
Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2023
Comment: reading the history, especially since Islamo Nazism rise in WW2, doesnt give much hope.
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PLO Leader Admits Support for Nazis, Says They Saw Zionism as Common Enemy (VIDEO)


"The Palestinian people were not responsible and cannot be blamed for the Holocaust. Most Palestinian Arabs, however, supported the Mufti and applauded his radio remarks."










Mein Kampf is the 6th best selling book in Palestine.

"Muslim Brotherhood Are Nazi Inspired” | Jonny Gould | Adel Darwish.
TalkTV. Nov 25, 2023


The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: An Interview with Andrew G. Bostom,” by Uzay Bulut, European Conservative, March 31, 2024:

Since the invasion of Israel by Hamas terrorists on October 7 and the massacre of around 1,200 people there, antisemitic, pro-Hamas marches have swept both majority-Muslim countries and Western nations.
In London, antisemitic hate crimes are up 1,350% according to police, and pro-Hamas protestors chanted, “Oh Jews, the army of Muhammad is coming.” In the Tunisian city of Al Hammah, hundreds of people were filmed setting fire to a synagogue. In Russia’s Muslim Dagestan region, hundreds of people stormed into the main airport and onto the landing field, chanting antisemitic slogans and seeking passengers arriving on a flight from Israel. In California, a Jewish dentist was killed, and two others injured in a shooting by a Muslim. In Chicago, a Jewish man was attacked by anti-Israel protesters at an October 7 documentary screening in the Logan Square. In Paris, a Jewish man was attacked outside a synagogue; and another was stabbed in Zurich.
In the Middle East, North Africa, and the Gulf Region, this genocidal hatred has resulted in the ethnic cleansing of Jews. Over 850,000 Jews were forced to leave their homes in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Morocco, and several other Arab countries in the 20 years following the re-establishment of Israel in 1948. Another major exodus of Jews took place from Iran in 1979-80, following the Islamic revolution. Jews had resided in those lands for over 2,500 years. The rising Muslim population in the West has imported the same—and exceedingly violent—Jew-hatred into Western nations. Antisemitic attacks and threats abound since Hamas ignited the war in Gaza by massacring and raping Israelis on October 7. To learn about the theological and historical roots of Muslim antisemitism, I interviewed a prominent specialist and researcher on Islam, its history and theology.
Dr. Andrew G. Bostom is a leading expert on the history and scriptures of Islam. He is the author of Sharia versus Freedom: The Legacy of Islamic Totalitarianism and the editor of both The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims and The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History. He has also published articles and commentary on Islam in The Washington Times, National Review Online, Revue Politique, FrontPageMagazine, American Thinker, and other print and online publications. More on Bostom’s work can be found at www.andrewbostom.org/blog/.

Read the interview here.




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Comment: reading the history, especially since Islamo Nazism rise in WW2, doesnt give much hope.
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PLO Leader Admits Support for Nazis, Says They Saw Zionism as Common Enemy (VIDEO)

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"The Palestinian people were not responsible and cannot be blamed for the Holocaust. Most Palestinian Arabs, however, supported the Mufti and applauded his radio remarks."

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Mein Kampf is the 6th best selling book in Palestine.

"Muslim Brotherhood Are Nazi Inspired” | Jonny Gould | Adel Darwish.
TalkTV. Nov 25, 2023


The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: An Interview with Andrew G. Bostom,” by Uzay Bulut, European Conservative, March 31, 2024:

Since the invasion of Israel by Hamas terrorists on October 7 and the massacre of around 1,200 people there, antisemitic, pro-Hamas marches have swept both majority-Muslim countries and Western nations.
In London, antisemitic hate crimes are up 1,350% according to police, and pro-Hamas protestors chanted, “Oh Jews, the army of Muhammad is coming.” In the Tunisian city of Al Hammah, hundreds of people were filmed setting fire to a synagogue. In Russia’s Muslim Dagestan region, hundreds of people stormed into the main airport and onto the landing field, chanting antisemitic slogans and seeking passengers arriving on a flight from Israel. In California, a Jewish dentist was killed, and two others injured in a shooting by a Muslim. In Chicago, a Jewish man was attacked by anti-Israel protesters at an October 7 documentary screening in the Logan Square. In Paris, a Jewish man was attacked outside a synagogue; and another was stabbed in Zurich.
In the Middle East, North Africa, and the Gulf Region, this genocidal hatred has resulted in the ethnic cleansing of Jews. Over 850,000 Jews were forced to leave their homes in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Morocco, and several other Arab countries in the 20 years following the re-establishment of Israel in 1948. Another major exodus of Jews took place from Iran in 1979-80, following the Islamic revolution. Jews had resided in those lands for over 2,500 years. The rising Muslim population in the West has imported the same—and exceedingly violent—Jew-hatred into Western nations. Antisemitic attacks and threats abound since Hamas ignited the war in Gaza by massacring and raping Israelis on October 7. To learn about the theological and historical roots of Muslim antisemitism, I interviewed a prominent specialist and researcher on Islam, its history and theology.
Dr. Andrew G. Bostom is a leading expert on the history and scriptures of Islam. He is the author of Sharia versus Freedom: The Legacy of Islamic Totalitarianism and the editor of both The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims and The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History. He has also published articles and commentary on Islam in The Washington Times, National Review Online, Revue Politique, FrontPageMagazine, American Thinker, and other print and online publications. More on Bostom’s work can be found at www.andrewbostom.org/blog/.

Read the interview here.

View attachment 926365

So, is PalestiNazi an exaggeration?
There's ONE political party and ONE political side where this satanic flag can be found and has safe sanctuary...


This photo was taken at the infamous "Unite The Right" rally in Charlottesville back in 2017.
There's ONE political party and ONE political side where this satanic flag can be found and has safe sanctuary...


This photo was taken at the infamous "Unite The Right" rally in Charlottesville back in 2017.
Not everything that Trump always said is correct, but he did disavow those nazis at the time. GOP would not allow this symbol.
So, is PalestiNazi an exaggeration?
Not at all.

Here is more about IslamoNazis:

US anti-Israel protest escalate with calls to 'attack Tel Aviv'.
Pro-Palestinian protesters in Manhattan chant antisemitic slurs and praise Hamas commanders outside a ZAKA volunteering event held in Teaneck
Alexandra Lukash, Meshi Ayad | published: 04.03.24|09:19.
.. In footage from a protest held at Union Square in Manhattan, New York last Saturday, one of the organization’s activists, Abdallah Aqel, is seen passionately addressing the crowd and inciting provocative chants. Aqel and the surrounding protesters voiced praise for Hamas military wing spokesperson Abu Obaida, and called to "attack Tel Aviv." ...Rabbi Daniel Friedman, from the Jewish Center of Teaneck in New Jersey, recounted, "They come to the city every week, hold protests, and parade with Palestinian flags to pressure the Jewish community. Massive protests have been held against synagogues these past three weeks. Hate marches. They shouted at us that we need to go back to Auschwitz."
There's ONE political party and ONE political side where this satanic flag can be found and has safe sanctuary...


This photo was taken at the infamous "Unite The Right" rally in Charlottesville back in 2017.
How did you connect the Charlottesville nazis with the Republican party as a whole? The duo racists TRashida/Omar are not on GOP..
'There's no normal anymore'.
Jewish rally in Teaneck park attracts hundreds in response to antisemitic events targeting the town.
By Leah Adler
21 March 2024, 9:59 am
...The planned car rally was just the latest in a long line of pro-Palestinian events held in Teaneck in recent months. On the previous Sunday, March 10, a protest outside Congregation Keter Torah, an Orthodox synagogue in town, against a private event showcasing Israeli real estate being held on the premises, drew about 1,000 participants, according to BCJAC estimates, and resulted in two arrests.

Yigal Gross of Teaneck, BCJAC’s spokesperson, sees these two protests, part of the string of other car rallies, demonstrations, and walkouts that have taken place in Teaneck since October 7, as “a targeted and malicious campaign to intimidate and harass the community.” The sheer number of events that have taken place in the township, along with their disruptive nature and hateful rhetoric, and the fact that so many of the participants do not live in Teaneck, make this clear, he said in an interview after the BCJAC rally.

At the demonstration outside Keter Torah, paintballs were thrown at cars, and two perpetrators later were charged with bias crimes. That demonstration also featured “shocking and hateful slogans,” Rachel Cyrulnik of Teaneck, BCJAC’s vice president, said after the BCJAC rally. “We heard, ‘Go back to Germany,’ ‘Go back to Auschwitz,’ ‘Rape is resistance,’ ‘Are you scared yet,’ ‘Globalize the Intifada,’ and of course, ‘From the river to the sea.’

“One protester told an officer who was cleaning something on the floor, ‘get on the floor and eat it, you pig,’” Ms. Cyrulnik continued...

Other protests have “used slogans like ‘flood Teaneck streets’ and ‘flood Teaneck’s parks,’ terminology from the Al Aqsa Flood operation” — the October 7 attack — to evoke a sense of fear, Mr. Gross said. And the car rallies have involved honking, throwing things at pedestrians, running red lights, and obstructing the flow of traffic, he added...

This news is a translation of what AD.nl/news of Netherlands reported.

http://www.ad.nl/artikelen/Nieuws/1008496834740.html AD - Prostitutie jongeren neemt toe

Methods used by Muslim Fanatics other than Hawalas when Islamic Funds have been frozen by the West. Victims - The innocent young Kafir / Kufr girls all over Europe and many other parts of the World, forced into prostitution to raise money for Islamic Jihad and Suicide Bombers.

Our daughters need to be guided properly to avoid falling in traps set by fanatical Muslims.

Help is needed in Holland to fight oppression from Muslims here. We are getting frustrated because we can not do anything without being labeled as Anti-Muslims.
A very serious and malicious plan has been put into action by the Mullahs in charge of the Mosques all over Europe.

Muslims youths are encouraged by Mullahs to use devious methods to trick misguided, ignorant and naïve Kufr (Non-Muslem i.e. Jewish, Christian, Sikh, Hindu and Buddhist) girls into converting, marrying and then making them work as prostitutes in the service of Islam to raise money for Islamic Jihad and Suicide Bombers.

Kafir girls are becoming the victims of a well planned move by the Mullahs who are financially rewarded $10,000 - $15,000 per each successful fetch, by the Saudi Wahabis. Muslim youths are then paid in turn by the Mullahs $2,000 - $5,000 each time they manage to convert any kafir girls. These youths are encouraged to go out with as many as kafir girls and rope in as many girls as they can for conversion to Islam.

Muslim youths are paid to date young Kafir girls,
get their trusts, make them completely dependent on them by getting them pregnant at the earliest opportunity, followed by emotional blackmail and threats to these girls to revolt against their own parents and
eventually forcing these girls to run away from the safety of their own homes.

The normal routine is that the Muslim youth dresses up like a film star, spends money on them (counterfeit printed by the Pakistanis), talking smooth and making false promises of love and marriage to the unsuspecting and gullible innocent Kafir girls and eventually forcing them to convert to Islam.

Muslim youths
get the trust of unsuspecting Kafir girls to date them and invite them to some place, where other friends of these youths are waiting to rape these girls or take indecent photos and videos to emotionally blackmail these girls to stay in the service of Islam.

If these poor girls ever try and dare say anything, they are threatened permanently into silence by being told that their indecent photos and videos would be found on the internet or revealed at their school for everyone to see.

The girls end up complying to most demands made on them by showing up every time any one of the gang-members summons them, to take part in other pervert sexual orgies.

After the girls leave the safety of their parents' home, they are forced into prostitution as well as selling drugs to raise funds for Islamic Jihad and Arab Suicide Bombers.

The highest suicide death rate among non-muslim girls is in Hague, the capital of Holland.

In Leiden, many unsuspecting Kafir girls have been raped by Muslim youths.
These girls usually feel intimidated and refrain from filing reports or
Not getting the support when needed, to cope with this issue from their parents, i
these girls are often left all alone in their fight for freedom from their Muslim Pimps and Mullahs.

The parents and families of these suffering girls need to be made aware to provide all the moral support they can and caution their daughters about the dangers of being are alone to be terrorised or abused by the Muslims.

Hamas Founder’s Son to Dr. Phil: Pro-Palestinian Activists in U.S. Belong in ‘Mental Asylum’ – Hamas Would ‘Massacre’ Them
Breitbart ,

In a riveting Dr. Phil primetime episode, Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Hamas’s cofounder, charged that there is “lots of hatred” against Jews in Islamic culture, insisting that “the vast majority” of Palestinians support Hamas, that October 7 was “an attempt for ethnic cleansing” and part of a “holy war,” and that without Israel as a common enemy, the Palestinians “would kill each other.”

He also mocked pro-Palestinian activists for “giving Hamas cover,” saying the terror group would “massacre them with no mercy” while accusing them of supporting “the enemy of civilization,” and insisting they belong in a “mental asylum.”

Mosab Hassan Yousef, originally aligned with his father Sheikh Hassan Yousef’s Hamas terrorist group, eventually grew disenchanted with the organization’s violent tactics and chose to covertly aid Israeli intelligence. He later chronicled his journey and transformation in his autobiography, Son of Hamas...
Comment: reading the history, especially since Islamo Nazism rise in WW2, doesnt give much hope.
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PLO Leader Admits Support for Nazis, Says They Saw Zionism as Common Enemy (VIDEO)

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"The Palestinian people were not responsible and cannot be blamed for the Holocaust. Most Palestinian Arabs, however, supported the Mufti and applauded his radio remarks."

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Mein Kampf is the 6th best selling book in Palestine.

"Muslim Brotherhood Are Nazi Inspired” | Jonny Gould | Adel Darwish.
TalkTV. Nov 25, 2023


The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: An Interview with Andrew G. Bostom,” by Uzay Bulut, European Conservative, March 31, 2024:

Since the invasion of Israel by Hamas terrorists on October 7 and the massacre of around 1,200 people there, antisemitic, pro-Hamas marches have swept both majority-Muslim countries and Western nations.
In London, antisemitic hate crimes are up 1,350% according to police, and pro-Hamas protestors chanted, “Oh Jews, the army of Muhammad is coming.” In the Tunisian city of Al Hammah, hundreds of people were filmed setting fire to a synagogue. In Russia’s Muslim Dagestan region, hundreds of people stormed into the main airport and onto the landing field, chanting antisemitic slogans and seeking passengers arriving on a flight from Israel. In California, a Jewish dentist was killed, and two others injured in a shooting by a Muslim. In Chicago, a Jewish man was attacked by anti-Israel protesters at an October 7 documentary screening in the Logan Square. In Paris, a Jewish man was attacked outside a synagogue; and another was stabbed in Zurich.
In the Middle East, North Africa, and the Gulf Region, this genocidal hatred has resulted in the ethnic cleansing of Jews. Over 850,000 Jews were forced to leave their homes in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Morocco, and several other Arab countries in the 20 years following the re-establishment of Israel in 1948. Another major exodus of Jews took place from Iran in 1979-80, following the Islamic revolution. Jews had resided in those lands for over 2,500 years. The rising Muslim population in the West has imported the same—and exceedingly violent—Jew-hatred into Western nations. Antisemitic attacks and threats abound since Hamas ignited the war in Gaza by massacring and raping Israelis on October 7. To learn about the theological and historical roots of Muslim antisemitism, I interviewed a prominent specialist and researcher on Islam, its history and theology.
Dr. Andrew G. Bostom is a leading expert on the history and scriptures of Islam. He is the author of Sharia versus Freedom: The Legacy of Islamic Totalitarianism and the editor of both The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims and The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History. He has also published articles and commentary on Islam in The Washington Times, National Review Online, Revue Politique, FrontPageMagazine, American Thinker, and other print and online publications. More on Bostom’s work can be found at www.andrewbostom.org/blog/.

Read the interview here.

View attachment 926365

600,000 Jews left Arab countries in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973.

There are still Jews in Bahrain and Iran.

They were prosperous and they would still be living in the Arab world if not for European Zionism.
Hamas Founder’s Son to Dr. Phil: Pro-Palestinian Activists in U.S. Belong in ‘Mental Asylum’ – Hamas Would ‘Massacre’ Them
Breitbart ,

In a riveting Dr. Phil primetime episode, Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of Hamas’s cofounder, charged that there is “lots of hatred” against Jews in Islamic culture, insisting that “the vast majority” of Palestinians support Hamas, that October 7 was “an attempt for ethnic cleansing” and part of a “holy war,” and that without Israel as a common enemy, the Palestinians “would kill each other.”

He also mocked pro-Palestinian activists for “giving Hamas cover,” saying the terror group would “massacre them with no mercy” while accusing them of supporting “the enemy of civilization,” and insisting they belong in a “mental asylum.”

Mosab Hassan Yousef, originally aligned with his father Sheikh Hassan Yousef’s Hamas terrorist group, eventually grew disenchanted with the organization’s violent tactics and chose to covertly aid Israeli intelligence. He later chronicled his journey and transformation in his autobiography, Son of Hamas...

What garbage. He just wanted to be on TV. Wise up.
600,000 Jews left Arab countries in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973.

There are still Jews in Bahrain and Iran.

They were prosperous and they would still be living in the Arab world if not for European Zionism.
ISLAMO NAZI meme ^^^^^^-----real stinking filth---in fact the escape from islamo nazi shitholes began long before 1948. My very own dhimmi was rescued from the filth that oil brats lick---way back in 1941---but the escape that his parents undertook BEGAN in the mid thirties. His community had
resided in the land of his birth LONG BEFORE THE BIRTH OF THE RAPIST DOG OF MECCA but according to the DIRT that oil brats lick----his community was RIGHTLY ENSLAVED AND RAPED for their "god" allah. ----rape and murder ---it turns them ON----oil bought their "love"
Comment: reading the history, especially since Islamo Nazism rise in WW2, doesnt give much hope.
_ _ _

PLO Leader Admits Support for Nazis, Says They Saw Zionism as Common Enemy (VIDEO)

View attachment 926362
"The Palestinian people were not responsible and cannot be blamed for the Holocaust. Most Palestinian Arabs, however, supported the Mufti and applauded his radio remarks."

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Mein Kampf is the 6th best selling book in Palestine.

"Muslim Brotherhood Are Nazi Inspired” | Jonny Gould | Adel Darwish.
TalkTV. Nov 25, 2023


The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: An Interview with Andrew G. Bostom,” by Uzay Bulut, European Conservative, March 31, 2024:

Since the invasion of Israel by Hamas terrorists on October 7 and the massacre of around 1,200 people there, antisemitic, pro-Hamas marches have swept both majority-Muslim countries and Western nations.
In London, antisemitic hate crimes are up 1,350% according to police, and pro-Hamas protestors chanted, “Oh Jews, the army of Muhammad is coming.” In the Tunisian city of Al Hammah, hundreds of people were filmed setting fire to a synagogue. In Russia’s Muslim Dagestan region, hundreds of people stormed into the main airport and onto the landing field, chanting antisemitic slogans and seeking passengers arriving on a flight from Israel. In California, a Jewish dentist was killed, and two others injured in a shooting by a Muslim. In Chicago, a Jewish man was attacked by anti-Israel protesters at an October 7 documentary screening in the Logan Square. In Paris, a Jewish man was attacked outside a synagogue; and another was stabbed in Zurich.
In the Middle East, North Africa, and the Gulf Region, this genocidal hatred has resulted in the ethnic cleansing of Jews. Over 850,000 Jews were forced to leave their homes in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Morocco, and several other Arab countries in the 20 years following the re-establishment of Israel in 1948. Another major exodus of Jews took place from Iran in 1979-80, following the Islamic revolution. Jews had resided in those lands for over 2,500 years. The rising Muslim population in the West has imported the same—and exceedingly violent—Jew-hatred into Western nations. Antisemitic attacks and threats abound since Hamas ignited the war in Gaza by massacring and raping Israelis on October 7. To learn about the theological and historical roots of Muslim antisemitism, I interviewed a prominent specialist and researcher on Islam, its history and theology.
Dr. Andrew G. Bostom is a leading expert on the history and scriptures of Islam. He is the author of Sharia versus Freedom: The Legacy of Islamic Totalitarianism and the editor of both The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims and The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History. He has also published articles and commentary on Islam in The Washington Times, National Review Online, Revue Politique, FrontPageMagazine, American Thinker, and other print and online publications. More on Bostom’s work can be found at www.andrewbostom.org/blog/.

Read the interview here.

View attachment 926365

Are you trying to get a reaction? It's just human nature, to side with the enemy of your enemy. Britain was colonizing Palestine at the time, so "duh", who do you think the Palestinians are going to side with? The enemy of Britain, Nazi Germany. The Zionists also colluded with the Nazis, to get the Jews kicked out of Germany and all of Western Europe, to populate Palestine. Zionists were also in bed with the Nazis.

It's Zionist Jews who behave like Nazis today:

The Palestinians have been proven by Israeli scientists to be the indigenous people of the Holy Land:

DNA Dynamite! Are Palestinians Actually Jews

The Palestinians are native to the Levant region (Holy Land, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan). How does a Jew from Poland or Ukraine, or Germany (Ashkanazi European Jews), qualify as "semitic" more so than Palestinian Christians and Muslims, who never left the Levant and have been there since the beginning of time?

Do you accept this Nazi ideology from Jews?......

I have several videos of Jewish rabbis (more than the ones in the above video), talking about how Western Christian civilization is going to be destroyed. How Christianity, including Europe and America, are going to be annihilated by the God of Israel and the current Jewish State Of Israel is going to rule the nations with an iron fist. They're going to rebuild the "third temple", to start animal sacrifices once again, as in the old days.

The goyim/gentiles are going to be under the heel of the Jews. I have more than one video, by well-known rabbis, admitting that the Jews of Germany had destroyed Germany socially and economically. All of the filth in Germany, the homosexual nightclubs and burlesque gentlemen's clubs (the strip joints of Berlin), the porn, you name it, was funded, promoted by secular Jews.

Secular Jews are atheists, BUT, they still hate Christianity, just as much as the Orthodox Jews. They hate Western, Christian civilization, and they do everything possible to "liberalize", and "secularize" Western, Christian culture. You know, all of that Muslim immigration into Europe? Who are the EU politicians who essentially opened the gates of Europe to let us Muslims turn Europe into the Middle East? Zionist Jews and non-Jewish Zionist liberals. They hate Christian civilization. Watch this video:

Are you aware that there are Israeli "humanitarian" aid teams, helping Arab and African Muslims get into Europe? Why are the Muslims now migrating to Europe en masse? Thank Zionists, in Washington and Brussels, who decided to oust Ghadaffi in Libya and then start another war in Syria. Zionist Jews and their gentile minions/slaves are destroying Western, European, Christian civilization. I would rather live in a world where half of it is Christian and the other half is Muslim than a world controlled by Zionist Jews who think they're the "chosen ones" of God, oppressing all of humanity.

Next week, on Friday, before sunset, go to your nearest Orthodox Jewish synagogue, and when you get there, inform them that you're not Jewish but you would like to experience how Jewish people worship God. Even tell them, you're interested in Judaism and are considering conversion. See how you're treated. You're going to be treated like "Why is this goy here?", "Sorry but this is a Jewish synagogue, the church is two blocks away". You'll be treated like you're toxic, and shouldn't be there. You're contaminating the synagogue with your gentile presence.

The following week, on Friday, at noon, go to your nearest Sunni or Shia mosque. Any mosque, and when you get there inform the Muslims that you're a Christian, and would like to see, witness, experience, how Muslims pray. You don't even have to tell them, that you're interested in converting to Islam. Just tell them, that you're there to learn how Muslims pray and you want to know what Muslims believe. You will be treated like you're part of the family. They will not only welcome you but after the sermon and jummat prayer, they will invite you to lunch or even to their homes for dinner. The Muslim world will be open to you. That says it all.

These Zionist Jews, especially the religious Zionists, claim to be the "chosen people", the "cohanim" or priests of the world, a light unto the nations, but the reality is that they are the thorn in humanity's side. They will plunge the Earth into WW3. They hate non-Jews, even though they deny it in these forums.

The misanthropy, condescension, indifference, smuggery, arrogance, and outright psychopathy of these Zionist Jews, who think the universe revolves around them and their souls descend from the higher worlds. They are freaking evil and it's not because of their genetics, it's due to their values, worldview, ideology, theology, and eschatology. It's their beliefs and attitude.

The irony. They claim to worship the same God as the Muslims, but then support secular Zionism and racism.
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Are you trying to get a reaction? It's just human nature, to side with the enemy of your enemy. Britain was colonizing Palestine at the time, so "duh", who do you think the Palestinians are going to side with? The enemy of Britain, Nazi Germany. The Zionists also colluded with the Nazis, to get the Jews kicked out of Germany and all of Western Europe, to populate Palestine. Zionists were also in bed with the Nazis.

It's Zionist Jews who behave like Nazis today:

The Palestinians have been proven by Israeli scientists to be the indigenous people of the Holy Land:

DNA Dynamite! Are Palestinians Actually Jews

The Palestinians are native to the Levant region (Holy Land, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan). How does a Jew from Poland or Ukraine, or Germany (Ashkanazi European Jews), qualify as "semitic" more so than Palestinian Christians and Muslims, who never left the Levant and have been there since the beginning of time?

Do you accept this Nazi ideology from Jews?......

I have several videos of Jewish rabbis (more than the ones in the above video), talking about how Western Christian civilization is going to be destroyed. How Christianity, including Europe and America, are going to be annihilated by the God of Israel and the current Jewish State Of Israel is going to rule the nations with an iron fist. They're going to rebuild the "third temple", to start animal sacrifices once again, as in the old days.

The goyim/gentiles are going to be under the heel of the Jews. I have more than one video, by well-known rabbis, admitting that the Jews of Germany had destroyed Germany socially and economically. All of the filth in Germany, the homosexual night clubs and burlesque gentlemen's clubs (the strip joints), the porn, you name it, was funded, promoted by secular Jews.

Secular Jews are atheists, BUT, they still hate Christianity, just as much as the Orthodox Jews. They hate Western, Christian civilization, and they do everything possible to "liberalize", and "secularize" Western, Christian culture. You know, all of the Muslim immigration into Europe? Who are the EU politicians who essentially open the gates of Europe to let us Muslims turn Europe into the Middle East? Zionist Jews and non-Jewish Zionist-liberals. They hate Christian civilization. Watch this video:

Are you aware that there are Israeli "humanitarian" aid teams, helping Arab and African Muslims get into Europe? Why are the Muslims now migrating to Europe en masse? Thank Zionists, in Washington and Brussels, who decided to oust Ghadaffi and then start another war in Syria. Zionist Jews and their gentile minions/slaves, are destroying Western, European, Christian civilization. I would rather live in a world where half of it is Christian and the other half is Muslim, than a world full of Zionist Jews who think they're the "chosen ones" of God, oppressing all of humanity.

Next week, on Friday, before sunset, go to your nearest Orthodox Jewish synagogue, and when you get there, inform them that you're not Jewish but you would like to experience how Jewish people worship God. Even tell them, you're interested in Judaism and are considering conversion. See how you're treated. You're going to be treated like "Why is this goy here?", "Sorry but this is a Jewish synagogue, the church is two blocks away". You'll be treated like you're toxic, and shouldn't be there. You're contaminating the synagogue with your presence.

The following week, on Friday, at noon, go to your nearest Sunni or Shia mosque. Any mosque, and when you get there inform the Muslims that you're a Christian, and would like to see, witness, experience, how Muslims pray. You don't even have to tell them, that you're interested in converting to Islam. Just tell them, that you're there to learn how Muslims pray and you want to know what Muslims believe. You will be treated like you're part of the family. They will not only welcome you but after the sermon and jummat prayer, they will invite you to lunch or even to their homes for dinner. The Muslim world will be open to you. That says it all.

These Zionist Jews, especially the religious Zionists, claim to be the "chosen people", the "cohanim" or priests of the world, a light unto the nations, but the reality is that they are the thorn in humanity's side. They will plunge the Earth into WW3. They hate non-Jews, even though they deny it in these forums.

The misanthropy, condescension, indifference, smuggery, arrogance, and outright psychopathy of these Zionist Jews, who think the universe revolves around them and their souls descend from the higher worlds. They are freaking evil and it's not because of their genetics, it's due to their values, worldview, ideology, theology, and eschatology. It's their beliefs and attitude.

The irony. They claim to worship the same God as the Muslims, but then support secular Zionism and racism.

for the record---the above islamo nazi filth is nothing new---it was invented by the RAPIST DOG of arabia---to wit--muhummad. I read their disgusting propaganda as a child----more than 60 years ago which was long before I knew anything about islam. THEN I came into contact with lots of muslims---and much later married my husband who is an escapee from the VILE STENCH OF AN ISLAMO NAZI SHARIA SHIT HOLE....... he survived unlike the TENS OF MILLIONS MURDERED BY THE FILTH OF THE MINIONS OF DOG muhummad--al kanzeer
for the record---the above islamo nazi filth is nothing new---it was invented by the RAPIST DOG of arabia---to wit--muhummad. I read their disgusting propaganda as a child----more than 60 years ago which was long before I knew anything about islam. THEN I came into contact with lots of muslims---and much later married my husband who is an escapee from the VILE STENCH OF AN ISLAMO NAZI SHARIA SHIT HOLE....... he survived unlike the TENS OF MILLIONS MURDERED BY THE FILTH OF THE MINIONS OF DOG muhummad--al kanzeer
That's all you Zionist Jews can do when someone like me exposes them. Start shouting and playing the victim. I have more than ten videos, with at least 30 different well-known rabbis, admitting that they look forward to the destruction of Christianity and Western civilization.

That same civilization that is sending you Zionist Jews billions of dollars in aid yearly, all of those Evangelical, American Christians who worship you, groveling at your feet, and all you Zionist Jews have in store for them is destruction. You people hate humanity and just love yourselves. Rabbinic, Talmudic Judaism, is an anti-human, narcissistic, pretentious, nasty, arrogant, smug, xenophobic, psychopathic religion, aspiring to enslave the world under its feet, in the name of its tribal god. Your god isn't the God of Abraham, but a racist, elitist, oppressive, misanthropic demon from the pit of hell. That's your god. This rabbi is wrong...

We Muslims don't worship the same god as you. Our God isn't a tribal god, He is the God of the universe, who makes no distinction between human souls apart from their character, from the way they behave. Your rabbis claim that your soul descends from the higher worlds, and you are innately, ontologically superior to non-Jews. That's your problem. The world is waking up to the Zionist scourge, to your Jewish Zionist evil, and isn't going to have it anymore. Your 5 German Dolphin Class Submarines donated to you by Germany, armed with nukes, aren't going to stop humanity from defending itself against the Jewish racist state of Israhell.
Pro-Palestinian protests: Man arrested for carrying swastika placard and another held for racist remarks at London march.
There was a simultaneous static demonstration organised by pro-Israel group Enough is Enough along the route of the march.
Saturday 27 April 2024 19:11, UK.

Two men have been arrested at a pro-Palestinian march in London, according to the Metropolitan Police.

One of the men was taken into custody for carrying a swastika emblazoned placard and another for an allegedly making racist remarks towards counter-protesters, police said.
600,000 Jews left Arab countries in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973.

There are still Jews in Bahrain and Iran.

They were prosperous and they would still be living in the Arab world if not for European Zionism.
the term "european zionism" was coined by nazi war criminals who escaped execution by the nuremberg war crimes trials and found LOVE in islamo-nazi
shariah shit holes. Egypt and Syria were prime destinations for the murdering scum----some of whom were so excited by islamo nazi filth that they converted to islam. Jesus was a zionist. He tried to get rid of the equivalents of islamo nazi scum of HIS TIME----to wit Romans and so the Romans did to HIM the kind of thing that islamo nazis and their sluts so enjoy---death by torture. Romans ---like today's islamo nazis BLAMED DA JEWS. The decimation of the 2500 year old Iranian Jewish community in Iran meets the definition of GENOCIDE ---genocides are never COMPLETE. There are still jews in Germany and Poland

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