The Left is Losing Politically--and Culturally

Oh, no - you have another thing coming entirely

The Biden admin is going to get ZERO funds for any more of their asinine bullshit. None. Zip, zero, squat.

The Democrats aren't getting a penny till they BACK THE FUCK OFF

Maybe you need to ask Newt and Boo-Hooner how well that works out. Granny gets really upset when she doesn't get her check.

I do not belong to nor associate with any such cult.

In 1852, President Brigham Young publicly announced that men of black African descent could no longer be ordained to the priesthood, though thereafter blacks continued to join the Church through baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. Following the death of Brigham Young, subsequent Church presidents restricted blacks from receiving the temple endowment or being married in the temple. Over time, Church leaders and members advanced many theories to explain the priesthood and temple restrictions.

From Time in 1970

Mormon belief depends largely on the writings of Prophet Joseph Smith, the church's 19th century founder. Though Smith's first book of revelations, the Book of Mormon, clearly states that "the Lord denieth none that come unto him, black and white," in The Pearl of Great Price, Smith's later translation of revelations supposedly made to Moses and Abraham, he took a dimmer view. Smith there concluded that Negroes are the descendants of both Cain, the Bible's first murderer, and Ham, the disrespectful son of Noah; the reason for their exclusion from the priesthood is "the mark of Cain." Though racist 19th century Christian preachers once advanced similar arguments, the Mormons go farther, maintaining that in a spiritual "preexistence" blacks were neutral bystanders when other spirits chose sides during a fight between God and Lucifer. For that failure of courage, they were condemned to become the accursed descendants of Cain.
Maybe you need to ask Newt and Boo-Hooner how well that works out. Granny gets really upset when she doesn't get her check.

In 1852, President Brigham Young publicly announced that men of black African descent could no longer be ordained to the priesthood, though thereafter blacks continued to join the Church through baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. Following the death of Brigham Young, subsequent Church presidents restricted blacks from receiving the temple endowment or being married in the temple. Over time, Church leaders and members advanced many theories to explain the priesthood and temple restrictions.

From Time in 1970

Mormon belief depends largely on the writings of Prophet Joseph Smith, the church's 19th century founder. Though Smith's first book of revelations, the Book of Mormon, clearly states that "the Lord denieth none that come unto him, black and white," in The Pearl of Great Price, Smith's later translation of revelations supposedly made to Moses and Abraham, he took a dimmer view. Smith there concluded that Negroes are the descendants of both Cain, the Bible's first murderer, and Ham, the disrespectful son of Noah; the reason for their exclusion from the priesthood is "the mark of Cain." Though racist 19th century Christian preachers once advanced similar arguments, the Mormons go farther, maintaining that in a spiritual "preexistence" blacks were neutral bystanders when other spirits chose sides during a fight between God and Lucifer. For that failure of courage, they were condemned to become the accursed descendants of Cain.

Nobody considers Mormons to be Christian. They are not grouped among the Evangelicals or Protestants. Mormons and Jehova Witnesses are whole religions separate from Christianity. Just like Moslems are a separate religion from Christianity.
As we celebrate pride month...the thought that the left is somehow "losing" is rather hilarious.
Laugh all you want, shit for brains.

YOU are leaving office.

America hates your guts.

You screwed up. You're leaving town on a rail. You'll be very damn lucky if you don't get tarred and feathered before that
Your moralism is DESTROYING THIS COUNTRY, pinhead.

Fuck your PC with a gigantic donkey dong.

And fuck you too, Stalinist pig.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, you asswipes are in deep shit.
I'm glad you get to come here and vent what apparently is your considerable rage. Get it all out. Better that than becoming violent and kicking the dog, or worse.
The political aspect is only the tip of the spear that only politicians care about.

Most voters are concerned about their "back pocket" meaning financial stability and their family welfare....IE the transgenders and homosexuals grooming their children in public school mandated programs.

Then there's the whole sexually deviant men allowed into women's public restrooms. (Which have already caused a LOT of rapes and assaults of women)

These morality issues and economic issues are going to cost the Democrats the next two elections. Just like it cost Obama having Congress in his favor when he began a radical change to Healthcare in America.
I suppose if Dems were actually in favor of.........transgenders and homosexuals grooming their children in public school mandated programs......and especially if it were actually happening at scale (it's not) I'd have to reconsider my support for the Dems. But they aren't. You should be embarrassed that I have to explain that to you.
So, like I said, the larger challenge for Dems is figuring out a way to keep gullible rubes from believing right wing propaganda. Because from a policy standpoint Repubs are losing.

Which is why they make up lies about what Dems believe. And why they use culture war issues to motivate their base.
I suppose if Dems were actually in favor of.........transgenders and homosexuals grooming their children in public school mandated programs......and especially if it were actually happening at scale (it's not) I'd have to reconsider my support for the Dems. But they aren't. You should be embarrassed that I have to explain that to you.
So, like I said, the larger challenge for Dems is figuring out a way to keep gullible rubes from believing right wing propaganda. Because from a policy standpoint Repubs are losing.

Which is why they make up lies about what Dems believe. And why they use culture war issues to motivate their base.
I'm glad you get to come here and vent what apparently is your considerable rage.

This the internet, dummy. It's media. Infotainment. Just like the MSM

Get it all out. Better that than becoming violent and kicking the dog, or worse.
You're being a typically retarded leftist.

That's okay, I don't care.

What I'll tell you is, you're leaving town, one way or another.

You screwed up, mister.

And now you're doubling down on stupid.

No one's buying the snake oil. And no one cares about your bleating. You'll be out of power in six months or less. That is all

Please don't be disappointed if I point out the moron trolling for clicks you provided a link for, citing anecdotal examples to be used to grossly misrepresent a disingenuous narrative for the entertainment of those predisposed to believe a pile of crap, is less than convincing.
No one's buying the snake oil.
That's not true. By virtue of your posts I can see you have been buying copious amounts of right wing media snake oil. You seem to be drowning in it. Which explains why almost everything you post is a lie.
Grooming is when a person engages in predatory conduct to prepare a child or young person for sexual activity at a later time.

Prepubescent children repeatedly exposed to materials of a sexually deviant lifestyle is grooming. Homosexuality. Bisexuality, transgenderism and, for the last 1500 years, polyamory have been considered sexually deviant lifestyles that have been against penal codes.

Forcing children to not only accept these lifestyles as positive but to actively recruit them to adopt and promote them is sexual abuse of a minor. Usually punishable by incarceration.
That's not true. By virtue of your posts I can see you have been buying copious amounts of right wing media snake oil. You seem to be drowning in it. Which explains why almost everything you post is a lie.
This coming from a leftie?

All you assholes DO is lie. You don't do a fucking other thing.

You are such a shit for brains retarded leftist troll, first of all I don't watch right wing media AT ALL - nor do I watch the left wing drivel, which is 90% of it.

Secondly I'm not a rightie, I'm a very pissed off parent because YOU put my kids in danger and continue to do so

You in your puny partisan world can not possibly fathom the concept that some political independent might hate your guts JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE A RETARDED FUCKING ASSHOLE

That fact having nothing to do with Donald Trump or the right wing media. Moron
I suppose if Dems were actually in favor of.........transgenders and homosexuals grooming their children in public school mandated programs......and especially if it were actually happening at scale (it's not)…

We can argue about the scale on which it is happening, but it is undeniable, it is well-documented, that it is happening.

Why is it so difficult for nearly all of you on the left wrong to condemn it, to come out and say that indoctrinating young children with the agenda of homosexuals, transsexuals, and other depraved sexual deviancies, is unacceptable?

All you ever do by response is a mixture of denying that it is happening (in the face of irrefutable proof that it is happening), defending it, and condemning those of us who call it out for what it clearly is.
The fringe OWNS the Democratic Party.
The Democrats are mainstream America. Since you're a corrupt right-wing deviant, you've been ordered to hate the mainstream.

What, you thought you were fooling anyone?

If you disagree, why don't you tell us what these Democratic "fringe" beliefs are. This should be hilarious, seeing what your violent fascist cult considers to be "fringe". You'll either have to lie outright -- something that gets you control-freak pervs off majorly -- or you'll have to define mainstream as fringe.

Please proceed.

(Solid majorities of Americans back gay rights, abortion rights, gun control, prosecuting traitors, the social safety net, and all of the Democratic postions. The conservative sore-loser cult is wildly deluded.)
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Why is it so difficult for nearly all of you on the left wrong to condemn it, to come out and say that indoctrinating young children with the agenda of homosexuals, transsexuals, and other depraved sexual deviancies, is unacceptable?
Because that's not happening. You're just lying, being a willing servant of the Lord of Lies, and thus consigning your soul to the special Hell.

Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

Save your gaslighting for your fellow hellbound cultists. The moral people know you're lying. The only question is specifically _why_ you choose to lie.

Anyways, that's probably best thing about being a liberal, knowing you won't roast in hell for eternity.
Grooming is when a person engages in predatory conduct to prepare a child or young person for sexual activity at a later time.
So, conservatism.

You know, where both young women and young men are told that old white men have the right and the duty to molest them at will, and where they'll all stand together to protect the molesters, even if the victims are their own children.

And where young women are told they only have the option of being breeers, and forced into it at an obscenely young age.

Yes, conservatism is a groomer cult.

This is a fine example of the "Every conservative accusation is a confession" rule. Since so many conservatives are groomers and don't want to change, they make up outrageous lies about liberals to deflect away from their chosen groomer lifestyle.
I particularly note the term

constant (better yet: incessant) scolding

I knew there was a perfect term for it!

Yeh, these *^$# act like they knoww what is best PERIOD

Anyone who disagrees is a moron, idiot, alt-right, fool.... yada yada..

so boring. The 1619 thing comes to mind. These people do not even know basic American history!

and we're supposed to listen to them?

of course only the uneducated do.
Yawn... nothing new under the sun. You'll always have stupid white people willing to vote against their own economic interests based on their racial, religious and sexual fears.

Which is why we won't make real progress until white people are in the minority.
Racist gonna racebait.

Groomercrats have said their 2022 strategy it to scare minorities.

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