The Last.."Great Day"

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Well to start with I'm the recipient of a lot of, "Great Days" and if makes you happy, the other kind too....

Sooo.. I'll pick one I remember

We live about 2 hrs from the California coast and my wife and I decide to pawn the kids off to my sisters and head on out. Sooo.. We do.. After a breakfast at the favorite restaurant we head on out..well.. not so fast.. my wife insists we go shopping for supplies. What is it with women "Shopping" ye gads..?

After.. what seems like 3 hours of traipsing around the grocery store saying things like, "Yaaa..Sure", "Why Not", "I Suppose" we finally get in the truck and go...not so fast.. my wife insists we stop at a fruit stand along the way, well...

After.. what seems like an hour of squeezing fruit at a stand along the way we finally are actually.. on our way.

My wife says she wants to go to a, "certain beach" which I naturally pass up along the way... rolled eyes and puckered lips, the full cost of indiscretion.. but after 10 miles of, "trying to turn around" and "hey that looks like a nice spot" we end up at the, "certain beach". ahhh

So... we're there , pack up all the damn heavy, awkward supplies and head on out. Suddenly.. things are actually looking up it's about 80 degrees, slight breeze, puffy clouds, blue skies, soft warm sand, 5 ft. waves, seagulls and pelicans passing by, perfectly private and my wifes hind quarters look pretty good in those blue jeans.

We settle on a spot, set up the blanket, soak in the sunshine, the ocean air, waves crashing, pop a bottle of wine and discuss life and times. Ah..sweet... a couple hours of smoked salmon, cheese, bread, cream puffs, cherries, chocolates, etc. and popping a second bottle of wine, things looked pretty good.

Well.. with the sunshine and the breeze in her, blue skies, waves crashing and puffy white clouds it wasn't to long before the wife renewed her, Goddess Status and I can't even tell you about the best parts without going to the... yah... "Flame Zone".

Damn .....that was a ,"Great Day".....:rolleyes:

Got any?
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The wife and I have days like that. Except for the beach part. And the wine/cheese/cream puffs. The Goddess days are long gone too.

We do get puffy clouds now and then.
The wife and I have days like that. Except for the beach part. And the wine/cheese/cream puffs. The Goddess days are long gone too.

We do get puffy clouds now and then.

Well good.. then not so good...:eusa_doh:
It's not all a wash. Taking wife/daugther/dog to KY next week. Got a cabin rented and w/explore the Nat. Forest, state parks, take in the sights and sounds of nature. Weather forcast.... puffy clouds. :D
It's not all a wash. Taking wife/daugther/dog to KY next week. Got a cabin rented and w/explore the Nat. Forest, state parks, take in the sights and sounds of nature. Weather forcast.... puffy clouds. :D

:lol:.. best of luck
That sounds like a perfect day Mr. Lump.

My son just threw a tub of yogurt at my head.

It missed.

I will settle for that.

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