'The Last Taboo'


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
I have always been fascinated by Christianity in America. We were raised Catholic, the ideas of religion seem like a reasonable connection to American society and its politics. But somewhere that connection got lost in fundamentalism and a new sort of determinism. And yet even given that fact, atheists do not exist, at least openly, in politics or even society. That strikes me as strange given our religion has turned to one of money worship.

'It’s harder in America to come out as an atheist politician than a gay one. Why?' By Jennifer Michael Hecht

"The audience loved it. Maher doubled over in laughter and delight. But while few seemed to care about Frank’s pot-smoking admission, atheists across the country—myself included—were disappointed that he hadn’t acknowledged his lack of religious belief sooner, when it could have made a real difference. We were left wondering why a man who served 16 terms in Congress and who bravely came out as gay all the way back in 1987 felt the need to hide his atheism until he was out of office. Was it really harder to come out as an atheist politician in 2013 than as a gay one 25 years ago?

Read more: The Last Taboo - Jennifer Michael Hecht - POLITICO Magazine
Politics is a minefield, and the landmines are "hot button" issues that cause people to vote against you.

Too many voters are fairly rational about most things, but if a candidate or politician admits that he doesn't like dogs, or was divorced, or whatever the persons hot button issue is, then they will vote against them. Being an atheist is one of those issues. Nobody is going to vote FOR you because you are an atheist, but a lot of people might vote against you because you are an atheist.

Consider facial hair. How many successful politicians have beards or moustaches? The reason is because there is a tiny but tenacious part of the population that does not trust someone with facial hair. Again, nobody is going to vote FOR someone because they have a moustache, but some people might vote against them because they do. So you don't wear facial hair.

Or admit you are an atheist.

And the bizarre thing is that people will tolerate a "religious" politician who has the morals of an alley cat (WJC), but wouldn't tolerate someone who has outstanding personal integrity, but is an atheist. (assuming there are any people like that).

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