The Left is Losing Politically--and Culturally

Nobody considers Mormons to be Christian. They are not grouped among the Evangelicals or Protestants. Mormons and Jehova Witnesses are whole religions separate from Christianity. Just like Moslems are a separate religion from Christianity.

Nobody has had more fun at the expense of the Mormon Cult than I've had, but let's get real.

Any sect of Christianity claiming that any other sect isn't "really Christian" falls into the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.

If there was a one true Christian faith, then we'd have just one Christian Church instead of hundreds. But the two things that Christians have been doing since Jesus supposedly existed has been

1) Starting their own sects
2) Murdering people who belong to other sects for not believing what they believe.

As far as I'm concerned there are no "Christians". Not a fucking one of you loves your neighbors, turns the other cheek or treats people the way you'd want to be treated. Or as Mark Twain said, "If Christ were alive today, the one thing he wouldn't be is a Christian".
The Democrats lose one vote every time an American has to put gas in their vehicle and another one when an American checks out at the grocery store.
Talking to a Dem or GOP voter is like trying to tell a friend that you saw their spouse cheating only to have them call you a liar and cling even closer to them.
Also do you really think legit gay people think all these kids are suddenly trans? You.....don't know many gay people

naw, we just don't know the self-hating gays you hang with.

As for why kids are realizing they are trans, I would take a look at this chart.


Note that people born at the beginning of the 20th century, left handedness was rare, because teachers would force left-handed kids to write and use their right hand. So less than 3% born back then were left handed. However, when it was realized that wasn't really a good idea, and teachers started teaching kids how to use their left hand, the number of left handed people increased to 12% by the 1960's, and that's where it stays today.

I suspect it is the same with the increasing numbers of people identifying as LGBTQ+. Once you stop trying to force kids into a box, they are going to identify as they are.
Political parties are about one thing..winning elections. The societal shift favors progressives and will continue to do so.

Not any more, dummy. Seen the polls lately? You fuckers are toast. A year from now you'll be too ashamed to admit you were ever a regressive.

We're celebrating pride month this month. This didn't happen 5 years didn't happen 3 years ago with this same profile.

Well, congratulations. I like holidays. Gays should have a holiday. Why not? Everyone else has one. We need more holidays.

And while corporations are shameless about chasing every dollar....

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The reason they are contorting themselves into paying lip service to LGBTQ causes is because there are dollars to chase. The money didn't come from came from the populations that identify as LGBTQ.
Yeah. Gays have money now. lol :p
The Left went FAR too far with the PC/Identity Politics crap. And still are. Going too far is one of America's specialties now.

And yeah, there's every indication now that the Right will follow suit. The two ends can be so damn similar in their behaviors.

We know what's best for you. Just do everything our way, they say, and it will be great. Zero (0) thought given to the fact that not everyone's priorities are the same.

We need to fix a system that incentivizes and rewards mindless, thoughtless tribalism. Before it's too late.


If there is any "identity politics" going on, it's pandering to insecure white people.

If the democrats listened to advice like yours, black people would still be riding on the back of the bus.
Not any more, dummy. Seen the polls lately? You fuckers are toast. A year from now you'll be too ashamed to admit you were ever a regressive.

I've seen the polls.. They aren't that impressive.

The best polls give the GOP a 5 Point advantage. Others are tied or have the Democrats ahead. And this is before the full impact of the Dobb's decision turning women into involuntary breeding machines.

Now the GOP will do well, only because it's a midterm and the out of office party ALWAYS does well. When only 37% of Americans can even name their congressman, and only 40 or so seats are in play, it just doesn't mean that much.

But the GOP will think they have a mandate in an election most people won't participate in, and start doing crazy things, because at the end of the day, they just can't help themselves. When people realize BIden is the only thing keeping them from imposing their crazy on the rest of us, you will be amazed how fast his popularity will rise.
If there is any "identity politics" going on, it's pandering to insecure white people.

Well double fuckin duh, Sherlock

80% of the left IS insecure white people.

If the democrats listened to advice like yours, black people would still be riding on the back of the bus.
Boy are you dumb.

Do you not understand the difference between "go" and "go too far"?

MLK would be rolling over in his grave if he saw what the leftist fucktards are doing these days

Don't forget, he was on the butt end of it. The illegal wiretaps, the FBI smears... all the same stuff the Democrats are doing today
The pedophiles that your side insists on defending and supporting are not even hiding it. Their openly engaging in abusive sexual grooming of young children, while most of you alternate between denying that it's happening (in the face of undeniable proof that it is), making excuses for it, and condemning those of us who dare to call it out.

If you don't like being accused of being a pedophile, or an ally thereof, then a very good start would be to stop openly defending pedophiles and their abuse of children.

As long as you defend this shit, you will be known by the company that you choose to keep.

So let me get this straight.

Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were NOT grooming their small harems of teenage brides...

but a teacher telling kids that some other kids have two mommies, and that's fine equates to grooming them. Because they were well on their way to being straight until the teacher told them there were other choices on the menu. .

Got it.
. When people realize BIden is the only thing keeping them from imposing their crazy on the rest of us, you will be amazed how fast his popularity will rise.

Funny stuff. ^^^

The Democrats today, are like John Gotti. People say he's polite, handsome, dapper... he even passes out free turkeys at Thanksgiving. Heckuva nice guy.
Sure. A lot of people thought that black people voting and riding on the back of the bus was "going too far". They thought "racial progress" was "We haven't lynched a negro in years!"

What are you talking about? That IS progress! :p

Now if we could just convince the morons to stop shooting themselves, we'd have even more progress! (wink)
But you keep voting for people who want to make it easier for the rich to pay you less and give you less rights at work. Event one in the Decline of the White Middle Class was when Ronnie Ray-gun fired the PATCO workers, and gave the signal that Republicans would take the side of the investor class over the worker class.

Well, I have, but you were too stupid to understand them. I mean, I get it, Mormons aren't terrible intelligent or they wouldn't be Mormons.

Let me give you ONE example. In 2004, George W. Stupid was about to get thrown out on his ass because he lied us into an unnecessary war in Iraq. Then he suddenly discovered that gays were getting married in just one state!!! GASP. Because the Republicans Mormon Governor of that State let it happen, but never mind, they were getting married in just one state and we had to put a stop to that! He was going to put a constitutional amendment out there to stop that shit, defining marriage as one man and one woman.

And then after he BARELY got re-elected, Bush suddenly forgot about that. Nope, his next priorities were 1) Escalating the war in Iraq, and 2) Trying to turn over the Social Security Fund to Wall Street investors. (The latter was further than even Republicans wanted to go). He appointed people who outright ignored the looming recession caused by an overinflated housing market.

And in 2008, most of those dumb white people found themselves with busted 401K's and underwater mortgages. But at least they stopped the gays from getting married...until they could.

Guy, you miss the point, as you always do. How do gays getting married have any effect on your economic life?

And I've demonstrated time after time that the Prison-Industrial Complex is an economic drag on our economy.

You see, when you whine like a little Mormon Bitch about "Decay", you forget what made us great to start with. What made us great was a series of progressive Presidents stood up for the working class against the investor class, which is why we went from this...

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to this

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in a generation. (For white people at least.)

This didn't just magically happen. It happened because of government programs (middle class entitlements) preventing people from slipping into poverty and support of unions giving a fair wage to working people.
Except insulting someone's church, Agree
Both party's stink, Refuse to work together, Will say or do anything to win, not for Our country but for the power & money for them self's & the party.
The Democrats lose one vote every time an American has to put gas in their vehicle and another one when an American checks out at the grocery store.
DONT like gas prices any more than anyone else, One issue voters are no help towards better government
DONT like gas prices any more than anyone else, One issue voters are no help towards better government
Massive inflation like we are seeing with Potatohead is a major problem for most Americans. The fat cat donors to the Democrat Party don't have to worry but most Americans do.

Better government would include electing a President that didn't cause inflation, didn't artificially run up the price of a necessary commodity like fuel, didn't allow millions of illegals to flood in, didn't drive the economy towards a recession, didn't cause lower family income and didn't make our country weak. Potatohead has done all those things and Americans are reminded of that daily when they have to pay for something.
Yawn... nothing new under the sun. You'll always have stupid white people willing to vote against their own economic interests based on their racial, religious and sexual fears.
We call these people "democrats".
Which is why we won't make real progress until white people are in the minority.
Self-loathing isn't argument.
Nobody has had more fun at the expense of the Mormon Cult than I've had, but let's get real.

Any sect of Christianity claiming that any other sect isn't "really Christian" falls into the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.

If there was a one true Christian faith, then we'd have just one Christian Church instead of hundreds. But the two things that Christians have been doing since Jesus supposedly existed has been

1) Starting their own sects
2) Murdering people who belong to other sects for not believing what they believe.

As far as I'm concerned there are no "Christians". Not a fucking one of you loves your neighbors, turns the other cheek or treats people the way you'd want to be treated. Or as Mark Twain said, "If Christ were alive today, the one thing he wouldn't be is a Christian".

So....because of a few bad apples you are going to paint everyone with a broad brush?

Isn't that the very definition of prejudice and racism?

How very hypocritical of you.
Political parties are about one thing..winning elections. The societal shift favors progressives and will continue to do so. We're celebrating pride month this month. This didn't happen 5 years didn't happen 3 years ago with this same profile.

And while corporations are shameless about chasing every dollar....

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The reason they are contorting themselves into paying lip service to LGBTQ causes is because there are dollars to chase. The money didn't come from came from the populations that identify as LGBTQ.

Alienating 96% of the population, to pander to 4%, is proving to be bad for business. Especially as that 4% becomes more aggressive and more offensive and threatening to the mainstream. And even more especially since that 4% is now aggressively going after and threatening the 96%'s children.

“Get woke; go broke.”

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