The Intellect and Consciousness of Energy

The Illusion

Jul 22, 2009
The Intellect and Consciousness of Energy: Collective and Independent

***Caution: May be offensive to some religious sects and or Race/Gender associations.***

Note: I will post the very basic form of the theory to begin, as it is still a work in progress and not completed yet, therefore many areas of it are left unexplored and unresearched. Feel free to question and bring up any questioning and/or information that would refute the theory or any of its information/research that I post. As the debate moves along, I will present more and more of the theory itself either by posting more or answering replies.

The wording that is included in bold and in brackets are questions that are currently being researched and debated currently. If you have information to add to those questions, feel free to quote and reply to them.

This theory challenges many of the before known principals and theories out there, and thus in order to accept or at least question the theory itself, you will need to set aside any bias of previous belief systems that you have. It challenges many so called "facts" as well as "theories".

Heres the consciousness and intellect theory Ive got going under my University....still a work in progress.

Theory Overview:

Energy has Independent Intellect and Independent Consciousness as well as Collective Intelligence and Collective Consciousness.


Energy: The substance that everything conceivable is made up of - even thoughts, dreams, and hallucinations.

Consciousness: Awareness of existance.

A group of energy, in various forms, size, and location.

The ability to form intelligence and patterns in behavior and thoughts. The ability to critically think and store memory. The ability to learn through experience. The ability to process information. The ability to obtain balance. The ability to make decisions. [[[Adding more as I go on in the theory and more information is found]]]

Independent: One particle of energy

Initial Thoughts:

A. Energy
1. There are different types of energy.
2. Humans are made up of their own type of energy.
3. Human god/esses are made up of the same type of energy as humans.
4. Thought is made up of its own type of energy.
5. Action is made up of its own type of energy.
6. Chemical Reactions are made up of its own type of energy
[[[Adding more as my research goes on]]]

B. Purpose of Energy
1. To create physical, such as humans
2. To create action within a human being
3. To create interaction between other energy forces.
4. To create balance between energy particles and collective energies.
5. To create purpose for physical, such as humans
6. To create a system for the Universe to work

C. Systems of Energy
1. Energy - Brain System
2. Body - Brain - Energy System
3. Mind - Body - Brain - Energy System
4. Energy - Nature System
5. Energy - Solar System System
6. Energy - Interaction System
7. Energy - Thought system
8. Energy - Memory System
9. Energy - Processing System
10. Energy - Cycle System

How Energy Works:

Energy (and the product of Energy) is the substance that all things conceivable are made up of. It is your thoughts, your emotions, your brain, your body, your mind, your god or goddess. It is the ground you walk on, drive on, run on..etc. Energy is what is taught to you in school - knowledge/wisdom. Energy is age. Energy is Time. Energy is Space. Energy is mass.

In theory, there are independent energy particles that group together to create collective energies. These are groups of energy that do several things. One of the things that I am focusing on in this theory deals with how energy associates with humans and the religions of the world as well as thought processes and how the brain relates to the mind. I will break these down into parts so as to be less confusing and more sequential for you to read.

Energy in independent form has its own intellect and consciousness. We have been told that the human brain is where our intelligence comes from. I challenge this idea simply because in this theory, I believe that the human brain itself is made up of a collective energy with a collective intelligence (all the independent energy's intelligence working together for a common purpose) and a collective consciousness (a link to all energy that exists and the "whole" awareness of existence).

The human brain only functions because the independent energy that groups with each other, use each other's abilities (and each energy has different abilities) like a machine to make the brain function.

Independent energy particles store mass amounts of information from experiences. Assuming that there is no "Heaven" or "Hell" or "Afterlife" in which our souls dwell after physical death, and assuming that life is a continum of experiences (some may refer to it as reincarnation), I can safely say that each energy particle that makes up a human (other than the physical body parts), or moreover, the human mind, keeps every single experience from every single lifetime stored within itself much like the "unconscious" that Freud and Jung spoke about. That information is only surfaced to the independent consciousness of the energy particle or collective energy (depending on the circumstance) when the need arises [[[or the will allows]]].

This explains how some people can feel like they've lived past lives due to relating to certain situations or events so well. Example: "I think I must have been one of King Arthur's Knights or lived in that era because I feel so comfortable in that setting or when experiencing the renaissance or other midievil times."

This also relates to the phenomena of deja vu and other ESP phenomena. Once the energy has that information stored, it does not matter what lifetime you are living - the energy will relate to specific experiences based on past experiences and cause a "comfortable" reaction within the group of energy (the human).

Now, since independent energy can store these amounts of memories, I have assumed that putting the energy together in a group and forming a collective energy means that all the memories that each particle contains can be put forth into "something". This something can be a historical can be the experience of eating an can be the experience of walking on the moon, however, it takes those certain energy particles coming together in order to be able to access those memories as a collective source.

This would explain why some people do not experience deja vu or have recollections of past lives..etc. The energy that they are made up of does not collaborate with each other enough to be able to put the puzzle completely together - the energy needs more of that similar collective energy within the group in order to access the full memory.

This is also evidence in theory that would lead to the supernatural, as we call it. "Psychics" are able to read about your future, past, and present. If they have these "special abilities" then that means the energy that they are composed of collaborate with each other and have been to a lot of similar lifetimes as its group. Therefore, the "psychic" is able to access those memories as a whole or in large parts because the memories in the independent particles are working together to share that particular memory.

[[[Energy is vibration? How can energy be vibration when vibration is the result of energy moving? Is Vibration a different type of energy then that isnt molecular/particles? Does this vibrational energy store memories and dictate thought as well?]]]

[[[What happens to a person who encounters brain damage and loses their ability to be congitive - Is this a physical energy thing where as the collective energies cannot make it work because the physical energy isnt working? Or is this a abandonment of collective energy once the physical energy isnt able to ever function again?]]]

PART II: Energy and the God Concept

***If you are highly religious, and get offended easily, DO NOT read any further. The subject of this theory is very very deep...and is like a roller coaster ride. If you are worried about puncturing your belief system and/or religion, do not even attempt to grasp these concepts as it will do you damage and no good.***

Most Christian doctrines believe that by capitalizing the word "god", that it is then referenced to God the Father as they know him/her, the Father of Jesus Christ. When the "g" in the word god is NOT capitalized, they tend to view that as one referencing god as a mere idol.

In this theory, the word god will be CAPITALIZED in reference to God as I am speaking of it - NOT God the Father of Christianity. In the theory, I basically state that everyone and everything including energy itself is God, hence I capitalize it just as if I were capitalizing my own name or someone else's

Rehashing of the Initial Thoughts:

A. Energy
1. There are different types of energy.
2. Humans are made up of their own type of energy.
3. Human god/esses are made up of the same type of energy as humans.
4. Thought is made up of its own type of energy.
5. Action is made up of its own type of energy.
6. Chemical Reactions are made up of its own type of energy
[[[Adding more as my research goes on]]]

B. Purpose of Energy
1. To create physical, such as humans
2. To create action within a human being
3. To create interaction between other energy forces.
4. To create balance between energy particles and collective energies.
5. To create purpose for physical, such as humans
6. To create a system for the Universe to work

C. Systems of Energy
1. Energy - Brain System
2. Body - Brain - Energy System
3. Mind - Body - Brain - Energy System
4. Energy - Nature System
5. Energy - Solar System System
6. Energy - Interaction System
7. Energy - Thought system
8. Energy - Memory System
9. Energy - Processing System
10. Energy - Cycle System


God is Energy. Everything is Energy or the product of Energy. We are God. Animals are God. Molecules are God. God.

Since we have already speculated on Dark Matter a bit, I think we can delve into it a bit more at this point.

"Based on 50 years of accumulated observations of the motions
of galaxies and the expansion of the universe, most astronomers
believe that as much as 90 percent of the stuff constituting
the universe may be objects or particles that cannot
be seen." - Scientific American Magazine; Dark Matter in the Universe by Vera Rubin

Full Article:

Dark Matter has been explored a bit, however, unfortunately, there isnt much information on it, so much like Einstein developing his General Relativity Theory...I am left wandering in the dark only to make assumptions on a lot of things until the mathematics can be calculated and the space being explored.

I am making it a possibility right here, that Dark matter may possibly be the primal energy source from which I speak of.

We all know that energy can transform into different forms of energy according to circumstance and requirements for the circumstance. With this, it would be entirely possible for the energy of Dark matter transforming into physical forms such as humans and animals..and everything else around us.

To clarify a few things, I will need to go into detail a bit on a few things such as the God concept as we know it right now (in general) and what I think of as the God Concept (in general).

I have made up some pictures of a couple concepts. The first is the concept of God as humans tend to think of it currently: a divine force mightier than ourselves that has the ability to create and destroy at will, who speaks to us, is not a physical being, and who has the ability to dictate the afterlife assuming you dont believe in reincarnation.

God as we know it right now in general, shows that there is a divine force above all, then come humans and animals.. then comes molecules and atoms...then comes energy.
I see a few problems with this concept, so let me show you another picture with which I believe the nature of God to be.

In this concept of God, I am showing that there is a mass collection of energy that is HUGE.. almost like a resevoir that holds unused energy. [[[Is this Dark Matter?]]] This is the God of Humans...then go on down the line as to where humans are Gods as well.. of smaller beings such as Molecules and Atoms...and Molecules and Atoms being Gods of smaller collections of energy...and then the smaller collections of energy being Gods of even smaller collections of energy.

Now, one might speculate and say, what about the smallest particle in the world? What is it the God of. This is where my concept of "energy cycling" comes in and I will get to that in a minute.


First, I would like to point out some similarities in my Theory vs Einstein's attempted Unification Theory that he ultimately abandoned over and over again even on his death bed.

Taken from the book, Einstein: A hundred years of Relativity by Andrew Robinson:

(Einstein speaking of the new physics in his field theory)

"Could we not reject the concept of matter and build a pure field physics? What impresses our senses as matter is really a great concentration of energy into a comparatively small space. We could regard matter as the regions in spac where the field is extemely strong. In this way a new philosophical background could be created. Its final aim would be the explanation of all events in nature by structure laws valid always and everywhere. A stone thrown is, from this point of view, a changing field, where the states of greatest field intensity travel through space with the velocity of the stone. There would be no place, in our new physics, for both field and matter, field being the only reality. This new view is suggested by our great achievements of field physics, by our sucess in expressing the laws of electricity, magnetism, gravitation in the form of structure laws and finally by the equivalence of mass and energy. Our ultimate problems would be to modify our field laws in such a way that they would not break down for regions in which the energy is enormously concentrated."

My theory is much like his concept there. He goes on to say:

"But the creative principle resides in mathematics. In a certain sense, therefore, I hold it to be true that pure thought can grasp reality, as the ancients dreamed."

This is EXACTLY what I am talking about...whereas reality might sometimes be deemed as illusion to the human eye... but not the human mind aka collective energy directly from the Universal Conscioussness of all Energy.

From his correspondence with various physicists it is clear that Einstein was seriously thinking about a unification of gravitation and electromagnetism in such a field theory as early as 1918 and maybe as far back as 1916 after the completion of his greak work on general relativity.

These are areas in which I will explore with you folks in later Parts introduced in this theory...and trust me...there are MANY parts to this theory.

I am in reality, challenging everything the world has ever known - and therefore cannot be summarized in one short post.. but in Parts that we can debate and rehash over and over and over again till we are all blue in the face Smile My idea of a good time hehe.

Energy is what makes up everything. Everything is either energy or the product of energy, and even when something is the product of energy, it is still energy - borrowed from other sources. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Energy operates at different frequencies. Some energy operates at a frequency that allows matter to just "be". Other energy operates at frequencies in which it allows matter to "operate".

The human body is matter. It is a mass amount of energy put together to form a massive amount of matter called The human body. Each body part is also "dead energy", whereas the matter is just there to serve as non moving non mechanical matter. The body alone is nothing more than a vessel for energy.

Energy that has intellect and consciousness is what makes the "dead matter" operate and work. I say this because this energy, that makes things "work" has intellect and consciousness that is being accessed.

All energy has intellect and consciousness, however, depending on the frequency it is working at, that intellect may or may not be used during the certain period in which it is working. For example: The human brain is nothing but dead matter. It is energy working at a frequency without having to use intellect to operate. It just sits there dead until the other energies working from different frequencies come in and start the chemical reactions and other that make the human brain function.

In otherwords, the human brain alone, is like a computer monitor that is standing alone without a pc hooked up to it. The energy that operates at a frequency to make things operate and work is the PC. The monitor is useless until it is plugged into the PC - thus the PC being plugged into the monitor allows the monitor to display all the stuff contained in the PC.

The same goes for any other organ in the human body. The organs are "dead matter" until that energy (that operates at a different frequency) comes in and allows the organs to "work".

Energy is intelligent. It finds other energy to work in sync with.. and thus it is able to interact with other energies in order to make things work. Things like chemical reactions in the brain...connecting to other organs in the body to make each other work.

Energy is DNA. This is where things get kinda complicated.

When a person dies, the total energies of the body and "mind" are all released back into space-time..back into the collective consciousness. It mingles with all the other energies, and finds other energies that will be needed to form the next "matter" to help propell the consciousness forward. Whether this be a plant, rock, human, animal...etc - it uses the experiences of past "lifetimes" to calculate what needs to be done next. It uses INTELLECT to do this.

Say that this energy needs to create another human being. First, the energy moves to form a fetus in a woman's womb. Next, that energy (which is dead matter) uses its consciousness to contact energies that will be needed in order to make the fetus matter work. The energy that is needed for the operation of that dead matter finds the frequency it needs to be at, vibrates at that frequency, and is transferred from space-time into the fetus to make the fetus matter work. It begins developing organs such as lungs and brain. So, in fact, the energy that makes things operate actually "helps" the fetus to form that dead matter by attracting more energies that are needed to form things such as the brain. It does this by using its intelligence.

Once the fetus is ready to be born, more energy is collected in order to make that happen. At this point, the energy that works at a frequency to make things operate, has all the past experiences of past lifetimes and intellect already stored, but the fetus' brain cannot yet tap into that storage. The reason for this is because the purpose of the new baby is to collect more experience for that energy to store. If the baby had all that knowledge available to it at birth, there would be no new would simply live off of past experiences...and evolution could not occur.

Now, for DNA - DNA is energy, however, it is only needed in order that the human species can identify itself from other species. It helps energy separate itself and is used in the processes of "sync-ness" with each other. It is a part of the processes in which evolution occur. Some energy DNA can evolve into other DNA energies so long as the DNA correlates with each other. It serves as a stopping block for energy in some instances such as elephants mating with monkeys or elephants evolving into humans.

Human and monkey DNA is able to respond to each other because the DNA energies are similar and there is no "stop block" to prevent it as far as evolution goes, however, the mating of such energies wouldnt work due to other chemical reactions in each species not correlating with each other.

DNA, in short, is nothing but a way to identify different energies of different species.

I just have to ask, why would any of that offend anyone?

Probably because it is taking God out of the equation? What is funny is that this post and the actual scientific study of kineseology ( horrible at spelling so sorry if that isn't the proper spelling. ) seem to prove the existence of a higher being or a "force" that binds us all, binds something within every one of us, made us, lives in us, and disperses but lives on for eternity. I love that it seems the further science goes the closer it comes to the religious beginnings all scientists wanted to run from in the first place. :tongue:
I tend to think of energy in the terms of thermodynamics.

Perpetual, emotionless, eternal, and following basic laws and rules without regard for human emotion or desires..
I just have to ask, why would any of that offend anyone?

Probably because it is taking God out of the equation? What is funny is that this post and the actual scientific study of kineseology ( horrible at spelling so sorry if that isn't the proper spelling. ) seem to prove the existence of a higher being or a "force" that binds us all, binds something within every one of us, made us, lives in us, and disperses but lives on for eternity. I love that it seems the further science goes the closer it comes to the religious beginnings all scientists wanted to run from in the first place. :tongue:

I cant seem to eliminate the spiritual aspect of it.. but the God part I can. I see energy as being the god.. therefore we are all gods of gods of gods of gods. Everything is god because everything is energy.

The spiritual part of it consists of a furthering of evolution for a purpose..and what that purpose is.. is that the collective consciousness needs to evolve and is spiritual in its own right. Its energy with intellect and consciousness. It needs to evolve to the next cycle in order to get rid of the physicality of it. In the next cycle, I am thinking we wont need physicality because of the experience its gained through having physicality.

I just have to ask, why would any of that offend anyone?

I put that disclaimer up there because some religious fanatics would be offended because its against their own doctrine. I put that up there to spare them from reading it and getting upset. Its just respecting that other people have other beleifs..its a courtesy.

I'm not sure I buy into this.

Energy is everything, that part is a given and is not very profound.

A claim that it is consciously working together within the confines of DIFFERENT human vessels (Brains) is something that would require more proof. Logical proof, physical proof. In theory it sounds alright but in practice there's no reason to believe it. Biology could have many reasons for existing, and energy working intelligently/consciously to create it is a bit of a stretch imo.
What is soul? If it is produced from food then, when food stops soul is destroyed?

Soul is pure awareness, which is a special work form of energy produced by the oxidation of food. Its generation requires the function of several biological systems also like lungs, stomach, nervous system etc. When any one of these fail, the energy is not produced and awareness in general disappears as in the deep sleep in which the nervous system takes rest. But the subtle body, which is a bundle of strong feelings (Samskaras), which are the waves of awareness, is not destroyed and it leaves the body for final enquiry. The enquiry is conducted by God based on these Samskaras only and not mere pure awareness, which is common in every soul. If you mean the subtle body for the soul, it is not destroyed. Even in the subtle body, pure awareness exists like gold in the jewels.
The God of science

According to science, inert energy is basic material of this universe, which creates, maintains and finally dissolves entire creation and is the God of science. The design of the world doesn’t require the need of awareness because a long duration of time has set up the design of world perfectly by the theory of probability. Scientists do not accept the necessity of an intellectual agent to design this wonderful world as philosophers imagine in Vedanta (Brahmasutras). If this is the end of the story, science could have easily disposed the proposal of Vedanta and the scriptures can be easily concluded as poetic imaginations of certain poets. It can be easily concluded that certain people have created this poetry to exploit the society in the name of God. Anyone can easily believe science and by this time the world should have been filled with atheists only and today, the minority should be theists.

But surprisingly the majority is theists and minority is only atheists. The atheists say that since majority is uneducated, theism exists due to possibility of easy exploitation of uneducated people. But even educated people show majority of theists only all over the world. What is the reason for this? The reason for this is that the unimaginable God is showing miracles in the lives of several people to establish the existence of unimaginable God.

Not only this, the unimaginable God is exhibiting unimaginable miracles through several devotees and also demons widely. Not only this, God is coming in human form and is offering explanation of the miracles and concept of God. Genuine miracles are many in the world and the minority of atheists is unable to dispose these miracles as magic. You may write the correct answer through copying in the examination. Some body might have also written the same correct answer without copying in the examination. Since the answer is one and same, can you say that the other person who has written the correct answer also copied necessarily? The product may be same but the methods of production vary. Sodium chloride can be produced in several ways. You have produced it in one way. I have produced it in another way. The end product is the same sodium chloride. You cannot say that I have also produced in your way only.
You really do not remove the God concept if the energy is God? The reason behind the universe is energy so therefor the ENERGY is GOD.

It's not that you removed God it's you made it something else.

God is behind the reason for all being.
You really do not remove the God concept if the energy is God? The reason behind the universe is energy so therefor the ENERGY is GOD.

It's not that you removed God it's you made it something else.

God is behind the reason for all being.

The creation is a work without object

(The creation is a work without object and hence is called as the dance of God Shiva).

There are two types of works. One is objectless work (Akarmakakriyaa) and the other is work with object (Sakarmakakriyaa). Rama killed Ravana. In this statement the verb is with object. The verb is the work of killing and the object is Ravana. Rama walks. In this statement the verb is the work of walking, which has no object. Now in the absolute plane, even the primordial energy, which is the ultimate cause of the creation, is proved to be a form of work only. Hence, the entire creation, which is only the different modified forms of primordial energy, becomes work only.

Now, this work of creation has no object because the entire creation consisting of all objects has become work. There is no object or entity leftover, which is not work. But remember, this state is the absolute plane and not the relative plane in which we are experiencing certain forms of work as objects and certain other forms of work as work only. Therefore, in the absolute plane, no object is leftover and hence the entire creation becomes the work without object. When we say that somebody is dancing, the work of dancing is without object. Therefore, this entire creation is stated to be the dance of God Shiva.
I put that disclaimer up there because some religious fanatics would be offended because its against their own doctrine. I put that up there to spare them from reading it and getting upset. Its just respecting that other people have other beleifs..its a courtesy.


I dont see why any such person would be in a religious discussion forum to begin with. Besides, few people would have the patience to read that monstrousity.
I just have to ask, why would any of that offend anyone?

Probably because it is taking God out of the equation? What is funny is that this post and the actual scientific study of kineseology ( horrible at spelling so sorry if that isn't the proper spelling. ) seem to prove the existence of a higher being or a "force" that binds us all, binds something within every one of us, made us, lives in us, and disperses but lives on for eternity. I love that it seems the further science goes the closer it comes to the religious beginnings all scientists wanted to run from in the first place. :tongue:

I cant seem to eliminate the spiritual aspect of it.. but the God part I can. I see energy as being the god.. therefore we are all gods of gods of gods of gods. Everything is god because everything is energy.

The spiritual part of it consists of a furthering of evolution for a purpose..and what that purpose is.. is that the collective consciousness needs to evolve and is spiritual in its own right. Its energy with intellect and consciousness. It needs to evolve to the next cycle in order to get rid of the physicality of it. In the next cycle, I am thinking we wont need physicality because of the experience its gained through having physicality.


You are taking the idea that energy is equal to God and assuming that makes all life gods. Wouldn't that great churning pool of energy be closer to what the religious consider God? It is the source, it is where we all return to and where we all come from. It is part of every one of us and every thing yet still something completely unto itself. That doesn't sound like it elliminates God but rather attempts to prove it.

Also.. the next cycle you talk about sounds a lot like what the Bible says will happen after judgement.. eternal life within the kingdom of heaven. Just my take on it.. -Shrugs lightly and smiles-
Probably because it is taking God out of the equation? What is funny is that this post and the actual scientific study of kineseology ( horrible at spelling so sorry if that isn't the proper spelling. ) seem to prove the existence of a higher being or a "force" that binds us all, binds something within every one of us, made us, lives in us, and disperses but lives on for eternity. I love that it seems the further science goes the closer it comes to the religious beginnings all scientists wanted to run from in the first place. :tongue:

I cant seem to eliminate the spiritual aspect of it.. but the God part I can. I see energy as being the god.. therefore we are all gods of gods of gods of gods. Everything is god because everything is energy.

The spiritual part of it consists of a furthering of evolution for a purpose..and what that purpose is.. is that the collective consciousness needs to evolve and is spiritual in its own right. Its energy with intellect and consciousness. It needs to evolve to the next cycle in order to get rid of the physicality of it. In the next cycle, I am thinking we wont need physicality because of the experience its gained through having physicality.


You are taking the idea that energy is equal to God and assuming that makes all life gods. Wouldn't that great churning pool of energy be closer to what the religious consider God? It is the source, it is where we all return to and where we all come from. It is part of every one of us and every thing yet still something completely unto itself. That doesn't sound like it elliminates God but rather attempts to prove it.

Also.. the next cycle you talk about sounds a lot like what the Bible says will happen after judgement.. eternal life within the kingdom of heaven. Just my take on it.. -Shrugs lightly and smiles-

The Christian religion is a remake of several pagan myths. So its not like its a first time thing being done. She just believes in energy and you'd have to read the entirety of the OP in order to understand. You are asking questions that were already covered in the OP.

The Christian religion is a remake of several pagan myths. So its not like its a first time thing being done. She just believes in energy and you'd have to read the entirety of the OP in order to understand. You are asking questions that were already covered in the OP.


if "she" is not "you" then why do you both sign jamie? just curious, is all.
The Christian religion is a remake of several pagan myths. So its not like its a first time thing being done. She just believes in energy and you'd have to read the entirety of the OP in order to understand. You are asking questions that were already covered in the OP.


Is it? or are the several pagan myths merely a remake of the Christian religion?

Which came first, the Chicken or the Egg?
Avatar, look into mithras, horus, etc. there's plenty of biting the christian bible did.
I cant seem to eliminate the spiritual aspect of it.. but the God part I can. I see energy as being the god.. therefore we are all gods of gods of gods of gods. Everything is god because everything is energy.

The spiritual part of it consists of a furthering of evolution for a purpose..and what that purpose is.. is that the collective consciousness needs to evolve and is spiritual in its own right. Its energy with intellect and consciousness. It needs to evolve to the next cycle in order to get rid of the physicality of it. In the next cycle, I am thinking we wont need physicality because of the experience its gained through having physicality.


You are taking the idea that energy is equal to God and assuming that makes all life gods. Wouldn't that great churning pool of energy be closer to what the religious consider God? It is the source, it is where we all return to and where we all come from. It is part of every one of us and every thing yet still something completely unto itself. That doesn't sound like it elliminates God but rather attempts to prove it.

Also.. the next cycle you talk about sounds a lot like what the Bible says will happen after judgement.. eternal life within the kingdom of heaven. Just my take on it.. -Shrugs lightly and smiles-

The Christian religion is a remake of several pagan myths. So its not like its a first time thing being done. She just believes in energy and you'd have to read the entirety of the OP in order to understand. You are asking questions that were already covered in the OP.


Oops, put on the wrong sock. :lol:
I put that disclaimer up there because some religious fanatics would be offended because its against their own doctrine. I put that up there to spare them from reading it and getting upset. Its just respecting that other people have other beleifs..its a courtesy.


I dont see why any such person would be in a religious discussion forum to begin with. Besides, few people would have the patience to read that monstrousity.

No kidding. I don't have the luxury of that kind of time, there's way too much porn I need to watch.
Avatar, look into mithras, horus, etc. there's plenty of biting the christian bible did.

Im very much aware of all of them. I simply think you have it backwards. I think there was one Gospel taught to all people and that over time it warped into these various religions.

Why presume that God waited till the meridian of time to send forth messagers declaring the glad tidings of the Gospel? He loved the people before Christ came as much as those at the time of His coming. Its just as easy to tell them what He was planning to do then as it was while He was doing it.

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