The Last Time Democrats Embraced a Demonic Mass Movement


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Last Time Democrats Embraced a Demonic Mass Movement:
The Rev. Jim Jones’s

An interview with Daniel Flynn, author of Cult City: Jim Jones, Harvey Milk, and Ten Days that Shook San Francisco

28 Jun 2020 ~~ By John Zmirak
We’ve all watched the rise of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. We’ve been shocked at their openly Marxist politics, and their close ties with Democratic politicians. America has seen such partnerships before, especially in the alliance of Progressive California Democrats and the Rev. Jim Jones. His “People’s Temple” started out as a thriving left-wing Christian church. The Stream interviewed Daniel Flynn, who wrote a book on what happened next.
On June 23, a member of the Wisconsin State Senate, Democrat Tim Carpenter, was assaulted by a violent mob. In the course of the evening’s violence in Madison, the City/County Building got firebombed. Some observers recalled the murder of Rep. Leo Joseph Ryan by Rev. Jim Jones’s thugs in 1978. Do you see resemblances between the post-Christian radicalism of Jim Jones, and the post-Christian political movement of Anti-Racism/Intersectionalism? Was Jones just ahead of his time?
The anti-Americanism of the rioters in Wisconsin and elsewhere manifests itself indiscriminately. For instance by destroying the symbols of this country, including an abolitionist killed fighting Confederates in battle. So for both groups, the United States serves as the bogeyman. State Senator Tim Carpenter and Congressman Leo Ryan both stood on the left of the Democratic party. It contains many people who imagine that they speak the same language as the radicals. They find out otherwise when a convincing rebuttal expressed in fists or bullets comes their way.
Jonestown, CHAZ, and Other Utopian Enclaves
The urge to create a radically new, Utopian society seems to animate Antifa and Black Lives Matter much as it did the People’s Temple. (BLM’s policy positions demand the abolition of property, the nuclear family, and the police.) Do you see parallels between the violent CHAZ enclave in Seattle and the separatist leftist commune Jones ran in Guyana?

Peoples Temple created its own police force called the Red Brigades. It which involved itself in brutality far beyond any law enforcement agency in the United States. The Brigades tortured people, beat others, and aided and abetted Jones’s various frauds. They murdered congressman Leo Ryan and four others on the airstrip outside of Jonestown. Before the mass forced suicide, they held Temple members at gun- and arrow-point.
The images of self-appointed authorities beating up people in CHAZ and intimidating others with weapons were farcically ironic. A community established on the abolition of police almost immediately established its own police. And that force engaged in brutality far worse than what Seattle’s citizens experience from their beleaguered police force.
Nihilistic Violence
Are you afraid that we might see Jonestown-style nihilistic violence on a mass scale now?

The circumstances of Jonestown were unique: a madman isolated in the jungle, backed by armed fanatics pressuring true believers to kill themselves. Jonestown left an indelible mark on the psyches of any who witnessed the carnage, even on the news. They remember the singular, bizarre nature of the mass suicide. But chaos that catalyzed Peoples Temple’s popularity — Vietnam, urban unrest, crime, drugs, rapid change — more closely tracks what we see now. That violence and nihilism causes the déjà vu, at least for me. The news seems like a repeat of That ‘70s Show. And as Cult City shows, none of that ends well.
Do you think President Trump is wise to let blue state officials reap the chaos they’ve sown? Or should he intervene using federal forces, if need be federalizing the national guards in those states?
The president needed to act forcefully rather than speak forcefully. Abraham Lincoln obviously quelled insurrection with the armed forces. Herbert Hoover used the military to rid Washington, D.C., of the Bonus Army. John Kennedy federalized the Alabama National Guard to ensure admittance of two black students into their state’s flagship university. George H.W. Bush deployed the military in response to the Los Angeles Riots in 1992. Police brutality initially fueled the riots, the looting, and the desecration of public art. Police passivity sustains all of this.

WOW, makes you just want to vote Democrat. I think not. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists embraced him (Jones) then just as they have Embraced CHAZ/CHOP now. Do not kid yourself, they have not changed. Remember all the dead bodies of those that drank the Kool Aide. Is this what the Democrats want? We should all have second thoughts about this., They already are backing abortions, and are pushing euthanasia in Washington State. See:
People wake up before it is to late.
If memory serves me correctly, Jimmy Carter praised Jones and Rosalyn actually attended one of his services.
Lest we forget, Congressman Leo Ryan (CA-Dem), the far left congressmen from whose district most of the Jonestown congregation originated was mercilessly gunned down when he discovered the truth. The mass suicide which followed was mostly children of parents who were under the spell of Jim Jones.
As for any action President Trump takes with CHAZ/CHOP, IMO it's a no win situation. It's a political play.
If he acts and sends in the military or Federal Marshals to quell and end this standoff the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists will accuse him of being a tyrant and heavy handed denying these people their "rights". If he does not act and let this fizzle as it is, doing, the Leftists will claim that he is weak.
Indeed, with help from the media that obviously will frame it in a manner other than what it is, as they are doing now, it's a no brainer for the corrupt PMS/DSA Democrats who are only interested in gaining power.
Trump is far wiser by allowing the democratic strongholds to stew in their own juices....we are far beyond the point when the leftist can be saved from themselves as the new leftist shall simply contend that the current leftist were not sufficiently leftist to implement their utopian ideology.
Leftist should walk off their own gangplank. Let the Blue city Democratic mayors handle the debacle they created quell this disturbance under their command using local authorities, the democratic anarchists will again be viewed as revolting against their Democratic mayors rather than a foreign force reporting to raise their fist, toss their cocktails against federal troops authorized btyTrump would merely be marketed as a continued revolt against Trump. Then let these blue incompetent democratic mayors submit a request to Trump for assistance and be refused.
The Last Time Democrats Embraced a Demonic Mass Movement:
The Rev. Jim Jones’s

An interview with Daniel Flynn, author of Cult City: Jim Jones, Harvey Milk, and Ten Days that Shook San Francisco

28 Jun 2020 ~~ By John Zmirak
We’ve all watched the rise of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. We’ve been shocked at their openly Marxist politics, and their close ties with Democratic politicians. America has seen such partnerships before, especially in the alliance of Progressive California Democrats and the Rev. Jim Jones. His “People’s Temple” started out as a thriving left-wing Christian church. The Stream interviewed Daniel Flynn, who wrote a book on what happened next.
On June 23, a member of the Wisconsin State Senate, Democrat Tim Carpenter, was assaulted by a violent mob. In the course of the evening’s violence in Madison, the City/County Building got firebombed. Some observers recalled the murder of Rep. Leo Joseph Ryan by Rev. Jim Jones’s thugs in 1978. Do you see resemblances between the post-Christian radicalism of Jim Jones, and the post-Christian political movement of Anti-Racism/Intersectionalism? Was Jones just ahead of his time?
The anti-Americanism of the rioters in Wisconsin and elsewhere manifests itself indiscriminately. For instance by destroying the symbols of this country, including an abolitionist killed fighting Confederates in battle. So for both groups, the United States serves as the bogeyman. State Senator Tim Carpenter and Congressman Leo Ryan both stood on the left of the Democratic party. It contains many people who imagine that they speak the same language as the radicals. They find out otherwise when a convincing rebuttal expressed in fists or bullets comes their way.
Jonestown, CHAZ, and Other Utopian Enclaves
The urge to create a radically new, Utopian society seems to animate Antifa and Black Lives Matter much as it did the People’s Temple. (BLM’s policy positions demand the abolition of property, the nuclear family, and the police.) Do you see parallels between the violent CHAZ enclave in Seattle and the separatist leftist commune Jones ran in Guyana?

Peoples Temple created its own police force called the Red Brigades. It which involved itself in brutality far beyond any law enforcement agency in the United States. The Brigades tortured people, beat others, and aided and abetted Jones’s various frauds. They murdered congressman Leo Ryan and four others on the airstrip outside of Jonestown. Before the mass forced suicide, they held Temple members at gun- and arrow-point.
The images of self-appointed authorities beating up people in CHAZ and intimidating others with weapons were farcically ironic. A community established on the abolition of police almost immediately established its own police. And that force engaged in brutality far worse than what Seattle’s citizens experience from their beleaguered police force.
Nihilistic Violence
Are you afraid that we might see Jonestown-style nihilistic violence on a mass scale now?

The circumstances of Jonestown were unique: a madman isolated in the jungle, backed by armed fanatics pressuring true believers to kill themselves. Jonestown left an indelible mark on the psyches of any who witnessed the carnage, even on the news. They remember the singular, bizarre nature of the mass suicide. But chaos that catalyzed Peoples Temple’s popularity — Vietnam, urban unrest, crime, drugs, rapid change — more closely tracks what we see now. That violence and nihilism causes the déjà vu, at least for me. The news seems like a repeat of That ‘70s Show. And as Cult City shows, none of that ends well.
Do you think President Trump is wise to let blue state officials reap the chaos they’ve sown? Or should he intervene using federal forces, if need be federalizing the national guards in those states?
The president needed to act forcefully rather than speak forcefully. Abraham Lincoln obviously quelled insurrection with the armed forces. Herbert Hoover used the military to rid Washington, D.C., of the Bonus Army. John Kennedy federalized the Alabama National Guard to ensure admittance of two black students into their state’s flagship university. George H.W. Bush deployed the military in response to the Los Angeles Riots in 1992. Police brutality initially fueled the riots, the looting, and the desecration of public art. Police passivity sustains all of this.

WOW, makes you just want to vote Democrat. I think not. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists embraced him (Jones) then just as they have Embraced CHAZ/CHOP now. Do not kid yourself, they have not changed. Remember all the dead bodies of those that drank the Kool Aide. Is this what the Democrats want? We should all have second thoughts about this., They already are backing abortions, and are pushing euthanasia in Washington State. See:
People wake up before it is to late.
If memory serves me correctly, Jimmy Carter praised Jones and Rosalyn actually attended one of his services.
Lest we forget, Congressman Leo Ryan (CA-Dem), the far left congressmen from whose district most of the Jonestown congregation originated was mercilessly gunned down when he discovered the truth. The mass suicide which followed was mostly children of parents who were under the spell of Jim Jones.
As for any action President Trump takes with CHAZ/CHOP, IMO it's a no win situation. It's a political play.
If he acts and sends in the military or Federal Marshals to quell and end this standoff the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists will accuse him of being a tyrant and heavy handed denying these people their "rights". If he does not act and let this fizzle as it is, doing, the Leftists will claim that he is weak.
Indeed, with help from the media that obviously will frame it in a manner other than what it is, as they are doing now, it's a no brainer for the corrupt PMS/DSA Democrats who are only interested in gaining power.
Trump is far wiser by allowing the democratic strongholds to stew in their own juices....we are far beyond the point when the leftist can be saved from themselves as the new leftist shall simply contend that the current leftist were not sufficiently leftist to implement their utopian ideology.
Leftist should walk off their own gangplank. Let the Blue city Democratic mayors handle the debacle they created quell this disturbance under their command using local authorities, the democratic anarchists will again be viewed as revolting against their Democratic mayors rather than a foreign force reporting to raise their fist, toss their cocktails against federal troops authorized btyTrump would merely be marketed as a continued revolt against Trump. Then let these blue incompetent democratic mayors submit a request to Trump for assistance and be refused.
Absolutely fantastic post. Thank you.
The Last Time Democrats Embraced a Demonic Mass Movement:
The Rev. Jim Jones’s

An interview with Daniel Flynn, author of Cult City: Jim Jones, Harvey Milk, and Ten Days that Shook San Francisco

28 Jun 2020 ~~ By John Zmirak
We’ve all watched the rise of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. We’ve been shocked at their openly Marxist politics, and their close ties with Democratic politicians. America has seen such partnerships before, especially in the alliance of Progressive California Democrats and the Rev. Jim Jones. His “People’s Temple” started out as a thriving left-wing Christian church. The Stream interviewed Daniel Flynn, who wrote a book on what happened next.
On June 23, a member of the Wisconsin State Senate, Democrat Tim Carpenter, was assaulted by a violent mob. In the course of the evening’s violence in Madison, the City/County Building got firebombed. Some observers recalled the murder of Rep. Leo Joseph Ryan by Rev. Jim Jones’s thugs in 1978. Do you see resemblances between the post-Christian radicalism of Jim Jones, and the post-Christian political movement of Anti-Racism/Intersectionalism? Was Jones just ahead of his time?
The anti-Americanism of the rioters in Wisconsin and elsewhere manifests itself indiscriminately. For instance by destroying the symbols of this country, including an abolitionist killed fighting Confederates in battle. So for both groups, the United States serves as the bogeyman. State Senator Tim Carpenter and Congressman Leo Ryan both stood on the left of the Democratic party. It contains many people who imagine that they speak the same language as the radicals. They find out otherwise when a convincing rebuttal expressed in fists or bullets comes their way.
Jonestown, CHAZ, and Other Utopian Enclaves
The urge to create a radically new, Utopian society seems to animate Antifa and Black Lives Matter much as it did the People’s Temple. (BLM’s policy positions demand the abolition of property, the nuclear family, and the police.) Do you see parallels between the violent CHAZ enclave in Seattle and the separatist leftist commune Jones ran in Guyana?

Peoples Temple created its own police force called the Red Brigades. It which involved itself in brutality far beyond any law enforcement agency in the United States. The Brigades tortured people, beat others, and aided and abetted Jones’s various frauds. They murdered congressman Leo Ryan and four others on the airstrip outside of Jonestown. Before the mass forced suicide, they held Temple members at gun- and arrow-point.
The images of self-appointed authorities beating up people in CHAZ and intimidating others with weapons were farcically ironic. A community established on the abolition of police almost immediately established its own police. And that force engaged in brutality far worse than what Seattle’s citizens experience from their beleaguered police force.
Nihilistic Violence
Are you afraid that we might see Jonestown-style nihilistic violence on a mass scale now?

The circumstances of Jonestown were unique: a madman isolated in the jungle, backed by armed fanatics pressuring true believers to kill themselves. Jonestown left an indelible mark on the psyches of any who witnessed the carnage, even on the news. They remember the singular, bizarre nature of the mass suicide. But chaos that catalyzed Peoples Temple’s popularity — Vietnam, urban unrest, crime, drugs, rapid change — more closely tracks what we see now. That violence and nihilism causes the déjà vu, at least for me. The news seems like a repeat of That ‘70s Show. And as Cult City shows, none of that ends well.
Do you think President Trump is wise to let blue state officials reap the chaos they’ve sown? Or should he intervene using federal forces, if need be federalizing the national guards in those states?
The president needed to act forcefully rather than speak forcefully. Abraham Lincoln obviously quelled insurrection with the armed forces. Herbert Hoover used the military to rid Washington, D.C., of the Bonus Army. John Kennedy federalized the Alabama National Guard to ensure admittance of two black students into their state’s flagship university. George H.W. Bush deployed the military in response to the Los Angeles Riots in 1992. Police brutality initially fueled the riots, the looting, and the desecration of public art. Police passivity sustains all of this.

WOW, makes you just want to vote Democrat. I think not. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists embraced him (Jones) then just as they have Embraced CHAZ/CHOP now. Do not kid yourself, they have not changed. Remember all the dead bodies of those that drank the Kool Aide. Is this what the Democrats want? We should all have second thoughts about this., They already are backing abortions, and are pushing euthanasia in Washington State. See:
People wake up before it is to late.
If memory serves me correctly, Jimmy Carter praised Jones and Rosalyn actually attended one of his services.
Lest we forget, Congressman Leo Ryan (CA-Dem), the far left congressmen from whose district most of the Jonestown congregation originated was mercilessly gunned down when he discovered the truth. The mass suicide which followed was mostly children of parents who were under the spell of Jim Jones.
As for any action President Trump takes with CHAZ/CHOP, IMO it's a no win situation. It's a political play.
If he acts and sends in the military or Federal Marshals to quell and end this standoff the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists will accuse him of being a tyrant and heavy handed denying these people their "rights". If he does not act and let this fizzle as it is, doing, the Leftists will claim that he is weak.
Indeed, with help from the media that obviously will frame it in a manner other than what it is, as they are doing now, it's a no brainer for the corrupt PMS/DSA Democrats who are only interested in gaining power.
Trump is far wiser by allowing the democratic strongholds to stew in their own juices....we are far beyond the point when the leftist can be saved from themselves as the new leftist shall simply contend that the current leftist were not sufficiently leftist to implement their utopian ideology.
Leftist should walk off their own gangplank. Let the Blue city Democratic mayors handle the debacle they created quell this disturbance under their command using local authorities, the democratic anarchists will again be viewed as revolting against their Democratic mayors rather than a foreign force reporting to raise their fist, toss their cocktails against federal troops authorized btyTrump would merely be marketed as a continued revolt against Trump. Then let these blue incompetent democratic mayors submit a request to Trump for assistance and be refused.
Some of the parallels between Jonestown and things happening today are a bit shocking. Thanks, again, for the great post.
Did we already forget that people drank cloroquine--and were sickened or died--because Dear Leader told them to?

You ARE an idiot. Please go away. Thank you.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid, bootlicker
Just go away, ya knucklehead.
Did we already forget that people drank cloroquine--and were sickened or died--because Dear Leader told them to?

Actually, the woman tried to off her husband...
Did we already forget that people drank cloroquine--and were sickened or died--because Dear Leader told them to?

Wrong asshole. The woman admitted her and her husband donated heavily to the Democratic Party and that they hated President Trump.

The Arizona woman who said she and her husband drank fish-tank cleaner to ward off coronavirus has donated heavily to Democrats and acknowledges she's not a President Trump supporter -- despite news reports that she ingested the dangerous drug because she trusted what she thought was the president's advice.

Did we already forget that people drank cloroquine--and were sickened or died--because Dear Leader told them to?

Wrong asshole. The woman admitted her and her husband donated heavily to the Democratic Party and that they hated President Trump.

The Arizona woman who said she and her husband drank fish-tank cleaner to ward off coronavirus has donated heavily to Democrats and acknowledges she's not a President Trump supporter -- despite news reports that she ingested the dangerous drug because she trusted what she thought was the president's advice.

Fox News. LOL
Did we already forget that people drank cloroquine--and were sickened or died--because Dear Leader told them to?

Wrong asshole. The woman admitted her and her husband donated heavily to the Democratic Party and that they hated President Trump.

The Arizona woman who said she and her husband drank fish-tank cleaner to ward off coronavirus has donated heavily to Democrats and acknowledges she's not a President Trump supporter -- despite news reports that she ingested the dangerous drug because she trusted what she thought was the president's advice.

Fox News. LOL
She told it to NBC News.

Now where you at?

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