the left will celebrate Trump's downfall like they did Nixon’s. “Guess what folks? He’s gone” Graham Nash thundered onstage to rapturous applause then

There’s no norm or custom that former presidents are immune from prosecution

Richard Nixon would probably have faced prosecution if he hadn’t been pre-emptively pardoned.

I don't think so since democrats in those days wouldn't have prosecuted him are not the same democrats (LEFTISTS) of today who are mentally ill who are hounding Trump with bogus investigations to the point that America is sliding into a form of a Banana Republic.

Classic democrats of the early 1970's were satisfied that Nixon who was guilty as hell resigned and left the office while Ford Pardoned him to try to get this mess behind and go on.
There’s no norm or custom that former presidents are immune from prosecution

Richard Nixon would probably have faced prosecution if he hadn’t been pre-emptively pardoned.

The right celebrated it too, back at the time, showing they could discipline their own by backing the impeachment, convincing him to resign, rather than make a further spectacle of himself. I celebrated the republican move, convincing him to resign too, and I voted for that asshole. I did not vote for the handpicked asshole that pardoned him, nor did most republicans.
The right celebrated it too, back at the time, showing they could discipline their own by backing the impeachment, convincing him to resign, rather than make a further spectacle of himself. I celebrated the republican move, convincing him to resign too, and I voted for that asshole. I did not vote for the handpicked asshole that pardoned him, nor did most republicans.

Yeah, Ford was a weird unelected Vice and President who was beaten by a weak challenger Carter who was then exposed as a classic example of an ineffectual leader.
Yeah, Ford was a weird unelected Vice and President who was beaten by a weak challenger Carter who was then exposed as a classic example of an ineffectual leader.
That is true, and at the time, I voted for Carter also, as did most American. Pardoning Nixon of all crimes was a political move, supposedly for the good of the country, but a non-starter for justice and equal treatment under the law, we (even us previous Nixon voters) just couldn't stomach, back when political parties actually cared about right and wrong.
That is true, and at the time, I voted for Carter also, as did most American. Pardoning Nixon of all crimes was a political move, supposedly for the good of the country, but a non-starter for justice and equal treatment under the law, we (even us previous Nixon voters) just couldn't stomach, back when political parties actually cared about right and wrong.

Carter was given an unfair hand for the economic problem which NIXON created with that stupid Wage and Price controls that created that bad recession and worse a bad executive decision that was unwarranted usurpation of Congressional power.
Carter was given an unfair hand for the economic problem which NIXON created with that stupid Wage and Price controls that created that bad recession and worse a bad executive decision that was unwarranted usurpation of Congressional power.
Not unfair at all. Carter chose that path, as a result of the fast inflation after the OPEC oil embargo, as petrodollars quickly ruled the economy to a greater extent than expected after Nixon got off the gold standard and our brilliant economists thought of new ways to try to manipulate, new economic realities, and failed their first attempts. I like Jimmy Carter and think him a smart man, but he could be too smart for his own good or that of the country, plus the luck factor. Jimmy couldn't get lucky in a 2-bit whorehouse with a tow sack of quarter, so I supported Ronald Reagan for the next 8 years, even if I was sitting in the top of a tank when he made his Godless Russian speech. Ron proved there is a definite advantage to conservative approach, luck and good poker skills at the big table.
That is true, and at the time, I voted for Carter also, as did most American. Pardoning Nixon of all crimes was a political move, supposedly for the good of the country, but a non-starter for justice and equal treatment under the law, we (even us previous Nixon voters) just couldn't stomach, back when political parties actually cared about right and wrong.
you voted for Carter ?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
i never vote for democrats ... and the reason is very very simple ...i'm a real man .:cool:
You sound like a party tool dick.
nah ... i support the party platform ... you voted for the most progressive far left admin in history ..
Nah, that was Lyndon Johnson with great society welfare and the Vietnam War, picking the best of the bad guys again.
thats debatable given the new extremes the left is promoting ... but lets say you are right . you still voted for the most progressive far left agenda in 50 yrs ...
Can't argue that. Just had to get rid of the one of the worst Presidents in history by every accounting that ranks them and knowing what I had seen, that I didn't like. 2016 I skipped picking the lessor of two evils, throwing my vote to Gary Johnson, but had to vote against what I despised in 2020. Joe's work hasn't really bothered me, except for fking up the boarder more than ever and sneaking the open door alien into cities and town by nighttime air flights sometime to airports normally closed at night and not doing a damn thing to change the direction. Other than that, no problem and economically I have not been affected, with life, vacations, hobbies, building projects continuing unbothered. So, I would and might do it again, if not given a better choice.:cool:
Can't argue that. Just had to get rid of the one of the worst Presidents in history by every accounting that ranks them and knowing what I had seen, that I didn't like. 2016 I skipped picking the lessor of two evils, throwing my vote to Gary Johnson, but had to vote against what I despised in 2020. Joe's work hasn't really bothered me, except for fking up the boarder more than ever and sneaking the open door alien into cities and town by nighttime air flights sometime to airports normally closed at night and not doing a damn thing to change the direction. Other than that, no problem and economically I have not been affected, with life, vacations, hobbies, building projects continuing unbothered. So, I would and might do it again, if not given a better choice.:cool:
you dont care about your fellow Americans only yourself ... and Trumps p[olicies were fantastic for the country .. in truth you view yourself as an elite who knows better than others ... i've seen your posts i know ! in reality Trump offends your snobbish greater than thou senses .

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