The left-wing ideology is imploding before our very eyes

...fertilized by the daily missteps of the Trump administration..
Uh..."missteps"? Can you expand on that a little bit? The last I checked, the Trump Administration was killing it. The American people are euphoric with his first three weeks.

No. "We" aren't. anti-American terrorists aren't. But we American's are euphoric. The overwhelming majority of the nation has been celebrating the fact that this is the first time we've had an adult in the Oval Office in over 8 years.

You call me an 'anti-American terrorist' because I'm not thrilled about how this administration has operated within its first month. Uh huh. You seem deeply unhinged. I won't debate the unreasonably stupid and paranoid. Have a nice day.
This part makes me proud of the Republican Party:

"Senator John McCain, a hawkish Republican, was there and was introduced to a former senior western diplomat who had seen the documents, knew their source and thought him highly reliable. McCain decided the implications were sufficiently alarming to dispatch a trusted emissary, a former US official, to meet the source and find out more.

“Upon examination of the contents, and unable to make a judgment about their accuracy, I delivered the information to the Director of the FBI. That has been the extent of my contact with the FBI or any other government agency regarding this issue,” the senator said in a statement on Wednesday morning."

While Dumbocrats not only refused to hold Barack Obama accountable for any of his devious actions and scandals - and in fact, served as accomplices to him - the Republican Party upholds the rule of law and takes action on credible material even if "their guy" sits in the White House. Well done Republican Party. Well done.

And that was McCain's biggest mistake. Hand delivering it to FBI director James Comey. You can't trust this guy as far as you can throw his 7 foot tall frame. If he was willing to go to the links he did to get Trump elected, he sure as hell isn't going to be honest about these Russian Connections.

The DOJ has also announced an investigation into the FBI and FBI Director James Comey's unprecedented failure to follow long standing DOJ protocol.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

Comey may very well be in on all of this, and he probably had full knowledge that the Russians were hacking into the DNC databases.


We had Russian spies infiltrate the FBI and other intelligence agencies before, simply over money.
Robert Hanssen - Wikipedia

But you're right Senate Republicans are having a conniption fit over this, and John McCain, Lindsey Graham are what we call true patriots of this country, and they have been sounding the alarm bell for quite some time now on Trump.
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The left-wing ideology is imploding before our very eyes

aint that the truth ... everyone but the Trumpbots are about to implode trying as hard as they can to hold back the laughter at Trump.

less than a month in and he's in some deep shit right before our very eyes.

aw what the hell..


Trump's FUCKED !




SUCKERS :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
But you're right Senate Republicans are having a conniption fit over this, and John McCain, Lindsey Graham are what we call true patriots of this country, and they have been sounding the alarm bell for quite some time now.
Just imagine if their counterparts on the other side of the aisle had one-millionth of the integrity. We wouldn't be coming off of 8 years of the most corrupt administration in U.S. history.
Trump's FUCKED !



SUCKERS :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Wait a second....isn't that the exact same false narrative you dimwits had during the election? :lmao:

(Psst...your track record for predictions is less than stellar. All Trump did was go out and wipe the floor with Hitlery Clinton after that).
The left-wing ideology is imploding before our very eyes...aint that the truth
Uh...yeah. Of course it is. I wouldn't say it if it wasn't the truth. Only Dumbocrats do stuff like that. :eusa_doh:
Trump's FUCKED !
Can you define "fucked" for us? By "fucked" - do you mean 8 years as President of the United States? Because there is some truth to that. It can't be a pleasant job. Tons of stress. Tons of pressure. Tons of anti-American terrorists such as yourself attempting to undermine everything he does to rebuild America.
But you're right Senate Republicans are having a conniption fit over this, and John McCain, Lindsey Graham are what we call true patriots of this country, and they have been sounding the alarm bell for quite some time now.
Just imagine if their counterparts on the other side of the aisle had one-millionth of the integrity. We wouldn't be coming off of 8 years of the most corrupt administration in U.S. history.

Emails & Benghazi pale in comparison to this. It's going to be one hell of a ride that will probably end up in impeachment. The consequences to the Republican party are going to be devastating. In fact Republican Town Halls, even in the most conservative states, are already being packed with very angry voters. You have AWOKEN A SLEEPING GIANT.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

This is why, in order to save the Republican party from total destruction, Republican Senate and House members have to be very pro-active regarding this. And if it means impeaching Comrade Trump, that's exactly what they'll have to do.


Trump has got to go!
Trump's FUCKED !



SUCKERS :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Wait a second....isn't that the exact same false narrative you dimwits had during the election? :lmao:

(Psst...your track record for predictions is less than stellar. All Trump did was go out and wipe the floor with Hitlery Clinton after that).

who gives a shit about Clinton ?

Trumps lost a sitting AG and now his "stellar" ass kissing General, and in less than a month .. thats not imploding, its exploding.

and its funny to watch I might add.

...fertilized by the daily missteps of the Trump administration..
Uh..."missteps"? Can you expand on that a little bit? The last I checked, the Trump Administration was killing it. The American people are euphoric with his first three weeks.
No. "We" aren't. anti-American terrorists aren't. But we American's are euphoric. The overwhelming majority of the nation has been celebrating the fact that this is the first time we've had an adult in the Oval Office in over 8 years.
What "overwhelming majority"? Trump is a minority president. We're onto your alt-facts. They aren't working for Trump and they aren't working for you. :laugh2:
The entire bat-shit crazy narrative of the left is imploding right now. Completely imploding. To the point where they are all going silent. It's not even that they are afraid to speak - it's that they can't. They literally have no response now that the American people are calling them out:

Twitter Users Present J.K. Rowling With An Offer She Most Definitely Will Refuse

Chicks in the right dot com?

No's called Twitter. Perhaps you've heard of it? The website was merely sharing the events of the day.
What "overwhelming majority"? Trump is a minority president. We're onto your alt-facts. They aren't working for Trump and they aren't working for you. :laugh2:
"Minority president" :laugh2:

Snowflake...the only way to become president is to have the majority of the Electoral College. That means winning the majority of the states. And the people of those states cast the votes. Hitlery even lost Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. :lol:
The consequences to the Republican party are going to be devastating.
Forgive us if we laugh but we've heard your predictions before. Like when you predicted that Hitlery Clinton would win a "landslide" election over Donald Trump. :laugh:

Seriously snowflake - at some point you're going to have to come to grips with the fact that Barack Obama destroyed the Dumbocrat Party and the the Republicans are large and in charge now. They own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states. And that isn't changing any time soon.
Trump has got to go!
The problem is - you people started saying that during the Republican primary. Those words literally mean nothing at this point. The American people have spoken and Donald Trump will be your president for the next 4 years for certain and 8 years most likely.
...fertilized by the daily missteps of the Trump administration..
Uh..."missteps"? Can you expand on that a little bit? The last I checked, the Trump Administration was killing it. The American people are euphoric with his first three weeks.
No. "We" aren't. anti-American terrorists aren't. But we American's are euphoric. The overwhelming majority of the nation has been celebrating the fact that this is the first time we've had an adult in the Oval Office in over 8 years.
What "overwhelming majority"? Trump is a minority president. We're onto your alt-facts. They aren't working for Trump and they aren't working for you. :laugh2:

this one ..

The daily tracking poll found that just 40% of Americans approve of President Trump's job as president so far, compared to 55% who say the disapprove. The negative 15-point spread is the highest recorded in the poll since Trump took office January 20..

overwhelming majority DISAPPROVE.

wait til Russia SOAKS in with the people.
You keep trying to make yourself feel better by posting that at least a dozen times in every thread you enter. But it doesn't change anything. You can't even convince yourself of it. How in the world are you going to convince anyone else?

The left hasn't been sleeping. The right was sleeping while they were busy building this country and supporting the left. The left has been engaged, mobilizing, organizing, and conspiring for over 100 years now. Remember, it is your side of the aisle that has "community organizers" like Barack Obama. Does that sound "asleep" to you? The reality is - the American people universally reject your bat-shit crazy ideology.
who gives a shit about Clinton
That's exactly what the American people said when they voted! :lmao:

But here's the thing - we're talking about your history of "predictions" and they are less than stellar. So you can crow that "Trump is in trouble" but 4 years from now he will still be your president and you will still be crying like a little bitch about it.
Lmao. You look like your ready for a padded room in a sanitarium thinking Trump's Russian scandals are making the LEFT look worse.
Boom! And therein lies everything you need to know. While the left spends 24x7 focusing on appearance, the right spends 24x7 focusing on substance.

That is why every Administration from the left is steeped in scandals (Clinton, Obama, etc.) and all they have to do is a PR campaign for their dimwitted minions such as Reasonable here to continue supporting and defending them.

I'm not the least bit worried about looks, snowflake. If oreo's claims are true - then Barack Obama just engaged in felonious wiretapping. And since he is not in charge of the Justice Department anymore, he will not be able to laugh it off as he has for the past 8 years.
You laughably talk " substance" without even using the words " Trump" or "Russian scandal"
Keep playing ostrich that way we don't have to look at your face.

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