The leftist agenda they won't talk about


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
4D chess, hidden agendas, and one-party rule - American Thinker

Contemporary liberalism is a totally bankrupt ideology that has been proven over time its inability to solve real problems. Therefore, to hide its long-running failures, liberalism and, more specifically the Democrat party, have been reduced to manipulating supporters into believing that everyone is a victim -- except heterosexual white males, of course -- and then pushing victimhood like a serial drug dealer, all in pursuit of permanent political power.

Over time, Democrats have figured out how to play 4D chess while Republicans have always played 3D chess, a strictly “what you see is what you get” proposition. With the Democrats, they always play on another invisible dimension, one in which their real agenda is hidden to everyone except the elitists and those in the ruling political class who wield power and will do anything to keep it. Disguising their agendas has succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.

There are some on the right who recognize this technique, but there are far too many who don’t and continue to play political chess by the old rules and keep getting destroyed as the left plays by its own rules. Democrats prey on totally gullible supporters who believe their elected representatives are acting in genuine, reasonable, and compassionate ways.

There are hundreds of examples that bear this out, but the recent attempt at election reform makes for a very good one. It is euphemistically called the For The People Act of 2021 (H.R.1) when it is anything but. Besides nationalizing elections, in and of itself unconstitutional, it would lock in the last-minute changes many states implemented during the pandemic in violation of their own state election laws.
One Party Rule - the Republicans are already well on their way to it. Doubt the evil malicious Dems can do anything about it.
One Party Rule - the Republicans are already well on their way to it. Doubt the evil malicious Dems can do anything about it.

I'm confused. What will we be in charge of once we get there?
The Space Force...


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