The Killing Of The United States of America


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2012
Near Magnolia, TX
If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

One thing Democrats and Republicans both understand: The Democrats have no chance at winning in a fair and traditional election system the way our founders designed. With Covid they discovered a way to get the more stupid and politically ignorant to vote; more Obama phone and Obama money ladies. Of course they are going to try and make their plot mandatory in all states.
If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

I am ready for the next revolution. I will gleefully enjoy bathing in the blood and guts of my enemies.

Dead commie fucks or Valhalla. I am prepared to die. The leftist commies are not.

We should make them into our slaves.
If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

I am ready for the next revolution. I will gleefully enjoy bathing in the blood and guts of my enemies.

Dead commie fucks or Valhalla. I am prepared to die. The leftist commies are not.

We should make them into our slaves.
Not me....but I would love to smack em around a bit.
Please read the report folks. I think it contains things that even the most ardent commiecrats would object to.


H.R. 1 is Constitutional reason to get out the pitchforks and pine knot torches.

Yep, from the link in the OP:

  • Limit access to federal courts for anyone challenging H.R. 1. The bill would prohibit the filing of any lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of H.R. 1 anywhere except in the District Court for the District of Columbia and would allow the court to order all plaintiffs and intervenors, regardless of their number (such as all 50 states), “to file joint papers or to be represented by a single attorney at oral argument,” severely limiting the legal representation and due process rights of challengers.
Can you say denial of due process?


So you think this is funny commie? From the link in the OP:

  • Establish a “Commission to Protect Democratic Institutions” that would threaten the independence of the judiciary. H.R. 1 defines “democratic institutions” as those that are “essential to ensuring an independent judiciary, free and fair elections and the rule of law.” The commission would be given the authority to compel judges to testify and justify their legal decisions, threatening their independent judgment and subjecting them to political pressure and harassment.

Please read the report folks. I think it contains things that even the most ardent commiecrats would object to.

People need to start fighting this ASAP. I don't know that there is much chance of stopping it in the house so focus needs to be on the Senate. Manchin and Sinema are starting points. We also need a Convention of the States. People who live in a state that hasn't yet signed on need to push for it. We're out of options: We need a Convention of States - COSAction
Please read the report folks. I think it contains things that even the most ardent commiecrats would object to.

People need to start fighting this ASAP. I don't know that there is much chance of stopping it in the house so focus needs to be on the Senate. Manchin and Sinema are starting points. We also need a Convention of the States. People who live in a state that hasn't yet signed on need to push for it. We're out of options: We need a Convention of States - COSAction

Agreed on both counts.

I am ready for the next revolution. I will gleefully enjoy bathing in the blood and guts of my enemies.

Dead commie fucks or Valhalla. I am prepared to die. The leftist commies are not.

We should make them into our slaves.

Instead of blood and guts, it's time we separate the US into two nations: one side for conservatives, and the other side for liberals. We would divide the country from north to south; from the Dakota's to Texas, have a national vote to decide who gets what half of the country, and we each have our own laws and Constitution.

My martial arts teacher taught me an old Chinese proverb many years ago: Only use violence for self-defense or when mind too weak to solve problem. We can solve our differences using our minds instead of death.
Please read the report folks. I think it contains things that even the most ardent commiecrats would object to.


H.R. 1 is Constitutional reason to get out the pitchforks and pine knot torches.

Late in the day on November 3, 2020 was the time to take direct action against the federal government. The day the first mask mandate to buy food was handed down at the state/local level, was the time to take direct action. The day churches were mandated to close for COVID was also that day. And the day when Roe v. Wade was decided was damn well the day to take direct action. Let's face it: American men aren't even hollow 2D shadows of what they once were.

Did you know that FEMA, the USDA, the IRS and the EPA have purchased tens of thousands of automatic rifles, millions of rounds of ammo and hundreds of up-armored vehicles? Our federal government is now protected by an army of tens of thousands of bureaucrat commanded agents. Power of any kind has not been with the People for quite some time.
I do agree that if America was to continue on as remotely the same Nation it was through most of my life the vote for federal offices and measures needed to be standardized for all States. It should be equally fair to the citizens (only) of all States and entirely transparent and verifiable. It also must reliably document every voter and their vote. Unfortunately it is now far too little far too late because the federal government has lost credibility and cannot be trusted to reform itself. The bill as presented-if anything- is simply more proof of that. It would only make things much worse if possible.
I am ready for the next revolution. I will gleefully enjoy bathing in the blood and guts of my enemies.

Dead commie fucks or Valhalla. I am prepared to die. The leftist commies are not.

We should make them into our slaves.

Instead of blood and guts, it's time we separate the US into two nations: one side for conservatives, and the other side for liberals. We would divide the country from north to south; from the Dakota's to Texas, have a national vote to decide who gets what half of the country, and we each have our own laws and Constitution.

My martial arts teacher taught me an old Chinese proverb many years ago: Only use violence for self-defense or when mind too weak to solve problem. We can solve our differences using our minds instead of death.

I disagree . . . very strongly. Our Founding Fathers and revolutionary ancestors shed acres of blood to unify our country into one nation, Under God (to form a more perfect union . . .). Some things are worth fighting and dying for. The unity of our nation is one such thing. As is our individual freedom. Americans . . . we do not run from our own homes, divide our homes or burn our own homes to the ground; we fight for our homes and sometimes we die to defend them. Blood, and lots of it, is exactly what is required to right our nation and reaffirm the vision of our Founders in modern times. I mean . . . for fuck's sake they want to mutilate our children, seize our firearms and murder our God—insofar as our ability to worship him. As if that wasn't enough . . . HR1 . . .
I disagree . . . very strongly. Our Founding Fathers and revolutionary ancestors shed acres of blood to unify our country into one nation, Under God (to form a more perfect union . . .). Some things are worth fighting and dying for. The unity of our nation is one such thing. As is our individual freedom. Americans . . . we do not run from our own homes, divide our homes or burn our own homes to the ground; we fight for our homes and sometimes we die to defend them. Blood, and lots of it, is exactly what is required to right our nation and reaffirm the vision of our Founders in modern times. I mean . . . for fuck's sake they want to mutilate our children, seize our firearms and murder our God—insofar as our ability to worship him. As if that wasn't enough . . . HR1 . . .

Okay, but who is going to lead this movement? You? Me? We seen the most recent attempt for something like this at the Capital. Thousands attended, but only a few hundred actually entered the Capital. Why didn't all the others follow? They stayed outside and out of trouble.

The only way to solve our problem is to come to terms that if we don't separate our country, we are going to lose the entire thing. While that's not comforting, I'd rather lose half of it than all of it.
If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

It won’t pass
I do agree that if America was to continue on as remotely the same Nation it was through most of my life the vote for federal offices and measures needed to be standardized for all States. It should be equally fair to the citizens (only) of all States and entirely transparent and verifiable. It also must reliably document every voter and their vote. Unfortunately it is now far too little far too late because the federal government has lost credibility and cannot be trusted to reform itself. The bill as presented-if anything- is simply more proof of that. It would only make things much worse if possible.

In fact it would destroy all vote integrity laws and regulations. And criminalize and objections as to a voters qualifications to vote. From the link in the OP:
  • Violate the First Amendment with respect to a vast range of legal activity. Voter intimidation or coercion that prevents someone from registering or voting is already a federal crime under the Voting Rights Act and the National Voter Registration Act. But H.R. 1 would add a provision criminalizing “hindering, interfering, or preventing” anyone from registering or voting, which is so vague and so broad that it could prevent providing any information to election officials about the ineligibility of an individual, such as an applicant not being a U.S. citizen.
If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

It won’t pass

Who do you think will stop it?

If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

It won’t pass

Who do you think will stop it?

Sane people in the Senate.
If the Democrats are allowed to pass and implement this bill, you will have two choices, accept the loss of everything this country has ever stood for, or prepare for the second American Revolution.

This is the most comprehensive explanation of what's in HR-1 that I've seen. Please read the complete report before commenting. Thanks in advance.

Was wondering how long before the anti-democracy crowd would be bitching about HR-1. It will probably pass. Have you picked your next country yet? Bye.

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