The "Job Creators" Fantasy Is A Malignant Myth The Rich Use To Squeeze The Working Class


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Those now lining up against the Biden administration's $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill represent the same small segment of society that has always demanded working families demure to the wants and desires of the so-called "job creators."

The "job creator" fantasy is a malignant, but persistent myth that the corporate class and their power-suited courtiers use to squeeze the working class and extract their wealth.

The job creators aren't really that good at creating jobs are they?
Yet the answer from the left is to promote the continued printing of more fiat. Simply repeating the same inflationary Keynesian procedures that got us here while at the same time lambasting the wealthy. Wash, rinse, repeat.
I will be extremely happy to see the rest of the world finally decouple from the dollar. This movie is getting old.
Those now lining up against the Biden administration's $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill represent the same small segment of society that has always demanded working families demure to the wants and desires of the so-called "job creators."

The "job creator" fantasy is a malignant, but persistent myth that the corporate class and their power-suited courtiers use to squeeze the working class and extract their wealth.

The job creators aren't really that good at creating jobs are they?
Interesting that you, who never created a job in your whole miserable life, would try to attack those who took the "RISK" of starting a business. Just think of the business owner just wanted to keep his private little company all to himself, and not allow others to participate in the profits of said business...Just think someone working at McD's get paid 15 dollars and hour, also has SS and health insurance provided, but all you worthless progs is see the wages not the perks that also have to be paid by the employer. Most McD employees with all the perks get almost $40,000 a year....
Yet the answer from the left is to promote the continued printing of more fiat. Simply repeating the same inflationary Keynesian procedures that got us here while at the same time lambasting the wealthy. Wash, rinse, repeat.
I will be extremely happy to see the rest of the world finally decouple from the dollar. This movie is getting old.
When the dollar tanks, a lot of worthless people are going to starve, just like they did in the Weimar Republic before Hitler took over. It was the Socialists that ended up swinging on a rope because the rest of the population despised them. Sorta like what is going on in America, today. History repeats itself when people forget what happened before.
Those now lining up against the Biden administration's $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill represent the same small segment of society that has always demanded working families demure to the wants and desires of the so-called "job creators."

The "job creator" fantasy is a malignant, but persistent myth that the corporate class and their power-suited courtiers use to squeeze the working class and extract their wealth.

The job creators aren't really that good at creating jobs are they?
1. it's not a small segment
2.the Bill is IDIOTIC
3.the rich pay MORE than their fair share
4. taxing and spending will be the nail in the coffin of the US
5. Bidumb is a dumbass puss
Yet the answer from the left is to promote the continued printing of more fiat. Simply repeating the same inflationary Keynesian procedures that got us here while at the same time lambasting the wealthy. Wash, rinse, repeat.
I will be extremely happy to see the rest of the world finally decouple from the dollar. This movie is getting old.
What “got us here” was Covid and 40 years of Republican economic garbage

You can always buy a nice grill and cooler and stand on a street corner selling burgers and soda all day.

Make sure you have your retail license, food handling license, be ready for health inspectors, pay your taxes, etc, etc, etc,...

Will you be able to operate on rainy and stormy days?

Let us know how much you make by the end of the day.


What “got us here” was Covid and 40 years of Republican economic garbage
What got us here, is the progressive establishment reckless spending year after year.....Instead of decreasing the size of the Government, they just continue to expand it.

The estimated aggregate cost of the War on Poverty is nearly $28 trillion, which is three and a half times higher than the $8 trillion total price tag of every major war since the American Revolution.

It’s Time to Admit the Feds Are Making Poverty Worse—Not Better…
When the dollar tanks, a lot of worthless people are going to starve, just like they did in the Weimar Republic before Hitler took over. It was the Socialists that ended up swinging on a rope because the rest of the population despised them. Sorta like what is going on in America, today. History repeats itself when people forget what happened before.
Yes, and it is coming very quickly.

China is rising, new economic alliances are forming, extra US influence.

The US is a decadent, corrupt, and dare I say, after serving this country for more than half of my life, evil nation.

Our values have been corrupted, our initial good will exploited by groups who do not have our best interest in mind.

Either this country revolts in on itself, or another country will see an opportunity (e.g. a senile POTUS and irreconcilable Congress) and walk in to take charge.

However, Americans, as a result of cognitive dissonance, or just sheer ignorance continue to push these same tropes.

The wave is so close at this point, you can hear it...but people continue on as if this is 1980.
What “got us here” was Covid and 40 years of Republican economic garbage
1. What got us where? The best economy in the world?
2. What GOP economic garbage? Clinton had 8-years, Obama had 8-years, Trump had 4, now Xiden has 4, so WTF are you whining about? About half the time democrats are in the WH, most of the time dems run the House. Your partisan whining makes no sense.
The job creators are job destroyers when the bottom line is at stake. Downsizing is the go-to method to temporarily get profits back up. We never fund the job creators more than when they are throwing jobs in the trash. Fuck them, fund the prosperity creators: Education, health care and infrastructure.
Those now lining up against the Biden administration's $3.5 trillion Reconciliation Bill represent the same small segment of society that has always demanded working families demure to the wants and desires of the so-called "job creators."

The "job creator" fantasy is a malignant, but persistent myth that the corporate class and their power-suited courtiers use to squeeze the working class and extract their wealth.

The job creators aren't really that good at creating jobs are they?

Oh look, Raw Sewage again.

Skrewball is a one trick Nazi.
What is your non partisan position on government spending?
Disgusting, corrupt, banker driven, slave state.

Congress controls the purse and they spend like a drunken sailor with terminal cancer.

There should be a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget.

However, the goal is not to sustain America.

The goal is to crash it, and rebuild it in a new image. An image that I don't think we are going to like at all.

It is most definitely coming.

We have turned our back on God.
Yet the answer from the left is to promote the continued printing of more fiat. Simply repeating the same inflationary Keynesian procedures that got us here while at the same time lambasting the wealthy. Wash, rinse, repeat.
I will be extremely happy to see the rest of the world finally decouple from the dollar. This movie is getting old.
No. The answer is employers paying living wages.

Tax billionaires at 70% on earnings over 10 million a year. Most billionaires have effective tax rates lower than Walmart employees.

Tax companies at realistic rates. No company with a billion dollar profit margin should pay $0.00 in taxes.

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