The Killing Of The United States of America

As usual politifact debunks the lies being told by republicans aka supporters of Putin.

As usual, you get told what you want to hear and consider that to be "proof" of something.

Politifact is a credible news source. Where's yours? Link me to the facebook postings you get all your facts from. :auiqs.jpg:

The self projection of you goofy ass Republicans is astounding....

Conservatives have been against high voter turn out for 40 years....and they make it no secret...go gaslight someone else with that bullshit...

That's because we are intelligent to know that many people are not capable of voting. Politics may interest us, but it's not a real popular subject in many circles. In fact our founders felt somewhat the same way. They didn't want everybody to vote either realizing the same thing. If you are at a party and bring up politics, half the people will walk away and go to another group in the party.

As usual politifact debunks the lies being told by republicans aka supporters of Putin.

As usual, you get told what you want to hear and consider that to be "proof" of something.

Politifact is a credible news source. Where's yours? Link me to the facebook postings you get all your facts from. :auiqs.jpg:

Clearly, "credible news source" means "a news source that will tell me what I want to hear, and nothing I don't like".

The self projection of you goofy ass Republicans is astounding....

Conservatives have been against high voter turn out for 40 years....and they make it no secret...go gaslight someone else with that bullshit...

That's because we are intelligent to know that many people are not capable of voting. Politics may interest us, but it's not a real popular subject in many circles. In fact our founders felt somewhat the same way. They didn't want everybody to vote either realizing the same thing. If you are at a party and bring up politics, half the people will walk away and go to another group in the party.

In fairness, if someone brings up politics at a party, I walk away and go to another group, simply because I don't feel like getting into an argument at a social gathering.
In fairness, if someone brings up politics at a party, I walk away and go to another group, simply because I don't feel like getting into an argument at a social gathering.

It all depends on who you are with. I know the sensitive people in my family so I don't bring it up; they are some of the liberals in my family. But......we do have a big family so there are still some people that I can discuss politics with.
Thanks for admitting that Republicans can't win without cheating.

Isn't it too bad Republicans forgot how to run on policy and issues rather than on lies and corruption?

The lies and corruption are on the left, not the right.

Cheating is not having people go to the polls like we've done for generations and voting. Cheating is automatically registering all people to vote whether they want to register or not. Going against states rights by forcing them to allow convicted felons to vote; not that this would be the first time the commies violated the Constitution. Wait until these registered voters get called for jury duty which is what happens when you are a registered voter. While you want this country to chose it's leaders by the Obama phone ladies of the country, real Americans are against that.
Yeah, here's the thing....

Those people you want to keep from voting...They are REAL AMERICANS.
Those people you would intimidate at the polls....They are REAL AMERICANS

Why not simply tell the truth. You know that in a free fair election Republicans have no chance. Why? Because they don't know how to govern and don't know why they should govern except that they are not THEM.
Govern what?
Maintain infrastructure.
Provide police protection and fire fighters.
Where does governing stop?
Your question is nonsensical. But, in response, how about at a woman's twat? How about we stop governing there?
Ad homenim...
You are a ProgBot.
You asked a question. I gave an answer. Granted one we all know you can't accept but how does a direct response to a question amount to "ad hominem?" Perhaps you don't understand the words you're trying to use?

As for attacks? Seems you're doing the personal attacking and, in true form, whining when you think someone's got you but the shorties.
If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

What SPECIFICALLY is it you don't like about HR-1?
Have you read the entire Bill?
Not a response to the question. I'm not the one complaining.

Seems you, like every Republican in the Senate couldn't be bothered with actually understanding what's in the bill and, instead, prefer to spread lies about the bill.

Was hilarious. When the reading was done there were no Republicans present so a motion was made to limit amendments to 3 hours. In essence Johnson's move ended up in him stepping in his own crap pile.
I don’t remember ever posting that politicians do anything other than what their contributors want.
I do remember ProgBots here being thrilled about a Bill they never read.
Have you read the Bill?
I've seen the parts I need to but, I'm not the one bitching and the question remains...

What SPECIFICALLY don't you like about the bill?
Or, in worst Republican traditions, which CLEARLY demonstrate the inability of Republicans to govern, is you opposition to the bill simply because you think Democrats support it and you're just one of those.
No, your denial is simply a lie.
What you don't like about voting by mail is that your ability to do your traditional voter suppression activities won't work.
Move the polling problem already mailed in the ballot;
Not enough working polling problem already mailed in the ballot;
Fake cops at polling problem already mailed in the ballot;

So now your leaders are having to come up with more creative strategies than your Neanderthal tactics of the past.

BUT...You've pissed them off
Your stuff didn't work in 2018
Didn't work in 2020
Won't work in the future.

Stacy and AOC will see to that.

I know they will, and so will Piglosi and Whorris after they pass this voting bill. I have no idea why you people didn't leave this country and move to North Korea or Cuba where their government and society is more to your liking. We had a great country until liberalism ruined it for us. Now they are trying to fix it so Republicans can never have power again. When any country has a single-party government, tyranny takes place.

Now we will quickly slip into Socialism, and then Communism which are just about the same thing. The Great Experiment is ending, and it's ending because of people like you who support the Communists.
Thanks for admitting that Republicans can't win without cheating.

Isn't it too bad Republicans forgot how to run on policy and issues rather than on lies and corruption?


In the recent SCOTUS case, the lawyer for the Arizona Republicans attempting to pass draconian anti-voter laws said as much. They can't win on ideas so they need to change the rules to favor them.

That means disenfranchising voters.


If "we the people" are to mean anything at all anymore, we need this bill.

No that means that ballots aren't sent to ineligible voters, many of whom no longer reside in the State.

Ballots are sent to LEGALLY REGISTERED voters at their LEGALLY REGISTERED address.

Claims that people voted illegally are specious at best and outright lies for the most part.



Your source goes back to 1982 and lists some 1,600 instances of "fraud" spread across 40 years.
For reference we've had 11 presidential elections counting some 800 MILLION votes and an additional 11 federal elections plus special elections generating some 600,000 votes plus primaries and local elections. Conservatively, so to speak, 1600 cases out of 1.5 BILLION votes.

For the math disabled that percentage is .0000107 percent.

Thank you for proving very clearly that all the screaming about fraud is just that. FRAUD!


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If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

What SPECIFICALLY is it you don't like about HR-1?
Have you read the entire Bill?
Not a response to the question. I'm not the one complaining.

Seems you, like every Republican in the Senate couldn't be bothered with actually understanding what's in the bill and, instead, prefer to spread lies about the bill.

Was hilarious. When the reading was done there were no Republicans present so a motion was made to limit amendments to 3 hours. In essence Johnson's move ended up in him stepping in his own crap pile.
I don’t remember ever posting that politicians do anything other than what their contributors want.
I do remember ProgBots here being thrilled about a Bill they never read.
Have you read the Bill?
I've seen the parts I need to but, I'm not the one bitching and the question remains...

What SPECIFICALLY don't you like about the bill?
Or, in worst Republican traditions, which CLEARLY demonstrate the inability of Republicans to govern, is you opposition to the bill simply because you think Democrats support it and you're just one of those.
I've seen the parts I need to but, I'm not the one bitching and the question remains...

I'm curious as to what drives people who are enthusiastic about legislating without knowing what they are legislating.
I have read many documents in my life where X number of goods things are set off balance by Y bad things.
What SPECIFICALLY don't you like about the bill?

What's to like in the bill? It forces states to run elections the Democrats way. It forces them to have automatic voter registration, must have mail-in voting, must allow same day registration and voting. It's a Democrat dream come true to guarantee them a single-party government forever, which of course means this is the end of the Great Experiment if they get it through.
Politifact is a credible news source. Where's yours? Link me to the facebook postings you get all your facts from.
Thanks for the link. Very informative article explaining why the Heritage Foundation article is a steaming pile of shit. That became apparent as soon as I started reading it.

What's to like in the bill? It forces states to run elections the Democrats way.
Okay, let's examine your first lie. How is setting up independent boards to establish congressional district boundaries doing anything the "Dem way?"
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Okay, let's examine your first lie. How is setting up independent boards to establish congressional district boundaries doing anything the "Dem way?"

It's much more than that, but there is nothing wrong with the way we do it now.
In fairness, if someone brings up politics at a party, I walk away and go to another group, simply because I don't feel like getting into an argument at a social gathering.

It all depends on who you are with. I know the sensitive people in my family so I don't bring it up; they are some of the liberals in my family. But......we do have a big family so there are still some people that I can discuss politics with.

I don't discuss politics in social situations with anyone. I'm old-school that way. That's why I'm on this board: so that I can discuss politics with people I don't have to care about pissing off or not.
If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

What SPECIFICALLY is it you don't like about HR-1?
Have you read the entire Bill?
Not a response to the question. I'm not the one complaining.

Seems you, like every Republican in the Senate couldn't be bothered with actually understanding what's in the bill and, instead, prefer to spread lies about the bill.

Was hilarious. When the reading was done there were no Republicans present so a motion was made to limit amendments to 3 hours. In essence Johnson's move ended up in him stepping in his own crap pile.
I don’t remember ever posting that politicians do anything other than what their contributors want.
I do remember ProgBots here being thrilled about a Bill they never read.
Have you read the Bill?
I've seen the parts I need to but, I'm not the one bitching and the question remains...

What SPECIFICALLY don't you like about the bill?
Or, in worst Republican traditions, which CLEARLY demonstrate the inability of Republicans to govern, is you opposition to the bill simply because you think Democrats support it and you're just one of those.
I've seen the parts I need to but, I'm not the one bitching and the question remains...

I'm curious as to what drives people who are enthusiastic about legislating without knowing what they are legislating.
I have read many documents in my life where X number of goods things are set off balance by Y bad things.
And yet, with all that reading, still can't tell us what you don't like about the bill.

Let me help you...Black people get to vote.

ZOINKS! A real hypocritical mystery there Scooby!
What SPECIFICALLY don't you like about the bill?

What's to like in the bill? It forces states to run elections the Democrats way. It forces them to have automatic voter registration, must have mail-in voting, must allow same day registration and voting. It's a Democrat dream come true to guarantee them a single-party government forever, which of course means this is the end of the Great Experiment if they get it through.
What you mean to say here is that the bill guarantees everyone the right to vote and limits Republicans ability to engage in their 40 year campaign of voter suppression.

Glad I could help you with that.
Politifact is a credible news source. Where's yours? Link me to the facebook postings you get all your facts from.
Thanks for the link. Very informative article explaining why the Heritage Foundation article is a steaming pile of shit. That became apparent as soon as I started reading it.

Interesting. I don't believe I've ever actually seen leftist drones distribute their talking points before. Your hive queen is pleased, I'm sure.
What you mean to say here is that the bill guarantees everyone the right to vote and limits Republicans ability to engage in their 40 year campaign of voter suppression.

Glad I could help you with that.

Voter suppression is nothing more than a leftist lie, and anybody that was properly registered to vote did vote when they wanted to. Fail.
They probably would if they actually heard the evidence.
But the lawyers would not present the 'evidence' as they weren't alleging fraud. How come you don't get that?

You're right, they were arguing process, which makes it real hard to gain standing. It was the process that left the door wide open for fraud.

It was lack of standing, which is lack of legal argument, lack of evidence, etc...

No case is simply denied by a judge without review.

The lawyers put forth their legal arguments and best supporting evidence in their legal briefs, the judge goes through the legal briefs and determines if the case has legal merit.

Those cases shot down were reviewed by the judges, before ruling against the Trump team of lawyers.
"Lack os standing" does not mean "lack of evidence" or "lack of legal argument," dingbat. Why do you even bother jumping in when you're such a dumbass? An example of a case that lacks standing is if I sued someone for copyright infringement, but I wasn't the author of the piece that was copied.

The fact that turds as dumb as you can vote is truly scary.
Lack of standing, means the lawyers have not presented a case for suing within their legal briefs, for a lawsuit by their client or clients....

If they do not provide evidence of how their client or entity of whom the lawyers represent, was potentially harmed by some action or occurrence in their legal briefs in their lawsuit, the lawsuit is dismissed.
Wrong, you fucking NAZI:

Standing, sometimes referred to as standing to sue, is the name of the federal law doctrine that focuses on whether a prospective plaintiff can show that some personal legal interest has been invaded by the defendant. It is not enough that a person is merely interested as a member of the general public in the resolution of the dispute. The person must have a personal stake in the outcome of the controversy.

As usual politifact debunks the lies being told by republicans aka supporters of Putin.

As usual, you get told what you want to hear and consider that to be "proof" of something.

Politifact is a credible news source. Where's yours? Link me to the facebook postings you get all your facts from. :auiqs.jpg:
Politifact is Democrat NAZI propaganda.

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