The left's rejection of science


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Nowhere is the radicalization of the left more prevalent than in their rejection of science (whether it is biology, climate, etc,). There is a new story almost daily about the left completely rejecting scientific fact in favor of embracing their feelings about a subject.

Wendy Davis continued that left-wing trend recently when she called life as beginning at the moment of conception, “absurd”. It's nice to see the Twitter responses reflect that fact that Americans still do understand and accept science.


Wendy Davis claims life doesn’t start at conception — then Ben Shapiro gives her quick history lesson
Wendy Davis continued that left-wing trend recently when she called life as beginning at the moment of conception, “absurd”. It's nice to see the Twitter responses reflect that fact that Americans still do understand and accept science.

Poodle, sweetie, when you give birth to a baby you didn't want, then you can talk about "Science" and "life' all day.

I'd take you nuts more seriously on the subject if you weren't constantly trying to snag food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.
Poodle, sweetie, when you give birth to a baby you didn't want, then you can talk about "Science" and "life' all day.

I'd take you nuts more seriously on the subject if you weren't constantly trying to snag food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.

It's funny that Democrats/LIbErals are so find of falsely throwing this accusation at Republicans/conservatives; but so far, it's only Michelle Obama—a Democrat—who has actually tried to do this, and made significant progress toward doing so, and it's now a Republican administration that is putting a stop to it.
You attack the green house effect
The "Green House Effect"? You mean where carbon is trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up? And then, after colder than normal temperatures, you people had to rebrand it from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" because the science had proven you wrong.

Yeah - that is a prime example of you left-wingers denying science. The thermometer doesn't lie snowflake. It's another form of science that you reject.
My god, you need help...Jesus...

You attack Evolution
You attack the green house effect

You make shit up that doesn't even make sense and fight to defund the research but have the nerve to point fingers at the left? lol

You're anti-science and anti-civilization..Truly a backwards piece of shit on the level of the isis.

Speaking of the environment, I asked you how the massive increase in population caused by immigration would effect the environment in this country.

I must of missed your answer, can you repeat it please?
There ya go, now that's why you're here, there's no fact or point, you need to engage in partisanshithead spewing.
There ya go...that's why you're whine, piss, and moan when reality shakes you to your core because it doesn't align with your bat-shit crazy ideology.
Life begins at conception? So you can take the zygote out of the women and it will live on its own ?
I am very much anti-seance.


They're really expensive and I've yet to see a spirit.
Life begins at conception? So you can take the zygote out of the women and it will live on its own ?
Do you understand the difference between the phrases "life begins" and "life is self-sustainable"? No? What a shame.

If it's not sustainable then it hasn't begun. You draw the arbitrary line at conception , but why not before ? EVERY SPERM IS SACRED!

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