The lack of punt returns in the NFL has really created a void (for me) as a viewer


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Is it just me or have punt returns gone the way of the Dodo Bird in the NFL?

If they have, is there any way to bring them back? Kickers are smarter and provide far more time than in the past, players are up quicker. The only thing I can think of is having the kicker back 10 yards further along with the line.

I know not everyone agrees, but great punt returners like Dante Hall of the Chiefs of old, really brought me out of my seat.
Maybe there's not any great punt returners around right now ... or the best one's are in slump ...

Or maybe punters are getting better ...

Punters are definitely better. I can't believe returners have changed that much. It's just an instinctive chase to the other side of the field. Today it's a game of Fair Catch. Almost defeats the purpose, like the extra point after a TD.

I don't blame the receiver as they don't have any time to catch, control and run. It's usually the right play and certainly the least painful option if they are plastered. It's why the only way to see this change would be more distance. Sadly, even that would probably only work for a little while.
In recent years about the only time you see a punt return is if the punter either gets off a rocket that drives the returner backwards away from the coverage team, or the punter miss hits it and kicks a line drive. Otherwise it's a mile high and the coverage team is surrounding the guy when it comes down.
Is it just me or have punt returns gone the way of the Dodo Bird in the NFL?

If they have, is there any way to bring them back? Kickers are smarter and provide far more time than in the past, players are up quicker. The only thing I can think of is having the kicker back 10 yards further along with the line.

I know not everyone agrees, but great punt returners like Dante Hall of the Chiefs of old, really brought me out of my seat.

Are they still playing?

Since they continue to be proud of their hatred for most of their fans, those same fans have found their entertainment elsewhere.
Is it just me or have punt returns gone the way of the Dodo Bird in the NFL?

If they have, is there any way to bring them back? Kickers are smarter and provide far more time than in the past, players are up quicker. The only thing I can think of is having the kicker back 10 yards further along with the line.

I know not everyone agrees, but great punt returners like Dante Hall of the Chiefs of old, really brought me out of my seat.
No fair catch? Five yard halo?
The lack of punt returns in the NFL has really created a void (for me) as a viewer

That is simply the NFL serving its function: creating voids.
  • A void in game excitement.
  • A void in game risk.
  • A void in game unpredictability.
  • A void in viewer interest.
The goal of the NFL is to take out the one thing which most made the games popular--- RISK, while thinking that millions will continue to plunk down huge sums of money following it.

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