The "House of Horrors" thanks you liberals for your support

More glaring evidence of failed liberal policy. Reports are that Ariel Castro of Cleveland has been living off of unemployment - supporting his ability to maintain his private residence and subsequently the sex-slave prison he had turned that residence into.

Without the constant stream of money being funneled from society into this mans pocket, he could not possibly have maintained his prison. Just another example of how liberal policy continues to fail America.

Ronald Reagan's father accepted help from FDR's big government during The Great Depression. FDR described welfare as an investment in hard-working American families that had fallen on hard times. He believed that if people were given a leg up during hard times that they would go on to make great contributions. He had faith in the American people; Republicans don't. Some say FDR's investment in the Reagans' welfare paid off.

Some American veterans who have been unable to find work have received varying levels of welfare support from the American government.

If you're going to draw a direct correlation between welfare and rape, you're going to need more evidence.
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This is Track Palin


Can anyone DENY the resemblance to House of Horrors suspect Ariel Castro? We have to consider it a valid possibility until it as been disproved. Castro is known to have strong Republican ties and his possible dalliances with a young impressionable Sarah Palin have not been proven false

You're a classless fuck, you know that?

No more classless than this thread.......dontcha think?

No. Yes I do think, but you have a lack thereof. Anyone who makes fun of other people's family is classless. It's pretty cut n' dry buddy. I don't care if it is Sarah Palin or her relatives. A classless fuck you remain. Learn some damned respect.

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This is Track Palin


Can anyone DENY the resemblance to House of Horrors suspect Ariel Castro? We have to consider it a valid possibility until it as been disproved. Castro is known to have strong Republican ties and his possible dalliances with a young impressionable Sarah Palin have not been proven false

You're a classless fuck, you know that?

No more classless than this thread.......dontcha think?

You sure are, the OP just said democrats like the guy and they do.

He's a poor minoriyy living on govt assistance.....check
he's a violent criminal....check
he aborted kids...check

He has the hat trick

Again, where are the liberals condemming this guy and saying he need to die or be castrated or something else? They were upset over Zimmerman......but not over this.....hmmmmmmmmm

They were upset over the Duke non rape case...but not this real one....hmmmmm
2012 was voter suppression and the lies that Romney told about Jeep moving to China among others.


There is uninformed, and then there is RDean uninformed. Hey RDean - Jeep actually moved operations to China. Join us in 2013, won't you? :lmao:

Chrysler announces deal to build Jeeps in China

You are one colossally dumb shit. Chrysler has been building Jeeps in China since 1987. Nothing was "moved". They build Jeeps in China for the Chinese market, just like everyone else does. When Romney declared Chrysler was "thinking of moving all production to China", it was a lie, and it cost him the election in Ohio. And probably Michigan too. Chrysler actually expanded its production here, because it has been doing well, so it's still a lie.

Your own link starts out right at the head:
>> AUBURN HILLS, Mich. &#8212; Fiat and Chrysler Group have reached an agreement to expand passenger car manufacturing and sales in China, officials said Tuesday. <<

But wait for the irony; there's more. From my link:
>> It was actually American Motors Corp. that first established Jeep in China in 1984. When Chrysler bought out AMC, it continued the existing arrangement. <<

AMC was the company headed by ...... all together now .... George Romney. Mitt's dad.
So in twenty-eight years he never heard of Jeeps made in China.

You might wanna find a better news source than Glenn Beck's Ass or wherever you're pulling this Fart News from. Because that was the stupidest post EVER.
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More glaring evidence of failed liberal policy. Reports are that Ariel Castro of Cleveland has been living off of unemployment - supporting his ability to maintain his private residence and subsequently the sex-slave prison he had turned that residence into.

Without the constant stream of money being funneled from society into this mans pocket, he could not possibly have maintained his prison. Just another example of how liberal policy continues to fail America.

Ronald Reagan's father accepted help from FDR's big government during The Great Depression. FDR described welfare as an investment in hard-working American families that had fallen on hard times. He believed that if people were given a leg up during hard times that they would go on to make great contributions. He had faith in the American people; Republicans don't. Some say FDR's investment in the Reagans' welfare paid off.

Some American veterans who have been unable to find work have received varying levels of welfare support from the American government.

If you're going to draw a direct correlation between welfare and rape, you're going to need more evidence.

As usual, libtards run from the facts and twist the truth.

At NO point did I make a correlation between "welfare" and "rape. NONE. Why don't you learn how to read before commenting?

What I said was, the government handout allowed him to continue running his prison when he would not otherwise have been able to. And the nightmare most likely would have ended earlier.
2012 was voter suppression and the lies that Romney told about Jeep moving to China among others.


There is uninformed, and then there is RDean uninformed. Hey RDean - Jeep actually moved operations to China. Join us in 2013, won't you? :lmao:

Chrysler announces deal to build Jeeps in China

You are one colossally dumb shit. Chrysler has been building Jeeps in China since 1987. Nothing was "moved". They build Jeeps in China for the Chinese market, just like everyone else does. When Romney declared Chrysler was "thinking of moving all production to China", it was a lie, and it cost him the election in Ohio. And probably Michigan too. Chrysler actually expanded its production here, because it has been doing well, so it's still a lie.

Your own link starts out right at the head:
>> AUBURN HILLS, Mich. &#8212; Fiat and Chrysler Group have reached an agreement to expand passenger car manufacturing and sales in China, officials said Tuesday. <<

But wait for the irony; there's more. From my link:
>> It was actually American Motors Corp. that first established Jeep in China in 1984. When Chrysler bought out AMC, it continued the existing arrangement. <<

AMC was the company headed by ...... all together now .... George Romney. Mitt's dad.
So in twenty-nine years he never heard of it.

You might wanna find a better news source than Glenn Beck's Ass or wherever you're pulling this Fart News from. Because that was the stupidest post EVER.

Hey dumb-fuck... if Chrysler has been producing Jeeps in China since 1987 - then why is there a January 2013 story with the headline: "Chrysler announces deal to build Jeeps in China".

Epic Fail you epic libtard fuck-stick... :lmao:

There is uninformed, and then there is RDean uninformed. Hey RDean - Jeep actually moved operations to China. Join us in 2013, won't you? :lmao:

Chrysler announces deal to build Jeeps in China

You are one colossally dumb shit. Chrysler has been building Jeeps in China since 1987. Nothing was "moved". They build Jeeps in China for the Chinese market, just like everyone else does. When Romney declared Chrysler was "thinking of moving all production to China", it was a lie, and it cost him the election in Ohio. And probably Michigan too. Chrysler actually expanded its production here, because it has been doing well, so it's still a lie.

Your own link starts out right at the head:
>> AUBURN HILLS, Mich. &#8212; Fiat and Chrysler Group have reached an agreement to expand passenger car manufacturing and sales in China, officials said Tuesday. <<

But wait for the irony; there's more. From my link:
>> It was actually American Motors Corp. that first established Jeep in China in 1984. When Chrysler bought out AMC, it continued the existing arrangement. <<

AMC was the company headed by ...... all together now .... George Romney. Mitt's dad.
So in twenty-nine years he never heard of it.

You might wanna find a better news source than Glenn Beck's Ass or wherever you're pulling this Fart News from. Because that was the stupidest post EVER.

Hey dumb-fuck... if Chrysler has been producing Jeeps in China since 1987 - then why is there a January 2013 story with the headline: "Chrysler announces deal to build Jeeps in China".

Epic Fail you epic libtard fuck-stick... :lmao:

That's so cute. Rotgut only reads headlines. Links articles that he doesn't read, looks stupid, and then douibles down on stupid.

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2012 was voter suppression and the lies that Romney told about Jeep moving to China among others.


There is uninformed, and then there is RDean uninformed. Hey RDean - Jeep actually moved operations to China. Join us in 2013, won't you? :lmao:

Chrysler announces deal to build Jeeps in China

Your own link starts out right at the head:
>> AUBURN HILLS, Mich. — Fiat and Chrysler Group have reached an agreement to expand passenger car manufacturing and sales in China, officials said Tuesday. <<

So if they are "expanding" operations over there, they are either

A.) Selling more automobiles


B.) Taking more production away from U.S. plants

And we all know they sure as hell aren't increasing sales in this economy.

You're such an Obama blow-job queen, you'll never ever criticize anything a libtard does wrong or acknowledge when a conservative was right. But the good part about that is you spend a LOT of time embarrassing yourself to the amusement of the rest of us... :)
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You are one colossally dumb shit. Chrysler has been building Jeeps in China since 1987. Nothing was "moved". They build Jeeps in China for the Chinese market, just like everyone else does. When Romney declared Chrysler was "thinking of moving all production to China", it was a lie, and it cost him the election in Ohio. And probably Michigan too. Chrysler actually expanded its production here, because it has been doing well, so it's still a lie.

Your own link starts out right at the head:
>> AUBURN HILLS, Mich. — Fiat and Chrysler Group have reached an agreement to expand passenger car manufacturing and sales in China, officials said Tuesday. <<

But wait for the irony; there's more. From my link:
>> It was actually American Motors Corp. that first established Jeep in China in 1984. When Chrysler bought out AMC, it continued the existing arrangement. <<

AMC was the company headed by ...... all together now .... George Romney. Mitt's dad.
So in twenty-nine years he never heard of it.

You might wanna find a better news source than Glenn Beck's Ass or wherever you're pulling this Fart News from. Because that was the stupidest post EVER.

Hey dumb-fuck... if Chrysler has been producing Jeeps in China since 1987 - then why is there a January 2013 story with the headline: "Chrysler announces deal to build Jeeps in China".

Epic Fail you epic libtard fuck-stick... :lmao:

That's so cute. Rotgut only reads headlines. Links articles that he doesn't read, looks stupid, and then douibles down on stupid.

Well here is an article that you should most definitely read....

Whoops: PolitiFact's 'Lie of the Year' Turns Out to Be True | The Weekly Standard
You are one colossally dumb shit. Chrysler has been building Jeeps in China since 1987. Nothing was "moved".

"Nothing was moved"?!? Really? You sure you want to go with that narrative? :lmao:

Fiat (FIA.MI) and its U.S. unit Chrysler expect to roll out at least 100,000 Jeeps in China when production starts in 2014 as they seek to catch up with rivals in the world's biggest car market. ...

"We expect production of around 100,000 Jeeps per year which is expandable to 200,000," [Chrysler CEO Sergio] Marchionne, who is also CEO of Chrysler, said on the sidelines of a conference, adding production could start in 18 months.

So, yes, it's confirmed that Jeep will be producing cars in China. According to the Toledo Blade last November:

Currently, Jeeps sell in more than 120 countries around the world, including China. They're nearly all built in factories in the United States.

Whoops: PolitiFact's 'Lie of the Year' Turns Out to Be True | The Weekly Standard

I never get tired of making you my personal bitch when you decide to get smug and try to take on my facts with your libtard bullshit... :lmao:
You are one colossally dumb shit. Chrysler has been building Jeeps in China since 1987. Nothing was "moved".

"Nothing was moved"?!? Really? You sure you want to go with that narrative? :lmao:

Fiat (FIA.MI) and its U.S. unit Chrysler expect to roll out at least 100,000 Jeeps in China when production starts in 2014 as they seek to catch up with rivals in the world's biggest car market. ...

"We expect production of around 100,000 Jeeps per year which is expandable to 200,000," [Chrysler CEO Sergio] Marchionne, who is also CEO of Chrysler, said on the sidelines of a conference, adding production could start in 18 months.

So, yes, it's confirmed that Jeep will be producing cars in China. According to the Toledo Blade last November:

Currently, Jeeps sell in more than 120 countries around the world, including China
. They're nearly all built in factories in the United States

Whoops: PolitiFact's 'Lie of the Year' Turns Out to Be True | The Weekly Standard

I can't imagine how chaffed your hands & knees must be as much time as you spend on them... :lmao:

There is uninformed, and then there is RDean uninformed. Hey RDean - Jeep actually moved operations to China. Join us in 2013, won't you? :lmao:

Chrysler announces deal to build Jeeps in China

Your own link starts out right at the head:
>> AUBURN HILLS, Mich. &#8212; Fiat and Chrysler Group have reached an agreement to expand passenger car manufacturing and sales in China, officials said Tuesday. <<

So if they are "expanding" operations over there, they are either

A.) Selling more automobiles


B.) Taking more production away from U.S. plants

And we all know they sure as hell aren't increasing sales in this economy.

You're such an Obama blow-job queen, you'll never ever criticize anything a libtard does wrong or acknowledge when a conservative was right. But the good part about that is you spend a LOT of time embarrassing yourself to the amusement of the rest of us... :)

You are truly beyond stupid. We don't even have a word for it. Mitt Fucking Romney comes out with a lie and you fall all over yourself to believe it.

>> First of all, with the U.S. auto industry on the rebound, American factories are already running full-tilt to keep up with demand in North America. They couldn&#8217;t produce more cars if they wanted to. Even if they could, it does not make good business sense to export large numbers of vehicles from the U.S. to China because of the costly logistics involved. Shipping hundreds of thousands of vehicles weighing three or four tons each is not cheap or easy. << (Forbes, last November)

This is the way the car business normally works.

Same article: >> General Motors makes a boatload of money in China, where it has a dominant presence. Last year, GM netted $1.5 billion in profit from its joint venture operations with SAIC, China&#8217;s largest carmaker. Ford Motor would love to emulate that success, so it is investing billions to expand its China operations, including the introduction of 15 new vehicles by 2015. In August, Ford Chief Executive Alan Mulally traveled to China to mark the groundbreaking of a new $600 million factory, its third in Chongqing, which is Ford&#8217;s largest global manufacturing location outside the Detroit area. <<

Now here's your "taking production away from U.S. Plants":

>> Chrysler Group LLC said today it would invest about $240 million in three Michigan factories to boost pickup truck and engine production, the latest sign of the auto maker's rebound following its bankruptcy three years ago.

The move will add a total of 1,250 jobs, including up to 250 workers at its Mack 1 engine plant in Detroit to add production of the 3.6-liter, Pentastar V6, an engine offered in a dozen different models. Chrysler is investing $198 million at the east side Detroit plant, which now builds 4.7-liter, V-8 engines for the Ram 1500 pickup.

.... The Auburn Hills, Mich.-based auto maker will also add about 1,000 workers on a third crew at its Warren [Mich.] Truck plant in March where it makes the 2013 Ram 1500 pickup, which recently began arriving at dealerships. The Pentastar V6 is an engine option on the new 2013 Ram 1500 pickup.

...Chrysler has invested a total of $4.75 billion its U.S. factories and added or recalled about 6,000 hourly workers since emerging from bankruptcy in June 2009 with help of U.S. government aid.

Along with Detroit, Chrysler also is hiring in Toledo, Ohio, where it is expanding the factory to build a new mid-size Jeep to replace the outgoing Liberty. The company also is adding a third crew of about 1,100 workers at another factory in Detroit, where it makes the Jeep Grand Cherokee and Dodge Durango
. (WSJ, also last fall)

As I said....... beyond stupid.
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Jesus H Christ, this is one dumb ass thread. Even for a hack sack of shit like Rottie, this is bad. And of course, Fuckeye the sailor man is here gobbling up the insanity and regurgitating it like so many loads of semen. You people are fucking demented.

All you do is cry like a little bitch about every thread with facts (probably how you cry each time you swallow some strange guys load, I imagine).

Listen, you're a libtard little bitch. Either go away and stop crying about facts - ok? Alright...


Facts? :rofl:

Sorry, champ, but your regurgitation of Limbaugh's wet dreams doesn't constitute facts.

I'll let you get back to your regular activities :suck:
As usual, libtards run from the facts and twist the truth.

At NO point did I make a correlation between "welfare" and "rape. NONE. Why don't you learn how to read before commenting?


More glaring evidence of failed liberal policy. Reports are that Ariel Castro of Cleveland has been living off of unemployment - supporting his ability to maintain his private residence and subsequently the sex-slave prison he had turned that residence into.

Without the constant stream of money being funneled from society into this mans pocket, he could not possibly have maintained his prison. Just another example of how liberal policy continues to fail America.

So, rape wasn't involved in the kidnapping, imprisonment of the women?

Holy shit, you are one dumb sob.
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Is there a rational thread on this topic? I doubt it, because it's not a rational topic. But I've seen people suffer from ritual and sysematic abuse over the years. They never once mentioned politics.
More glaring evidence of failed liberal policy. Reports are that Ariel Castro of Cleveland has been living off of unemployment - supporting his ability to maintain his private residence and subsequently the sex-slave prison he had turned that residence into.

Without the constant stream of money being funneled from society into this mans pocket, he could not possibly have maintained his prison. Just another example of how liberal policy continues to fail America.

I have to wonder what kind of world Poodle lives in where he can link this story to "unemployment".

You get unemployment because you pay into it when you have a job. It's why it's a "entitlement" that even conservatives support.

What is scarier is when this guy had a job, he had a job as a school bus driver.

Having been to Cleveland, a city that has been destroyed by Right Wing Free Trade policies, the real problem is that when you worship greed, society falls apart.
As usual, libtards run from the facts and twist the truth.

At NO point did I make a correlation between "welfare" and "rape. NONE. Why don't you learn how to read before commenting?


More glaring evidence of failed liberal policy. Reports are that Ariel Castro of Cleveland has been living off of unemployment - supporting his ability to maintain his private residence and subsequently the sex-slave prison he had turned that residence into.

Without the constant stream of money being funneled from society into this mans pocket, he could not possibly have maintained his prison. Just another example of how liberal policy continues to fail America.

So, rape wasn't involved in the kidnapping, imprisonment of the women?

Holy shit, you are one dumb sob.

Hey cum-guzzler... I did not say "because he's on unemployment, he rapes women". That would be making a correlation. You clearly have no idea what the word "correlation" means (not all that shocking considering how uneducated you are).

I said that the government handouts allowed him to continue to keep his private residency for his horrors (ie he is already a rapist - the government handout just facilitated his raping ways - they did not cause him to be a rapist you ignorant fuck).

You're an embarrassment to public education you ignorant buffoon.

You don't even know what the word correlation means... :lmao:
More glaring evidence of failed liberal policy. Reports are that Ariel Castro of Cleveland has been living off of unemployment - supporting his ability to maintain his private residence and subsequently the sex-slave prison he had turned that residence into.

Without the constant stream of money being funneled from society into this mans pocket, he could not possibly have maintained his prison. Just another example of how liberal policy continues to fail America.

This guy was on welfare as well as those criminal terrorists and other low-lifes from Chechnya?

I really think welfare should be STOPPED for anyone who isn't actually handicapped physically and diagnosed unable to work for health reasons. Forever-unemployment payments are the same as welfare.

The devil finds work for idle hands to do.

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