The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless

This is the equivalent statement as when the perp is being interviewed by the cops and he say's "you can't prove anything".

Hey Westwall! Want to tell us again how everyone discharged from the military gets a retired military ID card, and that anyone who says otherwise is lying?

Congrats to you as well for your perfect .000 batting average. You and gslack can battle it out for the title.

And ANYTHING can be googled you twit.

What does "Every Little Fucking Pissant Loves the Fucking Navy" refer to?

What is the answer to the joke "How can you tell if your shipmate is gay?"

Hey, you claim everything can be googled, so google away. 'Course, if you were in the Navy nuke program, you wouldn't need to google such things.

I didn't say that now did I mammy.... I said ALL of MY friends had retired ID cards, but then made the distinction that even if you only served ONE period of enlistment you would still have a military ID card so that you can go to the VA and on to post exchanges etc.

Poor little mammy, caught lying so trys and deflect by making more lies. That's a serious issue mammy old girl. I suggest you seek help with that pathological problem of yours.
It`s not an "amazing discovery" either.
The fact that black objects radiate more heat per time has been used all over the place.

Ever seen an old-style steam radiator painted black? I haven't. Funny how all those dwellers in old apartments around the world have missed the news that their radiators would heat more efficiently if they painted them black.

That`s why power transistor heat sinks are black.

Nah. The theory behind that is that a coat of paint is rougher than polished metal, so it will have more surface area to radiate. It's not the color, it's the increase in surface area.

However, unpainted is more common with heat sinks. Google on "heat sink images" and notice how every image is bare metal.

That`s why high performance radiators are black:

No, they're usually bare metal. That one was black because someone thought it looked cool, or for corrosion protection. Radiative emission is insignificant in a vehicle radiator, which cools almost entirely by conduction/convection. The radiator doesn't cool at all if air isn't moving through it, as one will quickly find out should their radiator fan fail while in slow traffic.

Even a dummy like you should know that: The place where any random person can write in anything they want? Great source.

A black body is also a perfect emitter.

The blackness of "black body" refers to the perfect absorption of all incoming radiation. It has nothing to do with emitting the radiation back out.

Like Waetwall said ,almost everything can be Googled...

Except, apparently, any question you 3 can't answer, like my questions about the Navy. I mean, if everything can be googled, why can't you 3 tell me the answers?

I am impressed, of course, by perfection of your conspiracy theory. Like all good psuedoscience, your beliefs are unfalsifiable. If what I say can be confirmed by evidence found online, you declare I googled it. And if it can't be confirmed by evidence found online, you declare I can't prove it. And if I upload the evidence to be viewed online, you declare it's a forgery. In your whackaloon cult's world, it is literally impossible for anyone to prove any point that you don't want to be proven.
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Shut the fuck up and show us a DD214 with 4 pennies on the"numan footprint" thread...that`ll do just fine.

PolarBear, you're not keeping your promise here.

And you need to. Your bully's-little-toady Gslack took one look, pissed himself, screamed "Just wait until my big brother PolarBear gets here, he'll kick your ass!", and ran for mama's skirts.

Oh wait ... you actually did look at it ... and now you're running in shame, just like Gslack.

Both of you screamed for a week that my first DD214 photo was downloaded from the internet

With the second photo, I proved that wasn't the case.

Rather than apologize for lying about me and getting caught red-handed, both of you are now trying to pretend the whole thing never happened.

And hence, I'm here pressing the faces of you two chickenshit pussbags into the cow patty again, and laughing hard as I do it.
It`s not an "amazing discovery" either.
The fact that black objects radiate more heat per time has been used all over the place.

Ever seen an old-style steam radiator painted black? I haven't. Funny how all those dwellers in old apartments around the world have missed the news that their radiators would heat more efficiently if they painted them black.

That`s why power transistor heat sinks are black.

Nah. The theory behind that is that a coat of paint is rougher than polished metal, so it will have more surface area to radiate. It's not the color, it's the increase in surface area.

However, unpainted is more common with heat sinks. Google on "heat sink images" and notice how every image is bare metal.

No, they're usually bare metal. That one was black because someone thought it looked cool, or for corrosion protection. Radiative emission is insignificant in a vehicle radiator, which cools almost entirely by conduction/convection. The radiator doesn't cool at all if air isn't moving through it, as one will quickly find out should their radiator fan fail while in slow traffic. The place where any random person can write in anything they want? Great source.

A black body is also a perfect emitter.

The blackness of "black body" refers to the perfect absorption of all incoming radiation. It has nothing to do with emitting the radiation back out.

Like Waetwall said ,almost everything can be Googled...

Except, apparently, any question you 3 can't answer, like my questions about the Navy. I mean, if everything can be googled, why can't you 3 tell me the answers?

I am impressed, of course, by perfection of your conspiracy theory. Like all good psuedoscience, your beliefs are unfalsifiable. If what I say can be confirmed by evidence found online, you declare I googled it. And if it can't be confirmed by evidence found online, you declare I can't prove it. And if I upload the evidence to be viewed online, you declare it's a forgery. In your whackaloon cult's world, it is literally impossible for anyone to prove any point that you don't want to be proven.


Shut the fuck up and show us a DD214 with 4 pennies on the"numan footprint" thread...that`ll do just fine.

PolarBear, you're not keeping your promise here.

And you need to. Your bully's-little-toady Gslack took one look, pissed himself, screamed "Just wait until my big brother PolarBear gets here, he'll kick your ass!", and ran for mama's skirts.

Oh wait ... you actually did look at it ... and now you're running in shame, just like Gslack.

Both of you screamed for a week that my first DD214 photo was downloaded from the internet

With the second photo, I proved that wasn't the case.

Rather than apologize for lying about me and getting caught red-handed, both of you are now trying to pretend the whole thing never happened.

And hence, I'm here pressing the faces of you two chickenshit pussbags into the cow patty again, and laughing hard as I do it.

ROFL, you gonna come back everyday throwing a tantrum and telling the same tired lies?

Seriously, you're the artist formerly known as konradv right? What are you 10? 14?

LOL, dude your whole.... YOU... you're just not believable man... Whats worse is you can't see it either...

I posted the obvious joke with the picture of the climate change inspired oven. Dude it was a joke, wasn't meant to be real or realistic, yet you felt you should correct its technical problems...WTH man it's a joke not a physics lesson.. ROFL.. The sad part is you really think what you did showed maturity...

Like right now... You really think people haven't seen this whole exchange? Or you think if they have seen it they forgot already... Trust me junior no one forgot, you make it worse and ever more humiliating for yourself every day...

No one runs from you moron, you're a forum joke, a tool to be poked at.. You have been caught so many times lying, its fun just to make you mad enough to do this all day...

I laugh at you admiral junior, never with you... You're name will be synonymous with forum phonies... LOL relax dude you're famous!
It`s not an "amazing discovery" either.
The fact that black objects radiate more heat per time has been used all over the place.

Ever seen an old-style steam radiator painted black? I haven't. Funny how all those dwellers in old apartments around the world have missed the news that their radiators would heat more efficiently if they painted them black.

That`s why power transistor heat sinks are black.

Nah. The theory behind that is that a coat of paint is rougher than polished metal, so it will have more surface area to radiate. It's not the color, it's the increase in surface area.

However, unpainted is more common with heat sinks. Google on "heat sink images" and notice how every image is bare metal.

No, they're usually bare metal. That one was black because someone thought it looked cool, or for corrosion protection. Radiative emission is insignificant in a vehicle radiator, which cools almost entirely by conduction/convection. The radiator doesn't cool at all if air isn't moving through it, as one will quickly find out should their radiator fan fail while in slow traffic. The place where any random person can write in anything they want? Great source.

A black body is also a perfect emitter.

The blackness of "black body" refers to the perfect absorption of all incoming radiation. It has nothing to do with emitting the radiation back out.

Like Waetwall said ,almost everything can be Googled...

Except, apparently, any question you 3 can't answer, like my questions about the Navy. I mean, if everything can be googled, why can't you 3 tell me the answers?

I am impressed, of course, by perfection of your conspiracy theory. Like all good psuedoscience, your beliefs are unfalsifiable. If what I say can be confirmed by evidence found online, you declare I googled it. And if it can't be confirmed by evidence found online, you declare I can't prove it. And if I upload the evidence to be viewed online, you declare it's a forgery. In your whackaloon cult's world, it is literally impossible for anyone to prove any point that you don't want to be proven.

The blackness of "black body" refers to the perfect absorption of all incoming radiation. It has nothing to do with emitting the radiation back out.

Holy physics fail, Batman!

Having seen how soot can absorb radiation and transfer the energy into heat, what about the reverse? Why does it radiate when heated? The pinball machine analogy is still good: imagine now a pinball machine where the barriers, etc., vibrate vigorously because they are being fed energy. The balls (the electrons) bouncing off them will be suddenly accelerated at each collision, and these accelerating charges emit electromagnetic waves. On the other hand, the electrons in a metal have very long mean free paths, the lattice vibrations affect them much less, so they are less effective in gathering and radiating away heat energy. It is evident from considerations like this that good absorbers of radiation are also good emitters.

In fact, we can be much more precise: a body emits radiation at a given temperature and frequency exactly as well as it absorbs the same radiation. This was proved by Kirchhoff: the essential point is that if we suppose a particular body can absorb better than it emits, then in a room full of objects all at the same temperature, it will absorb radiation from the other bodies better than it radiates energy back to them. This means it will get hotter, and the rest of the room will grow colder, contradicting the second law of thermodynamics. (We could use such a body to construct a heat engine extracting work as the room grows colder and colder!)

Black Body Radiation
In fact, we can be much more precise: a body emits radiation at a given temperature and frequency exactly as well as it absorbs the same radiation.

Which just points out a black sphere _absorbs_ more radiation. Which no one ever disputed.

Take two metal spheres. Paint one white, one black. If they are at the same temperature, they will be emitting the same amount of IR radiation.

Again, real world, that FLIR, this time one inside the lab, looking at the furniture. Because absorption is insignificant inside a building, all the furnishings, light and dark, are at the same temperature. So if I would look at a light object and a dark object with the FLIR, they would be displayed as the same shade of grey, because they're emitting the same amounts of IR. The dark objects were most certainly not emitting more.

Dark and light affect absorption, not emission. There are small emission differences due to texture and chemical composition of the surface, but color alone tells you nothing.
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It's so sad. You two could have just swallowed your pride at the start and said "Mamooth, you're right about the science, thanks for pointing that out." I mean, being a grownup, I admit error all the time. You have to be some kind of emotional toddler to refuse to admit an error.

Alas, that's y'all. You went full metal retard, and set out on your quest for eternal vengeance. And now you've dug way too deep down into the stupid hole to ever climb out. You've lied yourselves into a corner, and your only option is to keep lying harder. And I get to sit back and laugh at it. Life is good.

By the way, the other vets here don't think I'm lying. Would you two like to raise the stupid stakes and declare other vets on the board are lying on my behalf now? If you are, you should head over and tell them. I just want to see how far you're going to ride the stupid train for the sake of this vendetta.

Now, since PolarBear is MIA, he's clearly not taking the bet either. So my work is done there, he's a chicken liar as well. As I promised him, new image available for viewing, with the pennies PolarBear demanded. I'll link to photobucket instead of wasting space here, since it's been seen before. TTFN.

That Thing PolarBear Wanted Photo by mamooth1 | Photobucket

It's so sad. You two could have just swallowed your pride at the start and said "Mamooth, you're right about the science, thanks for pointing that out." I mean, being a grownup, I admit error all the time. You have to be some kind of emotional toddler to refuse to admit an error.

Alas, that's y'all. You went full metal retard, and set out on your quest for eternal vengeance. And now you've dug way too deep down into the stupid hole to ever climb out. You've lied yourselves into a corner, and your only option is to keep lying harder. And I get to sit back and laugh at it. Life is good.

By the way, the other vets here don't think I'm lying. Would you two like to raise the stupid stakes and declare other vets on the board are lying on my behalf now? If you are, you should head over and tell them. I just want to see how far you're going to ride the stupid train for the sake of this vendetta.

Now, since PolarBear is MIA, he's clearly not taking the bet either. So my work is done there, he's a chicken liar as well. As I promised him, new image available for viewing, with the pennies PolarBear demanded. I'll link to photobucket instead of wasting space here, since it's been seen before. TTFN.

That Thing PolarBear Wanted Photo by mamooth1 | Photobucket



He's already a proven liar and a fake,and yes it is funny. But why are you laughing it's your boy... I bet you kick puppies too...

Your collective...

In fact, we can be much more precise: a body emits radiation at a given temperature and frequency exactly as well as it absorbs the same radiation.

Which just points out a black sphere _absorbs_ more radiation. Which no one ever disputed.

Take two metal spheres. Paint one white, one black. If they are at the same temperature, they will be emitting the same amount of IR radiation.

Again, real world, that FLIR, this time one inside the lab, looking at the furniture. Because absorption is insignificant inside a building, all the furnishings, light and dark, are at the same temperature. So if I would look at a light object and a dark object with the FLIR, they would be displayed as the same shade of grey, because they're emitting the same amounts of IR. The dark objects were most certainly not emitting more.

Dark and light affect absorption, not emission. There are small emission differences due to texture and chemical composition of the surface, but color alone tells you nothing.

Which just points out a black sphere _absorbs_ more radiation. Which no one ever disputed.

Which just points out a black sphere _emits_ more radiation. Which you disputed.
Actually, upon further investigation ... I am wrong there. Toddster is right. Live and learn. I rejoice in learning something new.

Anyways, can anyone remember how that was supposed to be related to the topic at hand?
Actually, upon further investigation ... I am wrong there. Toddster is right. Live and learn. I rejoice in learning something new.

Anyways, can anyone remember how that was supposed to be related to the topic at hand?


You called PB a nut for proposing that black items radiate heat away more efficiently. you did so repeatedly...

Matter of fact you became sniveling little trolling turd over it...

Its Related to your character, or the lack there of...

Any time admiral...
It's so sad. You two could have just swallowed your pride at the start and said "Mamooth, you're right about the science, thanks for pointing that out." I mean, being a grownup, I admit error all the time. You have to be some kind of emotional toddler to refuse to admit an error.

Alas, that's y'all. You went full metal retard, and set out on your quest for eternal vengeance. And now you've dug way too deep down into the stupid hole to ever climb out. You've lied yourselves into a corner, and your only option is to keep lying harder. And I get to sit back and laugh at it. Life is good.

By the way, the other vets here don't think I'm lying. Would you two like to raise the stupid stakes and declare other vets on the board are lying on my behalf now? If you are, you should head over and tell them. I just want to see how far you're going to ride the stupid train for the sake of this vendetta.

Now, since PolarBear is MIA, he's clearly not taking the bet either. So my work is done there, he's a chicken liar as well. As I promised him, new image available for viewing, with the pennies PolarBear demanded. I'll link to photobucket instead of wasting space here, since it's been seen before. TTFN.

That Thing PolarBear Wanted Photo by mamooth1 | Photobucket


No I`m not "MIA". I have 3 grandchildren to take care know, stuff like feeding them breakfast, drive them to school, after they overslept the bus-pickup time, talk to their teachers a bit. Then drive to Portage. Get my mail and groceries etc etc.
Now I`m back home and clicked on the USMSB bookmark and seen IanC`s post in the "numan footprint" thread...wondering why on earth IanC would post far as I have observed IanC likes the technical stuff and not personal insult slugging matches.
Then I seen that link and clicked on it.
It took only as long as it takes for 4 puffs on my cigar to debunk the "Nuclear Admiral`s" latest scam..:
Alas, poor PolarBear fails to comprehend that Photobucket compresses the images you upload to it. The file is 3 meg on my computer, 100k on Photobucket. That is to say, Photobucket creates an entirely new file from the one you send it, and puts an entirely new header on it.

Well done, PolarBear! <clap clap> With your amazing sleuthing skills, you have conclusively proven that PhotoBucket creates a new compressed image when you upload a picture. Any other equally brilliant insights you'd like to share with us?
So, two photos were taken with very different equipment, yet when they went up on Photobucket, they all ended up with nearly identical headers.

And now this:
3C 21 44 4F 43 54 59 50 <!DOCTYP
45 20 48 54 4D 4C 3E 0A E HTML>
3C 68 74 6D 6C 20 63 6C <html cl
61 73 73 3D 22 69 73 5F ass="is_
6D 6F 7A 20 69 73 5F 77 moz is_w
69 6E 20 6E 6F 2D 6A 73 in no-js
22 20 78 6D 6C 6E 73 3D " xmlns=

20 54 68 69 73 20 50 68 This Ph
6F 74 6F 20 77 61 73 20 oto was
75 70 6C 6F 61 64 65 64 uploaded
20 62 79 20 6D 61 6D 6F by mamo
6F 74 68 31 2E 20 46 69 oth1.
Picture URLink element was :
and was 99.6 KB
It`s been replaced with :
and is 98.1 KB
and has a new digital fingerprint:
FF D8 FF E0 00 10 4A 46 ÿØÿà JF
49 46 00 01 01 00 00 01 IF
00 01 00 00 FF FE 00 3E ÿþ >
43 52 45 41 54 4F 52 3A CREATOR:
20 67 64 2D 6A 70 65 67 gd-jpeg
20 76 31 2E 30 20 28 75 v1.0 (u
73 69 6E 67 20 49 4A 47 sing IJG
20 4A 50 45 47 20 76 36 JPEG v6
32 29 2C 20 64 65 66 61 2), defa
75 6C 74 20 71 75 61 6C ult qual
69 74 79 0A FF DB 00 43 ity ÿÛ C

Which is an easy thing to do. All you had to do is take the phony DD214 that you downloaded , make it part
of a photo slide collection and then it comes out with this digitial finger print:
Creator :
05 3F FF FE 00 3E 43 52 ?ÿþ >CR
45 41 54 4F 52 3A 20 67 EATOR: g
64 2D 6A 70 65 67 20 76 d-jpeg v31 2E 30 20 28 75 73 69 1.0 (usi
6E 67 20 49 4A 47 20 4A ng IJG J
50 45 47 20 76 36 32 29 PEG v62)
2C 20 64 65 66 61 75 6C , defaul
74 20 71 75 61 6C 69 74 t qualit
79 0A FF DB 00 43 00 08 y ÿÛ C
Just like this one:
CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), default quality
Which fucked you up again, because you did not know how to get rid of it AGAIN

And there is something else you forgot to do when you switched that picture that you said you took with your cellphone and then put 4 coins on it you forgot to manipulate these little band aids that you used to cover your ID in the "old picture" so that they were not within a thousandth of an inch in exactly the same positions as with the new photo session over a week later when you put the coins
in the picture...and without disturbing them put them on the Indianapolis Star.


You even managed to get the exact same curl on that "authentic document" over a weak later.

Btw. That "clever" picture switch left a lot more trails than you think.
Now, given that PolarBear has engaged me on other threads, he's clearly gone chickenshit on my wager again, so I've proven that point. So I may as well post my DD214. It's a little fuzzy, being I only have a cell phone and no scanner, but it's all readable.
Before you deleted that one which was too obviously a phony which had a forum link:
was 99.6 KB
And after you washed it and uploaded it again it`s now "authentic"???:
and is 98.1 KB

And you figure nobody would notice ?
Last edited:
It took only as long as it takes for 4 puffs on my cigar to debunk the "Nuclear Admiral`s" latest scam..:

I know you guys find me impressive, but seriously, you look loony elevating me to admiral status.

and has a new digital fingerprint:

Supersleuth PolarBear is on the case again!

Yes, once more he has conclusively proven that if you upload an image to PhotoBucket, PhotoBucket makes a new compressed file with an entirely new header! Nothing gets by PolarBear! <clap clap>

Which is an easy thing to do. All you had to do is take the phony DD214 that you downloaded , make it part of a photo slide collection and then it comes out with this digitial finger print:

Which PhotoBucket made. Why does such a simple concept continue to elude you?

And there is something else you forgot to do when you switched that picture that you said you took with your cellphone and then put 4 coins on it you forgot to manipulate these little band aids that you used to cover your ID in the "old picture" so that they were not within a thousandth of an inch in exactly the same positions as with the new photo session over a week later when you put the coins in the picture...and without disturbing them put them on the Indianapolis Star.

It's this truly wondrous invention called "tape". Which is visible in the photos. See, when you tape something to the document, it stays in the same place.

And holy shit, you're stupid. I know it's obvious, but it just had to be said.

You even managed to get the exact same curl on that "authentic document" over a weak later.

Because it's the same document, dumbass. Of course it curls in the same way. If it didn't, you'd declare that was proof of something.

Shall I put a crease in it and do it again, to make you happy? No point, of course. You'd just invent some other insanely stupid reason to declare it's a forgery. You've lied yourself into a corner, so you have to keep lying with this birther-style nonsense.
It took only as long as it takes for 4 puffs on my cigar to debunk the "Nuclear Admiral`s" latest scam..:

I know you guys find me impressive, but seriously, you look loony elevating me to admiral status.

and has a new digital fingerprint:
Supersleuth PolarBear is on the case again!

Yes, once more he has conclusively proven that if you upload an image to PhotoBucket, PhotoBucket makes a new compressed file with an entirely new header! Nothing gets by PolarBear! <clap clap>

Which PhotoBucket made. Why does such a simple concept continue to elude you?

And there is something else you forgot to do when you switched that picture that you said you took with your cellphone and then put 4 coins on it you forgot to manipulate these little band aids that you used to cover your ID in the "old picture" so that they were not within a thousandth of an inch in exactly the same positions as with the new photo session over a week later when you put the coins in the picture...and without disturbing them put them on the Indianapolis Star.
It's this truly wondrous invention called "tape". Which is visible in the photos. See, when you tape something to the document, it stays in the same place.

And holy shit, you're stupid. I know it's obvious, but it just had to be said.

You even managed to get the exact same curl on that "authentic document" over a weak later.
Because it's the same document, dumbass. Of course it curls in the same way. If it didn't, you'd declare that was proof of something.

Shall I put a crease in it and do it again, to make you happy? No point, of course. You'd just invent some other insanely stupid reason to declare it's a forgery. You've lied yourself into a corner, so you have to keep lying with this birther-style nonsense.

No, it`s no problem at all.
All I have to do is print out your phony picture with my HP printer, fold it, put some Canadian coins on it and feed it back to you as my dd214
All I have to do is print out your phony picture with my HP printer, fold it, put some Canadian coins on it and feed it back to you as my dd214

Can you explain why the second picture, the one you call the duplicate, is much clearer than what you call the original?

I mean, I can explain it. I made sure my hand didn't shake as much when I photographed my DD214 the second time. Indoor photography without a flash means long exposure times, so got to keep the camera steady. However, I'd like to hear your insanely stupid conspiracy theory which explains how I somehow took a blurry photo off the internet and made all the text clearer. Maybe your super sleuthing header skills can figure it out.

Wait, here's a thought. You could just admit that you made a really dumb mistake at the start, didn't have the emotional maturity to admit your error, and thus you've dug a hole down to stupidland and built a castle there. It's not like anyone else doesn't think that.
All I have to do is print out your phony picture with my HP printer, fold it, put some Canadian coins on it and feed it back to you as my dd214

Can you explain why the second picture, the one you call the duplicate, is much clearer than what you call the original?

I mean, I can explain it. I made sure my hand didn't shake as much when I photographed my DD214 the second time. Indoor photography without a flash means long exposure times, so got to keep the camera steady. However, I'd like to hear your insanely stupid conspiracy theory which explains how I somehow took a blurry photo off the internet and made all the text clearer. Maybe your super sleuthing header skills can figure it out.

Wait, here's a thought. You could just admit that you made a really dumb mistake at the start, didn't have the emotional maturity to admit your error, and thus you've dug a hole down to stupidland and built a castle there. It's not like anyone else doesn't think that.

Oh stop admiral...ROFL

You're making my stomach hurt laughing at you...LOL

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