The Johannite Tradition


Platinum Member
Jun 19, 2009
Many Christians forget that
The Nazarenes (guardians) were lead by John before Jesus had his friend, and follower Salome turn him over to be beheaded so he could steal his flock.
The surviving Johaninites are a sect of Sabbians called Mandaeans and they have a different take on Jesus then the self testified NT.
First, before we discuss their take on the character, we should discuss the Nazarene belief Jesus borrowed and evidence of where John borrowed these beliefs.
The John Apochryphon admits they borrowed much from Zoroastrianism with it's duality teachings and this is also where the First Last and Always speach comes from, in predated mythology of Zoroaster saying it. The Nazarene belief was that their god was that mystical luciferous light between the sun and earth. This is why the NT is full of PHYSICAL LIGHT references, and symbolism & of processes of the sun.
Some examples:
Sun exploding reference (2Peter 3:10) and what is the thief of the Night?(=the sun)
and the sun "Seeds" the galaxy to rebirth life. (1 Corinthians 15:36.)

When you look at what the Mandeans teach you see that the PHYSICAL LIGHT beliefs & tradition is still entact.
Here is a book writer on the topic of John Followers.

It doesn't matter if they hold their end of the bargain to turn the reigns over & step aside for Moshiach. But you are gonna find out, that was a huge lie of a promise, because they didn't think it possible by the way they hindered that from happening.
I'm sorry what play?
The Mandeans are your link to what John Taught and matches the Luciferous teachings of the NT. Are ypu saying the NT is a play? Because the Mandeans claim they burned a book from a wicked lady, possibly this could be the central source of the NT the book called Q which was burned and removed.

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