The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless

Bullshit. ALL of my friends who served STILL have their ID's, they're marked RETIRED!

You actually think that someone who serves one term gets a retired-military ID card?

Dang. I never realized I was entitled to lifetime health care from the military system because I'm supposedly "Retired military".

Civilians. Heh.

One is "retired military", in the legal/financial sense, if they're getting a military pension. That usually means 20 years in. One-termers may be "retired military" in a moral sense, but not in a legal sense.

My benefits were restricted to things like educational money and VA Loans. Though the VA was a total pain about the home loan. Wouldn't give me one, as there was a 3-month gap in my employment history. When I told them I was looking for a job at that time, they told me to fake something for that period. I told them goodbye, went to a civilian loan company, and got a loan within 24 hours at a lower rate.

If you were a commissioned officer you would have no term date. Meaning you would be in service until you either resigned your commission,or the navy decided your services were no longer needed. The time you would get an "end date" on your service would be after one of those scenarios...An officer would know this..

Also, the VA benefits for medical, would be in case you were injured and no longer able to work, or past retirement age, or a condition brought on by your military service that would manifest later..Again an officer or navy man would know this...

Your VA loan not being approved wouldn't have anything to do with a 3-month employment gap. Not all homes or loans qualify for the VA loan, they have strict guidelines and rules, and limitations. Also the VA acts as a secure co-signer and are not the actual source of the loan. The money will come from a licensed VA approved lender not from the VA itself. They are a loan guarantee and a way to secure your loan beyond your own ability to pay.
Two of my brothers and a brother in law currently have VA loans for their homes, and two of them came through quicken loans, and the other through his own bank...
Again an officer or a ex-navy man who applied for one would know this..

Fact is, as I and others have stated you wouldn't be able to do 4 years in the "nuke" program especially as an officer. Just like my brother had to serve 6 years due to his training and clearance. The only way you would get out in 4 would be if you had a family hardship or had some kind of issue preventing you from the full terms. And IF that were the case, you would have said so by now. According to you, you were fine and dandy, and out in four....Again, an officer would know this...
You said you were the guy in charge of the whole reactor department "The Nuclear Watch officer".

No, I said I was the guy in charge of the _reactor_ for that watch shift, not the _reactor department_. The _reactor_ is a hunk of metal and uranium. The _reactor department_ -- that is, engineering -- was a group of around 150 people. When I was on watch, I was the guy in charge of the _reactor_, but the Chief Engineer was always the guy in charge of the _department_.

So, you failed to understand the rather obvious difference between "reactor" and "reactor department", and because of that failure, you went off on some odd story about the letter "s". Well done. <clap clap> You really proved ... something.

Because there is a REALLY BIG PROBLEM with the digital fingerprint of that so called picture you stashed in your photobucket account and posted here.

Alas, poor PolarBear fails to comprehend that Photobucket compresses the images you upload to it. The file is 3 meg on my computer, 100k on Photobucket. That is to say, Photobucket creates an entirely new file from the one you send it, and puts an entirely new header on it.

So, PolarBear has looked at this entirely new file that Photobucket created, and made the truly groundbreaking declaration that it wasn't the original.

Well done, PolarBear! <clap clap> With your amazing sleuthing skills, you have conclusively proven that PhotoBucket creates a new compressed image when you upload a picture. Any other equally brilliant insights you'd like to share with us?

The compression REMOVES metadata and other hidden data, such as color profiles and runs it through algorithms to reduce the size of the photo. The compression could not touch the DRM,it's illegal.

Also the date of 1999... The picture was taken in 99 and not by you... Busted fraud..
I would be happy to take this to the Rubber Room, but My Three Stalkers wouldn't follow. They'd keep following me around the environment forum. They want their audience here.

Since this thread is already trashed, I'll keep dragging them back to it when they chase me elsewhere. It's already a wasteland, so trashing it further doesn't matter. If you want to talk science, use a different thread. Or tell a mod. Again, I would overjoyed to take this to the Rubber Room, so long as my stalkers were required to keep the topic contained in the Rubber Room as well.

No you keep coming to us trying to make excuses and save face. IF you want to go back on topic do it, and stop the lying. You choose to continue this lying and we will call you on it.. Simple as that..
If you were a commissioned officer ....

See? The Birther dumbfuck just won't quit. Yet he won't take it to the military folder and talk with the vets, as I keep asking him to do. I think that says it all.

At this point, I have no reason to be civil to Birther dumbfucks, so I'm just going to laugh at them for being Birther dumbfucks.
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If you were a commissioned officer ....

See? The Birther dumbfuck just won't quit. Yet he won't take it to the military folder and talk with the vets, as I keep asking him to do. I think that says it all.

At this point, the Birther dumbfucks have forfeited any expectations of civility, so I'm just going to laugh at them for being Birther dumbfucks.

I responded to your excuse making BS... Thats how it works when you lie... You stop lying and maybe I'll stop telling on you...
The compression REMOVES metadata ...

This is hilarious. Is there any topic anywhere that you don't just instantly pull crap out of your ass about?

You are a true renaissance man of BS. With zero experience in the military, you've lectured everyone endlessly on how the military really works, and gotten it all hilariously wrong. And with zero experience in graphics formats, you're now going to lecture everyone on them, and get it hilariously wrong.

I'm going to be laughing for days about your "All files have DRM, and compression is legally forbidden to touch it!" insanity. Could you, perhaps, show us that law?
The compression REMOVES metadata ...

This is hilarious. Is there any topic anywhere that you don't just instantly pull crap out of your ass about?

You are a true renaissance man of BS. With zero experience in the military, you've lectured everyone endlessly on how the military really works, and gotten it all hilariously wrong. And with zero experience in graphics formats, you're now going to lecture everyone on them, and get it hilariously wrong.

I'm going to be laughing for days about your "All files have DRM, and compression is legally forbidden to touch it!" insanity. Could you, perhaps, show us that law?

Why not post the full sentence fraud?

Too cowardly? Yes we know....

Don't agree with how compression on a pic works?


not yesterday using your cell phone as you claimed but in fact the year 1999... What's your next excuse? Did your dog eat it? Did bigfoot take it?


Er, no. PolarBear found the text string "1999" somewhere in the header of a file that PhotoBucket created. If you're a birther retard, you would claim that means "the original file must have been dated 1999". However, if you're not a birther retard, you would conclude that finding the text string "1999" in the header of a file Photobucket created just means that the text string "1999" appeared in the header of a file that Photobucket created.

Anyways, let's go over some of your past greatest hits. I never get tired of that.

I said polyester service dress uniforms weren't allowed in the engine room, because they melt in a fire. You instantly screamed there was no such thing as a polyester uniform, and that I had to be lying to say otherwise. Survey says ... from this 1984 newspaper article ...

The Day - Google News Archive Search
"Certified Navy Twill (CNT) Uniforms are really made of 100 percent polyester, and will melt if exposed to high heat, a military safety publication said."

Yes, just one of the many, many things you got laughably wrong, yet screamed I was lying about because you were too fucking stupid to realize how fucking stupid you were.

Er, no. PolarBear found the text string "1999" somewhere in the header of a file that PhotoBucket created. If you're a birther retard, you would claim that means "the original file must have been dated 1999". However, if you're not a birther retard, you would conclude that finding the text string "1999" in the header of a file Photobucket created just means that the text string "1999" appeared in the header of a file that Photobucket created.

Anyways, let's go over some of your past greatest hits. I never get tired of that.

I said polyester service dress uniforms weren't allowed in the engine room, because they melt in a fire. You instantly screamed there was no such thing as a polyester uniform, and that I had to be lying to say otherwise. Survey says ... from this 1984 newspaper article ...

The Day - Google News Archive Search
"Certified Navy Twill (CNT) Uniforms are really made of 100 percent polyester, and will melt if exposed to high heat, a military safety publication said."

Yes, just one of the many, many things you got laughably wrong, yet screamed I was lying about because you were too fucking stupid to realize how fucking stupid you were.

Go away liar....
Alas, poor PolarBear fails to comprehend that Photobucket compresses the images you upload to it. The file is 3 meg on my computer, 100k on Photobucket. That is to say, Photobucket creates an entirely new file from the one you send it, and puts an entirely new header on it.

So, PolarBear has looked at this entirely new file that Photobucket created, and made the truly groundbreaking declaration that it wasn't the original.

Well done, PolarBear! <clap clap> With your amazing sleuthing skills, you have conclusively proven that PhotoBucket creates a new compressed image when you upload a picture. Any other equally brilliant insights you'd like to share with us?

When photobucket compresses an image the only bytes that change are the files size descriptors that come after the header. The header remains unchanged. No matter which picture I pick even those that have been compressed the DRM fingerprint remains intact.
Like this on e or any other picture @ photobucket:
Picture Gallery Photos, Picture Gallery Pictures, Picture Gallery Images


FF D8 FF E0 00 10 4A 46 ÿØÿà JF
49 46 00 01 02 00 00 01 IF
00 01 00 00 FF E0 00 08 ÿà
4F 63 61 64 30 30 FF DB Ocad00ÿÛ
00 84 00 08 06 06 07 08 &#8222;
07 08 08 08 08 09 09 08

And here is your header:

3C 21 44 4F 43 54 59 50 <!DOCTYP
45 20 48 54 4D 4C 3E 0A E HTML>
3C 68 74 6D 6C 20 63 6C <html cl
61 73 73 3D 22 69 73 5F ass="is_
6D 6F 7A 20 69 73 5F 77 moz is_w
69 6E 20 6E 6F 2D 6A 73 in no-js
22 20 78 6D 6C 6E 73 3D " xmlns=

22 68 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F "http://

You got it from a web page HTML document which was written with a XML editor.
This web page for example uses the same editor:
<html xmlns=
<base href=""><!--[if IE]></base><![endif]-->
<script type="text/javascript">
var tapatalk_iphone_msg = "This forum has an app for iPhone and iPod Touch! Click OK to learn more about Tapatalk.";
var tapatalk_iphone_url = "";
var tapatalk_ipad_msg = "This forum has an app for iPad! Click OK to learn more about Tapatalk.";
var tapatalk_ipad_url = "";
var tapatalk_kindle_msg = "This forum has an app for Kindle Fire! Click OK to learn more about Tapatalk.";
var tapatalk_kindle_url = "";
var tapatalk_android_msg = "This forum has an app for Android. Click OK to learn more about Tapatalk.";
var tapatalk_android_url = "market://details?id=com.quoord.tapatalkpro.activity";
var tapatalk_chrome_enable = false;
var tapatalkdir = "mobiquo";
<script type="text/javascript"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<meta name="generator" content="vBulletin 3.8.7">
<meta name="keywords"

In 1998, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) was passed in the United States to impose criminal penalties on those who make available technologies whose primary purpose and function are to circumvent content protection

And you say photobucket made up a whole new digital fingerprint of "your cell phone camera picture."
Why don`t you upload your original cell phone picture directly from your cell phone to your own PC and shrink it with whatever you got.
"Faxview" "MSPAINT" etc even what Linux UBUNTU has can do it.
It won`t change the file header just the size.
The problem is that you swiped that pitiful thing off the internet that`s all .
All cameras that take pictures in jpg format start out like this:
JPG - On first line : "JFIF"
JPG - From camera with EXIF data : On first line "Exif", two blocks, then "II"

The Greenland pictures I uploaded were also compressed. But even after they`ve been in compressed format on photobucket or image shack they all start out like this:
FF D8 FF E0 00 10 4A 46 ÿØÿà JF
49 46 00 01 01 01 00 48 IF H
00 48 00 00 FF E1 31 57 H ÿá1W
45 78 69 66 00 00 49 49 Exif II
And that`s the picture:

If I write a webpage and embed that picture and you steal it then the file header will show with which HTML editor I wrote my web page.

by the way I can also tell by the aspect ratio that you DID NOT take this picture with a cellphone.

What kind of cell phone have you got ????
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Er, no. PolarBear found the text string "1999" somewhere in the header of a file that PhotoBucket created. If you're a birther retard, you would claim that means "the original file must have been dated 1999". However, if you're not a birther retard, you would conclude that finding the text string "1999" in the header of a file Photobucket created just means that the text string "1999" appeared in the header of a file that Photobucket created.

Anyways, let's go over some of your past greatest hits. I never get tired of that.

I said polyester service dress uniforms weren't allowed in the engine room, because they melt in a fire. You instantly screamed there was no such thing as a polyester uniform, and that I had to be lying to say otherwise. Survey says ... from this 1984 newspaper article ...

The Day - Google News Archive Search
"Certified Navy Twill (CNT) Uniforms are really made of 100 percent polyester, and will melt if exposed to high heat, a military safety publication said."

Yes, just one of the many, many things you got laughably wrong, yet screamed I was lying about because you were too fucking stupid to realize how fucking stupid you were.

Quit lying fraud...

You are done,busted, outed, now your only excuse left is material of cheaper dress uniforms.... LOL
I wear the scorn of the Birther retards as a badge of honor.

You mean badge of shame...

Birther, don't be such a drama queen junior, no one asked for your birth certificate, you kept begging us to bet you about your DD214, and when we finally said go ahead, you post one you grabbed of the net and someone else's webpage....

ROFL, yes junior we are picking on you.... Whatever you gotta tell yourself. :eusa_liar:
When photobucket compresses an image the only bytes that change are the files size descriptors that come after the header.

Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Have I mentioned you're shitting out a vast load of bullshit?

You're not the only one who can use a hex editor. You just suck much more at it than most people.

The first lines of my original file header

ff d8 ff e1 15 ba 45 78 69 66 00 00 4d 4d 00 2a
00 00 00 08 00 0d 01 0f 00 02 00 00 00 06 00 00

The first lines from the photobucket file header.

ff d8 ff e0 00 10 4a 46 49 46 00 01 01 00 00 01
00 01 00 00 ff fe 00 3e 43 52 45 41 54 4f 52 3a

The headers are completely different, from top to bottom. You are full of shit, from top to bottom.

Oh, needless to say, "1999" does not appear anywhere in the original header.

You got it from a web page HTML document which was written with a XML editor.

You mean like ... Photobucket, a website that uses XML heavily?

Yes, once more supersleuth PolarBear is hot on the case! <wild applause> Nothing gets by him! He has conclusively proven once more than PhotoBucket adjusted the image!

In 1998, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) was passed in the United States to impose criminal penalties on those who make available technologies whose primary purpose and function are to circumvent content protection

That's nice. But when I clicked "I agree" on the user agreement, I gave Photobucket specific permission to manipulate content that solely belongs to me. There is no content protection being circumvented. The is no uber-big-brother law anywhere requiring that file headers remain unchanged, and to claim otherwise is insane.

And you say photobucket made up a whole new digital fingerprint of "your cell phone camera picture."

Yep. Oh noes! They broke the law! Make sure you report Photobucket to the government immediately. It's your patriotic duty! I'm sure the FBI/RCMP will get right on it. But only if you use big color fonts, because those make you look like a VerySeriousPerson.

Why don`t you upload your original cell phone picture directly from your cell phone to your own PC and shrink it with whatever you got.
"Faxview" "MSPAINT" etc even what Linux UBUNTU has can do it.
It won`t change the file header just the size.

Which has nothing to do with the fact Photobucket changed the header with their XML tools.

All cameras that take pictures in jpg format start out like this:
JPG - On first line : "JFIF"
JPG - From camera with EXIF data : On first line "Exif", two blocks, then "II"

Er, no. The JFIF line is way down at line 3C0. It's not the first line. You simply don't know what you're babbling about.

The Greenland pictures I uploaded were also compressed. But even after they`ve been in compressed format on photobucket or image shack they all start out like this:
FF D8 FF E0 00 10 4A 46 ÿØÿà JF
49 46 00 01 01 01 00 48 IF H
00 48 00 00 FF E1 31 57 H ÿá1W
45 78 69 66 00 00 49 49 Exif II

In other words, extremely similar to the header on my Photobucket file.

So, two photos were taken with very different equipment, yet when they went up on Photobucket, they all ended up with nearly identical headers.


Thanks for proving that, dumbass.

by the way I can also tell by the aspect ratio that you DID NOT take this picture with a cellphone.

Aspect ratio of my photo = 768-1024, or 0.75

Aspect ratio of most cell phones is ... 0.75. Or 1.33, if you turn them sideways.

So, supersleuth PolarBear sees a photo with the same aspect ratio as nearly every cellphone out there, and thus claims it couldn't possibly be from a cellphone, because the aspect ratio isn't right. Another triumph of investigative acumen from PolarBear! <more wild applause>
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Busted... Why not man up now? Oh that's right you're incapable of it..
gslack, PolarBear's rectum is clean enough. You can stop now.

I know you think I or we, ruined your persona you spent so much time fabricating, but really it was you junior. You lied so many times and so often and none of your behavior matched what you claimed.

Your story changed every time you wanted to shout down somebodies argument. Reality isn't like that, people don't start off saying one thing and then suddenly they change to include something else, always increasing their importance, if they are telling the truth.

BTW, what was you rank this time? You weren't an officer , you were an officer, you were in charge your reactor shift, you weren't. I can't remember now so what was your rank?

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