The Legend of High Black Crime


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015

The honorable IM2 presiding.

"Ye shall learn the truth....."

Is There an “Obama Effect” on Crime?
A surprising new theory for the continuing crime decline among black Americans.
By James Verini

Ever since crime started declining in American cities in the 1990s, researchers have been hunting for the reasons why. After more than a decade of research, many argued that smarter policing, more incarceration, the waning of the crack epidemic, improved home security, and legislation such as the Brady Bill had a role in cutting crime. More speculatively, some posit that an aging population, legal abortion (an argument first advanced in the Quarterly Journal of Economics Steven Levitt and later popularized in his book Freakonomics), the rise of mood-improving drugs, and, a theory that’s attracted much attention lately, laws banning lead in paint, may have contributed to the decline.

Until recently, almost all criminologists could agree on one factor: the good economy. Nothing is as taken for granted (at least by liberals) as this connection between crime and economics. The higher are employment and wages, the thinking goes, the less crime people commit—and vice versa.

But then, unexpectedly, the crime decline of the last two decades did not end with the economic collapse of 2008. On the contrary, decreases in violent crime have not just continued in many places since, according to the latest numbers from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program, but they appear to have accelerated in some cities. In the first half of 2009, homicides plummeted an astounding 67 percent over 2008 in Minneapolis, 47 percent in Seattle, 39 percent in Charlotte, 31 percent in New York, and 17 percent in Los Angeles. As surprisingly, these declines occurred in black communities, which suffer disproportionately from unemployment and stagnating wages and from crime (about half of all violent crimes in the United States involve blacks)—even as the growth in the prison population, also disproportionately black, has halted.

<p>The Obama Effect: A surprising new theory for the continuing crime decline among black Americans.</p>

The Myth of the Black-on-Black Crime Epidemic

Black on Black Crime Facts

Racial Inequality in the Criminal Justice System Facts

While it is essential that we address the high levels of violence and incarceration in America compared to other industrialized countries, we cannot accurately do so by perpetuating the myth of a uniquely African American pathology toward violence and crime. Instead of denying the downward trends in crime in the Black community, we must applaud it and reward it with a serious examination of racial inequality in the American criminal justice system.

The Myth of the Black-on-Black Crime Epidemic

The lies end today.
Poverty has always been a precursor to crime. When a person has lost hope of success in normal endeavors, crime can seem like the only option.
Poverty has always been a precursor to crime. When a person has lost hope of success in normal endeavors, crime can seem like the only option.
That is a very old excuse. Just as old is the argument that millions of people who grew up in poverty, DON'T engage in crime.

And many have succeeded to great heights. (Ex. Oprah Winfrey, Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio, Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Ronald Reagan, Demi Moore)
Poverty has always been a precursor to crime. When a person has lost hope of success in normal endeavors, crime can seem like the only option.
That is a very old excuse. Just as old is the argument that millions of people who grew up in poverty, DON'T engage in crime.

And many have succeeded to great heights. (Ex. Oprah Winfrey, Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio, Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Ronald Reagan, Demi Moore)

You expect every poor kid to grow up to be Oprah Winfrey?
Poverty has always been a precursor to crime. When a person has lost hope of success in normal endeavors, crime can seem like the only option.
IQ has always been a precursive indicator of both crime, and poverty...
Poverty has always been a precursor to crime. When a person has lost hope of success in normal endeavors, crime can seem like the only option.
IQ has always been a precursive indicator of both crime, and poverty...
Well to be accurate, IQ is an indicator of violent crime which is why crimes like murder, rape and assault are indeed legendary amongst blacks. The OP, being limited as he is, was unable to discern the difference between "mythological" and "legendary".
Poverty has always been a precursor to crime. When a person has lost hope of success in normal endeavors, crime can seem like the only option.
IQ has always been a precursive indicator of both crime, and poverty...
Well to be accurate, IQ is an indicator of violent crime which is why crimes like murder, rape and assault are indeed legendary amongst blacks. The OP, being limited as he is, was unable to discern the difference between "mythological" and "legendary".

So now you're saying black folk just aren't too smart. That theory was proven to be bullshit long ago.
Poverty has always been a precursor to crime. When a person has lost hope of success in normal endeavors, crime can seem like the only option.
IQ has always been a precursive indicator of both crime, and poverty...
Well to be accurate, IQ is an indicator of violent crime which is why crimes like murder, rape and assault are indeed legendary amongst blacks. The OP, being limited as he is, was unable to discern the difference between "mythological" and "legendary".

So now you're saying black folk just aren't too smart. That theory was proven to be bullshit long ago.
I've never heard anyone say black folk are too smart. Ever!
Poverty has always been a precursor to crime. When a person has lost hope of success in normal endeavors, crime can seem like the only option.
IQ has always been a precursive indicator of both crime, and poverty...
Well to be accurate, IQ is an indicator of violent crime which is why crimes like murder, rape and assault are indeed legendary amongst blacks. The OP, being limited as he is, was unable to discern the difference between "mythological" and "legendary".

So now you're saying black folk just aren't too smart. That theory was proven to be bullshit long ago.
Actually just the opposite was proven. On average... The Bell Curve quite accurately points out the disparities between both sexes, and races.
Poverty has always been a precursor to crime. When a person has lost hope of success in normal endeavors, crime can seem like the only option.
IQ has always been a precursive indicator of both crime, and poverty...
Well to be accurate, IQ is an indicator of violent crime which is why crimes like murder, rape and assault are indeed legendary amongst blacks. The OP, being limited as he is, was unable to discern the difference between "mythological" and "legendary".

So now you're saying black folk just aren't too smart. That theory was proven to be bullshit long ago.
I've never heard anyone say black folk are too smart. Ever!

Not my fault you hang with racists.
1. very childish introduction --very immature
this shows your mental ability and affects how we rate your posts

2. blacks commit murder at four times the rate of whites
sexual assault at twice the rate
hate crimes OVER two times the rate
crime at many times the rate
it all crosschecks

3. you are complaining that criminals have to go to jail???!!!!!????FK them
this also affects how people look at you and your posts--you love criminals

...AA women are 3 times more likely to be incarcerated because they commit 3 times more crime

but IM2 has me on ignore because he knows my facts/etc make him wrong
From the OP...

(about half of all violent crimes in the United States involve blacks)

this clearly conflicts with the OP’s thread title. I wonder if he understands this.
Poverty has always been a precursor to crime. When a person has lost hope of success in normal endeavors, crime can seem like the only option.
IQ has always been a precursive indicator of both crime, and poverty...
Well to be accurate, IQ is an indicator of violent crime which is why crimes like murder, rape and assault are indeed legendary amongst blacks. The OP, being limited as he is, was unable to discern the difference between "mythological" and "legendary".

So now you're saying black folk just aren't too smart. That theory was proven to be bullshit long ago.
Actually just the opposite was proven. On average... The Bell Curve quite accurately points out the disparities between both sexes, and races.

Yet the Bell Curve never addressed why the data showed what it did.
Poverty has always been a precursor to crime. When a person has lost hope of success in normal endeavors, crime can seem like the only option.
IQ has always been a precursive indicator of both crime, and poverty...
Well to be accurate, IQ is an indicator of violent crime which is why crimes like murder, rape and assault are indeed legendary amongst blacks. The OP, being limited as he is, was unable to discern the difference between "mythological" and "legendary".

So now you're saying black folk just aren't too smart. That theory was proven to be bullshit long ago.
Actually just the opposite was proven. On average... The Bell Curve quite accurately points out the disparities between both sexes, and races.

Yet the Bell Curve never addressed why the data showed what it did.
Don’t pretend to have read it. You clearly didn’t...

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