- Apr 15, 2009
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Try as they might the liberal media: most newspapers primarily the N.Y. TiIMES, the cable news networks: MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, ABC and BET, totally misrepresented the real issue of the April 15th national protests. It wasn't just higher taxes as they portrayed it, it was fiscal irresponsibility, government intrusion into all aspects of our lives: health care, runaway spending, social engineering involving gay marriage, forced abortion providing in all hospitals, failing schools etc. It was a wake up call for Obama and his congress and senate ramming their failed stimulus program through and the inconceivable trillions of debt mortgaging our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. It was a clear message that Obama's "change" is NOT the change the millions of protesters thought they were getting. This protest was a call to arms for the 2010 mid term elections where "change" will definitely occur. This days' events show clearly how effective Fox News and talk radio reallly are. The people are getting the message!