' to me.
You are right. These EOs that Trump signed are either invalid on their face or a scam. What gets me is that so-call Constitutional conservatives, which is now an Oxymoron, have no problem with this attempted coup by Trump to usurp the power of Congress.

You're right that Trump wants to once again rape the middle class for the benefit of his wealthy donors. Trump is trying to accomplish what all Pubs have longed for since the inception of Socal Security and Medicare: To destroy them.
Conservatism has little to do with the Constitution.

It's well known on here regardless how you portray yourself on here you're a constitutional illtirate
That's hilarious coming from a bloody tRumpling.
Nice move Trump...go around congress until it goes back to working for the it all the way to election day....on every issue the people need to get fixed...take Pelosi right out of the mix...let her sue to stop relief to the unemployed...I'd love to see her explain that....
I just watched an interview with Pelosi. She's been reduced to a babbling idiot, "The president has introduced a complex equation, the state pays 25%".
Lol. That may be complex math to her constituency, but it's really not. She's literally shitting propaganda out of her toothless lie-hole.
You are right. These EOs that Trump signed are either invalid on their face or a scam.
He's just following the precedence set by Obama with DACA. Good for the goose, good for the gander (note the gender match, as well).
He's saying one thing, but doing something else as usual.

The "eviction moratorium" is not that at all, but an order to "consider" whether there should be one. This, BTW is the only actual executive order. The rest are memoranda.

The $400 unemployment extension robs FEMA's emergency fund for up to $300 and tells the states (,already broke) that they just cover the rest. He is again attempting to take over congresses constitutional control of the purse strings. Then there's the fact that even though the memo says it will continue through December 6th, the money he is stealing from FEMA won't even last till october. This is not an EO, but a memorandum.

The payroll tax holiday is a raid on SS and Medicare that will have long lasting effects in their funding but almost no effect on peoples paychecks and does not one single thing for unemployed folks. The only ones it helps are his already wealthy pals. Plus it's a deferral, which means they're all due later. Only Congress can make it permanent. This is so not and EO, but a memorandum.

The only one that doesn't seem to be a weasel in some way or another is student loan relief, and it also isn't and EO.


Looks like a whole lotta nuthin' to me.
The President acts for the good of Americans and once again Pelosi is caught attempting to delay for the benefit of party.


'Orange man bad' :p
He's saying one thing, but doing something else as usual.

The "eviction moratorium" is not that at all, but an order to "consider" whether there should be one. This, BTW is the only actual executive order. The rest are memoranda.

The $400 unemployment extension robs FEMA's emergency fund for up to $300 and tells the states (,already broke) that they just cover the rest. He is again attempting to take over congresses constitutional control of the purse strings. Then there's the fact that even though the memo says it will continue through December 6th, the money he is stealing from FEMA won't even last till october. This is not an EO, but a memorandum.

The payroll tax holiday is a raid on SS and Medicare that will have long lasting effects in their funding but almost no effect on peoples paychecks and does not one single thing for unemployed folks. The only ones it helps are his already wealthy pals. Plus it's a deferral, which means they're all due later. Only Congress can make it permanent. This is so not and EO, but a memorandum.

The only one that doesn't seem to be a weasel in some way or another is student loan relief, and it also isn't and EO.


Looks like a whole lotta nuthin' to me.

Care to quote on this forum where you said the same thing about Obama saying "If the republicans don't act, I will" and making an EO called DACA?

Or is it only orange man bad?
He's saying one thing, but doing something else as usual.

The "eviction moratorium" is not that at all, but an order to "consider" whether there should be one. This, BTW is the only actual executive order. The rest are memoranda.

The $400 unemployment extension robs FEMA's emergency fund for up to $300 and tells the states (,already broke) that they just cover the rest. He is again attempting to take over congresses constitutional control of the purse strings. Then there's the fact that even though the memo says it will continue through December 6th, the money he is stealing from FEMA won't even last till october. This is not an EO, but a memorandum.

The payroll tax holiday is a raid on SS and Medicare that will have long lasting effects in their funding but almost no effect on peoples paychecks and does not one single thing for unemployed folks. The only ones it helps are his already wealthy pals. Plus it's a deferral, which means they're all due later. Only Congress can make it permanent. This is so not and EO, but a memorandum.

The only one that doesn't seem to be a weasel in some way or another is student loan relief, and it also isn't and EO.


Looks like a whole lotta nuthin' to me.
The President acts for the good of Americans and once again Pelosi is caught attempting to delay for the benefit of party.


'Orange man bad' :p
Well that's a lie.

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