The left continues to deny basic science

Does the new world scare you
Not nearly as much as basic science and reality scares you bat-shit crazy extremists.

Why are you so afraid of facing reality, otto105? Is it because you weren’t raised to be a man? Is it because fantasy-land make-believe reminds you of your childhood and that is comforting to you? Something deeper? Tell us.
The left continues to deny even the most basic science

Does the new world scare you
Not nearly as much as basic science and reality scares you bat-shit crazy extremists.

Why are you so afraid of facing reality, otto105? Is it because you weren’t raised to be a man? Is it because fantasy-land make-believe reminds you of your childhood and that is comforting to you? Something deeper? Tell us.
Are you really that insecure?
Are you really that insecure?
Apparently you are that insecure. Not only are you too insecure to accept reality, you’re even too insecure to answer basic questions about why you’re too insecure to accept reality.

So I’ll ask you again: is it because you weren’t raised to be a man? Is it because fantasy-land make-believe reminds you of your childhood and that is comforting to you? Something deeper? What?
The left continues to deny basic science
We saw that one year ago when they denied Hydroxychloroquine could cure Covid. Makes you wonder if libs with connections to DC politicians had invested in some of the other Covid medications.

Then they did the exact same thing with Ivermecton.
We saw that one year ago when they denied Hydroxychloroquine could cure Covid. Makes you wonder if libs with connections to DC politicians had invested in some of the other Covid medications.

Then they did the exact same thing with Ivermecton.
Yep. Same reason they pretend “Global Warming” is real. Not only gives them a reason to expand their power, but it funnels billions and billions to all of their pals.
I took nothing.

No vax
No dope
No hydrowhatever


No you don’t. You’re not “immune” to COVID, the flu, or anything else. If you actually believe you are, then you don’t understand the meaning of the word “immune”.

That being said, there is tremendous risk taking a shot rushed to market in a total panic by pharmaceuticals desperate to be first to market. Only an irrational person wouldn’t have a very healthy concern about the COVID “vaccines” (that aren’t even actual vaccines). And I don’t blame anyone who avoids the shots.

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