The "House of Horrors" thanks you liberals for your support

well give us some proof

but now he'll be a democrat icon, minority, abortion lover and criminal...three things democrats love

I have heard unsubstantiated rumors that Ariel Castro met a young Sarah Palin at a young Republicans for Reagan rally in the mid 1980s. They may or may not have been dating at that time. There are also rumors that Castro may have fathered Palins first child.

While I, myself, do not believe these rumors to be totally true. I will withold judgement until Palin has provided DNA evidence to the contrary

Well I heard a rumor that he was dating you on the side.

Castro was known to have a fetish for Bettie Page
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I have yet to hear a liberal hate on these guys, where is the outrage and the meaness spewed at these disgusting predators?

If nothing else, Ariel Castro was responsible for several dead babies and like Kermit Gosnell, that's enough to get liberal love.
More glaring evidence of failed liberal policy. Reports are that Ariel Castro of Cleveland has been living off of unemployment - supporting his ability to maintain his private residence and subsequently the sex-slave prison he had turned that residence into.

Without the constant stream of money being funneled from society into this mans pocket, he could not possibly have maintained his prison. Just another example of how liberal policy continues to fail America.

There are many women who live in sex-prisons, specifically along the Arizona-Utah border. The men there have as many as 15 "wives" and 40-50 children. Many of these men run all kinds of scams for federal assistance since they have to stay in the shadows. And they voted for the same guy you did in 2012, asshole: Mitt Romney, a Mormon.

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Rumor has it, Katzndogz was the meat in a Castro and Limbaugh manwich.
More glaring evidence of failed liberal policy. Reports are that Ariel Castro of Cleveland has been living off of unemployment - supporting his ability to maintain his private residence and subsequently the sex-slave prison he had turned that residence into.

Without the constant stream of money being funneled from society into this mans pocket, he could not possibly have maintained his prison. Just another example of how liberal policy continues to fail America.

oh, ffs. this is why american values are stuck in the mire. dont confuse cause and effect.
you ppl are nuts. why dont you all start a war on welfare? or a war on unemployment.
youre all nuts.
Stupid thread from the get go. This has nothing to do with politics or unemployment. Leave it to Rush Limpaws to come up with that, and then you guys latch on to it because your god Rush said it. Pathetic.
More glaring evidence of failed liberal policy. Reports are that Ariel Castro of Cleveland has been living off of unemployment - supporting his ability to maintain his private residence and subsequently the sex-slave prison he had turned that residence into.

Without the constant stream of money being funneled from society into this mans pocket, he could not possibly have maintained his prison. Just another example of how liberal policy continues to fail America.

So you connected the dots. Unemployment insurance leads to kidnapping, sadism, rape, and torture. I'm beginning to see now why the likes of Palin and Bachmann are so popular with republicans
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My sources say the only TV the girls were allowed to watch was FoxNews
Take a gander at the list of governors in the state.

List of Governors of Ohio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of the last 5 governors..4 were Republicans.

These girls were kidnapped in 2003/04. During a Republican administration.


So just to be clear, the "red state" of Ohio elected Democrat Ted Strickland in 2007 as governor of the entire state, then Barack Obama in 2008 for president, and then Barack Obama again in 2012? Really? :lol:

Damn, that conservative state of Ohio sure loves their Democrat representatives, don't they? Oh - and don't forget Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown! :lol:

And in 2000 and 2004 it went for Bush.
Oh, that house of horrors. Liberals also pat themselves on the back for supporting Dr. Gosnel's bloody house of abortion horrors. The Pa. Liberal republican governor thought it might be a problem for women if he FREAKING INSPECTED HOUSES OF HORROR LIKE GOSNEL'S ABORTION CLINIC for health issues.
That's a pretty big stretch..

Even more so since the Crime happened in a red state and started under the Bush administration.

If was the disaster known as FDR that passed the federal unemployment law.

And, uh, where exactly do you get that Ohio is a "red" state? Obama won Ohio in both 2008 and 2012. I didn't realize "red states" had so much support for Obama :cuckoo:

2008 was backlash against Bush. Millions of jobs moved to China. 10's of thousands of Americans maimed and dead from a false war.

2012 was voter suppression and the lies that Romney told about Jeep moving to China among others.

I suspect it was more about Republicans staying home. They couldn't vote for a black guy and couldn't stomach Romney and the dirty Republican Party.
This is too good LOL:clap2:

I have heard unsubstantiated rumors that Ariel Castro met a young Sarah Palin at a young Republicans for Reagan rally in the mid 1980s. They may or may not have been dating at that time. There are also rumors that Castro may have fathered Palins first child.

While I, myself, do not believe these rumors to be totally true. I will withold judgement until Palin has provided DNA evidence to the contrary

This is Track Palin


Can anyone DENY the resemblance to House of Horrors suspect Ariel Castro? We have to consider it a valid possibility until it as been disproved. Castro is known to have strong Republican ties and his possible dalliances with a young impressionable Sarah Palin have not been proven false

You're a classless fuck, you know that?
Jesus H Christ, this is one dumb ass thread. Even for a hack sack of shit like Rottie, this is bad. And of course, Fuckeye the sailor man is here gobbling up the insanity and regurgitating it like so many loads of semen. You people are fucking demented.

All you do is cry like a little bitch about every thread with facts (probably how you cry each time you swallow some strange guys load, I imagine).

Listen, you're a libtard little bitch. Either go away and stop crying about facts - ok? Alright...
More glaring evidence of failed liberal policy. Reports are that Ariel Castro of Cleveland has been living off of unemployment - supporting his ability to maintain his private residence and subsequently the sex-slave prison he had turned that residence into.

Without the constant stream of money being funneled from society into this mans pocket, he could not possibly have maintained his prison. Just another example of how liberal policy continues to fail America.

Another eye-rolling bunch of trolling nonsense from rotten. The most unconvincing conservative on this board by far.

He probably sits around wondering why Romney lost.

They lost because of conservatives like rotten.
This is too good LOL:clap2:

This is Track Palin


Can anyone DENY the resemblance to House of Horrors suspect Ariel Castro? We have to consider it a valid possibility until it as been disproved. Castro is known to have strong Republican ties and his possible dalliances with a young impressionable Sarah Palin have not been proven false

You're a classless fuck, you know that?

No more classless than this thread.......dontcha think?
More glaring evidence of failed liberal policy. Reports are that Ariel Castro of Cleveland has been living off of unemployment - supporting his ability to maintain his private residence and subsequently the sex-slave prison he had turned that residence into.

Without the constant stream of money being funneled from society into this mans pocket, he could not possibly have maintained his prison. Just another example of how liberal policy continues to fail America.

My nominee for the dumbest thread of the year. If the guys money had ran out more than likely they would have found 4 bodies eventually. Pull your head out and just be happy for the women that now have a chance at a life.
More glaring evidence of failed liberal policy. Reports are that Ariel Castro of Cleveland has been living off of unemployment - supporting his ability to maintain his private residence and subsequently the sex-slave prison he had turned that residence into.

Without the constant stream of money being funneled from society into this mans pocket, he could not possibly have maintained his prison. Just another example of how liberal policy continues to fail America.

My nominee for the dumbest thread of the year. If the guys money had ran out more than likely they would have found 4 bodies eventually. Pull your head out and just be happy for the women that now have a chance at a life.

Based on what - your extensive study of what serial rapists / sex enslavers do when their government money runs out?!? :cuckoo:

More glaring evidence of failed liberal policy. Reports are that Ariel Castro of Cleveland has been living off of unemployment - supporting his ability to maintain his private residence and subsequently the sex-slave prison he had turned that residence into.

Without the constant stream of money being funneled from society into this mans pocket, he could not possibly have maintained his prison. Just another example of how liberal policy continues to fail America.

My nominee for the dumbest thread of the year. If the guys money had ran out more than likely they would have found 4 bodies eventually. Pull your head out and just be happy for the women that now have a chance at a life.

Rott's posts are so stupid. No one learns anything from them. Ariel was the one brother of the three who was most successful at supporting himself. Up unitl November of 2012, he had a job. The other two Castro brothers were drunken layabouts. Guess which ones were let go for not being involved? Rotten is such a know-nothing oaf that he probably doesn't even know what I'm talking about. His posts are idiotic hate bait, and I look down on him more and more every day.
More glaring evidence of failed liberal policy. Reports are that Ariel Castro of Cleveland has been living off of unemployment - supporting his ability to maintain his private residence and subsequently the sex-slave prison he had turned that residence into.

Without the constant stream of money being funneled from society into this mans pocket, he could not possibly have maintained his prison. Just another example of how liberal policy continues to fail America.

My nominee for the dumbest thread of the year. If the guys money had ran out more than likely they would have found 4 bodies eventually. Pull your head out and just be happy for the women that now have a chance at a life.

Based on what - your extensive study of what serial rapists / sex enslavers do when their government money runs out?!? :cuckoo:


On this one you are truly brain dead. I've said all I got to say on your twisted little subject.

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