The Liberal Catch Phrase Of The Week.,"We Are All Going To Die".,But No One Has Read The Bill !!

Why aren't the Dems passing the bill so they can find out what's in it?
if I was a reporter who had the chance to talk to Pelosi,,,,I would ask something like,,,,Miss Pelosi,,,we have this new statistic out saying that about 93 Million dead people may also die if Trump Care passes,,,would you like to comment on this new estimate?
Where is that asshole who admitted they lied to the public about Obamacare to get it passed?
is this picture of yours supposed to explain the meaning of razmuffin?
No just showing how you follow blindly.
You believe the bullshit, that we are all gonna die. Just because your leaders tell you. But you don't look at the FACT that obamacare will soon implode and millions by your logic will die without insurance. So if the republicans don't fix obamacare your party will be the death party. Remember not one republican voted for obamacare.
Dropping millions off the rolls is not "fixing it." I wish the Republicans would just REPEAL Obamacare and be done with it. It's what you really want to do, anyway, and what is being proposed will eventually, with much bullshitting around, do.
if the GOP kicks millions of senior citizens off their healthcare they'll never be elected again, otherwise they wouldve done it already
I don't really understand exactly how this works, but no one over 65 is going to get "kicked off" Medicare as far as I know. It is the millions of people who were helped by expanded Medicaid eligibility--mostly the working poor--who are going to be losers. The CBO report will be out this week, and we'll see what they say.

And there is more to it than that--I realize. Our senators (Susan Collins, Angus King) both have told us that this Trumpcare will be very bad for our predominantly rural, and markedly older state. I take Collins' word for it, considering she's a Republican. We didn't buy into the expanded Medicaid option, so it's not just that which will affect access to healthcare.
:2up: You know, it would be nice if any reporter on CNN and the rest would ask anyone in the "Lying Liberal Club" if they have even read the bill {and maybe what page regarding massive deaths} being they are claiming that millions are going to die if Trump Care passes !!! :argue: :banghead:
Maybe Razmuffin should take this poll,,,"Will you be in fear for your life if Trump-Care passes??
And after weeks of trying to convince 300 Million Americans that most of us may die, they haven't been on a credible news network or taken questions from reporters asking how they came to this outlandish conclusion that millions will die when they haven't even read the bill !!! :poop::oops-28:
We are all going to die?
Who said that?

Oh, I get it. Lying sack of sh!t.
"You can't do it political, you just literally cannot do it. Transparent financing and also transparent spending. I mean, this bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes the bill dies. Okay? So it’s written to do that," Gruber said. "In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in, you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical to get for the thing to pass. Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not."

Liberals need to lie to get their bills passed, because they are against the people's own best interests.

What happened to Obama's "Most transparent administration in history"?

Just another snowflake lie.
:2up: You know, it would be nice if any reporter on CNN and the rest would ask anyone in the "Lying Liberal Club" if they have even read the bill {and maybe what page regarding massive deaths} being they are claiming that millions are going to die if Trump Care passes !!! :argue: :banghead:
Maybe Razmuffin should take this poll,,,"Will you be in fear for your life if Trump-Care passes??
And after weeks of trying to convince 300 Million Americans that most of us may die, they haven't been on a credible news network or taken questions from reporters asking how they came to this outlandish conclusion that millions will die when they haven't even read the bill !!! :poop::oops-28:
We are all going to die?
Who said that?

Oh, I get it. Lying sack of sh!t.
Let's see, hillary, pelosi, and Warren said that.
:2up: You know, it would be nice if any reporter on CNN and the rest would ask anyone in the "Lying Liberal Club" if they have even read the bill {and maybe what page regarding massive deaths} being they are claiming that millions are going to die if Trump Care passes !!! :argue: :banghead:
Maybe Razmuffin should take this poll,,,"Will you be in fear for your life if Trump-Care passes??
And after weeks of trying to convince 300 Million Americans that most of us may die, they haven't been on a credible news network or taken questions from reporters asking how they came to this outlandish conclusion that millions will die when they haven't even read the bill !!! :poop::oops-28:
We are all going to die?
Who said that?

Oh, I get it. Lying sack of sh!t.
Let's see, hillary, pelosi, and Warren said that.
didnt Cuomo claim the 93 Million Americans die every day?
:2up: You know, it would be nice if any reporter on CNN and the rest would ask anyone in the "Lying Liberal Club" if they have even read the bill {and maybe what page regarding massive deaths} being they are claiming that millions are going to die if Trump Care passes !!! :argue: :banghead:
Maybe Razmuffin should take this poll,,,"Will you be in fear for your life if Trump-Care passes??
And after weeks of trying to convince 300 Million Americans that most of us may die, they haven't been on a credible news network or taken questions from reporters asking how they came to this outlandish conclusion that millions will die when they haven't even read the bill !!! :poop::oops-28:
We are all going to die?
Who said that?

Oh, I get it. Lying sack of sh!t.
Let's see, hillary, pelosi, and Warren said that.
you see,,,Millions of Americans are dying from dozens of ailments because the GOP wont spend any money
:2up: You know, it would be nice if any reporter on CNN and the rest would ask anyone in the "Lying Liberal Club" if they have even read the bill {and maybe what page regarding massive deaths} being they are claiming that millions are going to die if Trump Care passes !!! :argue: :banghead:
Maybe Razmuffin should take this poll,,,"Will you be in fear for your life if Trump-Care passes??
And after weeks of trying to convince 300 Million Americans that most of us may die, they haven't been on a credible news network or taken questions from reporters asking how they came to this outlandish conclusion that millions will die when they haven't even read the bill !!! :poop::oops-28:
We are all going to die?
Who said that?

Oh, I get it. Lying sack of sh!t.
Let's see, hillary, pelosi, and Warren said that.
didnt Cuomo claim the 93 Million Americans die every day?
Lol, just about every liberal in Washington is spewing the big lie talking point. Even the loons one here are starting to spew the lie.
:2up: You know, it would be nice if any reporter on CNN and the rest would ask anyone in the "Lying Liberal Club" if they have even read the bill {and maybe what page regarding massive deaths} being they are claiming that millions are going to die if Trump Care passes !!! :argue: :banghead:
Maybe Razmuffin should take this poll,,,"Will you be in fear for your life if Trump-Care passes??
And after weeks of trying to convince 300 Million Americans that most of us may die, they haven't been on a credible news network or taken questions from reporters asking how they came to this outlandish conclusion that millions will die when they haven't even read the bill !!! :poop::oops-28:
We are all going to die?
Who said that?

Oh, I get it. Lying sack of sh!t.
Let's see, hillary, pelosi, and Warren said that.
you see,,,Millions of Americans are dying from dozens of ailments because the GOP wont spend any money
I know, even though they are dying under the healthcare plan, not one of them voted for. Lol, liberals have really lost their minds.
:2up: You know, it would be nice if any reporter on CNN and the rest would ask anyone in the "Lying Liberal Club" if they have even read the bill {and maybe what page regarding massive deaths} being they are claiming that millions are going to die if Trump Care passes !!! :argue: :banghead:
Maybe Razmuffin should take this poll,,,"Will you be in fear for your life if Trump-Care passes??
And after weeks of trying to convince 300 Million Americans that most of us may die, they haven't been on a credible news network or taken questions from reporters asking how they came to this outlandish conclusion that millions will die when they haven't even read the bill !!! :poop::oops-28:
We are all going to die?
Who said that?

Oh, I get it. Lying sack of sh!t.
Let's see, hillary, pelosi, and Warren said that.
didnt Cuomo claim the 93 Million Americans die every day?
Lol, just about every liberal in Washington is spewing the big lie talking point. Even the loons one here are starting to spew the lie.
and really? It was the republicans that caused that driver to fly off a train track doing 225 MPH?
:2up: You know, it would be nice if any reporter on CNN and the rest would ask anyone in the "Lying Liberal Club" if they have even read the bill {and maybe what page regarding massive deaths} being they are claiming that millions are going to die if Trump Care passes !!! :argue: :banghead:
Maybe Razmuffin should take this poll,,,"Will you be in fear for your life if Trump-Care passes??
And after weeks of trying to convince 300 Million Americans that most of us may die, they haven't been on a credible news network or taken questions from reporters asking how they came to this outlandish conclusion that millions will die when they haven't even read the bill !!! :poop::oops-28:
We are all going to die?
Who said that?

Oh, I get it. Lying sack of sh!t.
Let's see, hillary, pelosi, and Warren said that.
didnt Cuomo claim the 93 Million Americans die every day?
Lol, just about every liberal in Washington is spewing the big lie talking point. Even the loons one here are starting to spew the lie.
if Pelosi gets any more senile,,she will blame "President Bush" for that dreadful day when a giant rabbit wrestled ,,then ate Jimmy Carter
is this picture of yours supposed to explain the meaning of razmuffin?
No just showing how you follow blindly.
You believe the bullshit, that we are all gonna die. Just because your leaders tell you. But you don't look at the FACT that obamacare will soon implode and millions by your logic will die without insurance. So if the republicans don't fix obamacare your party will be the death party. Remember not one republican voted for obamacare.
and how many veterans and hamsters have died waiting for Obama-Care treatment?

/----- how many gerbils have died in the butts of democrats?

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is this picture of yours supposed to explain the meaning of razmuffin?
No just showing how you follow blindly.
You believe the bullshit, that we are all gonna die. Just because your leaders tell you. But you don't look at the FACT that obamacare will soon implode and millions by your logic will die without insurance. So if the republicans don't fix obamacare your party will be the death party. Remember not one republican voted for obamacare.
and how many veterans and hamsters have died waiting for Obama-Care treatment?

/----- how many gerbils have died in the butts of democrats?

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last count was 87,923,102
Everyone is going to die someday. Not having access to affordable healthcare is going to shorten the lives of many.
Then they need to get their shit together sweetie and get themselves healthcare like every other fuck'n adult. That's how the real world works. Stop being an immature idealist. And while you're at it...stop with the drama bullshit that this will "shorten the lives of many". The fuck it will.

No one has read this bill?


Then again why should they? They unconstitutionally Exempted themselves from it so it doesn't pertain to them...

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