The Irony of Whites Talking About Fatherless Black Families...

Wages have not truly increased, period.
How would you do that?

I suspect by raising the minimum wage which merely punishes people who eat at mcDonalds

trump tried to put a stop to the flood of foreign, illegal cheap labor

But libs refused to cooperate

he also attacked imports from china which globalists opposed
Most of the opposition to Trump is due to his disruptive, saber-rattling manner of negotiating which causes other countries to go in a different direction. He loves cheap labor since he used it in his business.
My view is that raising the minimum wage to $15 would hurt a slew of employers
in that the skilled worker would have to get a wage increase also. That translates into layoffs.
In that case you must agree with trump that we need to return jobs to America
I don't believe that anybody in America is opposed to that idea. Trump's
method, saber-rattling, is what I am opposed to.

Specifically, what saber rattling?
Trump's continuous threatening and disssing of China

What saber-rattling? When is dissing someone saber-rattling?
Wages have not truly increased, period.
How would you do that?

I suspect by raising the minimum wage which merely punishes people who eat at mcDonalds

trump tried to put a stop to the flood of foreign, illegal cheap labor

But libs refused to cooperate

he also attacked imports from china which globalists opposed
Most of the opposition to Trump is due to his disruptive, saber-rattling manner of negotiating which causes other countries to go in a different direction. He loves cheap labor since he used it in his business.
My view is that raising the minimum wage to $15 would hurt a slew of employers
in that the skilled worker would have to get a wage increase also. That translates into layoffs.
In that case you must agree with trump that we need to return jobs to America
I don't believe that anybody in America is opposed to that idea. Trump's
method, saber-rattling, is what I am opposed to.

Specifically, what saber rattling?
Trump's continuous threatening and disssing of China

What saber-rattling? When is dissing someone saber-rattling?
It is his manner of dissing, not that he disses. Look, this is Trump and he has no class.
method, saber-rattling, is what I am opposed to.
What saber rattling?

Trump has not started any wars

what you mean is standing up to chinese economic aggression which globalists in America and europe dislike

they want to see a decline of America based on some misguided sense of fairness
You can saber rattle without going to war. Trump,s verbal saber-rattling is responsible for failed policies, such as his dealings with China and our allies abroad.
He can "stand up" without threatening gestures. "WALK SOFTLY AND CARRY A BIG STICK".
As you should know, your grifter president does not know much about anything, except how to put money in his pocket. Wages have not truly increased, period.
He dismantled environmental regulations (put in place to protect you) for money.
He gave the wealthy a huge wage increase by giving them a huge tax deduction, which they cheerfully invested in the stock market instead of in the economy.
Clinton did essentially the same thing, which resulted in a huge recession, and so will this.

These are facts, not lies. Your mind is made up, so I shouldn't waste time confusing you with the facts.

You can't post anything because no facts support your misguided statements.


Low-wage workers are getting bigger raises than bosses
DECEMBER 27, 2019
  • The 25% lowest-paid Americans enjoyed a 4.5% income boost in November.
  • That outpaced a 2.9% gain in earnings for the country's highest-paid workers.
  • Low-wage workers are benefiting from higher minimum wages and corporations that are increasing entry-level pay.

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It is his manner of dissing, not that he disses. Look, this is Trump and he has no class.

President Trump has more class in his little finger than the vast majority in history. At the same time, Trump has dealt with mob unions and New York politicians all his life. Do you really believe that Trump accomplished all he did by being mealy-mouthed, with some of the most murderous leaders in the world. Maybe you don't know it but having made my living negotiating, that mealy-mouthed approach will get you run over. As you know, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, used that approach and, got run over!

method, saber-rattling, is what I am opposed to.
What saber rattling?

Trump has not started any wars

what you mean is standing up to chinese economic aggression which globalists in America and europe dislike

they want to see a decline of America based on some misguided sense of fairness
You can saber rattle without going to war. Trump,s verbal saber-rattling is responsible for failed policies, such as his dealings with China and our allies abroad.
He can "stand up" without threatening gestures. "WALK SOFTLY AND CARRY A BIG STICK".
That term was used when we were a manly nation who had ethics and morals in world issues. Today it is not.

The Myth of the ‘Missing Black Father’

There is a stigma associated with black fathers not being present in their children lives. They’re considered to be “deadbeat dads.” While this is true in some cases, it’s not the case for every black father out there. Some of these men are voluntarily not in the lives of their children due to their immaturity or whatever their reason may be, but this is not true for every man. Society pushes these labels on black fathers and forces them all to fit under this one stereotype. This stereotype is represented everywhere from the shows we watch to the music we listen to, so we tend to ignore the fact that outside forces affect our black fathers. We ignore these outside forces because many of us don’t know about them, and the media doesn’t show them to us.

The fact that the media acts like black fathers are the answer to every problem in the black community is a problem within itself. Not every black person who is involved in illegal activities is lacking a father or a father figure in their life, and the black community not being as united as it could be isn’t going to be solved by everyone having a father. The real issues in the black community cannot be solved by having more fathers, but it could be solved by decriminalizing being black in America.

A major outside factor that affects not only black fathers but also black men in general, is mass incarceration. Many black families are broken up due to the fathers being imprisoned, and then they’re affected by the aftermath of being released from prison. They can only be affected by the aftermath of being released if they are ever released from prison. Mass incarceration combined with mandatory sentencing takes away a big portion of our black men. The system plays a big part in the “missing black father” myth because not every man is missing voluntarily as it is portrayed. According to The New York Times, one in twelve black men between the ages of 25-54 are behind bars, and that is a huge portion of the men in our community.

There’s also the fact that the death rate of black males is high.

They are murdered for simply being black, and if they’re dead, then how are they supposed to be in their child’s life? Black men have to face a lot of problems already, yet they’re there for their children. Not only do they sometimes face issues within their own community, but they also have to face the heavy discrimination in the outside world. Black fathers are not the only race with missing fathers, yet they are the only race who has it broadcasted and made it into a stereotype.

The system takes away our black fathers and, then, blames these same black men for the issues wrong with the black community.

A black father will not prevent the killing of black men by white officers nor will it fix the discriminatory ways of people who see black people as a danger. Black men cannot fix everything wrong with the community by being there. If the system stopped trying to take them down, then maybe they’d have a chance to be a better father than the father they had or didn’t have.

In 2013, a CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) report proved that black fathers were more active in their children’s lives over every other racial group. This proves that just because a black woman is not married when she has a child that the child will be fatherless, and it also shows that a black man doesn’t have to be living in the same house as his children to be an active father. There’s also another statistic that states 2.5 million black men live with their children while 1.7 million do not. This shows that just because a black couple isn’t married that doesn’t mean they are not in the same house co-parenting when it comes to raising their children.

The myth about the “missing black father” is just that. It’s a myth that shouldn’t be circulated or believed because it is not as true as the media tries to make it. A father doesn’t have to live in the same house as his child to be a father, and a woman can be unmarried while having a child and still have the child involved with their father. This myth doesn’t take into consideration how many black men are affected by mass incarceration and how many are murdered.

The Myth of the ‘Missing Black Father’.
trump has no class and he has proven this by his behavior since the election.
The dangerous myth of the ‘missing black father’
Responsible fatherhood only goes so far in a world plagued by institutionalized oppression.

Growing up, the lesson was everywhere: Every major problem in black America can be solved if we addressed the problem of missing fathers.

“No longer is a person embarrassed because they’re pregnant without a husband,” disgraced comedian and alleged rapist Bill Cosby said in 2004. “No longer is a boy considered an embarrassment if he tries to run away from being the father of the unmarried child.” When a police officer was killed in Jersey City, in July 2014, a local television news reporter said on air that “the underlying cause” of the “anti-cop mentality that has so contaminated America’s inner cities” was “young black men growing up without fathers.” A Reuters headline from 2007 proclaimed, “Father absence ‘decimates’ black community in U.S.”

President Obama has been one of the biggest advocates of this idea. In a 2008 speech delivered on Father’s Day at a church on Chicago’s South Side, the first viable black candidate for president of the United States chastised black fathers. Too many black fathers, he said, are missing from too many lives and too many homes. “They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men. We know the statistics — that children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and 20 times more likely to end up in prison,” Obama said. “They are more likely to have behavioral problems, or run away from home or become teenage parents themselves. And the foundations of our community are weaker because of it.”

It became a staple in his speeches delivered to majority- or all-black audiences. As recently as last year, Obama said at a poverty summit, “I am a black man who grew up without a father and I know the cost that I paid for that.”
However, responsible fatherhood only goes so far in a world plagued by institutionalized oppression. For black children, the presence of fathers would not alter racist drug laws, prosecutorial protection of police officers who kill, mass school closures or the poisoning of their water. By focusing on the supposed absence of black fathers, we allow ourselves to pretend this oppression is not real, while also further scapegoating black men for America’s societal ills.

The thinking goes like this: The high rates of poverty and incarceration and low levels of educational achievement in black communities can be traced in part back to the high number of black babies born out of wedlock and subsequently raised in single-mother homes. It’s a patriarchal twist on the mythological magical Negro. Black fathers could supposedly stem the devastating effects of oppression imposed from the classroom to the workplace to the court system. If black men just showed up in the homes of their children — acted like men instead of boys — black families and communities would fortify themselves and our long-held problems would simply wither away.
Of course, there are studies that show that children who grow up in two-parent households perform better in school, are less likely to commit crime and have higher future earning potential. What these studies often don’t take into account is the impact of depressed wages, chronic unemployment, discriminatory hiring practices, the history of mass incarceration, housing segregation and inequality in educational opportunity, not just on family structure but on the resources available to black families to produce results similar to their white counterparts.

To say that these other family formations are inherently deficient because there isn’t a father is to say no one else is capable of providing adequate love to a child, while also teaching the children who grow up without that idealized nuclear-family model that their lives are somehow wrong. Raised to believe that they missed something vital, it’s no surprise if children without fathers in their homes have more behavioral problems. And that families with women-led households are more likely to live in poverty speaks less to the necessity of fathers and more to the fact that a single income is no longer sufficient to support a family in this country, that our economy undervalues the work of women and that outside child care is a prohibitively expensive luxury. An economic shift to real living wages for women’s labor and a total societal investment in the well-being of all children would solve a number of the problems we think are only alleviated by fathers.

Even with the presence of fathers in the home, the persistently high black male unemployment rate would do little to close the existing and increasing racial wealth gap, which is at a place where it would take 228 years for black households to catch up.

Trayvon Martin had a father. Jordan Davis had a father. Michael Brown had a father. Tamir Rice had a father. Having a father won’t protect black boys from America.
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The Myth of the ‘Missing Black Father’

There is a stigma associated with black fathers not being present in their children lives. They’re considered to be “deadbeat dads.” While this is true in some cases, it’s not the case for every black father out there. Some of these men are voluntarily not in the lives of their children due to their immaturity or whatever their reason may be, but this is not true for every man. Society pushes these labels on black fathers and forces them all to fit under this one stereotype. This stereotype is represented everywhere from the shows we watch to the music we listen to, so we tend to ignore the fact that outside forces affect our black fathers. We ignore these outside forces because many of us don’t know about them, and the media doesn’t show them to us.

The fact that the media acts like black fathers are the answer to every problem in the black community is a problem within itself. Not every black person who is involved in illegal activities is lacking a father or a father figure in their life, and the black community not being as united as it could be isn’t going to be solved by everyone having a father. The real issues in the black community cannot be solved by having more fathers, but it could be solved by decriminalizing being black in America.

A major outside factor that affects not only black fathers but also black men in general, is mass incarceration. Many black families are broken up due to the fathers being imprisoned, and then they’re affected by the aftermath of being released from prison. They can only be affected by the aftermath of being released if they are ever released from prison. Mass incarceration combined with mandatory sentencing takes away a big portion of our black men. The system plays a big part in the “missing black father” myth because not every man is missing voluntarily as it is portrayed. According to The New York Times, one in twelve black men between the ages of 25-54 are behind bars, and that is a huge portion of the men in our community.

There’s also the fact that the death rate of black males is high.

They are murdered for simply being black, and if they’re dead, then how are they supposed to be in their child’s life? Black men have to face a lot of problems already, yet they’re there for their children. Not only do they sometimes face issues within their own community, but they also have to face the heavy discrimination in the outside world. Black fathers are not the only race with missing fathers, yet they are the only race who has it broadcasted and made it into a stereotype.

The system takes away our black fathers and, then, blames these same black men for the issues wrong with the black community.

A black father will not prevent the killing of black men by white officers nor will it fix the discriminatory ways of people who see black people as a danger. Black men cannot fix everything wrong with the community by being there. If the system stopped trying to take them down, then maybe they’d have a chance to be a better father than the father they had or didn’t have.

In 2013, a CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) report proved that black fathers were more active in their children’s lives over every other racial group. This proves that just because a black woman is not married when she has a child that the child will be fatherless, and it also shows that a black man doesn’t have to be living in the same house as his children to be an active father. There’s also another statistic that states 2.5 million black men live with their children while 1.7 million do not. This shows that just because a black couple isn’t married that doesn’t mean they are not in the same house co-parenting when it comes to raising their children.

The myth about the “missing black father” is just that. It’s a myth that shouldn’t be circulated or believed because it is not as true as the media tries to make it. A father doesn’t have to live in the same house as his child to be a father, and a woman can be unmarried while having a child and still have the child involved with their father. This myth doesn’t take into consideration how many black men are affected by mass incarceration and how many are murdered.

The Myth of the ‘Missing Black Father’.

Amusing, a racist opinion piece, disowned even by the racist web site. You just can't make these things up.

Here is the disclaimer even their racist site feels it must print just before the article.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer and do not reflect the views of The Black Detour.
View attachment 442052

The Myth of the ‘Missing Black Father’

There is a stigma associated with black fathers not being present in their children lives. They’re considered to be “deadbeat dads.” While this is true in some cases, it’s not the case for every black father out there. Some of these men are voluntarily not in the lives of their children due to their immaturity or whatever their reason may be, but this is not true for every man. Society pushes these labels on black fathers and forces them all to fit under this one stereotype. This stereotype is represented everywhere from the shows we watch to the music we listen to, so we tend to ignore the fact that outside forces affect our black fathers. We ignore these outside forces because many of us don’t know about them, and the media doesn’t show them to us.

The fact that the media acts like black fathers are the answer to every problem in the black community is a problem within itself. Not every black person who is involved in illegal activities is lacking a father or a father figure in their life, and the black community not being as united as it could be isn’t going to be solved by everyone having a father. The real issues in the black community cannot be solved by having more fathers, but it could be solved by decriminalizing being black in America.

A major outside factor that affects not only black fathers but also black men in general, is mass incarceration. Many black families are broken up due to the fathers being imprisoned, and then they’re affected by the aftermath of being released from prison. They can only be affected by the aftermath of being released if they are ever released from prison. Mass incarceration combined with mandatory sentencing takes away a big portion of our black men. The system plays a big part in the “missing black father” myth because not every man is missing voluntarily as it is portrayed. According to The New York Times, one in twelve black men between the ages of 25-54 are behind bars, and that is a huge portion of the men in our community.

There’s also the fact that the death rate of black males is high.

They are murdered for simply being black, and if they’re dead, then how are they supposed to be in their child’s life? Black men have to face a lot of problems already, yet they’re there for their children. Not only do they sometimes face issues within their own community, but they also have to face the heavy discrimination in the outside world. Black fathers are not the only race with missing fathers, yet they are the only race who has it broadcasted and made it into a stereotype.

The system takes away our black fathers and, then, blames these same black men for the issues wrong with the black community.

A black father will not prevent the killing of black men by white officers nor will it fix the discriminatory ways of people who see black people as a danger. Black men cannot fix everything wrong with the community by being there. If the system stopped trying to take them down, then maybe they’d have a chance to be a better father than the father they had or didn’t have.

In 2013, a CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) report proved that black fathers were more active in their children’s lives over every other racial group. This proves that just because a black woman is not married when she has a child that the child will be fatherless, and it also shows that a black man doesn’t have to be living in the same house as his children to be an active father. There’s also another statistic that states 2.5 million black men live with their children while 1.7 million do not. This shows that just because a black couple isn’t married that doesn’t mean they are not in the same house co-parenting when it comes to raising their children.

The myth about the “missing black father” is just that. It’s a myth that shouldn’t be circulated or believed because it is not as true as the media tries to make it. A father doesn’t have to live in the same house as his child to be a father, and a woman can be unmarried while having a child and still have the child involved with their father. This myth doesn’t take into consideration how many black men are affected by mass incarceration and how many are murdered.

The Myth of the ‘Missing Black Father’.

You have seen this before but, for some reason, it doesn't sink in with you.


Though I grow weary of pointing it out, let's do it again. Let's examine some numbers readily available from the Census Bureau's 2004 Current Population Survey and ask some questions. There's one segment of the black population that suffers only a 9.9 percent poverty rate, and only 13.7 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. There's another segment that suffers a 39.5 percent poverty rate, and 58.1 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. Among whites, one segment suffers a 6 percent poverty rate, and only 9.9 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. The other segment suffers a 26.4 percent poverty rate, and 52 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. What do you think distinguishes the high and low poverty populations among blacks?

Would you buy an explanation that it's because white people practice discrimination against one segment of the black population and not the other or one segment had a history of slavery and not the other? You'd have to be a lunatic to buy such an explanation. The only distinction between both the black and white populations is marriage -- lower poverty in married-couple families.

In 1960, only 28 percent of black females ages 15 to 44 were never married and illegitimacy among blacks was 22 percent. Today, the never-married rate is 56 percent and illegitimacy stands at 70 percent. If today's black family structure were what it was in 1960, the overall black poverty rate would be in or near single digits. The weakening of the black family structure, and its devastating consequences, have nothing to do with the history of slavery or racial discrimination.

Dr. Charles Murray, an American Enterprise Institute scholar, argues in an article titled "Rediscovering the Underclass" in the Institute's On the Issues series (October 2005) that self-destructive behavior has become the hallmark of the underclass. He says that unemployment in the underclass is not caused by the lack of jobs but by the inability to get up every morning and go to work. In 1954, the percentage of black males, age 20 to 24, not looking for work was nine percent. In 1999, it rose to 30 percent, and that was at a time when employers were beating the bushes for employees. Murray adds that "the statistical reality is that people who get into the American job market and stay there seldom remain poor unless they do something self-destructive.
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method, saber-rattling, is what I am opposed to.
What saber rattling?

Trump has not started any wars

what you mean is standing up to chinese economic aggression which globalists in America and europe dislike

they want to see a decline of America based on some misguided sense of fairness
You can saber rattle without going to war. Trump,s verbal saber-rattling is responsible for failed policies, such as his dealings with China and our allies abroad.
He can "stand up" without threatening gestures. "WALK SOFTLY AND CARRY A BIG STICK".
That term was used when we were a manly nation who had ethics and morals in world issues. Today it is not.
And Trump certainly does not have ethics and morals in world issues.
It is his manner of dissing, not that he disses. Look, this is Trump and he has no class.

President Trump has more class in his little finger than the vast majority in history. At the same time, Trump has dealt with mob unions and New York politicians all his life. Do you really believe that Trump accomplished all he did by being mealy-mouthed, with some of the most murderous leaders in the world. Maybe you don't know it but having made my living negotiating, that mealy-mouthed approach will get you run over. As you know, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, used that approach and, got run over!

And Trump got nowhere with his bullying tactics.
You can saber rattle without going to war.
war can be avoided by making it clear we are ready to fight if necessary

peace with communist china has been maintained since 1953 because of US military strength - and the willingness to use it

thats the only reason Taiwan has not been invaded and enslaved

china, north korea, iran and other nations respected trump despite what libs claim

lets see how they treat the Thief-in-Chief as he grovels to them
A major outside factor that affects not only black fathers but also black men in general, is mass incarceration. Many black families are broken up due to the fathers being imprisoned, and then they’re affected by the aftermath of being released from prison.
Where does the wacky black apologist community come uo with this bullshit?

”Sorry son, I would have been there for ya, but those mean old white people sent me to jail just cuz a robbed a store and killed the clerk”
You can saber rattle without going to war.
war can be avoided by making it clear we are ready to fight if necessary

peace with communist china has been maintained since 1953 because of US military strength - and the willingness to use it

thats the only reason Taiwan has not been invaded and enslaved

china, north korea, iran and other nations respected trump despite what libs claim

lets see how they treat the Thief-in-Chief as he grovels to them
Yes I agree that strength is important in many instances. But in negotiation, the "walk softly but carry a big stick" approach is the way to go. Bluster and bullshit is trump's approach and that approach separates rather than unites. China and Iran have no respect for Trump after his threatening approach to the problems. Trump walked away from the Iran agreement BEFORE negotiation, rather than negotiating first. That is no way to gain respect. China will not yield to Trump's blather, and our allies in Europe are going in a different direction. No, the great negotiator is a pluperfect flop. Your reference to President-Elect Biden as a "Thief-in-chief" is as stupid as it sounds and of course, false. The votes were analyzed ad nausea and 0 fraud was ever detected. The "evidence" of fraud was taken to court 60 times, and yet no evidence was presented, resulting in dismissal. Why waste taxpayer money
and time if Trump had real proof? The guy is a grifter and charlatan, and you have been conned.
And then there is the matter of a mob attack on our country that was planned and encouraged by Trump. He encouraged an attack on his own government. He has mental insecurities.
It is his manner of dissing, not that he disses. Look, this is Trump and he has no class.

President Trump has more class in his little finger than the vast majority in history. At the same time, Trump has dealt with mob unions and New York politicians all his life. Do you really believe that Trump accomplished all he did by being mealy-mouthed, with some of the most murderous leaders in the world. Maybe you don't know it but having made my living negotiating, that mealy-mouthed approach will get you run over. As you know, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, used that approach and, got run over!

And Trump got nowhere with his bullying tactics.

You can saber rattle without going to war.
war can be avoided by making it clear we are ready to fight if necessary

peace with communist china has been maintained since 1953 because of US military strength - and the willingness to use it

thats the only reason Taiwan has not been invaded and enslaved

china, north korea, iran and other nations respected trump despite what libs claim

lets see how they treat the Thief-in-Chief as he grovels to them
Yes I agree that strength is important in many instances. But in negotiation, the "walk softly but carry a big stick" approach is the way to go. Bluster and bullshit is trump's approach and that approach separates rather than unites. China and Iran have no respect for Trump after his threatening approach to the problems. Trump walked away from the Iran agreement BEFORE negotiation, rather than negotiating first. That is no way to gain respect. China will not yield to Trump's blather, and our allies in Europe are going in a different direction. No, the great negotiator is a pluperfect flop. Your reference to President-Elect Biden as a "Thief-in-chief" is as stupid as it sounds and of course, false. The votes were analyzed ad nausea and 0 fraud was ever detected. The "evidence" of fraud was taken to court 60 times, and yet no evidence was presented, resulting in dismissal. Why waste taxpayer money
and time if Trump had real proof? The guy is a grifter and charlatan, and you have been conned.
And then there is the matter of a mob attack on our country that was planned and encouraged by Trump. He encouraged an attack on his own government. He has mental insecurities.

Those little lambs and unicorns must be so cute in that fantasy world in which you live. It is also obvious that you have never earned a living by negotiating.

Xi Jinping, President of China, and their entire regime has murdered millions, displaced millions with little or no compensation in order to build the Three Gorge Dam, so they are ruthless leaders.

The Palestinians VOTED FOR Hamas as their government. Hamas is, as you know, designated as a terrorist organization.

Kim Jong Un is the Supreme Leader of North Korea who also has had an unknown number of people murdered including close relatives. No speculation, all fact.

Vladimir Putin, after law school, was selected for training in the KGB. He rose through the ranks and worked with them for 16 years. He worked extensively with the Red Army Faction in trying to overthrow West Germany. He personally murdered people and you know as well as anyone who has had numerous people murdered all over the world. Some innovative methods too. He had an ex-Russian spy murdered by being stuck with the tip of an umbrella.

The list of goes on and on of world leaders who have gotten to be where they are by being the most vicious, hardened humans in the world. The only thing that separates them from a particularly heinous serial killer is that they lead countries.

Do you honestly believe that men of that character are going to respond to being handled with kid gloves? Really? Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama's tender sweet approach did not work. President Donald Trump's asking nicely at first and then using the might of our economy did work.

President Trump, early in his administration, asked Palestine to join in peace negotiations with Israel and other Middle East countries. They stomped their feet and whined that unless Israel was destroyed, they had nothing to discuss. They told him that he didn't dare move our embassy from Tele Vive to Jerusalem. Trump moved our embassy, much to their chagrin.

As you know, Presidents Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton had all PROMISED to move our embassy. Only one did what they promised.
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