Saw a doctor on CNN, he says "we have to wear our masks all of the time or we are never going to get this virus under control"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Then he goes on with the 6 foot distance issue etc.

If all of this worked, what in the hell happened in areas that were totally shut down and people followed the rules? In some places there were extreme shut downs and they still haven't beaten it. It's like I am hearing from some who don't have a solution, their "answer" is to take extreme positions without any solution. "Just wait for the vaccine". What a way to collapse a system and destroy countless lives.

Maybe some just want to continue this for a long time in hopes of hurting Trump of course (they are outraged today that Trump went to Texas, how dare he!?") and also to push funds to so many local municipalities who will get massive funding from taxpayers. It worked in Ontario and Toronto. Poorly managed jurisdictions using the Wuhan Virus as an excuse to get funding because they've run these locations absurdly for decades. It's offensive.

Also, there was a case of a woman in Canada who said she did everything by the books. Didn't see family, isolated, didn't go out much, wore her mask and she STILL got the virus.
It should be obvious that you can find a doctor to say whatever you want said. Or maybe just wait a while and he will change his mind, like Dr. Fauci.

The biggest problem has been the constant politicizing of everything since Trump was elected. It's impossible to separate the real from the exaggerated. What's worse, these doctors know they don't have all the answers, because the virus is still everywhere on the planet even where places took extreme measures.

As so many have said, it has to be about mitigation. Even Bill Gates agrees for instance, that keeping kids away from school does more harm than good.
If all of this worked, what in the hell happened in areas that were totally shut down and people followed the rules?

THAT IS RIGHT. In many areas of the world, they have followed the mask thing religiously, social distance religiously, thought they beat it, yet it is still there and coming back strong. Clearly we are getting played and the authorities are not being honest and do NOT know what they are doing.

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