The left continues to deny basic science

The left continues to deny basic science...
"Being transgender does not NOT make you a woman. It simply makes you transgender," Pinkston wrote in a Facebook post in May.

In another post, she said that although transgenders want to identify their own gender, "in a biological context, there are males and females."

Although common sense to many, she was fired over the comments from the lingerie brand.
That’s right...she was fire for speaking scientific truth.

Model comes out as transgender after making anti-transgender comments — then it gets even more weird

This is a model?

OK, so I get that beauty is subjective, and what one person finds attractive, another may not. And I know it's not really polite to say so, but this person does not look nearly attractive enough to be a successful model. She's far enough outside of what I think of normal parameters of attractiveness that I have to doubt if I am the only one who would think she's definitely not model material.

The left continues to deny basic science...
"Being transgender does not NOT make you a woman. It simply makes you transgender," Pinkston wrote in a Facebook post in May.

In another post, she said that although transgenders want to identify their own gender, "in a biological context, there are males and females."

Although common sense to many, she was fired over the comments from the lingerie brand.
That’s right...she was fire for speaking scientific truth.

Model comes out as transgender after making anti-transgender comments — then it gets even more weird
And where did you get your phd in science from again?
Like global warming?
The left continues to deny basic science...
"Being transgender does not NOT make you a woman. It simply makes you transgender," Pinkston wrote in a Facebook post in May.

In another post, she said that although transgenders want to identify their own gender, "in a biological context, there are males and females."

Although common sense to many, she was fired over the comments from the lingerie brand.
That’s right...she was fire for speaking scientific truth.

Model comes out as transgender after making anti-transgender comments — then it gets even more weird
I thought you was quoting NASA or a biological journal
Glenn beck and mark levin?
2 paragons of scientific truth!!
Mark thinks sandy hook was a commie plot and we never landed on the moon.
Terrific place to base ones beliefs
The left continues to deny basic science (men cannot menstruate)...
Under the guise of "inclusivity," Washington State University is now stocking menstrual products in men's restrooms.
Not to mention they continue to deny reality...
The name policy went into effect because some students felt that using a legal name on student identification cards was not welcoming for transgender students who want to make up their own names.
Denying basic science and reality is why the left destroys everything they touch.

College places menstrual products in men's restrooms in the name of inclusivity for transgender students
Omg I'm shocked and appalled
Mass shootings 5 deferments and vagina grabbing is ok though.
Love my 11000 lie Pres
The left continues to deny basic science...
"Being transgender does not NOT make you a woman. It simply makes you transgender," Pinkston wrote in a Facebook post in May.

In another post, she said that although transgenders want to identify their own gender, "in a biological context, there are males and females."

Although common sense to many, she was fired over the comments from the lingerie brand.
That’s right...she was fire for speaking scientific truth.

Model comes out as transgender after making anti-transgender comments — then it gets even more weird
And where did you get your phd in science from again?
Don’t need a “PhD” to know that chromosomes do not mutate based on the thoughts of the mental ill, sweetheart...
The left continues to deny basic science (men cannot menstruate)...
Under the guise of "inclusivity," Washington State University is now stocking menstrual products in men's restrooms.
Not to mention they continue to deny reality...
The name policy went into effect because some students felt that using a legal name on student identification cards was not welcoming for transgender students who want to make up their own names.
Denying basic science and reality is why the left destroys everything they touch.

College places menstrual products in men's restrooms in the name of inclusivity for transgender students
Mass shootings 5 deferments and vagina grabbing is ok though.
Yeah...mass shootings because you people on the left exploit the mentally ill for your own sick sexual deviance rather than getting them the mental healthcare they so desperately need.
THE BLAZE? Glenn beck and mark levin?
Bwahahaha! Your quick Google search failed you, sweetie. Mark Levin has nothing to do with TheBlaze. He did, however, combine his operations with Blaze Media. Two distinctly separate operations.

Additionally, TheBlaze has the most impeccable record for journalism in the world (along with Breitbart and The Drudge Report). The story you are responding to there is 100% accurate. The model was fired for acknowledging that a man in a dress is still a man.
Why do only 6% of scientists identify themselves as Republicans, while 55% say they are Democrats?
Why do only 6% of scientists identify themselves as Republicans, while 55% say they are Democrats?
Because they loooooove that government money rolling in to fund their hobby.

Why do you need such obvious things explained to you?
Because you do such a marvelous job explaining the money thing as the motivator for all activities. So if we didn't give scientists money there would be no sciences-correct?
Fake data.

It has been proven that all these sources have doctored their data.
Really? I had no idea. Got any peer-reviewed sources?

Like the fox guarding the henhouse. Scientists are notoriously liberal, particularly now. With regards to global warming, they seek to prove a pre-determined outcome because that is what pays for more research. A scientist is not paid for research to find why man-made global warming may be false or to even research if it is true or not. The premise is that it is true and they simply seek to find more information to solidify this view. Their funding would quickly be revoked if they do NOT side with global warming...evidence be damned. Sorry, I have met too many so-called scientists whose political ideology trumps the scientific method. They don't want to be vilified by their colleagues who are, for the most part, HUGE ideologues.
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And where did you get your phd in science from again?
Like global warming?

I don't know about P@triot, but the esteemed Dr. Ivar Giaever got his Ph.D in physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York before winning the f-ing Nobel Prize in physics, and subsequently declaring man-made climate change to be a pseudo-scientific hoax that has taken on the characteristics of "a new religion."
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Fake data.

It has been proven that all these sources have doctored their data.
Really? I had no idea. Got any peer-reviewed sources?

Like the fox guarding the henhouse. Scientists are notoriously liberal, particularly now. With regards to global warming, they seek to prove a pre-determined outcome because that is what pays for more research. A scientist is not paid for research to find why man-made global warming may be false or to even research if it is true or not. The premise is that it is true and they simply seek to find more information to solidify this view. Their funding would quickly be revoked if they do NOT side with global warming...evidence be damned. Sorry, I have met too many so-called scientists whose political ideology trumps the scientific method. They don't want to be vilified by their colleagues who are, for the most part, HUGE ideologues.
So no sources except your gut? Got it.
Fake data.

It has been proven that all these sources have doctored their data.
Really? I had no idea. Got any peer-reviewed sources?

Like the fox guarding the henhouse. Scientists are notoriously liberal, particularly now. With regards to global warming, they seek to prove a pre-determined outcome because that is what pays for more research. A scientist is not paid for research to find why man-made global warming may be false or to even research if it is true or not. The premise is that it is true and they simply seek to find more information to solidify this view. Their funding would quickly be revoked if they do NOT side with global warming...evidence be damned. Sorry, I have met too many so-called scientists whose political ideology trumps the scientific method. They don't want to be vilified by their colleagues who are, for the most part, HUGE ideologues.
So no sources except your gut? Got it.

Right, my gut, the actual non-modified data and a little common sense.
And where did you get your phd in science from again?
Like global warming?

I don't know about P@triot, but the esteemed Dr. Ivar Giaever got his Ph.D in physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York before winning the f-ing Nobel Prize in physics, and subsequently declaring man-made climate change to be a pseudo-scientific hoax that has taken on the characteristics of "a new religion."

Eh, he doesn't know what he is talking about according to the rocket scientists on this board. He also isn't following the herd so that automatically excludes his opinion.
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A high school calculous teacher and his class calculated that it would take 265,000 nuclear bombs just to raise the temp of Antarctic's ice 1 degree. Just relax people.
And where did you get your phd in science from again?
Like global warming?

I don't know about P@triot, but the esteemed Dr. Ivar Giaever got his Ph.D in physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York before winning the f-ing Nobel Prize in physics, and subsequently declaring man-made climate change to be a pseudo-scientific hoax that has taken on the characteristics of "a new religion."

Dr. Ivar Giaever is a 90 year old that hasn't done anything relevant in decades. He lacks context and experience in current climate science.

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